Joseph Z Podcast

Joseph Z
Podcast Joseph Z Podcast

Author, Broadcaster, Prophetic Voice

  1. What Is Coming Next! | Prophecy Live

    VOR 16 STD.

    What Is Coming Next! | Prophecy Live

    In today’s prophetic broadcast, Joseph Z reveals what to expect in the coming years. He leads us to the Book of Matthew 24:15-20 to remind us of God’s warning about the end times. He also makes us understand that we can hasten the Lord’s coming because He allows us to see certain things so that we can participate in turning things around. Like the sons of Issachar, we’re expected to discern the signs of the times, what to do about it, and align with the right tribe to achieve it.  Learn more about Z Ministries by following the link below:  Next, Joseph asserts that mature believers, who will stand up to darkness against all odds are needed now. He also revisits the events God showed him at the beginning of the year and what to expect in the coming years. He urges that we quit loving ourselves and channel our love to God as God’s word in Revelation 12:11 says, “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death”. Reassuringly, he urges us not to be afraid for God is with us while reminding us that this year is a do-over year, and God gives us a do-over not to repeat the last tragedy; for the battle is not over until we win.  Furthermore, he insists that we will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living, thus, we must rise to the occasion to push back against darkness. He further reminds us that the US will go through a time of darkness, and a storm with a shelter in the middle of it where everyone who runs to it will be saved. He then concludes with a prayer against the spirit of fatigue, rebuking it in the name of Jesus.  Timestamps: 0:00 Introduction 04:47 Matthew 24:15-20 08:06 1 Chronicles 12:32: Sons of Issachar 11:35 Mature Believers 15:23 The Year’s Prophetic Timeline 20:20 Joseph’s Vision of Trump & Kamala 21:45 Nineveh or Fire? 27:53 The US Downtime: The Storm & Shelter 32:01 Conclusion September 17, 2024

    36 Min.

    VOR 16 STD.


    In today’s prophetic live broadcast, Joseph Z explains the ideology of eternity past, and future. He explains eschatology, disclosing that the coming of Jesus started a segment of time known as the church age, the age of grace, or the last days. Also, he clarifies that there will be a catching away of the saints at the appointed time, followed by a seven-year period of time known as the Great Tribulation. This will lead to the BEMA judgment and the marriage supper of the lamb, followed by the battle of Armageddon, and the second coming of our Lord Jesus. Interestingly, after Christ defeats the evil in the world, God will send fire from heaven followed by the great white throne judgment, eventually making way for the New heaven and the new earth.  Learn more about Z Ministries by following the link below:  Next, Joseph reminds us that the gates of hell can not overcome the body of Christ(Ecclesia) and that Jesus' blood is stronger than an animal's blood. He informs us that we must act as a church and engage in intercession that pummels the kingdom of darkness to its knees; for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for the pulling down of strongholds. He further informs us that it’s the church’s responsibility to stand up to Goliath the way David did because the prayers of the saints can change things.  Timestamps: 0:00 Introduction 02:16 Eternity Future: The Great Tribulation 07:24 What is the Role of the Church? 10:23 A Great Time of Conflict 16:29 The Lion, the Bear & Goliath 18:02 Conclusion September 16, 2024

    24 Min.
  3. NO LIMITS Q&A with Rick & Denise Renner & Joel Renner!

    VOR 1 TAG

    NO LIMITS Q&A with Rick & Denise Renner & Joel Renner!

    “Christ bore your sicknesses just as he did your sins”. In today’s No Limit Q&A session, Joseph Z is in the studio with special guests. They address concerns surrounding false prophets, forgiveness, last-day judgment, and what is considered a lukewarm church. They frown at how false prophets use people’s misfortune for their popularity, urging the guilty parties to desist from bringing such shame to the body of Christ. Rick responds to concerns about forgiveness, revealing that Christ forgives us without flaunting our sins before us and we should do that to one another.  Learn more about Z Ministries by following the link below:  Again, we’re also led to understand that a complaint not channeled to the right place is mere gossip, therefore, we’re advised not to talk about problems we can not fix. Rick also addresses the misconception about judgment on the last day, revealing that we will be judged for what we do in the present and not what we’ve done in the past.  Additionally, Joe points out that the best way to protect our hearts from offense is to avoid people who cause us pain without remorse. Once again, Rick cautions against bitterness and unforgiveness, for they are vices that can destroy our lives. On the other hand, Denice shares her experience as a minister of God, and when she began to witness the miracles of God through her. She also makes us realize that Christ bore our sicknesses just as he did our sins. Rick further addresses the concern about Christ spitting lukewarm churches out of His mouth, explaining that it doesn’t mean the church will lose their salvation but a way of Christ pointing out their backwardness and the failure in being who He has called them to be.  Timestamps: 0:00 Introduction 08:39 Understanding Forgiveness 14:22 Complaints & Gossip: What You Need to Know 15:30 The Judgment Day: What You Need to Know 17:29 Gard Your Heart With All Diligence 24:19 The Miracle Power of God 26:27 Jesus is Your Healer 37:31 What is a Lukewarm Church 44:30 Conclusion September 14, 2024

    54 Min.


Author, Broadcaster, Prophetic Voice

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