MyLife: Chassidus Applied

Rabbi Simon Jacobson
Podcast de MyLife: Chassidus Applied

MyLife: Chassidus Applied Podcast by Simon Jacobson addresses the personal and emotional needs of our community by answering the most pressing questions of our lives -- from the perspective of Chassidic thought. The podcast demonstrates how the Torah provides us with a comprehensive blueprint of the human psyche as a microcosm of the cosmos, and offers us all the guidance we need to live the healthiest possible life and build nurturing homes and families, bringing up the healthiest possible children, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually. Get unlimited free downloads of MP3 recordings o

  1. 9 SEPT

    Ep. 512: How Do We Respond to Arguments Claiming That Jews Are Racists?

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics:How does Elul empower us today?   How can we ensure that the 13 Divine attributes of compassion radiating this month manifest in our collective and personal lives – in helping secure the release of the hostages, in bringing us blessings in our livelihood, health, children etc.?  Should we buy lottery tickets this month?  What accounting (cheshbon ha’nefesh) should we be doing during this month?   Is Elul initiated from above or from below?  Why is it the “king” and not the “queen” in the field?  Is everything in Judaism centered around men?  How does the Alter Rebbe’s example relate to our times when kings don’t go out into the field?  Should leaders be going out into the “field”?  Why do we blow shofar every day in Elul in preparation for Rosh Hashana and don’t eat matzah every day for a month in preparation for Pesach?  Why do we pray at a tzaddik’s resting place during this month?  How is this reconciled with the prohibition of “praying to the deceased”?  What does the opening verse teach us about how to fight today's war?  What is its connection to Elul?  Do the laws of capturing enemy women apply today?  Why is the mitzvah of shiluach ha’kan related only in the book of Devarim?  What is it about Amalek that makes them our long-standing arch enemy?   How do we respond to arguments claiming that Jews are racists?  Why are Jews called the “chosen people”?  What is the Jewish view of non-Jews?  What do we learn from Parshas Ki Teitzei? Does Jewish supremacy have any basis?

    1 h y 6 min
  2. 3 SEPT

    Ep. 511: Enlisting in the IDF How should we defend ourselves from antisemitic attacks? 

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics:What does the month of Elul teach us today?   How Elul empowers us with strength in threatening times?  Which names describe the month of Elul?  What is the meaning of the “king is in the field”?  What specific things should we be doing during this month?  What unique power and energy does this month have?  What is its historical background?  60 Days: A Spiritual Guide to the High Holidays  Is this month an opportune time for receiving blessings to have children?  What can prospective parents do during this time to manifest these blessings?  How is this month connected with the geulah?  Who initiates the effort in this month – we or G-d?  What is the meaning of ani l’dodi v’dodi li?  What responsibility do we have in these times of challenge and war?  Would it be wrong and considered a lack of emunah to move into a bunker for the next few years and come out after the wars end?  After the great divine revelation at Sinai how could the people commit the worst sin of idolatry?  Should we be concerned that the revelation of Moshiach could also bring such a downfall?  What is the practical application of appointing judges and law enforcers?  What is its connection to Elul?  Are we allowed to cut down fruit bearing trees in Gaza?  Are we allowed to use mediums to foresee the future?  What then was the function of the urim v'tumim?  Should anyone be exempt from joining the military?  Do the reservists have the right to not return to battle?  Is there any justification for Charedim not participating in the war?  Should we carry guns?  Who should we vote for?  What can I do about my husband being consumed by football?  What are our priorities in life?  How does that impact our children?  What do we learn from Parshas Shoftim? Enlisting in the IDF How should we defend ourselves from antisemitic attacks? Presidential Election What should our attitude to sports be?

    1 h y 6 min
  3. 28 AGO

    Ep. 510: Will War in Israel Ever End?

    MyLife Chassidus Applied: Where YOUR questions are answered Donate now: For recording visit the archive page or your favorite podcast carrier. Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics: Will war in Israel ever end? 01:34 • How should we react to the latest events in Northern Israel and Lebanon? 08:27 • What can we do? 09:30 • Did the prophets predict today’s war? 11:14 What does the transition from Av to Elul teach us today? 17:24 • How do these months empower us to turn challenges into opportunities and growth? 17:37 • Where do we see today the transformation of darkness to light? • Is a known adversary during the riots in Crown Heights in 1991 now supporting Israel? How do we bring light and truth into a world full of lies? • How do we overcome the appalling lies being propagated today? How can we not be disheartened and depressed by it all? • What can we do to advance the truth? • Does light automatically dispel all types of darkness, including the darkness of a “black hole” for example? • What are ways to find faith, healing and strength? • Can we lie to protect ourselves? • How can people so blatantly lie about the Jews stealing Israel from the Arabs? What is the difference between faith and imagination? • How can we turn the dream of Moshiach into a reality? What do we learn from Parshas Re’eh? • What is the significance of Re’eh – to see? • What is the opposite of blessing called a gift? • What is the deeper meaning of the ceremony that took place on Mt. Gerizim and Mt. Ebal? • Why must an idolatrous city be destroyed? Does that apply today? Chof Av – 80 years • What can we learn from Reb Levi Yitzchak about our times? • Please share a relevant Torah from the Baal Ha’hilula Reader’s comments • Do you use a different Hebrew dialectic?

    1 h y 8 min
  4. 19 AGO

    Ep. 509: What Can We Do to Wake Up People Who Have Been Brainwashed by a False Narrative?

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics:What does the 15th of Av teach us today?   How does the cycle from destruction to rebuilding help us navigate the extremes in our times?   Why is this day such a great holiday, comparable to Yom Kippur?  How do we reconcile the great holiday of the 15th of Av with the rule that we must diminish in joy when the month of Av arrives?  Why did we break the axes on this day, and not just put them away to be used the next year?  I don’t see the Beis Hamikdash on Shabbos Chazon. What am I doing wrong?  Who will build the Third Temple?  How is this parsha connected to Moshiach?  Why is the time before Moshiach called “ikvesa d’meshicha”?  Should we be concerned that our lack of unity may negatively impact today’s events?  What can we do to increase unity?  How can we help steer Muslim fundamentalists to change course and live peacefully with their neighbors, as the Christians ultimately learned to do after centuries of aggression?   Before Moshiach’s coming do we need to endure difficulties?  What can we do to wake up people who have been brainwashed by a false alternative narrative?  Can we use recent events – the recent plot to attack a popular music concert; Iran’s ludicrous accusations against Israel – to help bring clarity to those that have been indoctrinated?  Why don’t you endorse a political party? Follow-up  If Moshiach comes now will there still be a presidential election?  What do we learn from Parshas Eikev? War in Israel Presidential Election

    1 h y 5 min
  5. 12 AGO

    Ep. 508: What Does Tisha B’Av Teach Us Today? Is Israel Still the Safest Place on Earth?

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics:What does Tisha B’Av teach us today?    How does it empower us in difficult times?  What is its psychological application?  How do these days, and the general Jewish calendar, reflect the cycles of life?  Why are different prayers designated to different times of the year?  How do we explain Rabbi Akiva laughing when he saw destruction?  Is it appropriate for a family not to celebrate a child’s birthday in the month of Av?  Is someone born during this time of year destined to negative experiences, G-d forbid?  Why do we fast?  When was Moshiach born?  What is the connection between the sin of the scouts and the destruction of the Temple?  What was the difference between the sins that caused the destruction of the first and second Temples?   Why was baseless hatred the primary cause for the Temple’s destruction?  What can we do to increase unity?  Why does lashon hara affect the one spoken about?  How far are we from Moshiach’s coming?  What is a practical example of shtus d'kedusha that we can do today that can tip the scales and bring Moshiach?  How are we comforted by this Shabbos?  Why do we need Shabbo Nachamu after we were already shown the Beis HaMikdash on Shabbos Chazon?  Why did Hashem allow Moshe to pray 515 times but not a 516th time?  What is the purpose of Sefer Devarim?  Can we still say that Israel is the safest place on earth?   Why don’t you openly come out against the current democratic party? Follow-up  Thank you  What do we learn from Shabbos Nachamu and Parshas Va’etchanan? War in Israel Presidential Election Reader’s comments

    1 h y 12 min
  6. 5 AGO

    Ep. 507: Should We Be Afraid of Our Enemies Threatening Us?

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics:What do the Nine Days teach us today?    What is the Rebbe’s unique approach to this saddest time of the year?  How does this period help us face challenges?  How does Rosh Chodesh Av empower us?  Can we expect that the sadness of this period will be transformed to joy?  Should we be afraid of our enemies threatening us?  What is the best way to fight our enemies?  What can we learn from this assassination in Tehran, in a private place?  Are we allowed to celebrate the deaths of our enemies?  Can we desecrate their graves?   What does the Torah say about offense being the best defense?   What should be our reaction to Israeli soldiers being arrested for abusing Hamas terrorists?  Why do we have an enemy that wants to destroy us in every generation?  Why isn't there greater emphasis on fighting radical Islam and its mandate to take over the world?  Did the Rebbe comment on the Islamic Revolution and Khomeini?  Should we start buying property now in Israel?  Why are we not doing more to unite Jews?  What should be our attitude to Jewish antisemites?  Why don’t you openly come out against the current democratic party?  How should we address the current crisis following the assassination of prominent terrorist leaders? Is it wise to assassinate the enemy’s leaders? War in Israel Jewish Unity Presidential Election Sholom Bayis: How do you distinguish between healthy compromise and becoming a “doormat”? What is the significance of Shabbos Chazon?

    1 h y 10 min
  7. 29 JUL

    Ep. 506: Should We Be Concerned About Kamala Harris Becoming President?

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics:What do the Three Weeks teach us today?    How does this time period help us get through challenges?  Can we connect the latest tragic rocket attack killing 12 children and teens to this time of year?  Who is the destructive angel Ketev Meriri that is unleashed during the three weeks, and what can we do to protect ourselves from him?  Can we expect that the sadness of this period will be transformed to joy as the joy of Simchat Torah was transformed to tears on October 7th?  What is unique about the three Shabbosim of the Three Weeks?  Does fear of G-d include trembling?   What is the meaning of Matos and Masei, and what is the significance of their coming together?  Is Judaism rigid or fluid?  How do these Torah chapters empower us in the Three Weeks?  Are those living comfortably outside of Israel like the tribes of Reuven, Gad and half of Menashe?   What can we learn from this parsha about taking booty from Gaza?  What is the significance of the cities of refuge?  Why does the exile of an inadvertent killer end with the death of the High Priest?  Why did the mothers of the High Priests bring food to the exiles?  How can the prayer of the exiles possibly cause or prevent the High Priest from dying?  Are the Houthi terrorists associated with the Hittites, one of the seven Canaanite nations?  Is our current political turmoil a sign of Moshiach’s coming?  Should we be concerned about Kamala Harris becoming president due to her support of anti-Israel voices?   What do we learn from Parshas Matos-Masei?  War in Israel Presidential Election What are your thoughts about the recent losses of prominent Chabad leaders?

    59 min

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MyLife: Chassidus Applied Podcast by Simon Jacobson addresses the personal and emotional needs of our community by answering the most pressing questions of our lives -- from the perspective of Chassidic thought. The podcast demonstrates how the Torah provides us with a comprehensive blueprint of the human psyche as a microcosm of the cosmos, and offers us all the guidance we need to live the healthiest possible life and build nurturing homes and families, bringing up the healthiest possible children, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually. Get unlimited free downloads of MP3 recordings o

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