34 min

Tina Noel - Experiential Learning Coordinator Renfrew County Catholic DSB The High Performing Educator Podcast

    • Self-Improvement

Tina Noel is the Experiential Learning Coordinator at the Renfrew County Catholic DSB. She is responsible for providing the students on her board with learning opportunities and hands-on experiences that will help them develop the skills they need to create the futures they desire.
She is also the board lead for the OYAP program - Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program - and spent many years working in the co-op department. Throughout her career, Tina developed three guiding principles that she believes are the cornerstones to a successful Career / Coop Placement.
One - Integrity
In simplest terms - Integrity means doing the right thing even if nobody is watching.

Do what you say and say what you do - your integrity and reputation are at stake!!! Two - Own It!
What went wrong, how can you fix it and what will you do to not let it happen again.

Take responsibility for your actions. Do not cover up repetitive, bad behaviours with excuses. Understand the difference between excuses and reasons.

Remember - mistakes are a part of life and are necessary for us to improve and change behaviours. If you keep making the same mistake - it is no longer a mistake rather it becomes a habit.

Try to understand that parents, friends, teachers, supervisors and co-workers see through excuses! Three - Choices
Every choice has a consequence - can be good, bad or even ugly!

Remember - only you know whether or not you can live with your choices. Some choices are very, very small but others can be life-altering. Take the time to make choices that you can live with.

Begin to back away from peer pressure in making some choices that might negatively affect your success in your job or career. ------
Want to join the High Performing Educator Network:
More information on Sam: www.samdemma.com

Tina Noel is the Experiential Learning Coordinator at the Renfrew County Catholic DSB. She is responsible for providing the students on her board with learning opportunities and hands-on experiences that will help them develop the skills they need to create the futures they desire.
She is also the board lead for the OYAP program - Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program - and spent many years working in the co-op department. Throughout her career, Tina developed three guiding principles that she believes are the cornerstones to a successful Career / Coop Placement.
One - Integrity
In simplest terms - Integrity means doing the right thing even if nobody is watching.

Do what you say and say what you do - your integrity and reputation are at stake!!! Two - Own It!
What went wrong, how can you fix it and what will you do to not let it happen again.

Take responsibility for your actions. Do not cover up repetitive, bad behaviours with excuses. Understand the difference between excuses and reasons.

Remember - mistakes are a part of life and are necessary for us to improve and change behaviours. If you keep making the same mistake - it is no longer a mistake rather it becomes a habit.

Try to understand that parents, friends, teachers, supervisors and co-workers see through excuses! Three - Choices
Every choice has a consequence - can be good, bad or even ugly!

Remember - only you know whether or not you can live with your choices. Some choices are very, very small but others can be life-altering. Take the time to make choices that you can live with.

Begin to back away from peer pressure in making some choices that might negatively affect your success in your job or career. ------
Want to join the High Performing Educator Network:
More information on Sam: www.samdemma.com

34 min