Radio Medvetna Val

Radio Medvetna Val
Radio Medvetna Val Podcast

I Radio Medvetna Val vill vi undersöka vad som sker när vi tillkännager och värderar den inre kraften och gör medvetna val på alla plan. Exempelvis: Hur kommer våra organisationer se ut? Hur kommer våra relationer fungera? Hur kommer skola och lärande se ut? Hur kommer ledarskap att fungera? Hur ser arbetslivet ut? Hur görs affärer? Hur kommer vi se på oss själva, varandra och omvärlden?

  1. BFW15 - Bäst för världen tillsammans med Hillesgården


    BFW15 - Bäst för världen tillsammans med Hillesgården

    Bäst för världen tillsammans med Hillesgården – en dialog om medvetna val med Fredrik Lidman som är ordförande i Stiftelsen Hillesgården som äger och driver Hillesgården. Vi samtalar om gemenskapen på Hillesgården och hur den har utvecklats i mer än 25 år. Hur ser ett samhälle och dess liv ut när vi väljer att värdera helheter? Och hur ska vi göra för att välja det? Hur kan vi ta med hela oss själva i det vi gör? Vilka strukturer har vi redan idag där det kan ske och hur kan vi bygga nya? Kring Hillesgården finns det ett ekosystem av olika stiftelser med specifika ändamål. Fredrik är även engagerad i Stiftelsen Hilarionakademin som tillhandahåller kurser och utbildningar på olika teman, som alla kretsar kring att ta upp olika aspekter av människans förmåga till kärlek och medmänsklighet, baserat på den tidlösa visdomstraditionen. Vi pratar om hur unga i programmet Athena Ungdom under en sommarvecka får träffas och utforskar de stora livsfrågorna. I samtalet berör vi gång på gång det skifte vi står i. Om vi använder metaforen larven som förpuppas och blir till en fjäril: Hur kan larven förhålla sig till fjärilen när den inte har samma logik och världsbild – och vice versa. --- Hillesgården har funnits sedan 1996 och är en plats i centrala Skåne med fokus på välbefinnande och livsglädje och med visionen att en ljus framtid är möjlig. Hillesgården ägs av Stiftelsen Hillesgården, som drivs helt utan privata ägarintressen och som är politiskt och religiöst obunden. På Hillesgården kan man stärka sin hälsa och få avkoppling, inspiration, reflektion och självinsikt. Till Hillesgården kommer också de som vill vara en del av en gemenskap – genom att hjälpa till i till exempel örtträdgård och eko-odling. Fredrik Lidman är stiftelsens ordförande och arbetar också med den nya tidens ledarskap, dels som mångårig förändrings- och ledarskapskonsult inom näringslivet och utbildare i Banbrytande ledarskap och dels som initiativtagare till ungdomsprogrammet Athena som handlar om helhetsutveckling för unga.

    1h 28m
  2. FiDE#10 - Applications


    FiDE#10 - Applications

    The future is not what it's used to be! How do we apply life and feel the effect of life? We can make use of the collective wisdom that we as humanity hold and have access to nowadays, and don't have to look far or reinvent the wheel. In this episode Jens Rinnelt and Stellan Nordahl explore how a holistic and systemic perspective and perception can look like when applied to various contexts, as for example personal and organizational development, what is formerly known as 'leadership', education and learning, life below water, and the political system. How can we break habitual patterns by taking principles from one context to another, one loop to another, and make intentional decisions? How can we move from education to exploration, from speaking to listening, from leading to co-creating? Welcome to the new paradigm - a worldview and a direction that is best for the world for everyone, including ourselves. --- The FiDE podcast - an exploration of life. FiDE is the abbreviation for the Foundation for Intentional Decisions. At the same time it means trust in Latin. How would a life, a way of working and a society based on trust look like? In this series of ten episodes Jens Rinnelt and Stellan Nordahl explore life - what it means, what it implies and how we can look at it, choosing life-affirming directions. If life is what we perceive as life, what then is perception? What informs our perception, or in other words how do we make sense of the world? And can we choose how we look at the world? In this webcast we embark on a philosophical and experience-based journey to explore life itself and the fundamental assumptions we hold about it. We look at how we form the worldviews, our perception, that we hold. We explore what happens if we choose to take on a different pair of glasses of how we look at the world. Adopting a complex, holistic and life-affirming worldview provides us with a practical and applicable ethical model for everyday decision-making on societal, organizational, team and personal level. Please support us on

    1h 3m
  3. FiDE #9 - Language


    FiDE #9 - Language

    Does language only describe, or does it also create? Do we need a word to describe a concept or do we need a concept for using a word? Does language separate or unite? Language is a powerful tool for humans. It enables us to create a common understanding by communicating abstract ideas to each other. It is our how - how ideas are manifested or communicated between people. Words can express what we value and how we define ourselves. At the same time, the same word can have different interpretations based on how we look at the world. Some words can even become obsolete with evolving worldviews. We explore many examples of how language can be a bridge - a meta-tool - and translate between different perceptions. For example, we explore the language and consciousness of the 169 Sustainability Development Goals. We finish by exploring if we can even communicate without words. --- The FiDE podcast - an exploration of life. FiDE is the abbreviation for the Foundation for Intentional Decisions. At the same time it means trust in Latin. How would a life, a way of working and a society based on trust look like? In this series of ten episodes Jens Rinnelt and Stellan Nordahl explore life - what it means, what it implies and how we can look at it, choosing life-affirming directions. If life is what we perceive as life, what then is perception? What informs our perception, or in other words how do we make sense of the world? And can we choose how we look at the world? In this webcast we embark on a philosophical and experience-based journey to explore life itself and the fundamental assumptions we hold about it. We look at how we form the worldviews, our perception, that we hold. We explore what happens if we choose to take on a different pair of glasses of how we look at the world. Adopting a complex, holistic and life-affirming worldview provides us with a practical and applicable ethical model for everyday decision-making on societal, organizational, team and personal level. Please support us on

    1h 10m
  4. FiDE #8 - Wholeness


    FiDE #8 - Wholeness

    Are we always whole or are we fragmented? If we assume that we are always whole, although suppress some aspect of our wholeness from time to time, what symptoms can we than use to get aware of imbalances? In this episode we discuss different sense-making capacities regarding our body, mind, heart and soul, as we see wholeness as the simultaneous emergence and occurrence of physical, mental, social-emotional and spiritual functions that every life form possesses, for example a human being, a team, a business, society as whole, as well as planet earth. In order to open up to see new possibilities we need to believe to see – use our mental capacity to describe something physical. For humans language proves to be an essential element to express abstract, metaphysical concepts to others. Asking questions can help to see things from a new perception, for example: What do we do? How do we do it? Why do we do it? What assumptions do we hold? --- The FiDE podcast - an exploration of life. FiDE is the abbreviation for the Foundation for Intentional Decisions. At the same time it means trust in Latin. How would a life, a way of working and a society based on trust look like? In this series of ten episodes Jens Rinnelt and Stellan Nordahl explore life - what it means, what it implies and how we can look at it, choosing life-affirming directions. If life is what we perceive as life, what then is perception? What informs our perception, or in other words how do we make sense of the world? And can we choose how we look at the world? In this webcast we embark on a philosophical and experience-based journey to explore life itself and the fundamental assumptions we hold about it. We look at how we form the worldviews, our perception, that we hold. We explore what happens if we choose to take on a different pair of glasses of how we look at the world. Adopting a complex, holistic and life-affirming worldview provides us with a practical and applicable ethical model for everyday decision-making on societal, organizational, team and personal level. Please support us on

    1h 28m
  5. FiDE#6 - Choice(s)


    FiDE#6 - Choice(s)

    Do we have a choice? We can either look at the world in a deterministic way or see ourselves as conscious agents that intentionally create our interpretation of life and life itself. The later implies then that consciousness is as relevant as matter. In order to make a choice, we need to have an awareness of actually having a choice in the first place. We choose consciously, but often also subconsciously. Can we get used to another way of thinking that opens up new choices? Another aspect of choosing is to see the possibilities of choices. Instead of looking at time and cause-effect relations in a chronological time perspective (Chronos), we can see more choices with Kairos - the realm of possibilities. Can uncertainty be such a possibility realm? What effect of our choices do we experience, and want to experience? Choices define us up to the present moment, and at the same time change is only one choice away. What do we choose and on what grounds? How do we know it is a good choice? These and more questions related to choice(s) and consciousness are explored in this episode. --- The FiDE broadcast - an exploration of life. FiDE is the abbreviation for the Foundation for Intentional Decisions. At the same time it means trust in Latin. How would a life, a way of working and a society based on trust look like? In this series of ten episodes Jens Rinnelt and Stellan Nordahl explore life - what it means, what it implies and how we can look at it, choosing life affirming directions. If life is what we perceive as life, what then is perception? What informs our perception, or in other words how do we make sense of the world? And can we choose how we look at the world? In this broadcast we embark on a philosophical and experience-based journey to explore life itself and the fundamental assumptions we hold about it. We look at how we form the worldviews, our perception, that we hold. We explore what happens if we choose to take on a different pair of glasses of how we look at the world. Adopting a complex, holistic and life-affirming worldview provides us with a practical and applicable ethical model for everyday decision-making on societal, organizational, team and personal level. Please Support us on

    1h 25m
  6. FiDE#5 - Fourth Loop


    FiDE#5 - Fourth Loop

    In this episode of the FiDE broadcast we talk about learning on various levels. As the shift from best in the world to best for the world opens up new possibilities, learning looks different. The first loop focuses on the WHATs - to do things right, the second loop aims on the HOWs - to do the right things. The third loop adresses the WHYs - why we do things, and the fourth loop reveals the ROOT - the core assumptions behind how we look at things. The concept of learning loops in general and the second loop of learning in specific was introduced in 1991 by Chris Argyris in the book Teaching Smart People How To Learn. The concept has then been developed by Robert L. Flood & Norma R. A. Romm (Diversity Management: Triple Loop Learning, 1996) by Pontus Rystedt & Stellan Nordahl (Fourth Loop Innovation, 2018). --- The FiDE broadcast - an exploration of life. FiDE is the abbreviation for the Foundation for Intentional Decisions. At the same time it means trust in Latin. How would a life, a way of working and a society based on trust look like? In this series of ten episodes Jens Rinnelt and Stellan Nordahl explore life - what it means, what it implies and how we can look at it, choosing life affirming directions. If life is what we perceive as life, what then is perception? What informs our perception, or in other words how do we make sense of the world? And can we choose how we look at the world? In this broadcast we embark on a philosophical and experience-based journey to explore life itself and the fundamental assumptions we hold about it. We look at how we form the worldviews, our perception, that we hold. We explore what happens if we choose to take on a different pair of glasses of how we look at the world. Adopting a complex, holistic and life-affirming worldview provides us with a practical and applicable ethical model for everyday decision-making on societal, organizational, team and personal level. Please support us on

    41 min
  7. FiDE#4 - Fundamental Assumptions


    FiDE#4 - Fundamental Assumptions

    In this episode we focus on the core of our life - the truths we hold true, or other put - the fundamental assumptions we choose to choose. The framing of life in form of world view. Does that framing create opportunities or do we find ourselves as victims of the circumstances? Most of life we never reflect on how we look at the world, but at greater events in our life - for instance when we marry, when we become parents, when we loose our jobs, when someone close dies, when we get really sick or experience a severe accident, that is when we question ourselves at most. Is the maxim we hold true really true? Or can we choose a new paradigm? And what would that paradigm look like? Right now, the world is in such an event and synchronized. Assumptions we made as society comes to realisation - they are brought up in the light of our awareness. What is there to learn? What new choices do we want to make? Can the Corona crisis be seen as Corona opportunities? Can there be a crisis at the same time as opportunities are created? What do you choose? --- The FiDE broadcast - an exploration of life. FiDE is the abbreviation for the Foundation for Intentional Decisions. At the same time it means trust in Latin. How would a life, a way of working and a society based on trust look like? In this series of ten episodes Jens Rinnelt and Stellan Nordahl explore life - what it means, what it implies and how we can look at it, choosing life affirming directions. If life is what we perceive as life, what then is perception? What informs our perception, or in other words how do we make sense of the world? And can we choose how we look at the world? In this broadcast we embark on a philosophical and experience-based journey to explore life itself and the fundamental assumptions we hold about it. We look at how we form the worldviews, our perception, that we hold. We explore what happens if we choose to take on a different pair of glasses of how we look at the world. Adopting a complex, holistic and life-affirming worldview provides us with a practical and applicable ethical model for everyday decision-making on societal, organizational, team and personal level. Please support us on

    59 min


I Radio Medvetna Val vill vi undersöka vad som sker när vi tillkännager och värderar den inre kraften och gör medvetna val på alla plan. Exempelvis: Hur kommer våra organisationer se ut? Hur kommer våra relationer fungera? Hur kommer skola och lärande se ut? Hur kommer ledarskap att fungera? Hur ser arbetslivet ut? Hur görs affärer? Hur kommer vi se på oss själva, varandra och omvärlden?

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