

这档节目-目的是跨文化。 国际化的形式下,我们特别想帮助大家实现双文化视野。带你了解中西方文化差异。

  1. VOR 6 STD.


    主播:Wendi(中国)+ 梅莉(法国) 歌曲: Imagine 大家这两天应该都发现了,小红书上忽然新增了很多外国网友,他们自称为“Tik Tok refugee”or “TT refugee”(Tik Tok“难民”)。中美网友现在在小红书上有非常多搞笑的互动。 1. 小红书上的搞笑互动 There are many fun interactions. 比如,有很多网友说想要学习普通话(mandarin),然后中国网友就在评论区开始了教学。 其中有一个网友的留言非常搞笑: “Well I might not have a job next week, but we will start learning Chinese!” 小红书吸引了很多外国人学中文,and it’s very immersive(沉浸式的)。 This will be a good way for both to learn each other’s languages (学习彼此的语言)! 不过虽然小红书为中外网友提供了一个很好的学习语言的环境,但是有时候翻译不准确也会引起很多误会和笑话。 比如有外国网友问:“小红书的‘种草’是什么意思?我需要去哪里买草?” 种草 is not really planting grass but to create a desire for something—usually a product or service! There is still a lot to learn! But it’s great they’re trying to engage with Chinese culture (感受中国文化)!有些中国网友就在评论区分享一些中国美食或者中国文化。 在小红书上还有一个很好笑的现象,有一些博主are now forced to speak English during their live broadcasts(在直播带货的时候被迫要说英文),because many foreign users have joined(因为有很多外国网友加入了直播间)。 而且还有一些直播间变成了“英语角”(English corner),有些是中外网友在里面练英语,也有些是中国人在教外国人中文,it’s so funny! 2. 想无障碍沟通,这些英文网络用语了解一下 It’s not always easy to talk to foreigners online, especially when it involves Internet language or Internet slangs. 网络用语是最容易造成理解障碍的一个因素。 中国网友开始学一些外国网络用语。 比如说: btw是by the way的缩写,意思是:顺便说一句。 rizz是charisma的简写,emphasizing the quality of being attractive or persuasive in social interactions,形容一个人有吸引力或者有说服力。 smh是shaking my head的缩写,用来表达对某件失望、无奈或者无语。 3. 文化的交流、互动 It really seems like this migration to Xiaohongshu is more than just about social media. It’s creating unique cultural exchanges (创造独特的文化交流). This is very cool! Many users are learning about Chinese cuisine (中国美食) and scenery through Xiaohongshu, and some are even actively helping foreign users learn Chinese. 不过,有点搞笑的是:有的小学生让外国网友帮忙做英语作业! Work smarter not harder. There are even elementary school students asking foreign users to help them with their English homework! 更搞笑的是,these students are paying them back by sharing pictures of their pets(得到帮助的学生分享他们宠物的照片作为对外国网友的回报)。 然后,渐渐地,it’s becoming a trend of sharing their pet pictures(分享宠物照片也成了中外网友互动的趋势之一)。 Pet is also a universal language! 宠物也是一种通用的语言! 面对大量外国网友的突然涌进,的确有很多人表现出担忧,但目前看来,小红书平台is all peaceful and nice (一片祥和), and people from both countries, especially the Americans, are enjoying this cultural exchange at the moment (正在享受这种文化交流)。 And they are saying that Chinese people are really kind and really nice, and they really feel being welcomed here. 希望这种好的趋势可以lead to more positive connections and learning experiences(带动更多积极的联结和学习经历)。 这些“TikTok refugee”不仅让小红书变得更加国际化,也促进了中美网友的互动和交流。 It’s fascinating to see how global events shape our online communities.

    8 Min.
  2. VOR 3 TAGEN

    “No brainer”可不是“没脑子”? 这些英文职场“黑话”,都是什么意思?

    主播:Wendi(中国)+ Selah(美国)  歌曲: Espresso 今天的节目,我们会跟大家聊一聊英文职场“黑话”(workplace idioms)。 节目中为大家准备了很多又地道又实用的职场英语表达,满满的干货! 今天的节目我们先来聊聊开会的时候经常用到的英语表达。 1. Agenda 会议的议程 This simply means the list of topics to be discussed during a meeting. 一般是一场会议中需要讨论的一系列主题,来帮助大家stay on track(保持好的会议进展)。 例句: Before the meeting, please review the agenda so we can stay on track. 会议前,请回顾一下议程,以便我们能按计划进行。 2. Minutes 会议记录 This refers to the notes or summary of a meeting,而不是时间的“分钟”。是对会议内容的详细记录和总结。 例句: Can you share the meeting minutes with the team? 你能把会议记录共享给团队吗? 3. Wrap-up 总结/结束 Originally meaning "to pack up", in meetings it means to summarize or conclude. 在会议中表示到了结束阶段,需要总结会议内容。 例句: Let's do a quick wrap-up before we end. 在结束之前,让我们做个简短的总结。 4. Action plan 行动计划 This is the step-by-step plan for what needs to be done after the meeting. 是为达成目标而制定的详细步骤计划。 例句: Let's create an action plan to ensure we meet our deadline. 让我们制定一个行动计划来确保如期完成任务。 5. Get down to business  开始正题 This means to start focusing on the main topic. 表示言归正传,开始讨论主要议题。 例句: Let's get down to business and review the quarterly report. 让我们言归正传,审查一下季度报告。 6. On the same page 达成共识 This means to agree or have a shared understanding. 表示意见一致,想法相同。 例句: Let's make sure we're all on the same page before we present this to the client. 在向客户展示之前,让我们确保大家都达成共识。 7. No brainer  显而易见的事 This means something is very obvious or easy. 表示某事非常简单或明显,不需要过多思考。 例句: Choosing this vendor was a no brainer—they offered the best price and service. 选择这个供应商是显而易见的——他们提供了最好的价格和服务。 8. Take it offline  私下讨论 This means to discuss something privately or after the meeting. 表示会后或私下讨论某事。 例句: We're running out of time—let's take it offline. 我们时间不够了——让我们会后再讨论。 这些idioms大家可以在工作中生活中练习起来,让你的表达更地道、更准确! 欢迎大家在评论区留言,分享你在本期节目中学到的实用表达。

    7 Min.
  3. 31.12.2024


    主播:翩翩(中国)+ 梅莉(法国)  歌曲: What Makes You Beautiful(开头)+Show Me [by Audrey Assad](结尾) 上一期节目中,我们用 12 个问题一起reflect on the past year(盘点过去的一年)。今天这期是新年计划系列的第二部分——2025 年新年计划。我们同样准备了7个prompts(提示问题),let’s plan for 2025! Prompt #1 : What is your theme for 2025? 你的2025年是什么主题? 这个theme具体指the energy you want your year to represent or you want to have in your year (你希望这一年展现出的能量). 比如说to be bold and courageous(大胆一点、勇敢一点)、to go slower and heal(节奏慢一点,治愈自我)。 翩翩的theme: focus and deepen (聚焦与深耕) Prompt #2 How can I embody my theme this year? 如何体现这个主题? 具体来讲,就是怎样才能开始living this theme(把这个主题活出来), 想一想需要做什么改变才能将你的新年主题加入到你实际的生活中。 翩翩:比如我的新年主题是聚焦与深耕,那我要定下我要聚焦的项目,并且不要贪多,人一贪婪,能量和智慧都会降低。就定一个,然后每天去刻意练习。This way I can embody my theme this year. Prompt #3 How do I want to evolve in 2025? 2025年我想如何演变、进化、发展? Evolve means to grow and change. 针对这个问题,我们可以倒推思考,就是想想2025年年末的时候,你想成为什么人? This can be about habits (习惯), your personality (性格) etc. Prompt #4:What do you want to release in 2025? 什么是你想断舍离的,不带入2025年的? This can be bad habits, emotions, mindset (思维), certain relationships etc. 就是做一个结界,盘算一下,你需要释放掉哪些戕害自己的人或事。 任何不好的东西,你都可以列下来,release them。Release the bad things, 然后好福气才会进得来。 Prompt #5:What are your main goals in 2025? 2025年最主要的目标是什么? This is a step where you should really take the time to think about what goals you want to set. 你应该花时间认真思考想要设定哪些目标。而且不能贪多(3 to 5 goals),目标太多,人会be overwhelmed (被压垮),就像之前说的,人一贪婪,能量和智慧都会下降。 一旦设置好,其他所有事情都要为其让路。Make sure to prioritize them (把这些目标放在首要位置、优先处理的位置). 还有很重要的一点,就是得知道为什么定这几个作为你的年度主要目标,不能拍脑门乱定。在每个任务旁边,要写下why you want to achieve this goal (为什么要实现这个目标), and also write down how it related to you living your dream life(写下它和你所梦想的生活的关联). Have a good “why” because that’s also what is going to keep you motivated to work towards and achieve those goals when things get hard. 拥有一个明确的“理由”,当事情变得困难时,这将是激励你朝着目标努力并最终实现它们的关键。 Prompt #6:How do I want to transform myself? 我想如何转变? 依然是倒推思维,picture the version of yourself you want to become. 想像一下你理想中的自我版本是什么样的? Build new habits. 建立新的习惯。然后掌控习惯。Identify the small daily or weekly actions that can help support your transformation. 从微小的行为入手,来达成转变。For example, if you want to get fit, maybe it’s starting with 10 minutes of exercise each day and gradually increasing it. 比如,如果你想让自己变得健康,可以从每天10分钟的锻炼开始,然后逐渐增加时间。 Prompt #7:What are some things I could start doing today that would guarantee an absolutely horrible year? 有哪些事情,如果我从今天开始做,一定会让我这一年过得特别烂? 这其实是一个反向的问题,所以当我们列出来这些之后,应该问问自己,该如何避免做这些? 翩翩:staying up late (晚睡)、手机闲聊 Maelle:spending quite a lot of time in front of screens (花了太多时间在电子产品上) 这些提示问题问完之后,我们就可以break down our goals, and plan them on a quarterly, monthly, weekly and then daily basis (把我们的目标细化,并按照季度、月度、每周甚至每天的维度来进行规划). 制定新年计划是实现更好自己的重要一步。希望通过这期podcast,能够帮助你理清日常和年度计划的重点,并从中获得创造更好生活的动力。 What is your theme for 2025? 你的2025年主题是什么?欢迎在评论区与我们分享,让更多人了解你的2025计划! Happy New Year! 新年快乐!

    13 Min.
  4. 29.12.2024


    主播:翩翩(中国)+ 梅莉(法国) 歌曲: Silent Night(开头)+Cold November(结尾) 2024年临近结尾,我们一起做总结吧,reflecting on 2024 (复盘2024)。 我们总结了12个复盘问题(12 prompts),来帮助大家进行有效的反思与总结。You can journal along with us. You can use any notebook or note-taking device. 你可以用notebook,也可以用ipad或者PC之类的note-taking device,总之,welcome journal along with us! 下期节目我们会带大家一起plan for 2025, so keep an eye out for that! Now let’s start reflecting on the past year! 12个提示问题,开始复盘你的2024年。 Prompt #1 : 2024 was a year that I … 2024是我......的一年 就是总结一下,2024年是怎样的一年。 翩翩:2024 was a year that I stepped into a new chapter of my life. 是我迈入人生新篇章的一年,我当了妈妈。 (图为翩翩老师和她的宝宝) 梅莉: From my side, I would sum up(总结) my 2024 as the year of learning and getting out of my comfort zone(舒适区). Prompt #2: List all your highlights from 2024. 列出2024年的高光时刻 这个highlights,不一定是成功或者成就,all of the things that you want to remember forever(你想永远记住的那些时刻). 哪怕是一件小事情,只要你觉得重要,那就是highlights。 翩翩:There were many highlights in 2024, such as the moment I first heard my baby cry, and the moment spent with my colleagues in a small valley out of town, sipping tea, sharing stories, and singing together. 听到我的宝宝啼哭的那一刻,跟一席的同事们在外地的小山谷里,喝茶讲故事唱歌的那一刻, 以及一席进来新同事时,都是2024年的highlights。 梅莉: My highlights for this year would be my experiences abroad (国外经历), I was in Shanghai and HongKong the first part of the year (年初), I also had the chance to meet many new beautiful people (有机会认识许多新朋友), and also spent quality time with my family and friends(和家人度过了美好的时光). Prompt #3 : What worked in 2024? Work在这里的意思是见效、成功。 2024年,在哪些方面取得了成就、成功?你通过哪些strategies/techniques/things(策略、或者技巧、技能),努力之后获得了成绩? Prompt #4 : What didn’t work in 2024? 2024年哪些事情失败了? 也许,比起our wins, mistakes and failures are also things that we can celebrate and there’s so much we can learn (失败和错误其实能教会人更多). 不光成功值得庆祝,错误也值得庆祝。So celebrate making mistakes, 因为人生,不是得到,就是学到。 Prompt #5 : What did I learn in 2024? 这一年,我学到了什么? 可以是人生教训(life lessons);也可以是practical skills(实际的技能)。 Prompt #6 : How did I grow as a person in 2024? 2024年,作为一个人,我是如何成长的? 可以从new habits、new priorities(优先事项)、new perspective(视角)三方面来回顾。 New habits: 翩翩:每天做照片与文字的记录。每天做记录,感觉本来淹没在时间之海里面目模糊的日子全部都被打捞出来了。感觉很棒! 梅莉: Spending time with myself more(更多的独处时间). New priorities: 翩翩: 我现在因为要带孩子,所以健康与效率就是我的new priorities。 梅莉: Focused on prioritising myself and my personal growth(以自我及自我的发展为先). New perspective: 翩翩:“没有真相,只有角度”,所以情绪其实来源于我们的perspective, 看待问题的角度。情绪稳定,是因为角度变得更多了,理解和接纳的就更多了,生命也就更宽阔了。 Prompt #7 :What’s the single biggest bottleneck to my continued growth? 对于自我的持续成长,最大的瓶颈是什么? 翩翩:不够聚焦,导致很大的人生计划一直迟迟完不成。 找到这个biggest bottleneck之后,要追问自己我为什么不focus on removing it(集中精力除掉它)? Prompt #8 : Am I “spending” them? Or am I investing them? 我是在花费它们,还是在投资它们? 这个“它们”是指finite resources(有限的资源),比如time, energy(精力), attention(注意力)以及capital(金钱)。 产生价值的就是investing,否则就是spending。 Prompt #9: What things do I look back on most fondly, that brought me the most energy and joy? 回首这一年,有哪些人和事,带给我力量和喜悦? *people * places * habits 列出这些来之后,要追问一句:2025年,我怎样才能多做这些事,多接触这些人。 Prompt # 10 : What things do I look back on less fondly, draining my energy and weighing on me throughout the year? 回首这一年,有哪些人和事,消耗尽我的精力、给我巨大压力? * people ... * places ... * habits ... 列出这些来之后,要追问一句:2025年,我怎样才能少做这些事,少接触这些人。 Prompt # 11: What’s on my “best of ” list? 2024年度,我的最佳清单 列一列你这一年里Best of books, Best of events(参加过的最棒的活动),Best of Articles(读过最好的文章),Best of Podcasts (最佳播客),Best of Purchases(买过最棒的东西)...... Prompt # 12: What about 2024 am I most grateful for? 2024年,最感恩的人和事 这个问题很重要,给你的年度总结与反思定一个完美的基调。 Maybe you made a lot of mistakes this past year, or there were things that didn’t go the way you wanted. 也许你在过去的一年里犯了很多错误,或者有些事情没有按照你的意愿发展。这个时候,如果你能够花一些时间来数算你得到的恩典,这也是对自己灵魂的一种关照。 If you take the time to end things with gratitude, you’ll always feel better about yourself. 如果你能用感恩的心态为事情画上句号,你会对自己更加满意。就像《圣经》中的马太效应,爱都会归向不缺爱的人,福气会涌向心怀感恩的人。 再见,2024!

    17 Min.
  5. 22.12.2024


    主播:翩翩(中国)+ 梅莉(法国)  歌曲: boundaries 最近中国有一部新电影很火,叫做《好东西》,它的英文翻译很有意思,是“Herstory”。 01. The English Translation of Herstory 《好东西》的英文翻译 It is a play on the word “history”, replacing “his” with “her”. 这是一种文字游戏。The term “herstory” is used to emphasize the importance of women’s experiences and contributions (强调女性经验与贡献的重要性). 其实近年来,英语中有很多词汇和用法都在因现代文化(包括女权主义、LGBTQ+权利运动等)而发生变化。 And “herstory” is a great example. The idea is to highlight women’s narratives, rather than sticking to “history,” which some see as hinting at (暗示)“his story.” 有些人可能会觉得history是“his + story”,是男性的故事,但其实并非如此。 The word “history” comes from the Greek (希腊) word “ἱστορία (historía)”, which means “inquiry”. 这个词最初的意思是“调查”、“知识”或“询问”,其实跟男性没有什么关系。 Even though “history” itself doesn’t come from “his story,” the change is symbolic (象征性的). 这让人们更关注女性在历史中的角色。It is probably to hint that it’s about female empowerment (女性力量). 那除了“herstory”之外,英语中还有哪些因为现代文化和社会运动而改变的语言现象呢? 02. Pronouns 代词 Many people now use “they” as a singular pronoun (单数人称代词). 这个有一个文化背景要了解,就是现在在西方,尤其是美国,已经不是单一的二元分类——male和female了。There is Non-binary (非二元性别的). 非二元性别是指那些不完全认同传统男性或女性性别的人。他们的性别可能是流动的、混合的或介于两者之间。Gender fluid(性别流动)就是他们觉得自己的性别在不同情况和场合下是不同的。除此之外还有Agender(无性别)这一类,指的是那些不认同任何性别的人。 此外,还有很多其他的性别种类。所以,单数“they”被广泛用于代替“he/she”,以避免性别限定。 For example, someone left their bag here. 这里的they就是单数用法,代替 his/her。再或者:Alex said they would join us later. 这里的they就是用来描述非二元性别者。 2019年,“they”被《韦氏词典》选为年度词汇,显示其流行度。 You can see the impact of modern culture, like feminism and the LGBTQ+ rights movement, on the English language. 现代文化对于英文的影响真的是令人瞠目。 03. Changes in job titles and the use of “Ms.” 职业称呼的变化和“Ms.”的使用 像以前的“policeman”现在常说“police officer”,“fireman”也变成了“firefighter”。 Another interesting shift is in how we talk about relationships. Instead of “boyfriend” or “girlfriend,” many people say “partner” to avoid implying gender and to be more inclusive of all types of relationships. 因为“partner”适合各种类型的情侣关系,不论性别或取向。 As for the popularity of “Ms.", it’s used to replace "Miss" or "Mrs." to emphasize that a woman’s identity doesn’t depend on her marital status (强调女性身份不需要基于婚姻状态). There are so many changes that Maelle is also confused sometimes. Language mirrors cultural shifts. As people become more aware of sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, and ableism, the language has also been English adapted. 语言是活的,它也反应着当代英语世界的价值观。 So next time you see “herstory,” “they” used as a singular pronoun, “partner” instead of “girlfriend,”or “spouse” instead of “husband or wife”, remember there’s a cultural story behind it. 之后再遇见这些用法,我们可能就会明白背后的文化背景和价值取向。希望今天的播客借助电影《好东西》的英文译名,能帮助大家在学习英文时,也感受到一些文化层面的东西。 请在评论区告诉我们: 你还知道英语中有哪些类似的的语言现象呢?

    8 Min.
  6. 18.12.2024


    主播:翩翩(中国)+ 梅莉(法国)  歌曲: You Are Not Alone 01. 琼瑶的小说为什么大受欢迎? 前段时间,梅莉读到了一个新闻,“Renowned Chinese romance novelist Qiong Yao passes away at 86”(中国著名言情小说家逝世,享年86岁)。 这则新闻标题非常尊重琼瑶女士,因为它用到了一个词:renowned。 都是表示著名的,那相比较famous来说,renowned更加书面化,同时也带有一种积极、尊敬的意味,强调此人在某领域内因成就而广受赞誉。 梅莉通过新闻得知:it was suicide and she left a suicide note (遗书) addressed to (写给) her son and facebook. 这真的是一个让人痛心的事。Her works influenced so many people’s idea of love and romance. 作为一个novelist (小说家),她的影响力很大在于她的很多作品拍成影视剧了(Many of her works were adapted into movies and TV series)。 比如《还珠格格》《梅花三弄》,都是80年代人很熟悉的经典,就连打小从中国长大的梅莉都有印象,那时候everyone was talking about it。 It remained popular for decades(几十年过去,热度依然是有的). Her stories are super dramatic (很戏剧化). 因为是纯爱小说,所以角色 often have a “恋爱脑” 。They are love-obsessed. 而且琼瑶的小说语言很简单,加上戏剧冲突较多,很有吸引力。 这就是为什么她的小说容易改编成电视剧,而且很容易火,它们都是emotional(有感染力的)、accessible(易懂的),并且full of twists(情节曲折)。 02. 国外有哪些“琼瑶式”作家? ① 美国作家Nicholas Sparks He’s an influential figure in American literature (他是美国文学中一个很有影响力的人物). He’s the author of The Notebook《恋恋笔记本》. 他的作品深深影响了美国的流行文化和文学市场,跟琼瑶一样,many of his works were adapted into movies and TV series (他的很多作品改编成了影视剧)。 除了《恋恋笔记本》,他的小说Message in a Bottle《瓶中信》,A Walk to Remember《漫步记忆中》都是成人学英语、可以用来开启英文阅读的入门小说。 ② 美国非常著名的畅销小说作家Danielle Steel 斯蒂尔在美国被称作当代最持久的文学现象之一,无论是老读者还是新读者,都对她的作品充满热情。Her novels are very accessible (非常容易上手). Her novels are often focusing on emotional relationships, family dramas, and love stories (她的小说往往围绕爱情、家庭和情感纠葛展开) that readers find easy to get into. 就像琼瑶的小说一样,语言并不复杂,读者容易上手。It’s easy to get into and are very accessible. ③ 法语作家Anna Gavalda Her style might feel a bit quieter than Qiong Yao’s drama, but still very much about emotional connections between people. 她的作品可能没有那么戏剧化,但是笔触非常细腻,也是主要描写人物之间的情感联系。 琼瑶和以上举例的西方作家相比,区别就在于: Qiong Yao’s stories are very rooted in Chinese culture (植根中国文化)—family expectations, traditional values, and so on. Western romance novels might focus more on individual freedom or personal growth (更强调个人的自由与成长). But both styles are about love, heartbreak, and the emotional journey of the characters. 不管怎样,爱情题材是共通的,都是围绕爱、心碎、角色的心路历程展开描写。 Love is universal (普遍的). 不同的文化背景下,都会诞生一些代表性的爱情故事。大家可以从中学习外语,同时感受到不同国家和文化对“爱情”这个主题的不同诠释。 请留言告诉我们: 你是不是小说爱好者?有没有想推荐的作品给梅莉呢?

    8 Min.
  7. 11.12.2024

    2024年度热词出炉啦!Brat, Manifest都是什么意思...

    主播:Flora(中国)+ Erin(美国)  歌曲: Forget Me Nots Today, we’re talking about a topic that’s always fascinating (有吸引力的): the Words of the Year (年度热词) chosen by major English dictionaries (各大英语词典). It's already December now. 每到年末的时候各大媒体都会公布自己的“Word of the Year”。These words capture the mood, trends (趋势), and even social challenges (社会挑战) of the past year. How a single word can capture the mood (捕捉情绪) of an entire year, or why certain words suddenly dominate conversations across the globe? We’ll mainly explore Collins’ and Cambridge’s Words of the Year (柯林斯和剑桥词典的年度最佳词汇) for 2024, along with some shortlisted words (入围词汇).  01. Collins’ Word of the Year: brat 柯林斯词典年度热词——“brat” Here is the definition of 'brat' from the Collins Dictionary: 如果你叫一个人“brat”,那说明你觉得他表现非常不好or he or she annoys you(让你生气)。 Collins chose brat as their Word of the Year, but not in the way we might expect (并不是以我们可能预料的那种方式). Traditionally, “brat” was a pretty negative term (贬义词). It’s pretty much the equivalent of the Chinese term “熊孩子”. However, in 2024, brat got a glow-up. 现在“brat”用来形容一个人:confident(自信),independent(独立),甚至是形容someone with a hedonistic attitude(有享乐主义的人)。 How did this happen? It started online. Social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram popularized (使流行) the term during the summer because of an album called “Brat” by Charli XCX (因为Charli XCX的一张专辑). People began celebrating what they called “brat energy (能量)” , which is all about embracing personal freedom and indulgence (享受). It’s the opposite of self-denial or rigid discipline (与自我克制和严格的纪律相反). It’s interesting how a word with such a negative connotation (带有如此负面含义的词) has been reclaimed (被重新定义) and given this empowering twist (变化). 在一些语境下(In some contexts),现在叫一个人“Brat”已经是对他的夸奖了(it’s a compliment)。 “This is so brat coded.” “Coded” is a slang term (俚语). 它表示强调一种vibe(氛围)或者行为。所以“This is so brat coded.”我们可以理解为“这真的很brat!” 比如,当一个人表现得很sassy(自信又时髦),carefree(无忧无虑)or even a little cheeky(厚脸皮),you could compliment them by saying:“You are so brat coded.” So, it’s no longer a bad thing to “be a brat”! Instead, it reflects this generation’s focus on enjoying life and rejecting unnecessary societal constraints (拒绝不必要的社会限制). “Bratsummer” 一些人用“bratsummer”形容人live unapologetically(没有歉意地活着),在夏天拥抱自己的playful or confident side(顽皮又自信的一面)。 And if we can have bratsummer, then why not bratwinter? Imagine someone rocking their sassiest outfits, sipping hot cocoa (喝着热可可), and living their best life by staying true to themselves (忠于自己), even when it’s freezing outside (即使外面天寒地冻). Whether it’s summer, winter, or any season, the whole brat vibe is about living boldly (大胆地), unapologetically, and embracing whatever makes you feel most you (拥抱一切让你感到最真实自我的东西). Some criticism一些批评 当然,有些人会criticize this mindset(批评这种心态)觉得这有些自私(selfish)or even a little indulgent(放纵)。 But honestly, it is really about balance. It’s not about being selfish or disregarding others (不是自私或无视他人)—it’s about prioritizing (优先) your happiness in a healthy way. It’s like saying, “Hey, I deserve to enjoy my life and be unapologetically me, as long as (只要) I’m not hurting anyone.” So, this mindset can be empowering. 它鼓励人们主动放弃一些unnecessary guilt (不必要的愧疚) or societal pressures (社会压力) and focus on living authentically (真实生活)。 Everyone deserves their brat era! 02. Cambridge’s Word of the Year: manifest 剑桥词典年度热词:“manifest” Here is the definition of “manifest” from the Cambridge Dictionary: In Chinese, it means “清楚地显示,显现”. Traditionally, it means to show something clearly, like evidence or emotion. But in recent years, it’s taken on a new meaning: That means to imagine achieving something you want will make it more likely to happen (想象自己实现某件事会让它更有可能成为现实). 有点像中文里的“念念不忘必有回响”。 所以当你听到有athletes (运动员)、一些有影响力的人说“I manifested this success.”他们并不是在说他们是通过自己的hard work(努力)实现了成功,而是强调mental focus (心理专注) and positive thinking (积极思考)的作用。 It reflects how people are blending mindset techniques with their everyday goals (将思维方式技巧与日常目标相结合). 比如,如果你终于花了几个月时间得到了你梦寐以求的工作,你可以说:“I spent months manifesting my dream job, and now it’s finally happened.”如果是终于实现了一次期待已久的旅行,你可以说:“I’ve been manifesting this vacation for so long, it feels like a dream.” The rise of self-help culture 自我提升文化的兴起 This word resonates with the rise of self-help culture and the belief that mindset shapes outcomes (心态塑造结果的信念). 其实 self-help culture就是平时我们看到的教大家如何更好地生活、如何赚钱、或者提升心理健康的视频。那么“manifest”无非就是强调了乐观的心态(optimism)对结果的作用。It’s interesting how the concept combines optimism with action. A warning (警告) against manifesting Professor Sander van der Linden of psychology at Cambridge University warned against manifesting. It may lead people to overlook realistic challenges (忽视现实中的挑战) or the need for practical steps (采取实际措施的必要性). It’s a thought-provoking perspective (发人深省的观点). It’s easy to get caught up in (陷入) the idea that just thinking positively is enough. But without action, it feels kind of hollow (空洞). Manifesting alone can’t guarantee success. It’s like hoping to pass an exam without studying. Positive thinking should inspire action, not replace it (积极的思考应该激发行动,而不是取代它). Erin guesses another issue is how people might blame themselves if things don’t work out. Like, “Oh, I must not have manifested hard enough.” It’s kind of ironic (有点讽刺). Manifesting is supposed to reduce stress, but if taken too far, it could actually do the opposite.  So, finding a balance is key. 03. Cultural significance of words of the year 年度热词的文化意义 “Brat” reflects a focus on individuality and hedonism, while “manifest” speaks to self-empowerment (自强) through mindset. 年度热词“brat”和“manifest”都体现了身份认同 (personal identity),自我表达(self-expression)和心理健康(mental health)在文化交流中的地位和作用。It’s really interesting to see how language evolves with culture (语言是如何随文化而演变的). 节目最后和大家分享两个shortlisted words(入围年度热词的词)。 delulu For example: “I’m totally delulu about marrying my celebrity crush.” 我完全怎么样和我暗恋的明星结婚。That’s intriguing. 大家可以猜一下这里的delulu 是什么意思。 romantasy It feels like a mix between 'romance' and something else. Romantasy是"romance"和另一个词的合体,大家可以猜一下另一个词是什么。 Whether you’re manifesting success or embracing your inner brat, we hope you’ve enjoyed learning about this year’s hottest words. 请留言告诉我们: What other Words of the Year would you like us to dive into (你还想听我们聊哪些年度热词)? And which one is your favorite (哪一个是你最喜欢的)?

    15 Min.
  8. 08.12.2024


    主播:Wendi(中国)+Erin(美国)  歌曲: Imagine 01. 中国“春节”申遗成功了! China’s Spring Festival has officially been inscribed on UNESCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity list. 中国春节已被正式列入联合国教科文组织人类非物质文化遗产名录。 This announcement was made on December 4, 2024, during the 19th session of UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Committee in Asunción, Paraguay. Spring Festival is now globally recognized (被全球公认) as a cultural treasure (文化宝藏), and it’s the 44th Chinese item to be listed, putting China in first place (第一) worldwide for the number of heritage items (遗产项目).  The term “intangible cultural heritage” (非物质文化遗产) in English refers to traditions, practices, and expressions passed down through generations (代代相传). The word intangible (无形的) means “not physical” or “not material”, and its opposite is tangible (有形的、可触摸的), like in “tangible assets (有形资产)”.  The news is making waves. 消息一出立刻引起轰动。 For example, Global Times《环球时报》 ran the headline: "China's Spring Festival inscribed as UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity."  《环球时报》的标题运用了inscribe这个词,这个词让人感觉“春节”不仅是被列入了非遗名单,还有一种被刻在了人类文明的史册中的隆重感。That’s a powerful title. And it’s not just about the celebration—it’s about the deep cultural and historical significance behind it. 申遗成功的Spring Festival不仅仅是这个节日本身,还包括它背后深刻的文化和历史意义,比如它所涵盖的很多习俗和民族文化。 02. “春节”申遗成功对中国以及全球意味深远 A lot of people in the world are no strangers to the Spring Festival. It is the culture and customs behind that truly matters and perhaps can now be better understood by more people abroad (其背后的文化和习俗现在被更多的海外人更好地理解). It’s a recognition (认可) of the rich cultural and historical value (丰富的文化价值和历史价值) of Spring Festival. As Professor Xiao Fang(萧放) from Beijing Normal University (北京师范大学) explained, Spring Festival is a time of emotional connection (情感连接), honoring ancestors (纪念祖先), and celebrating the renewal of time (庆祝万象更新). It reflects family, social, and natural ethics—all tied together in one grand festival (它反映的是家庭、社会和自然伦理都在这个盛大的节日联结在一起).  萧教授强调,it’s a festival of peace and harmony (这是一个和平、祥和的节日)。It’s not just about personal joy but also about sharing values with the world (向世界传递和平、祥和的价值观). Because some of these values, like the connection of family, are naturally and universally shared by humans. With globalization (全球化), Spring Festival is becoming even more influential (更有影响力). Over one-fifth of the world’s population celebrates Lunar New Year in some form (世界上有超过五分之一的人会庆祝春节).   03. 中国和美国过新年有什么不同? 在中国,春节几乎都是关于family reunions (家人团聚), festive meals, and traditions like red envelopes (红包), fireworks, and temple fairs (庙会). It’s a time to honor the past and welcome the future (是一个辞旧迎新的时刻). 在这个时候,all your families come back, and everything and everyone slow down (慢下来) to just enjoy the pure happiness (纯粹的幸福)。 而在美国,New Year is more about partying and making resolutions (制定新年决心). People gather in Times Square (时代广场) or watch fireworks, but it’s not as family-oriented (以家庭为中心的) as Spring Festival.  美国的新年的概念一般是指元旦。Christmas is more comparable to the Spring Festival (圣诞节更像是春节), because it’s also a mark of time and values the reunion of family. 一些美国人庆祝春节更多的会eat dumplings, make paper lanterns(做纸灯笼), or watch dragon dances(看舞龙)。Erin上的一些课程would have all the students participate in paper cutting(会让所有的学生都参加剪纸活动)。 Erin在美国生活已经很多年了,对她来说,celebrating the Spring Festival overseas always feels like connecting both of her cultures(在海外庆祝春节总是感觉像是在连接她的两种文化).   04. 为什么文化遗产在全球化的时代很重要? When a tradition becomes part of UNESCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity list, it’s not just a title. It’s a call to protect and celebrate these practices as treasures that belong to all humankind. Take yoga from India (印度的瑜伽) or flamenco from Spain (西班牙的弗拉明戈舞)—both are vibrant (充满生机的) traditions that have been passed down through generations. When they were recognized by UNESCO, it not only boosted pride in their countries of origin (增强了对自己国家和地区的自豪感) but also encouraged people worldwide to engage with and appreciate them (尝试并欣赏它们).  It’s a reminder (提醒) that globalization doesn’t mean cultural absorption (全球化并不意味着文化的同化). Instead, it gives us the chance to share, learn from, and preserve unique traditions (保留独特的传统). Spring Festival is a perfect example—it started as a deeply Chinese tradition but has now become a global celebration.  It’s also a reminder that traditions can evolve (传统也可以“进化”). For instance, in the U.S., Erin has seen Spring Festival celebrated with fusion (融合) events—like Chinese New Year parades featuring samba dancers in Brazil (在巴西有桑巴舞主题的新年游行) or dim sum-inspired pop-ups in London (在伦敦有以广东早茶为主题的快闪店).  dim sum 粤式点心 pop-ups 快闪店/餐厅 At the same time, recognition (对文化的认同) like this helps us remember to protect these traditions in their original forms (以原本的形式). It’s easy to lose cultural roots(丢掉文化的根) when adapting to modern lifestyles (适应现代生活方式). That’s where initiatives like UNESCO’s list play a crucial role (关键作用)—they encourage us to preserve traditions in their authentic, unaltered states (在它们正宗的,不被改变的状态下) while still sharing them with the world.  And as we mentioned earlier, there are now 44 Chinese practices on UNESCO’s list. It’s not just about celebrating the Spring Festival—it’s about embracing a shared responsibility (承担共同的责任) to protect the diversity and richness of human culture (人类文化的多样性和丰富性).  Whether it’s storytelling, festivals, music, or food, each tradition has a story to tell. And every time we celebrate, participate, or even just learn about a tradition, we help keep that story alive for future generations (让这个故事带有生命力地留给子孙后代).  请留言告诉我们: What traditions from your culture do you cherish? Are there any you’d love to see recognized or preserved on a global scale? 你的文化中有哪些传统是你所珍视的?有哪些是你想让全球认可或保留的吗?

    12 Min.

Moderation und Gäste


这档节目-目的是跨文化。 国际化的形式下,我们特别想帮助大家实现双文化视野。带你了解中西方文化差异。

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