Sustainable Nation

Josh Prigge: CEO of Sustridge Sustainability Consulting
Sustainable Nation Podcast

The Sustainable Nation Podcast delivers interviews with global leaders in sustainability and ESG. Our goal is to provide sustainability and ESG professionals, business leaders, academics, government officials and anyone interested in joining the sustainability revolution, with information and insights from the world's most inspiring change-makers.

  1. Jonah Smith - Vice President, Environmental Social Governance Strategy and Programs at IBM

    3 SEPT

    Jonah Smith - Vice President, Environmental Social Governance Strategy and Programs at IBM

    Jonah Smith joined IBM in 2023 as Vice President, Environmental Social Governance Strategy and Programs.  In addition to leading global ESG strategy, goals, stakeholder engagement, reporting and governance, Jonah’s responsibilities also entail the development and implementation of environmental social innovation programs such as the IBM Sustainability Accelerator.  Prior to IBM, Jonah led ESG at Kraft Heinz as its Global Head of Environmental Social Governance & President of the Kraft Heinz Foundation.  Prior to Kraft Heinz Jonah held similar roles at Grainger and MillerCoors, has done stints in socially responsible investing, teaching sustainability at the university level, and served as the Sustainable Business Director at a non-profit, the Alliance for the Great Lakes.  Jonah’s career spans about two decades in sustainability, CSR/ESG. Jonah holds an MBA in Sustainable Business from Pinchot University (formerly Bainbridge Graduate Institute).  In addition, Jonah holds a MS in Conservation Biology & Ecosystem Management, as well as a Graduate Certificate in Latin American & Caribbean Studies, and finally a BA in English Literature, all from the University of Michigan.  While in graduate school at what is now SEAS (formerly SNRE), Jonah’s 1.5 years Master’s opus researched and prescribed proper valuation of water resources and sustainability in Brazil.   Jonah Joins Sustainable Nation to Discuss: IBM’s study: Beyond Checking the Box Key characteristics of companies that effectively embed sustainability across the organization  Data useability as a key challenge to sustainable business value IBM’s Sustainability Accelerator Program Advice and recommendations for sustainability professionals Jonah’s Final Five Questions Responses: What is one piece of advice you would give other sustainability professionals that might help them in their careers?  Figure out what your sweet spot is in terms of what's meaningful to you. What are your passions? What are you most passionate about? Really be honest with yourself about that. Don’t just look at what’s the biggest paycheck or whatever else it may be, but look at what you're most passionate about and what your day-to-day life will be like doing that work. We're all the most effective when we're doing things that are really meaningful to us, right? I love, love, love the work that I do. We're all gonna have challenges every day in our work, but if you really love and feel passionate about that work, it's easier to get over those challenges. Have an honest self-reflection with yourself on that. And then envision yourself how you're going to retire and build a pathway backwards from that retirement space. Talk to people who are in a similar role at a similar company that you'd like to be at, or a nonprofit, if it's a nonprofit or if it's with the government, whatever it may be. Do that networking. Then walk yourself all the way back and then take a stair step ladder in order to achieve what you just walked out of.  What are you most excited about right now in the world of sustainability?  I'm really excited about the potential of AI to really help accelerate our ability to mitigate the impacts of climate change, both in terms of tracking, reporting it, as well as actually helping through initiatives like I just mentioned with our Sustainability Accelerator Program, for example. We're past the tipping point. The time is yesterday in terms of how we need to act on this stuff. We all need to do our part. So it really excites me. That's why I'm at IBM. It really excites me when I think about IBM's ability to really help the world achieve this. If everyone can get as excited as I am about that, and we start acting on that excitement, I think we will be in a much better space.  What is one book you'd recommend Sustainability Leaders Read?  If I had to just pick out one, I might go back to my roots a little bit on this one. The Ecology of Commerce by

    42 min
  2. Allison Jordan - Executive Director at California Sustainable Winegrowing Alliance, Vice President, Environmental Affairs at Wine Institute

    20 AUG

    Allison Jordan - Executive Director at California Sustainable Winegrowing Alliance, Vice President, Environmental Affairs at Wine Institute

    Allison Jordan joined Wine Institute and the California Sustainable Winegrowing Alliance (CSWA) in 2003, shortly after the publication of the California Code of Sustainable Winegrowing. Since 2007, she has served as the Executive Director of the Alliance and Vice President, Environmental Affairs for Wine Institute. Previously, she was a Senior Associate at SureHarvest and Vice President and Executive Director of Resource Renewal Institute. Jordan holds a master of Public Policy from the Goldman School at UC Berkeley and a Psychology bachelor's degree from Allegheny College, a Certificate in Wine Business Management from Sonoma State University and WSET Level 2 from the Wine & Spirit Education Trust. Allison Joins Sustainable Nation to Discuss: Keys to successful adoption of California Sustainable Winegrowing Alliance’s certification program Interest from buyers in third party verification CSWA’s Green Medal Award program How wineries are engaging with suppliers to pursue certification Advice and recommendations for sustainability professionals Allison's Final Five Questions Responses: What is one piece of advice you would give other sustainability professionals that might help them in their career? To take time to think creatively about partnerships. One of the ways that we've made big advances is by just getting really creative and reaching out to people that we know are working in the space, whether it's in winegrowing or something tangential that maybe could be really beneficial to our industry. We've been able to make incredible progress, get experts involved, get new resources that can really help match our industry support for our efforts. Really thinking about how we can support each other in this very complex, comprehensive area of sustainability. What are you most excited about right now in the world of sustainability? That there's so much awareness now about climate change, that it's bringing new energy, new ideas, technology. I don't think technology is the full solution, but there's certainly exciting things happening that will help us leapfrog and make progress. There's a lot of positive energy in finding solutions. Interestingly, my daughter is currently a junior in a program at our local high school called the Marin School of Environmental Leadership and their curriculum is all around climate and environmental solutions. Seeing her class and some of the products they had to come up with as juniors, sustainable products that they're currently marketing, it's just incredibly inspiring because you can see that it's just the way that the next generation thinks. I'm inspired by that. What is one book you would recommend sustainability professionals read? I'd have to recommend a book that I use. I'm teaching a sustainable enterprise course for the Sonoma State Executive Wine MBA program right now. I have them read Andrew Savits, the Triple Bottom Line. It’s just a really great basic understanding of what sustainability means for business and how it's evolved over time and the trajectory that we're on that basically shows that this is an imperative, not a nice to have. I just think it does a great job of introducing all of the key concepts for those who may be newer to the sustainability world. Even for those who've been in it for a long time, it's a good reminder of the basic framework and concepts that are really key. What are some of your favorite resources or tools that really help you in your work? The first thing that pops into my mind is people. I go to so many experts, Josh, you're one of them, on issues that I know they have more expertise than I have. The other resource that I turn to time and time again, which is kind of funny because I've been involved in helping to develop a lot of the resources in it, but it's still a really great repository of information. That's our resources library on I can always stand to be refreshed on certain topics and it's a great

    36 min
  3. Marissa McInnis - Senior Director, Global Sustainability at Verizon

    23 JUL

    Marissa McInnis - Senior Director, Global Sustainability at Verizon

    Marissa is responsible for overseeing the continued evolution and implementation of Verizon’s Sustainability Strategy as well as its enterprise wide relationships across its sustainability portfolio. ​She focuses on operationalizing Verizon’s internal and external commitments while tracking its progress across the enterprise to ensure holistic management in the areas of sustainability and driving profitable growth. ​ Prior to joining Verizon, Marissa was with the Department of Defense in Washington DC, leading Climate Policy and Interagency engagement. She served as the climate policy advisor to the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Energy, Installations and Environment. ​She has held a number of progressive roles within the White House and Pentagon, including Director for Climate Adaptation and Resilience, Climate Program Director for the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of the Navy.​ From 2006-2014, Marissa served in various leadership roles at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, including the Office of the CFO and the Tribal Affairs Office. Marissa McInnis Joins Sustainable Nation to Discuss: How to institutionalize sustainability at a large global organization Verizon's approach to ESG reporting and highlights from the latest report  Verizon’s renewable energy goals  Advice and recommendations for sustainability professionals Marissa’s Final Five Questions Responses: What is one piece of advice you would give other sustainability professionals that might help them in their careers? I always advise people who ask me to think outside your circle. A lot of sustainability and climate educated professionals tend to stay within that bubble or that circle. I encourage you to talk to your facilities lead. I encourage you to talk to your supply chain lead. Think about the areas within the organization where you may be already doing that sustainability work and you're not counting it, or you're not communicating it across or replicating it. Think outside your circle. What are you most excited about right now in the world of sustainability? When you think about sustainability and climate from the climate perspective, you have mitigation where you're reducing emissions and then you also have adaptation and resilience where you're really looking to climate-proof your business. The lifting up of that adaptation and resilience side, especially given my background, that's what I worked on predominantly over the last 17 years, it’s that side of it. I really am excited about how people are paying attention to it and businesses are paying attention to it. Alongside that, thinking about the co-benefits. That's kind of a buzzword that's happening right now, but what also reduces emissions plus helps with that adaptation resilience problem. Then finally the biggest one is just thinking about sustainability from this cross-cutting lens like I was talking about. Talking to folks that you wouldn't normally talk to. Sometimes it's hard. At the Pentagon, for a long time I was one of the younger people there and there were a lot of grumpy older facilities folks that I had to talk to. But it ended up being such a valuable conversation. We ended up working together to update building codes according to new climate projections. So you never know where you're going to find that value.That's why you have to keep reaching out. What is one book you would recommend sustainability leaders read? I just finished Six Thinking Hats by Edward De Bono, and it's all about how you can think about a problem and think about framing it. It takes any type of negative association or emotion off of one individual person and allows for really brilliant group think. You think about the white hat, it’s neutral and objective. So you could say to someone in your group during your brainstorm, “Hey, put on a white hat,” and it takes away the personal and brings it up to a group level so that folks can think about it from that f

    25 min
  4. Todd Brady - Chief Sustainability Officer and Vice President of Community Relations and Sustainable Operations at Intel

    18 JUN

    Todd Brady - Chief Sustainability Officer and Vice President of Community Relations and Sustainable Operations at Intel

    Todd Brady is the Chief Sustainability Officer for Intel Corporation, and Vice President of Community Relations & Sustainable Operations. As Chief Sustainability Officer, he leads Intel’s global sustainability initiatives including climate, energy, water, green buildings and circular economy. Currently, Todd’s organization is focused on achieving Intel’s ambitious 2030 sustainability goals and commitment to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions in Intel’s global operations by 2040. Todd’s Community Relations teams oversee local stakeholder engagement, community relations, corporate volunteerism, and sustainability at the company's major manufacturing and office locations around the globe. These locations include Arizona, California, New Mexico, Ohio, and Oregon in the United States, as well as China, Costa Rica, Germany, India, Israel, Ireland, Malaysia, and Vietnam. During his 25+ year career at Intel, Todd has represented the company in numerous public forums and led industry-wide initiatives in national and international committees. He has authored several papers in scientific journals and conference proceedings on a variety of sustainability topics. He was recognized with a lifetime achievement award by the National Association for Environmental Management (NAEM) and has been named by Scientific American as one of ten outstanding leaders involved in research, business or policy pursuits that have advanced science and technology and one of the world’s top 20 sustainability leaders by Sustainability Magazine. Todd holds a Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering from Brigham Young University and a Master of Science in Environmental Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He lives in Gilbert Arizona with his family, and in his spare time can be found running or biking the streets and trails of the Grand Canyon state. Todd Brady Joins Sustainable Nation to Discuss: Advice for approaching leadership about pre-competitive collaboration The challenges and opportunities of AI on sustainability Intel's progress toward 100% renewable electricity by 2030 Advice and recommendations for sustainability professionals Todd’s Final Five Questions Responses: What is one piece of advice you would give other sustainability professionals that might help them in their careers? Read as much as you can. Become knowledgeable, not only with your niche area, but broaden your horizons as much as you can. Learn as much as you can. Not only about sustainability, but across the business. Sometimes I've seen sustainability professionals be so passionate about whatever it is that they're working on, but they've lost sight of what the business imperatives are. So you always want to keep those two hand in hand, your sustainability focus along with the business imperative. When you can pull those two together, you're going to be the most successful. What are you most excited about right now in the world of sustainability? I'm super excited that sustainability is mainstream. I'm blown away, being in this field for almost 30 years. When I started, it was only us nerd sustainability people we're talking about. Now it's mainstream. Everyone's talking about it. Your kids are interested in it, your wife is interested in it, your book club is interested in it, as well the customers, the general public. I think we have to take full advantage of that and really drive our work with that in mind. What is one book you would recommend sustainability professionals read? I just reread Bill Gates' book on Climate (How to Avoid a Climate Disaster). If you haven't read that, I highly recommend it. It's apolitical. He's not taking a political stance. Instead he approaches it kind of like an engineer, maybe that's why I like it. I'm an engineer and it's just: here's the problem, here's the vastness of the problem. It's super challenging, we've got to get through these different areas, but here are some solutions th

    32 min
  5. Erin Hiatt - Vice President, Corporate Social Responsibility at RILA

    6 JUN

    Erin Hiatt - Vice President, Corporate Social Responsibility at RILA

    Erin is the lead for RILA’s ESG and corporate responsibility portfolio, encompassing its Diversity Equity & Inclusion, Sustainability, and Responsible Sourcing Committees, and ESG engagement activities. She organizes educational content and convenes and facilitates benchmarking discussions, resource development, and stakeholder engagement for corporate retail issue leads in each of these areas. Erin has been with RILA since 2012, serving in a variety of roles supporting and leading the association’s CSR communities. Erin serves on the International Sustainable Standards Board’s (ISSB) Technical Reference Group. Prior to joining RILA, Erin interned for two years with the Progress Energy as their EnergyWise (smart grid) Change Management and Business Processes Intern while finishing her undergraduate degrees. Erin holds Bachelors of Arts in Public Policy with Honors and French from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where she was the recipient of both the Edward Kidder Graham Chancellor’s Award and Michael A. Stegman Award for Policy Research and Advocacy as well as an inductee of the Order of the Golden Fleece. Erin Joins Sustainable Nation to Discuss: How sustainability was embedded into the work at RILA as a trade association RILA’s climate action blueprint for member companies The development of RILAs new tool to help measure scope 3 emissions in collaboration with Optera Engaging members in advocacy for climate related initiatives Advice and recommendations for sustainability professionals  Erin’s Final Five Questions Responses: What is one piece of advice you would give other sustainability professionals that might help them in their careers?  Invest in being a really good listener. I think that a lot of folks go into sustainability because they have a major passion for it, and they want to help other folks see the world and things as they do. But at the end of the day, the best communicators, the best collaborators are really good listeners, really good empathizers.  What are you most excited about right now in the world of sustainability?  I am probably biased working for a trade association, but I feel like we are entering this era of creative and widespread collaboration. We're recognizing which of these challenges are too big for an individual company to take on on their own, any individual player in the space. So it's some of the projects like the DPED database with Optera, that sort of thing where we're hearing creative ideas, we're seeing them and trying to make sure that we're elevating them and giving them space so that as many companies can collaborate in them as one. So this era of collaboration has been really exciting to see,  What is one book you would recommend sustainability professionals read?  I would say first and foremost to read whatever gives you energy and be creative first and foremost. I think that's a big part of staying sane in this space, and I see reading as an outlet to really relax and again, think creatively. I like reading Sci-Fi.  I will say I think that Alison Taylor's Higher Ground that just came out, I haven't finished it yet, but to the point about being a good communicator, there's such a focus on people and such a focus on trust in that book. I think it gets back to that communicator role and us remembering at the at the end of the day that we're trying to collaborate and work with and understand how others think and feel.  What are some of your favorite resources or tools that really help you in your work?  Two structural frameworks that have helped guide my thinking a lot are some of the pillars around design thinking and systems thinking and that question of how might we that a lot of those leverage. I think it's a really good process for again, empathizing with your user so to speak, your end consumer. What do we really want to get to? Who needs to be involved? Who can we ask? And the value of quick iteration on an idea. It

    34 min
  6. Derek Young - Vice President ESG at CBL Properties

    2 APR

    Derek Young - Vice President ESG at CBL Properties

    Derek Young is an ESG, CSR, sustainability, and communications professional with over 25 years of experience. He is recognized as a thought leader capable of working across industries, analyzing and determining needs and opportunities for risk reduction, value creation, and building and delivering strategic ESG, CSR, Sustainability programs, messaging and branding campaigns, and community and stakeholder engagement efforts. Derek has led ESG consulting for Summit Strategy Group as well as served as the in-house CSR/Sustainability leader for a number of companies, including TGI Fridays, FedEx Office and Invista Performance Surfaces & Materials. He currently leads ESG for CBL Properties, a real estate investment trust in the retail sector. CBL owns malls, lifestyle centers and outlets in 22 states with more than 59,000,000 sq feet under management.  Derek lives in Chattanooga, TN with his wife and his dog Hank. Derek Joins Sustainable Nation to Discuss: Engagement with tenants in sustainability initiatives Best practices for sharing data and fostering communication between landlord and tenant Whether the politicalization of ESG has impacted the approach to ESG at CBL or in the industry at large Advice and recommendations for sustainability professionals Derek’s Final Five Questions Responses: What is one piece of advice you would give other sustainability or ESG professionals that might help them in their careers? Learn how to speak in the language of the businesses that you operate in. In this space, it can be very easy to get sucked into the bubble of acronyms and terminology and to lose track that it has to connect to something of substance and value, and it has to be relevant to the business in which it's being delivered. If you do that efficiently and if you do that effectively, it's much easier to secure the support of the broader business and to get integrated and embedded faster and more effectively. As anybody coming into a role, particularly an in-house role, spend the time, learn how that company talks about things, learn how that business operates independent of your ESG or sustainability role, and then look for ways to merge those two things together. What are you most excited about right now in the world of sustainability? I'm really enjoying the work on climate risk. I really think that this is a window to much more robust climate action. I think that we're seeing where risk and opportunity intersect because of it, and I think it's producing more knowledgeable businesses who are able to take more substantive action. As we continue to break that risk down, whether it's physical risk or transitional risk, and look for mitigation opportunities, it's going to produce more effective companies who have better carbon management planning and decarbonization initiatives as a result. What is one book you would recommend sustainability leaders read? I just finished a book by Solitaire Townsend called The Solutionists that is absolutely outstanding. It’s a really great book that really looks at and focuses on how businesses can fix the future and how the business world can be a driver of change. What are some of your favorite resources or tools that really help you in your work? I love listening to podcasts like this one. I find that hearing it from people directly is a really efficient and effective way to pick up ideas and understand what's happening out in the world. I spend a little bit of every morning going through several of the key news sites. So whether that be GreenBiz or ESG today or the Sustainable Brands website or some of the others that are out there, just to make sure that I have a fairly well-rounded point of view on what's happening in the space. Then I look very strongly towards one-on-one interactions with colleagues and friends who I trust to make sure that we have opportunities to converse and share ideas and learn from each other on a regular basis. I have a core cohort of colleag

    30 min
  7. Norman Vossschulte - Director of Fan Experience & Sustainability at the Philadelphia Eagles

    12 MAR

    Norman Vossschulte - Director of Fan Experience & Sustainability at the Philadelphia Eagles

    Norman Vossschulte is originally from Berlin, Germany. His culturally rich background included ten years living abroad in Africa, Iraq and Spain before moving back to Germany to finish High School and College. He studied Biology and Physical Science before deciding to move to New York City in 1996 to attend the Herbert Berghof Institute for Fine Theatre Arts and Drama. Norman’s work experience is as eclectic as his upbringing. He has worked in the hotel industry, the non-profit industry, as well as both sports and entertainment industries. 25 years of practicing customer and client relations, has given him an overview of which techniques consistently enhance guest experiences. Norman has over 16 years of staff training and team leadership experience working with The Walt Disney Company and currently the Philadelphia Eagles. In 2014, Norman became the official GO GREEN spokesperson and began leading the green team for the Philadelphia Eagles. During his tenure the Eagles obtained LEED Gold certification and were the first sports team in the world to obtain ISO20121 certification. He organized and re-branded the initiative as the GO GREEN ECO Committee (Engagement, Communication, Operations) to involve the entire organization. One of the main missions of the ECO Committee is to Innovate & Sustain. The Eagles are now the first sports team to actively invest in the ocean by offsetting carbon emissions from player travel by planting sea grass. Norman Joins Sustainable Nation to Discuss: How the strong sustainability program for the Eagles began and evolved Material issues and initiatives of the Eagles’ sustainability program How the Eagles have achieved 99.9% of waste diversion The approach to engaging fans in sustainability  Ideas for making sustainability more mainstream across sports  Advice and recommendations for sustainability professionals Norman’s Final Five Questions Responses: What is one piece of advice you would give other sustainability professionals that might help them in their careers? I love this question. Sustainability professionals are at heart, a lot of the ones I meet at least, scientists. They're folks that have either studied this or are really in tune with some of the data and some of the science behind sustainability. A lot of those folks that really live and breathe sustainability every day, their language doesn't necessarily easily translate into sports because we speak the language of fans and teams. So in the sustainability sector, you have to find people that can bridge that gap and literally put into very simple terms some of these sustainability practices that you are trying to bring to a sports team. Every one of us has to figure out how we can translate a lot of this incredible sustainability language into an everyday language so that everyone will understand it and actions. Because actions have to be taken. What are you most excited about right now in the world of sustainability? I'm excited that finally it seems like everyone is talking about it. We have some of our mainstream partners that come to us now and say, “Hey, we want to work with you on sustainability.” That's exciting to me because before that, if you had a sustainability partner that was already working in the sustainability space, of course they would talk about sustainability with you, but mainstream partners necessarily didn't. My biggest excitement is Gen Z, the new generation who are now the majority in the workplace and are the ones that are really pushing this agenda. I don't want them to stop because it's important, and because it's their kids who are going to inherit this planet when a lot of these predictions about climate change are going to come true. Gen Z is really pushing this agenda because they're the consumers, they're the clients now, they're the fans. It's important to us and it's important to them and their generation. They're the information generation that loves to post on social media

    37 min
  8. Thomas Stanchak - Director of Sustainability at Stoneweg US

    9 FEB

    Thomas Stanchak - Director of Sustainability at Stoneweg US

    Thomas Stanchak is a seasoned Commercial Real Estate professional with over 20 years of diverse experience. He began his career with his current employer, Stoneweg US in 2017 as an Asset Manager, where he was responsible for overseeing operations, maximizing occupancy, and maintaining budgets for 17 assets in the Midwest region. In 2019, he was promoted to Senior Asset Manager assuming operational responsibility for more than 50% of total AUMs; where his operational leadership was hugely impactful in Stoneweg US’ ability to deliver healthy returns to its investors that year. In 2020, Tom began focusing his efforts on implementing various energy-efficient and innovative practices to his portfolio by introducing water conservation, LED lighting retrofits, and effective recycling methods that would not only incorporate sustainability, but also provide key value-add for residents. Thomas Joins Sustainable Nation to Discuss: Key material ESG issues Stoneweg focuses on Stoneweg’s approach to collecting quality data Evaluation of climate risks and opportunities including climate transition modeling How Stoneweg is preparing for electrification in the industry Thomas’ Final Five Questions Responses: What is one piece of advice you would give other sustainability professionals that might help them in their careers? Not everybody is going to agree with you, and not everybody is going to like you, but over time, I've found that if you really work hard and you really do the math around the data and reporting and linking it to finding opportunity, that's the wedge to do things at scale. What are you most excited about right now in the world of sustainability? Real time energy monitoring and being able to get responsive feedback from these sorts of technologies as we make improvements. The simple example is, as I change HVAC systems, I can actually see the difference in how the property is functioning. What is one book you would recommend sustainability leaders read? I'm thinking more about multifamily and ESG and that place because I'm sort of responsible for encompassing all of those, as many people in my place are. I bought a book called Safe and Sound, it's by a trans woman named Mercury Stardust. The reason I bought this book is that I read in an article that she is a maintenance professional at an apartment community. She wrote this book because people like her or LBGT people often have to overcome an anxiety or a fear of having people come into their homes to even do minor repairs or do services and that sort of thing. It’s a great book because it opened my mind. I have hundreds of people working in our communities. We have tens of thousands of residents. It kind of opened my mind to a perspective that some people, just to ask for their dripping faucet to be fixed, have to overcome an anxiety; will they be accepted? Will they be treated with dignity? I really found a great affinity with this. I felt like I learned something from the article when I bought the book. I think that more people should be more in tune and more focused on the people that they're trying to serve, the people that lease from you and occupy your real estate. What are some of your favorite resources or tools that really help you in your work? If everyone is not using Energy Star Portfolio Manager is nuts, because they should be using it. It's something that the DOE and the EPA are really investing in bringing to the next level. We use several softwares for physical climate risk. We use separate softwares for modeling transition risk and finding opportunities to model how our investments are going to change our carbon intensity over time. We use different software for warehousing the enormous amount of data when it comes to having a large real estate portfolio with separate funds and strategies and that sort of thing. In putting all this data together for measuring the success or the shortfall of how we're investing, how it impacts the state

    35 min


The Sustainable Nation Podcast delivers interviews with global leaders in sustainability and ESG. Our goal is to provide sustainability and ESG professionals, business leaders, academics, government officials and anyone interested in joining the sustainability revolution, with information and insights from the world's most inspiring change-makers.

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