Eco Radio KC

KKFI 90.1 FM Kansas City Community Radio
Podcast Eco Radio KC

EcoRadio KC explores our interdependence with the rest of the world, showing the connections between the ways we choose to live and the health of the whole community of life. As a result, we plan to cover a wide range of topics, including local & regenerative agriculture, energy conservation & efficiency, justice, eco-villages, alternative medicine, indigenous peoples, clean energy, local food systems, biofuels, the need for multicultural participation in social change, global warming & climate disruption, extinction, green building and chemistry, and consumerism.

  1. 1 SEPT.


    Thanks for listening to EcoRadio KC! We bring you vital information underserved or ignored by mainstream media. We are supported by listeners who share our mission. EcoRadio KC is glad to encourage awareness and protection of our world.  Our goal is to ensure our listeners are aware of how we can create a sustainable present for a sustainable future! It will take us all to make the world safe for habitation for millennia to come. On today’s show, host Richard Mabion and his co-host Richard Gutowski will recap the recent hours they have broadcast concerning community connections.  There is no doubt this is an appropriate topic for EcoRadio KC.  After all, what does “ecology” mean? Ecology is the study of the relationships between living organisms, including humans, and their physical environment; it seeks to understand the vital connections between plants and animals, including humans, and the world around them. What do neighborhoods mean to us? A neighborhood is an area where people live and interact with one another.  Neighborhoods tend to have their own identity, or "feel" based on the people who live there and the places nearby. Residents may have similar types of families, incomes, and education levels. Neighborhoods can include restaurants, bookstores, and parks. Neighborhoods often have fuzzy geographical boundaries, so sometimes it's difficult to tell where one starts and another ends. Neighborhood residents generally have similar incomes, as well as similar social characteristics such as education level, housing preference, and sense of public order. Sometimes, the dominant ethnicity in a neighborhood defines its character. When people band together in this way, it strengthens their sense of community and preserves cultural traditions. This will be a great radio hour! “The whole world is one neighborhood.”  Franklin D. Roosevelt

    1 h 2 min
  2. 26 AOÛT


    Thanks for listening to EcoRadio KC! We bring you vital information underserved or ignored by mainstream media. We are supported by listeners who share our mission. EcoRadio KC is glad to encourage awareness and protection of our world.  Our goal is to ensure our listeners are aware of how we can create a sustainable present for a sustainable future! It will take us all to make the world safe for habitation for millennia to come. On today’s show, we have more of the Aunt Lainie’s Kitchen, a podcast created by Lainie Renee, a volunteer with KKFI.  Food is connection and we are broadcasting during the dinner time - what a perfect fit! During this hour, host Lainie Renee will interview Amanda West of Let's Dine Local and Erin Erdman of Downtown Liberty Farmer's Market. Lainie exhibits the kind of interest any food lover will recognize.  She leads a lively discussion on that topic near to our hearts - WHAT’S TO EAT?  Aunt Lainie’s Kitchen talks about places to find food in our area and ways to prepare food to create delightful meals. Food, and food television, is a comfort for us all.  In a time of increasing stress from climate change, we need comfort!  Let’s celebrate a good thing in life, glorious food.  We’ll talk about it, think about it, learn about it and hopefully translate this information into three meals a day, starting with this dinner, when EcoRadio KC is broadcast. The perfect recipe for your worries, Aunt Lainie’s Kitchen podcast will tell how to make do with what you have or where to find what you want.   You can find Aunt Lainie’s Kitchen podcast wherever you obtain podcasts.   Soon we’ll be the fed ones! Please listen to learn how. This will be a great radio hour! “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can about the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.”    Margaret Mead

    60 min
  3. 18 AOÛT


    Thanks for listening to EcoRadio KC! We bring you vital information underserved or ignored by mainstream media. We are supported by listeners who share our mission. EcoRadio KC is glad to encourage awareness and protection of our world.  Our goal is to ensure our listeners are aware of how we can create a sustainable present for a sustainable future! It will take us all to make the world safe for habitation for millennia to come. On today’s show, host Richard Mabion and his guest host, Rich Gutowski, speak with Jeffrey Severin, Senior Program Manager for Heartland Environmental Justice Center. Communities are currently dealing with the negative effects of the impacts of global energy increase and pollution. You know what you need to bring transformational change to your community. However, it can be challenging to access the opportunities and resources that make those solutions possible. The Heartland Environmental Justice Center is a resource that can help. The Center offers free support for grassroots organizations in a five-state area and adjoining tribal nations to help you make your communities safer, healthier, and greener. They are excited to share their thoughts and insights with you on environmental and energy justice topics across our region. They can provide updates and news stories regarding local environmental justice projects, opportunities and events. We hope you find this radio hour informative and helpful. Please listen to learn how we can work together. This will be a great radio hour! “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can about the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.”    Margaret Mead

    1 h 0 min
  4. 11 AOÛT


    Thanks for listening to EcoRadio KC! We bring you vital information underserved or ignored by mainstream media. We are supported by listeners who share our mission. EcoRadio KC is glad to encourage awareness and protection of our world.  Our goal is to ensure our listeners are aware of how we can create a sustainable present for a sustainable future! It will take us all to make the world safe for habitation for millennia to come. On today’s show, host Brent Ragsdale will speak Dr. Jennifer Ifft, Agricultural Economics Department Associate Professor, Flinchbaugh Agricultural Policy Chair at Kansas State University.  She has an integrated research and extension program that covers policy and regulatory issues that affect the viability of U.S. and Kansas agriculture. Her current projects are in the areas of nontraditional finance, crop insurance, farmland markets and farm labor. She has published on how farm programs and regulations are capitalized into farmland values, farmland value determinants and measurement, farm labor and management, and crop insurance and farm debt. She also regularly publishes in the farm press and works with farm sector policymakers and stakeholders. Their topic will be Extreme Heat and Kansas Farm Income.  We are aware that climate crisis is caused by global energy increase.  Increased warming and dramatic weather events have a financial impact on the business of farming.   Moderate or severe drought is prevailing through much of the Cornbelt and many areas of Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska are experiencing extreme drought. While Kansas farmers are no strangers to adverse weather, extreme heat has been increasing in Kansas over the last few decades. Research shows Kansas farm income is very sensitive to extreme heat. However, both farm practices and crop insurance have partially mitigated the impacts of extreme heat historically. This will be a great radio hour!   “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can about the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.”    Margaret Mead

    1 h 0 min
  5. 4 AOÛT


    Thanks for listening to EcoRadio KC! We bring you vital information underserved or ignored by mainstream media. We are supported by listeners who share our mission. EcoRadio KC is glad to encourage awareness and protection of our world.  Our goal is to ensure our listeners are aware of how we can create a sustainable present for a sustainable future! It will take us all to make the world safe for habitation for millennia to come. On today’s show, we will talk with Jane Fletcher, Administrative Director of After the Harvest.  Like most big ideas, After the Harvest began very small with a few like-minded individuals who believed that hungry people deserve healthy food in Greater Kansas City and that no food should go to waste. Starting out in loaned space in May 2014, they took a leap of faith and began growing the 501(c)(3). Now, After the Harvest, still small with a full-time staff of less than ten, but with thousands of volunteers - uses a gleaning program which rescues fruits and vegetables left in the field.  After the Harvest gives the fresh healthy food directly to agencies feeding hungry people. After the Harvest is the largest local produce donor to Harvesters – The Community Food Network. Harvesters is their primary distribution partner, delivering the produce obtained using their gleaning and truckload programs to agencies within Harvesters’ service area. This unique partnership gives Harvesters access to fresh-from-the-farm produce that is otherwise unavailable to them and that provides value, variety and quality to their produce distribution program. After the Harvest’s rescued produce is delivered to more than 360 agencies serving over 35,000 hungry people in our area each week. This will be a great radio hour!   “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can about the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.”    Margaret Mead

    1 h 0 min
  6. 28 JUIL.


    Thanks for listening to EcoRadio KC! We bring you vital information underserved or ignored by mainstream media. We are supported by listeners who share our mission. For our hour on July 29th, host Richard Mabion will speak with Jeff Severin, Senior Program Manager with the Heartland Environmental Justice Center. The Heartland Environmental Justice Center is a first-stop resource for communities seeking help with pressing environmental justice and energy equity challenges. They offer no cost, customized support to strengthen communities’ ability to identify challenges, plan and implement solutions, and work towards achieving their community goals. Their support varies in scope and scale depending on community need, from light-touch guidance, like navigating communities to existing resources; medium-touch support, such as preparation for grant applications or facilitating a community needs assessment; or building a project budget; and/or intensive assistance, like policy analysis or technical and engineering expertise. The Inflation Reduction Act, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, and the American Rescue Plan together represent the largest federal commitment to direct investment and tax incentives to energy security, clean energy, and environmental justice to date. Communities can offer many benefits, including a sense of belonging, proximity to schools, libraries, shopping centers, and parks that residents can use.  You can grow value in your home.  There can be security for residents of a community. In fact, your involvement with your community achieves results and creates relationships. This is something every community should work toward. We can build stronger, more resilient communities.  The ethical responsibility that we have is to find ways of living in the world that benefits all and both recognizes and names injustice, inequality, exploitation, and the causes of environmental devastation. After a few years exploring Kansas landscapes and waterways as an environmental educator, Jeff Severin spent the next 17 years of his career at The University of Kansas, first managing the campus recycling program, then developing and leading the Center for Sustainability, whose vision included building a community “empowered to protect natural resources, create economic prosperity, and treat all people with equity and respect.” Jeff joined the Environmental Finance Center at Wichita State University in 2021, incorporating principles of environmental justice and inclusion into projects focused on developing the water workforce, reducing exposure to toxins, and addressing household hazardous waste. EcoRadio KC is glad to encourage awareness and protection of our world.  Our goal is to ensure our listeners are aware of how we can create a sustainable present for a sustainable future! It will take us all to make the world safe for habitation for millennia to come. This will be a great radio hour!   “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can about the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.”    Margaret Mead

    59 min
  7. 23 JUIL.

    Aunt Lainie’s Kitchen

    Food is connection and we are broadcasting during the dinner time, what a perfect fit! During this hour, host Lainie Renee, a volunteer at KKFI, will interview Troy and Vanessa Apostol of "KCs Kozy Coffee Shops" about their adventures exploring coffee shops and Kate Deacon, the market manager of the Mission Market about the day-to-day intricacies of running a Farmer's Market. Lainie exhibits the kind of interest any food lover will recognize.  She leads a lively discussion on that topic near to our hearts, what’s to eat?  Aunt Lainie’s Kitchen will talk about places to find food in our area, ways to prepare food to create delightful meals and she plans to feature cooks and chefs to explain how good meals are created. Food, and food television, is a comfort for us all.  In a time of increasing stress from climate change, we need comfort!  Let’s celebrate a good thing in life, glorious food.  We’ll talk about it, think about it, learn about it and hopefully translate this information into three meals a day, starting with this dinner, when EcoRadio KC is broadcast. The perfect recipe for your worries, and don’t worry if you cannot afford to go out to buy it, Aunt Lainie’s Kitchen will tell how to make do with what you have and what you can do.  Soon we'll be the fed ones! EcoRadio KC is glad to encourage awareness and protection of our world.  Our goal is to ensure our listeners are aware of how we can create a sustainable present for a sustainable future! It will take us all to make the world safe for habitation for millennia to come. This will be a great radio hour!

    1 h 0 min
  8. 14 JUIL.


    Thanks for listening to EcoRadio KC! We bring you vital information underserved or ignored by mainstream media. We are supported by listeners who share our mission. For our hour on July 15th, host Richard Mabion will bring us a panel on neighborhood connections.  His guests are Tamara Barnes, Dina Freeman, Emily Miller and Rich Gutowski. Their topic will be how neighborhood involvement can help create a sustainable lifestyle.  This will be another episode of the Neighborhood Roundtable – we can learn to become a collaborative development unit where each of us lives. Emily Miller has a Master’s Degree in urban planning with a specialization in environmental and food systems planning. Tamara Barnes is employed by the Unified Government and also operates A Loving Space Foundation.  Dina Newman is Director of The Center for Neighborhoods at UMKC. Rich Gutowski has business acumen with an eye toward protecting our planet. Right now, these organizations have involvement and results.  Neighborhoods can offer many benefits, including a sense of belonging, proximity to schools, libraries, and shopping centers, amenities like parks, sports courts, swimming pools, and barbecue pits that residents can use.  You can grow value in your home.  There can be security for residents of a neighborhood. In fact, your involvement with your neighborhood achieves results and creates relationships.  This is something every community should work toward. The United States has passed the Inflation Reduction Act.  This allows billions of federal dollars to states.  There will likely be a chance in the near future for everyone to participate if we deliver opportunities to everyone.  We can build stronger, more resilient communities.  The ethical responsibility that we have is to find ways of living in the world that benefits all and both recognizes and names injustice, inequality, exploitation, and the causes of environmental devastation. EcoRadio KC is glad to encourage awareness and protection of our world.  Our goal is to ensure our listeners are aware of how we can create a sustainable present for a sustainable future! It will take us all to make the world safe for habitation for millennia to come. This will be a great radio hour! “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can about the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.”    Margaret Mead

    59 min

À propos

EcoRadio KC explores our interdependence with the rest of the world, showing the connections between the ways we choose to live and the health of the whole community of life. As a result, we plan to cover a wide range of topics, including local & regenerative agriculture, energy conservation & efficiency, justice, eco-villages, alternative medicine, indigenous peoples, clean energy, local food systems, biofuels, the need for multicultural participation in social change, global warming & climate disruption, extinction, green building and chemistry, and consumerism.

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