100 episodes

The Freelance Podclass is not your ordinary podcast! It features a series of actionable lessons designed to help you solve the biggest challenges you are facing in launching and growing a profitable Freelance Business. Join the founder of Freelance University, Craig Cannings, and an amazing faculty of Freelance experts as they offer valuable and practical step-by-step lessons and guides to up-level your skills and make you competitive in this rapidly growing Freelance economy. As a Freelancer, you need to "keep learning to keep earning," so access fluff-free, practical mini-classes that will inspire and propel you to live a flexible, thriving and profitable Freelance life!

The Freelance Podclass Craig Cannings

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The Freelance Podclass is not your ordinary podcast! It features a series of actionable lessons designed to help you solve the biggest challenges you are facing in launching and growing a profitable Freelance Business. Join the founder of Freelance University, Craig Cannings, and an amazing faculty of Freelance experts as they offer valuable and practical step-by-step lessons and guides to up-level your skills and make you competitive in this rapidly growing Freelance economy. As a Freelancer, you need to "keep learning to keep earning," so access fluff-free, practical mini-classes that will inspire and propel you to live a flexible, thriving and profitable Freelance life!

    Student Spotlight: Building a Web Design Business from Scratch with Lisa Doiron

    Student Spotlight: Building a Web Design Business from Scratch with Lisa Doiron

    How do you transition from being a stay-at-home parent to a freelance business owner? Today our guest is Lisa Doiron, a stay-at-home mom who built a web design business from scratch after years of taking time off to raise her family. 
    As a long-time student at Freelance University, she has valuable insights to share about developing skills and leaning on a community for support. Join us as we talk about valuable lessons learned during the freelance journey and effective strategies for finding clients!
    Podcast Outline:
    [0:00] Introduction to Lisa Doiron - Lisa shares how she got started in the freelance space and how it’s impacted her and her family.
    [3:04] Being a stay-at-home parent and then going back to work - Lisa explains what it was like making that transition.
    [3:43] The value of transferable skills - Lisa describes the core services she currently focuses on in her business.
    [5:06] Offering WordPress services vs. Squarespace or Wix - how WordPress has challenges but also valuable benefits that make it a pathway of opportunity for your business.
    [7:05] How Lisa’s skills have evolved as a freelancer - Lisa and Craig explain how committing to learning helps your confidence and skills grow.
    [8:26] Niching down vs. serving a broad audience - Lisa describes the type of clients she loves to work with and how that focus developed over time. Craig explains how you can niche down by speciality or by audience.
    [11:24] The value of being versatile - how offering a variety of services keeps you working during times where clients and businesses are struggling. Lisa explains how being versatile helped her discover what she enjoyed and gave her connections and experience she can share with her clients. 
    [13:26] What Lisa has learned about herself through her freelance journey - Lisa shares the lessons she’s learned and how she’s evolved during this time.
    [14:24] The importance of being resourceful - Craig explains how the Freelance University Student Community helps students find the information they need so they can help clients solve problems.
    Effective Strategies for Finding Clients
    [15:57] #1 Talking to anyone and everyone about what you do - making connections with colleagues who serve the same industry but in a different way.
    [16:26] #2 Trying to provide value wherever you can - setting yourself up as an expert so clients think of you first.
    [16:39] #3 Marketing all the time - keeping up your momentum and marketing even if you don’t feel like you’re ready.
    [17:11] #4 Being vigilant to know that clients can come from anywhere - tapping into your network.
    [17:30] #5 Using content marketing and social media - connecting with clients through social media content and answering questions in Facebook Groups.
    [17:58] Lisa’s experience with Freelance University - how it’s helped her get to where she is with her web design business. Lisa shares the amazing ways it opened her mind to the possibilities and allowed her to explore them all and have a support system.
    [20:48] The confidence Freelance University gave Lisa when working with clients - how she could go there to find training or answers when a client needed something she didn’t know.
    [21:16] How to learn more about Freelance University’s community and training center you can join through its 24/7 open enrollment.
    [22:08] How to learn more about Lisa 
    [22:42] How to access Freelance University’s free training resources

    Resources and Tools Discussed in this Episode:
    Freelance University
    The Transferable Skills Class with Janine Kelbach 
    Learn more about Lisa Doiron:
    Website: LisaMarieCreative.com  

    Resources and Tools:
    Facebook Groups 

    • 23 min
    Student Spotlight: School Teacher to Asana Specialist with Paula Holsberry

    Student Spotlight: School Teacher to Asana Specialist with Paula Holsberry

    With all the innovation we’re seeing these days, how do you stay on top of technology and even offer freelance services in that area? Today our guest is Paula Holsberry, who has journeyed from being a school teacher to a freelance Asana specialist with her business, Tessera Virtual Business Solutions.
    Join us as we discuss some important principles and strategies about niching down and turning a software into an income stream. We’ll also share Paula’s best strategies for developing your expert status and finding clients!

    Podcast Outline:
    [0:00] Introduction to Paula Holsberry and the topic of staying on top of technology and offering services in that area - Paula shares how she got into freelancing, what she did in the past, and where she’s at today.
    [4:46] Does your niche find you, or do you find your niche? - how Paula’s experience shows that her niche discovered her and used transferable skills from her past career.
    [6:48] What is Asana? - Paula explains how Asana works and breaks down the services she offers in her business.
    [10:07] How Asana was transformative for Freelance University - Craig explains how it allows him and his wife/business partner to break down different tasks and projects by different groups and teams.
    [11:22] The importance of niching down in Paula’s business - Paula describes how it was a pivot point in terms of her business growth, success, and freedom.
    [14:31] How niching down is important from a branding perspective - Craig describes the ways niching down allows you to be distinctive in the marketplace and brand yourself in a way that tracks with your ideal audience.
    [15:15] How niching down keeps you in a certain lane - Paula describes how it prevents her from getting distracted.
    [15:47] A good principle for freelancers to remember - how what you’re doing today may not be the same thing you’ll do in the future.
    [16:11] Software as a Service (SaaS) - what it means to freelancers and how you can package it into a service you provide to clients. 
    Suggestions for Freelancers Interested in Turning a Software into an Income Stream
    [17:59] #1 Think about what technology you love using - how seeing its value is a huge boost.
    [18:54] #2 Think about the places (industries, niche groups) that would benefit from using the technology - how that uncovers areas you can focus on as you start learning how to use it.
    [19:16] #3 Think about how much time you can commit to learning the technology - tips for finding a learning track or other training resources you can follow.
    [20:25] #4 Just start - the importance of learning as you go and remembering you won’t be an expert in the beginning.
    [21:42] An important principle to remember - Craig explains how you just need to know more than the client does. He shares an example from his own experience that illustrates how learning a tool enough may lead to repeat work from clients.
    Paula’s Best Strategies for Finding Clients
    [24:17] #1 If you’re working with a specific software, see if they have a directory you can be part of - how people often will go to the software’s website for help and may find you in the directory.
    [24:56] #2 Become part of other directories - Paula shares examples that can connect you with clients.
    [25:34] #3 Create lots of content - how there’s never a lack of material to use for your content creation and marketing when you’re learning software. Paula explains the importance of producing and sharing content so you can develop your expert status.
    [27:44] How content is key to establishing your credibility - Craig shares encouragement and examples of content you can create around your domain of expertise.
    [29:23] Basic lessons Paula has learned as she’s journeyed from being a teacher to an Asana specialist - how it’s important to know when to say yes and when to say no.
    [32:33] How Freelance University has helped Paula in her journey - Paula shares examples of the huge role it

    • 35 min
    The Financial Management Class with Ashley Cline

    The Financial Management Class with Ashley Cline

    Managing your finances is crucial to running and managing a successful freelance business, whether it’s full time or a side hustle. But many of us struggle if bookkeeping is not our strength.
    Today our guest is Ashley Cline, a digital marketing consultant and freelancing expert with more than 15 years experience in the digital marketing space. Join us as she shares effective tips, tools, and strategies that will help you manage and sustain your business finances long term, even if you experience cycles of feast and famine!
    Podcast Outline:
    [0:00] Introduction to Ashley Cline and the topic of managing your finances - Ashley tells her story and how she arrived at her current freelance role.
    [6:27] The importance of freedom to Ashley - the different types of freedom she values and how they shifted to include time freedom and flexibility.
    [9:16] How freelancers can become great managers of their finances - the importance of treating your freelance work as an actual business.
    [12:37] The side hustle culture - how people don’t often attribute their side hustle to an entrepreneurial pursuit. Craig explains how we need the mindset of an entrepreneur in order to manage our finances. 
    Common Mistakes That Freelancers Make with Their Finances 
    [14:47] #1 Not charging enough - how we need to charge for both time and expenses and have confidence.
    [17:12] #2 Not keeping track of books or understanding what you can write off - how we might not remember things and could miss little things.
    [19:20] #3 Not putting enough money away for taxes, opportunities, and expenses that come up - the importance of investing a little bit of money into growing your business.
    How to Make Sure You Can Cover Your Expenses During Feast and Famine Cycles
    [20:50] #1 Focus on networking - Ashley shares tips and examples of networking groups based on her experience.
    [22:36] #2 Align with “channel partners” - Ashley explains what this concept is and how you can approach agencies that may refer clients to you.
    [24:36] The importance of always marketing your business during good times - how consistent marketing (“digging the well before you’re thirsty”) can offset the months that are not as profitable.
    [25:59] How to take care of lean months - Ashley explains how “what gets measured matters” and shares tips on healthy financial habits you can adopt.
    [27:50] How saving and investing need to be balanced - Craig and Ashely share tips for being intentional and strategic with your finances every month.
    [29:19] Ways freelancers can succeed with their finances - Ashley shares books that can help you address your mindset, get organized, and understand your finances.
    [30:58] Tools and apps that can be used as practical help for your finances - Ashley recommends her favorite tools and apps for invoicing, time tracking, bookkeeping, and tracking your mileage.
    [33:13] Craig recommends his favorite all-in-one financial management tool that offers FreeU students a discount - he describes HoneyBook’s features and how it creates an automated workflow for client management.
    [35:44] How to learn more about Ashley
    [35:58] The value of nurturing relationships - Ashley shares a story that shows how relationships can help grow your business over time.
    [36:52] How to develop your skills at Freelance University
    Resources and tools discussed in this episode:
    Freelance University
    The Entrepreneur’s Mindset course 
    Virtual Bookkeeping certification  
    Learn more about Ashley Cline:
    Ice Cream Social
    Resources and tools:
    Facebook Ads 
    Facebook Groups 
    Business Network International (BNI) 
    The Desire Map by Danielle LaPorte 
    Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill  
    Profit First by Mike Michalowicz  
    Bench Accounting 
    Everlance mileage tracker 
    QuickBooks Online

    • 37 min
    The Work from Home Productivity Class with Hilary Sutton

    The Work from Home Productivity Class with Hilary Sutton

    How do you manage the tension between your personal and professional life when you work from home? Today our guest is Hilary Sutton, a fractional CMO, writer, speaker, and host of the Hustle & Grace Podcast, where she serves as the chief explorer in helping people cultivate a flourishing career in life.
    Join us as we discuss both the challenges and freedoms of working from home. We’ll share important tips, strategies, and tools that will help you optimize your productivity and find your own unique rhythm!

    Podcast Outline:
    [0:00] Introduction to Hilary Sutton and the topic of work-from-home productivity - Hilary shares her story and describes what she’s been doing over the years.
    [2:42] Craig shares his story and describes what it was like going back to working in a cubicle - how he longed to go back to working from home.
    [3:49] How working from home has been important to Hilary - explains her work style and the challenges she faced when working outside the home.
    [6:01] The challenges faced by extroverts who work from home - Craig shares helpful strategies he and his wife/business partner have used to fulfill their need for social interaction.
    [6:30] The remote work revolution - Hilary shares her take on what the trends will be.
    The Challenges of Working from Home (Productivity Pitfalls)
    [10:06] #1 Not having a dedicated workspace - some strategies to help carve out a space dedicated to work.
    [10:40] #2 Not maximizing your time - the limitations you might face and how to prioritize what needs to get done by time blocking and “big rock” strategies.
    [14:28] The concept of energy management - how “50-minute hustles” and other strategies can help you grow your business during the times that are most energetic and creative for you.
    [17:54] How using different spaces for different levels of work can improve productivity - Craig explains how you need to figure out the best environment and type of day for you.
    [19:17] Managing the tension between personal and professional life - Hilary shares her experience and strategies that have worked for her.
    [22:44] The importance of finding a rhythm - Craig describes his experience of dedicating a certain amount of time to work and life.
    [24:15] Tips to improve productivity - Hilary lists software and hardware that have helped her track time, avoid scope creep, collaborate with contractors or clients, and work remotely. Craig recommends additional hardware and software to include in your home office.
    [28:03] Using digital tools and apps versus analog planners or books - Hilary explains her preference for using digital tools for some planning and a physical journal for others.
    [31:57] How to learn more about Hilary

    Resources and tools discussed in this episode:
    Freelance University

    Learn more about Hilary Sutton:
    Hustle & Grace Podcast 
    The “What’s Your Career Motivation?” Quiz 

    Resources and tools:
    Laura Vanderkam - Writer, Author, Speaker 
    Apple desktops and laptops
    Bullet Journal 
    The Bullet Journal Method 
    Google Calendar 

    • 33 min
    Student Spotlight: Military Spouse to Freelance Affiliate Manager with Emma Marriott-Predmore

    Student Spotlight: Military Spouse to Freelance Affiliate Manager with Emma Marriott-Predmore

    Today we’re thrilled to present a student spotlight with Emma Marriott-Predmore, a military spouse who’s been a virtual assistant since 1999 and now works as a freelance affiliate manager. She’s built a thriving VA agency and referral networks that benefit military spouses and dependents who work remotely and relocate often.
    Join us as she shares her story and provides many valuable takeaways that will have a profound impact on your business!

    Podcast Outline:
    [0:00] Introduction to Emma Marriott-Predmore and the topic of working as a virtual assistant - Emma shares her journey and how she arrived at her current role.
    [4:17] Emma describes her VA agency - how it includes military spouses or dependents who relocate often and would like to have a job that doesn’t depend on physical networks. Emma explains how her family members also work as virtual assistants.
    [6:17] How the VA industry has grown up - Emma and Craig discuss how you can diversify your VA offerings in an era where people now understand what a VA is. 
    [9:46] Emma explains the type of clients she works with and what services her agency focuses on - how her niche involves talking to a client and problem-solving for them.
    [11:56] Emma’s role as a freelance affiliate manager - Craig and Emma explain how Clickbank facilitates affiliate marketing and how Emma’s agency uses it. 
    [14:47] How specializing in a particular software is a good direction for freelancers who enjoy working with technology - Emma talks about the different challenges her agency helps clients with.
    [16:39] The benefits of referrals - Emma explains how she’s built her referral network. Craig explains how referrals are one of the most successful ways to have a client relationship.
    [19:24] Emma’s role as a military spouse - how it’s helped her as an entrepreneur by teaching her that you can’t control everything. Emma outlines strategies you can use to face challenges and plan ahead in both life and client relationships.
    [22:17] How it’s important to embrace the adventure of the freelance/VA industry - Craig describes how you need to be ready to move and shift when necessary so you can capitalize on opportunities that emerge out of a recession.
    [23:07] The importance of changing your niche when you need to - how your niche should be both enjoyable and profitable.
    [24:17] Emma shares her best strategies for scaling her business as a busy mom - how Emma networks by talking to people so she can build connections and promote her business.
    [27:25] How clients are everywhere - Craig discusses how we’re entering an era where people understand and see the value in remote work. 
    [27:55] Emma shares advice for freelancers who are seeking to grow their business this year - how it’s important to embrace change and be open to new opportunities and new skills.
    [29:19] How Freelance University has helped Emma - Emma explains how FreeU courses have helped her update her skills and knowledge by allowing her to dabble in a wide variety of different courses. 
    [31:25] How FreeU spots the trends for you and creates courses so you can be prepared for the next opportunity coming your way
    [33:07] How to learn more about Freelance University and networking with the FreeU community

    Resources and tools discussed in this episode:
    Freelance University

    • 33 min
    The Website Set Up Class with Brian Hall

    The Website Set Up Class with Brian Hall

    How do you design a great website for your freelance business? Today our guest is Brian Hall, a conversion optimization consultant. He’s helped big brands like Udemy, L’Oreal, and Ghirardelli increase their website revenue and now helps small business owners and freelancers improve their website strategy.
    Join us as we discuss the single most important element of a successful freelance website and recommended platforms to choose from. We’ll also share some effective alternatives to help you keep it simple and still reach your target audience!

    Podcast Outline:
    [0:00] Introduction to Brian Hall and the topic of setting up a great website for your freelance business or your clients - Brian explains how he started freelancing/consulting and where he’s at today. 
    [4:32] How Brian’s transition to freelancing finally worked - Brian shares three important things that contributed to his success.
    [6:39] Craig describes his experience starting a business while implementing similar strategies - the importance of joining a mastermind group and lowering your cost of living to give yourself a longer runway.
    [8:28] Should freelancers have a website today - Brian shares his thoughts about whether or not you need one and how it can help you.
    [10:25] How your choice to have a website depends on what focus you want to have - Craig explains how creating a branded website doesn’t have to be complex these days.
    [11:12] The most important elements of a successful freelancer website - Brian describes the one important element that’s worth 80-90% of your attention.
    Three Basic Types of Offers (Calls to Action) for You to Choose and Optimize
    [12:18] #1 A scheduling embed or calendar link - so people can book time to talk to you so you can sell them your services.
    [12:30] #2 A “contact me” form - so people can send you a message.
    [12:46] #3 A lead magnet or newsletter - so people can read or download something of yours.
    [13:24] How a website differs from a resume - Craig explains how a website needs to focus on an offer and the headline. Brian describes how the headline wraps up with the offer to attract your audience. 
    [15:35] Personal branding - Brian explains whether an “About Page” is necessary and important. Craig shares an example of how some people include anecdotes on their LinkedIn profile to showcase their personality.
    [18:49] One of the best reasons to have a website - Brian explains how it gives you the opportunity to be yourself, express yourself, and share things about yourself.
    [19:39] The need for a balance between being fun and offering value - how you need to decide how to serve your audience best on social media.
    [21:05] How it’s good to experiment with social media platforms and trends - the importance of noting the outcome and putting your effort into the offer on your website. 
    [23:00] The recommended website platforms for freelancers to consider - Brian suggests questions to ask yourself to help determine what type of platform you need.
    [23:28] Platforms for a one-page website - Brian lists the elements you need and a common platform that would work.
    [24:23] Platforms to help you focus on lead magnets and an email list - Brian suggests tools that support marketing automation and lead magnet download by letting you create a landing page.
    [25:00] The importance of considering different options and starting with the thing that’s closest to your offer - Brian explains how there’s no single recommendation for a multi-page website platform.
    [26:20] The value of WordPress - Craig explains how getting to know WordPress better gives you the option of offering WordPress services to clients.
    [27:11] The importance of following your joy - Brian shares his insights on WordPress and the additional elements you need to think about. He also proposes another way to choose a platform.
    [28:42] The importance of keeping it simple - how you can start with a simpler platform and then tra

    • 37 min

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