98 episodes

Colleen O'Connell-Campbell hosts The Cash Rich Exit Podcast dedicated to business owners planning for a crucial financial step - exiting your business. Featuring a diverse array of guests from various industries and ideologies, each episode dives into strategies for building not just an exit, but a cash-rich one. Topped off with 'fun, frank advice,' this podcast is your roadmap to a successful business exit.

The Cash Rich Exit Podcast Colleen O’Connell-Campbell, Wealth Advisor at RBC Dominion Securities,

    • Business
    • 4.6 • 31 Ratings

Colleen O'Connell-Campbell hosts The Cash Rich Exit Podcast dedicated to business owners planning for a crucial financial step - exiting your business. Featuring a diverse array of guests from various industries and ideologies, each episode dives into strategies for building not just an exit, but a cash-rich one. Topped off with 'fun, frank advice,' this podcast is your roadmap to a successful business exit.

    EP299 The Importance of a Guiding Investment Philosophy (ft ‘The Intelligent Investor’ and Alicia Castelino)

    EP299 The Importance of a Guiding Investment Philosophy (ft ‘The Intelligent Investor’ and Alicia Castelino)

    Welcome to The Cash Rich Exit Podcast, where we talk about the full spectrum of the entrepreneurial journey with a keen eye on successful, planned exits. I'm your host, Colleen O’Connell-Campbell, here to guide you through building a thriving business designed for a prosperous future. In today’s episode, I emphasize the importance of an investment philosophy as a cornerstone of financial success and stability.
    I'm joined by Alicia Castelino, Senior Relationship Manager of the Wealth Management Group at Dimensional Fund Advisors Canada. We’re kicking off our book club trilogy by studying "The Intelligent Investor - The Definitive Book on Value Investing" by Benjamin Graham.
    Hit play now because here’s a glimpse into what we cover:
    📘 Understanding Value Investing: We begin our discussion by exploring the timeless principles laid out by Benjamin Graham, focusing on the crucial difference between investing and speculating. Understanding this distinction is essential for developing a long-term investment strategy that withstands market volatility.
    📊 Long-Term Investment Strategies: Alicia and I discuss the importance of having a long-term game plan in investing. Patience and discipline are not just virtues but necessities for anyone looking to build and preserve wealth over time.
    🔍 The Merits of Diversification: Diversification is a bedrock principle of successful investing. From managing inflation impacts to wealth preservation, diversification helps mitigate risks and enhances the potential for steady returns.
    💲 Exploring the Value of Value Investing: The conversation turns to the core of value investing - understanding the real worth of investments and why cost matters. This segment illuminates the strategies for identifying undervalued assets that can contribute to robust investment returns.
    📈 The Role of Professional Financial Advice: Professional advice can be invaluable in navigating complex financial markets. We discuss how consulting with experts can help tailor a financial plan that considers tax consequences, estate planning, and legacy building, ensuring a comprehensive approach to wealth management.
    🎯 Prioritizing Goals Over Market Gains: One of the most crucial discussions today revolves around the question, "What’s more important? Beating the market or achieving your financial plan?" This discussion helps reframe investment success as meeting personal financial goals rather than just outperforming the market.
    This episode is packed with insights and actionable advice. Whether you're a seasoned investor or just starting your financial journey, Alicia’s expertise and our discussion on Benjamin Graham’s principles will undoubtedly offer valuable perspectives.
    🌟 Your Feedback Matters: If you enjoy the show and find our conversations enriching, please consider leaving us a five-star rating on iTunes. Your support helps us reach more listeners like you, empowering the Self-Made Nation with the knowledge to achieve financial independence.
    Connect with me, Colleen O’Connell-Campbell on LinkedIn, and we can read together in my summer book club.
    Are you ready to explore how to set yourself up for a Cash Rich Exit from your business? Book a Wealth Gap Analysis with me via email or LinkedIn.
    The Cash Rich Exit Podcast is brought to you by O’Connell-Campbell Wealth Management at RBC Dominion Securities.
    All opinions expressed by the host, Colleen O’Connell-Campbell, and podcast guests are solely their own opinions and do not reflect the opinion of RBC Dominion Securities.
    This podcast is for informational purposes only before taking any action based on information in this podcast you should consult with a qualified professional.
    Colleen O’Connell-Campbell is a Wealth Advisor at RBC Dominion Securities, a member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund.

    • 27 min
    EP298 Investment Philosophy 101 - A Summer Book Club

    EP298 Investment Philosophy 101 - A Summer Book Club

    Welcome to The Cash Rich Exit Podcast! I’m your host, Colleen O’Connell-Campbell, here to guide ambitious entrepreneurs through the complexities of building a business designed for a prosperous and fulfilling exit. Today marks the beginning of a special series - our summer book club!
    📚 The Summer's Reading List: Join me as we dive into three seminal books on investment that are cornerstone to any entrepreneur’s financial library. Whether you are a seasoned investor or just beginning to navigate the financial waters, these books promise to enrich your understanding and sharpen your investment acumen:
    📘 The Intelligent Investor: The Definitive Book on Value Investing by Benjamin Graham
    📙 A Random Walk Down Wall Street by Burton Malkiel
    📗 Trillions by Robin Wigglesworth
    🌟 What to Expect: This series isn’t just about reading; it’s about engaging in a meaningful dialogue about the principles these books discuss and applying them to your entrepreneurial and investment efforts. Expect insightful discussions, refreshed with our new theme focusing on navigating your journey toward a cash-rich exit.
    🤓 Get Involved: I encourage you to join the conversation on LinkedIn, tag me in your posts, as you read; and let’s discuss these concepts together. It’s also a good way way to connect with fellow entrepreneurs and deepen our collective understanding of investment strategies.
    🌞 Here’s to a Productive and Insightful Summer: Thanks for tuning in, and as always, I am excited to guide you through these complex nuances of entrepreneurship and investment. Let’s make this summer enjoyable and incredibly productive with new insights and strategies that pave the way to your eventual cash-rich exit.
    💬 Feedback Makes Us Better: If you enjoyed today’s episode or any of our series, please leave us a 5-star rating. Your support motivates us to keep bringing valuable content to you and the entire Self-Made Nation.
    Connect with Colleen O’Connell-Campbell on LinkedIn.  
    The Cash Rich Exit Podcast is brought to you by O’Connell-Campbell Wealth Management at RBC Dominion Securities.
    All opinions expressed by the host, Colleen O’Connell-Campbell, and podcast guests are solely their own opinions and do not reflect the opinion of RBC Dominion Securities.
    This podcast is for informational purposes only before taking any action based on information in this podcast you should consult with a qualified professional.
    Colleen O’Connell-Campbell is a Wealth Advisor at RBC Dominion Securities, a member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund.

    • 5 min
    EP297 Individual Pension Plans as a Path to Entrepreneurial Security

    EP297 Individual Pension Plans as a Path to Entrepreneurial Security

    Welcome to The Cash Rich Exit Podcast, where I, Colleen O’Connell-Campbell, guide you - ambitious CEOs, founders, and business owners - through critical entrepreneurial financial transitions. Today’s episode is especially important for those of you over the age of 40 with a significant T4 income, as we explore an exceptional tool for securing your financial future: the Individual Pension Plan (IPP).
    🌟 Why Consider an IPP? 
    The IPP offers a suite of benefits tailored for business owners aiming to maximize their retirement savings while minimizing taxes. I cover the breakdown in the episode including:
    Tax Advantages: Contributions made by your corporation are tax-deductible and grow on a tax-deferred basis, providing a potent mix of immediate and long-term tax savings.
    Higher Contribution Limits: Unlike RRSPs, IPPs allow for higher contribution limits, which increase with age, making them an excellent option for those looking to catch up on their retirement savings.
    Creditor Protection: Enjoy peace of mind knowing your retirement savings in an IPP are protected from creditors.
    Flexible Retirement Options: IPPs provide flexibility in terms of retirement age and benefits, aligning perfectly with personal and business exit strategies.
    📊 How Does an IPP Work?
    Funding: Your corporation funds the IPP, ensuring sufficient assets to provide the required retirement benefits, with contributions determined by an actuary.
    Investment: While IPP funds can be invested similarly to those in an RRSP, they come with certain restrictions due to pension legislation. The funds must be managed under a "prudent investor" standard, focusing on diversification and risk management.
    Retirement: Upon retirement, the IPP can begin making pension payments directly to you, or the commuted value can be transferred to another retirement savings plan. These payments are eligible for pension income splitting and tax credits, optimizing your financial benefits.
    Remember, planning early for your exit and retirement is about securing financial freedom and ensuring a smooth transition to a comfortable retirement. Do seek out opportunities to enhance your financial well-being with tailored, sector-specific advice.
    I am your host - Colleen O’Connell-Campbell: Connect with me on LinkedIn
    📞  Book a 1:1 Wealth Gap Analysis with Colleen
    Planning to exit your business in 5-10 years? Evaluate and close your wealth gap. Book a 1:1 Wealth Gap Analysis session with me via LinkedIn today and start your journey towards a cash-rich exit!
    Thank you for tuning in to The Cash Rich Exit Podcast. If you’ve found this episode enlightening, please leave us a five-star rating 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 and share your thoughts.
    The Cash Rich Exit Podcast is brought to you by O’Connell-Campbell Wealth Management at RBC Dominion Securities.
    All opinions expressed by the host, Colleen O’Connell-Campbell, and podcast guests are solely their own opinions and do not reflect the opinion of RBC Dominion Securities.
    This podcast is for informational purposes only before taking any action based on information in this podcast you should consult with a qualified professional.
    Colleen O’Connell-Campbell is a Wealth Advisor at RBC Dominion Securities, a member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund.

    • 12 min
    EP296 Nurturing your Agribusiness for a Prosperous Future

    EP296 Nurturing your Agribusiness for a Prosperous Future

    Welcome to The Cash Rich Exit Podcast! I’m your host, Colleen O’Connell-Campbell, and today, we're visiting the agribusiness world with Lisa Courtney Lloyd, Vice President of Business Development at Market Maker Agriculture. With her extensive background in corporate strategy and marketing, Lisa offers invaluable insights into navigating the complex landscape of mergers and acquisitions within the agribusiness sector.
    🌱 Our Conversation Focuses On: 
    🌾 Exploring the unique challenges faced by agribusiness owners, especially those in family-run operations who may lack a succession plan. 
    📈 Understanding the importance of preserving legacy while ensuring a business’s longevity and operational continuity post-sale. 
    💼 Discussing the strategic moves agribusiness owners can make today to prepare for a successful exit tomorrow.
    🔑 Key Insights Include: 
    🤝 The role of strategic partnerships and how finding the right buyer can impact the future success of your agribusiness. 
    🌍 The significance of aligning a business’s operational goals with market realities to enhance its value and appeal to potential buyers. 
    🔄 Preparing for the complexities of the sales process and how to navigate them effectively.
    📢Are you an agribusiness owner thinking about the future of your enterprise? Connect with Lisa Courtney Lloyd and the team at Market Maker Agriculture to explore how you can position your business for success in the long term. 
    I am your host - Colleen O’Connell-Campbell: Connect with me on LinkedIn
    📞  Book a 1:1 Wealth Gap Analysis with Colleen
    Planning to exit your business in 5-10 years? Evaluate and close your wealth gap. Book a 1:1 Wealth Gap Analysis session with me via LinkedIn today and start your journey towards a cash-rich exit!
    Thank you for tuning in to The Cash Rich Exit Podcast. If you’ve found this episode enlightening, please leave us a five-star rating 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 and share your thoughts.
    The Cash Rich Exit Podcast is brought to you by O’Connell-Campbell Wealth Management at RBC Dominion Securities.
    All opinions expressed by the host, Colleen O’Connell-Campbell, and podcast guests are solely their own opinions and do not reflect the opinion of RBC Dominion Securities.
    This podcast is for informational purposes only before taking any action based on information in this podcast you should consult with a qualified professional.
    Colleen O’Connell-Campbell is a Wealth Advisor at RBC Dominion Securities, a member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund.

    • 34 min
    EP295 Strategic Exit Planning

    EP295 Strategic Exit Planning

    Welcome to The Cash Rich Exit Podcast. I’m your host, Colleen O’Connell-Campbell, Wealth Advisor. In today's episode, my guest is Michael Black, a strategist and partner at Richter Consulting. Michael brings a wealth of experience in helping business owners strategically position their businesses for an optimal exit.
    Michael and I discuss:
    🔖 Strategic Exit Planning - Michael shares his insights on how effective exit planning is not just a transaction but a strategic element of business management.
    🌐 Long-Term Vision - Aligning personal and corporate goals with your exit strategy is key to ensuring that you’re building towards a successful transition; whether it's this year or a decade from now.
    🔍 The Role of Diligence - Understanding the expanded scope of due diligence in today’s market and how thorough preparation can reduce disruptions during the sales process.
    👥 Navigating the Stakeholder Landscape - The critical role of stakeholders in the exit process and how to manage their expectations and involvement effectively.

    Key Takeaways
    🗝️ Preparation is Key - Learn why starting early with your exit strategy can significantly impact the success of your business transition.
    🔄 Personal and Corporate Alignment - Insights on how aligning your personal vision with your business goals can smooth the path to a successful exit.
    🧑‍🤝‍🧑 Understanding Stakeholders - Michael emphasizes the importance of considering the needs and impacts on various stakeholders, not just the financial aspects.
    Are you contemplating how best to position your business for a future exit? 
    It's never too early to start planning. 
    Connect with Michael Black on LinkedIn.
    🎯 I invite you to consider the strategic alignment of your business and personal goals. How are you planning your exit strategy to ensure a prosperous future?
    Connect with me, your host, Colleen O’Connell-Campbell on LinkedIn, share your insights, let’s get a conversation started on how a well-crafted exit strategy can not only enhance your business value but also secure your financial future. Book a Wealth Gap Analysis with me via email or LinkedIn.
    If you’ve found this episode with Michael Black helpful, please leave us a five-star rating 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 
    Your support helps us reach more entrepreneurs like you, empowering more to plan their cash-rich business exits.
    The Cash Rich Exit Podcast is brought to you by O’Connell-Campbell Wealth Management at RBC Dominion Securities.
    All opinions expressed by the host, Colleen O’Connell-Campbell, and podcast guests are solely their own opinions and do not reflect the opinion of RBC Dominion Securities.
    This podcast is for informational purposes only before taking any action based on information in this podcast you should consult with a qualified professional.
    Colleen O’Connell-Campbell is a Wealth Advisor at RBC Dominion Securities, a member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund.

    • 37 min
    EP294 Embracing Vulnerability in Leadership - A Path to Authentic Strength

    EP294 Embracing Vulnerability in Leadership - A Path to Authentic Strength

    Welcome to The Cash Rich Exit Podcast. I’m Colleen O’Connell-Campbell, your host and Wealth Advisor. Today, dissecting an important question: Is vulnerability in leadership a weakness or a strength?
    🔍 In This Episode:
    I discuss the profound impact that embracing vulnerability can have on leadership. Inspired by Susan Blain (my last guest; if you haven’t heard it, please hit play on Episode 293 first). Susan and her Dare to Be Vulnerable initiative gave me the inspiration for this episode, where I examine how showing our human side can actually be a strategic advantage in both business and personal growth.
    💪 Reflections on Strength and Vulnerability:
    "Sometimes our strength is expressed in being vulnerable. Sometimes we need to fall apart to regroup and stay on track," a reflection that resonates deeply as we discuss the challenges and pressures leaders face. 
    🌟 Key Takeaways:
    Vulnerability as a Leadership Tool: Understand how showing your authentic self can lead to deeper connections with your team and foster a supportive business environment.
    Mental Wellness as a Superpower: Learn why addressing mental health openly can enhance your leadership capabilities and overall business health.
    From Pain to Empowerment: Hear how personal adversities can transform into lessons of resilience and empathy, providing a roadmap for others in leadership.
    📖 Personal Insights:
    Reflecting on the losses and challenges in my own life, from navigating early bereavement to managing a burgeoning business amidst personal trials, has underscored the importance of support systems and openness in leadership.
    🎯 I invite you to reflect on your own leadership journey. How can you integrate vulnerability and mental wellness into your style? 
    Engage with us, connect with me, Colleen O’Connell-Campbell on LinkedIn, share your stories, and consider how embracing these aspects can not only improve your own quality of life but also set a positive example for your teams.
    Remember, vulnerability in leadership is more than showing weakness; it’s showcasing true strength in understanding and managing human emotions.
    Are you ready to explore how your leadership style and personal challenges are impacting your business and how it can set you up for a Cash Rich Exit from your business when you are ready? Book a Wealth Gap Analysis with me via email or LinkedIn.
    If you’ve found this episode helpful, please leave us a five-star rating 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 
    It helps us find more audiences to empower in their business journey.
    The Cash Rich Exit Podcast is brought to you by O’Connell-Campbell Wealth Management at RBC Dominion Securities.
    All opinions expressed by the host, Colleen O’Connell-Campbell, and podcast guests are solely their own opinions and do not reflect the opinion of RBC Dominion Securities.
    This podcast is for informational purposes only before taking any action based on information in this podcast you should consult with a qualified professional.
    Colleen O’Connell-Campbell is a Wealth Advisor at RBC Dominion Securities, a member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund.

    • 13 min

Customer Reviews

4.6 out of 5
31 Ratings

31 Ratings

Thrivelou ,

I’ve learned so much! Congrats on over 280 episodes!

Colleen is an expert interviewer and you can tell her podcasts are unscripted. Her warm welcoming manner relaxes the speakers and you hear authentic recounts of their journeys.

Ebeaton ,

practical advice, great guests

I love the emphasis here on entrepreneurs and self-made millionaires. Great, actionable advice on how entrepreneurs like me can build owner wealth. Great show!

Young Money with Tracey Bisset ,

Great host and show!

Colleen does a great job of covering different perspectives and really filling the gap with this show. There are so many shows for those trying to become millionaires and not as many for those who are. I had a great time interviewing Colleen on Young Money as she shared learnings from this show and all her great guests with my young millionaires in the making. Why not learn the keys to success from the successful? Thanks for bringing this show to us Colleen!

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