Career Can Do

Mary Ann Faremouth
Podcast de Career Can Do

Welcome to Career Can Do, a new podcast from award-winning author, professional career coach and training consultant Mary Ann Faremouth. Mary Ann will be talking to experts, employers and job seekers about what the new world of work looks like and how you can thrive in ever-changing circumstances. Tune in every other week for straight talk about remote work, office politics, first impressions, the changing jobscape and more.

  1. 16 SEPT

    Mastering Media and Networking for Career Success with Kevin Price

    Have you ever wondered why some people seem to effortlessly climb the career ladder while others, equally skilled, struggle to advance? The answer often lies in a crucial, yet sometimes overlooked, element: strategic networking. This episode is a special feature, originally published on the Price of Business show, where Kevin Price hosted Mary Ann Faremouth. They dive deep into the art of strategic networking, emphasizing that it’s not merely about attending events, collecting business cards, or adding connections on LinkedIn. Instead, it’s about cultivating genuine, meaningful relationships that can open doors to new opportunities. Kevin Price highlights the significance of engaging with platforms that align with your professional aspirations. He discusses how contributing to industry-relevant media, participating in podcasts, or attending niche events not only showcases your expertise but also connects you with like-minded professionals who share your goals. These interactions can propel you into new realms of visibility and influence, creating opportunities that might not be accessible otherwise. But strategic networking goes beyond just seeking out connections—it’s about providing value to others as well. Whether it’s sharing insights, offering support, or collaborating on projects, the most successful networkers approach relationships with a mindset of mutual benefit. This reciprocity builds trust and establishes a solid foundation for long-term, fruitful connections. Networking isn’t just about what others can do for you—it’s also about how you can help them succeed. By being genuinely interested in others' success and offering your own expertise, you create a network that is not just a tool for advancement but a community that supports and elevates each other. As Pablo Picasso wisely said, "The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away." In your career, this translates to sharing your knowledge, experiences, and insights with your network, not just to benefit yourself but to help others thrive as well. In doing so, your network becomes one of the most powerful assets in your career, opening doors to opportunities you never imagined possible. Resources: Price of Business Kevin Price on LinkedIn Faremouth

    17 min
  2. 2 SEPT

    Why Networking and Ethics Drive Success with Jerry Brookshire

    Have you ever thought about how competitors can also be your biggest allies? In a world driven by competition, the National Association of Steel Pipe Distributors (NASPD) does things differently. According to President Jerry Brookshire, the NASPD isn’t just a professional group—it’s a close-knit community built on trust and long-term relationships. Jerry emphasizes that, despite being a nationwide industry, the steel pipe world feels small because of the shared commitment to ethical practices and mutual support among its members. “We all compete, but we also help each other,” he says. Networking in the NASPD transcends the traditional exchange of business cards; it’s about forging genuine connections with people who share your values and standards. This approach fosters a unique environment where collaboration thrives alongside competition, benefiting everyone involved. Membership in NASPD is selective, ensuring that each distributor, service provider, or industry partner upholds the highest ethical standards. This selective nature contributes to the value of being part of NASPD, as it’s not merely about competing for market share but about advancing the industry together through shared insights and support. The association’s conferences are a prime example of this philosophy in action. These events not only offer opportunities for networking and education but also serve as platforms for members to engage in meaningful conversations about industry trends and challenges. Beyond the business side, these gatherings nurture personal connections that fortify the community and create a collaborative spirit. For those intrigued by the prospect, attending as a guest before committing to membership allows for a firsthand experience of the NASPD’s unique environment. Some of the upcoming Events: Kansas City Conference: September 18th - 22nd 50th Anniversary in San Antonio: February 19th - 22nd 2025 Vancouver & Charleston in Summer and Fall of 2025! For businesses dedicated to long-term success, joining NASPD represents more than just a membership; it’s an investment in both your business and the broader industry, creating a foundation for sustained growth and partnership. Resources: Jerry Brookshire on LinkedIn NASPD website

    25 min
  3. 15 AGO

    How Effective Onboarding Drives Success with Russel Treat

    What if the secret to unlocking your team's potential lies in how you onboard and align them with your company's culture? In this special episode of Career Can Do, host Mary Ann Faremouth takes a unique turn by sharing her recent guest appearance on Russel Treat's podcast - Pipeline Technology Podcast. Mary Ann reveals how a strategic approach to onboarding and understanding employee motivations can significantly enhance both recruitment success and retention. Mary Ann highlights the importance of personalized onboarding. While basic training is essential, the real difference comes from tailoring the process to each individual’s needs and goals. A hiring manager’s role extends beyond just integrating a new hire; it involves ensuring they remain engaged, productive, and aligned with the company's objectives. She shares an illustrative interview scenario: one candidate’s technical achievements and another’s story of helping a child join a baseball team. For a sales role, the latter’s empathy and team spirit were seen as more valuable, showing that personal traits can outweigh technical skills in certain contexts. Mary Ann advocates for setting clear 90-day and 180-day objectives for new hires. This approach allows companies to evaluate a new employee’s impact and adjust goals as needed, fostering flexibility and responsiveness to their contributions. The conversation also touches on the significance of aligning employee goals with personal values. Mary Ann advises hiring managers to understand what drives each employee and ensure their roles reflect these motivations. This alignment can boost job satisfaction and retention. Finally, Mary Ann emphasizes the critical role of cultural fit. Fitting into a company's culture can be even more crucial than compensation, impacting overall job satisfaction and long-term success. Addressing cultural mismatches early can prevent dissatisfaction and help both the employee and the organization thrive. Tune in to discover how refining your onboarding process and understanding cultural fit can transform your hiring practices and drive team success. Resources: Meet Russel Treat Original podcast link Faremouth

    31 min
  4. 1 AGO

    Navigating Compliance and Podcasting with Tom Fox

    Is compliance solely about adhering to legal standards, or does it also play a role in driving business efficiency? This question is central to the latest episode of the Career Can Do podcast, where host Mary Ann Faremouth engages with Tom Fox, the innovative founder of the Compliance Podcast Network. Their conversation explores the evolving world of compliance programs and the transformative impact of podcasting. Tom Fox, a leading authority in anti-corruption and anti-bribery compliance, shares his valuable insights into why businesses must continuously update their compliance strategies. The shift to remote work, accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, exposes the inadequacies of compliance programs that were designed a decade ago. Tom emphasizes that today’s fast-changing risk environment requires a proactive and adaptive approach to compliance. A major focus of their discussion is the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), a crucial tool in combating global bribery and corruption. Tom underscores the importance of strong compliance frameworks, especially in high-risk sectors like energy, where effective risk management is essential. Tom’s personal journey is equally inspiring. After a severe bike accident, he transforms this challenge into an opportunity for growth, using his resilience to build a successful global practice from his home. His story illustrates how adversity can become a powerful catalyst for professional success. Podcasting also plays a significant role in Tom’s career, providing a platform to enhance his brand and open new business opportunities. Both Tom and Mary Ann champion the power of podcasting, highlighting its potential to establish thought leadership, build professional brands, and create meaningful connections within the industry. They encourage professionals and businesses to use podcasting as a strategic tool for career and business growth. For those interested in tapping into Tom’s expertise or exploring podcasting for their own ventures, he offers multiple ways to connect, including email, LinkedIn, and his website. This episode of Career Can Do is essential listening for anyone looking to navigate the complexities of compliance and leverage the transformative power of podcasting. Resources: Faremouth

    24 min
  5. 15 JUL

    Using the Power of Sales and Media in Your Career Journey with Jim Watkins

    Have you ever wondered how a career in sales can lead to incredible opportunities and global experiences? On this episode of Career Can Do, Mary Ann Faremouth welcomes Jim Watkins from Gulf Energy Information to dive into the world of sales and media. With over 25 years of experience in the global energy industry, Jim shares insights on how a curious mindset, dedication to client success, and embracing digital tools can propel your career to new heights. Jim's journey from advertising sales in Europe to becoming a media professional in the energy industry was shaped by building strong relationships, adapting to the digital landscape, and leveraging the power of podcasts. Listen in as Jim and Mary Ann discuss how focusing on client needs, maintaining genuine connections, and embracing new technologies can not only enhance your career but also open doors to endless possibilities. Building strong relationships with clients is crucial in sales and can significantly contribute to career success. Maintaining a client-centric approach, even under pressure, can lead to a growing reputation, increased responsibility, and a higher likelihood of attracting more business opportunities. The significance of prioritizing client needs and fostering strong relationships starts with this mindset: look out for your clients and do what's right for them, and the rest will fall in line. This approach not only builds trust but also enhances credibility and reliability, essential elements in achieving success in sales. In today's digital landscape, where sales methodologies and communication channels have evolved, the fundamental principle of building strong client relationships remains timeless. While leveraging digital tools like AI, databases, and webcasts can enhance sales efficiency and effectiveness, the core foundation of sales success still lies in understanding and addressing client needs, fostering trust, and delivering value through meaningful relationships. Building strong relationships with clients is not just a key to sales success, but also a significant factor in career advancement. By prioritizing client satisfaction, maintaining integrity, and nurturing long-term relationships, sales professionals can establish themselves as trusted advisors, drive business growth, and achieve lasting career success. Sales careers offer a wealth of opportunities for personal growth, travel, and unique experiences. It's a misconception that only extroverts can thrive in sales. In reality, many successful salespeople excel in establishing relationships and helping their clients, regardless of their personality type. So, if you're looking for a career that offers excitement and personal development, a sales career might be the perfect fit for you. Resources

    21 min
  6. 1 JUL

    The Power of Workplace Culture Over Compensation with Amine Qourzal

    What if you could navigate the new work world with confidence and success? In this episode of Career Can Do, Mary Ann Faremouth welcomes Amine Qourzal, Associate Director of the Graduate Career Management Curriculum at Baylor University's Career Center in Waco, Texas. With nearly two decades of leadership experience, Amine is dedicated to helping students develop the skills and mindset needed to thrive in their future careers. His insights and expertise in coaching, goal setting, and professional development have made a significant impact on the students at Baylor University. Workplace culture plays a vital role in job satisfaction and retention, often surpassing the importance of compensation. Amine emphasizes the critical nature of a strong workplace culture where employees feel a sense of belonging, alignment with organizational values, and opportunities to thrive. Job seekers, particularly the newer generations, prioritize a positive workplace culture over high compensation. While salary may attract individuals to apply for a job, it is the culture that ultimately influences their decision to stay. Agood workplace culture fosters a sense of value, appreciation, and motivation among employees. Employees who feel valued and heard are more likely to be engaged, productive, and committed to the organization. This aligns with the idea that a positive workplace culture can lead to higher retention rates, increased productivity, and overall job satisfaction. Conducting research through platforms like Glassdoor and seeking insights from current employees or alumni aids in determining if a job offer is worth accepting. By asking questions about the culture, communication, leadership style, and work-life balance, job seekers can gain a better understanding of the organization's environment. A toxic work culture, characterized by poor leadership, lack of empathy, high turnover, and negative impacts on personal life, can have detrimental effects on employee well-being and job satisfaction. Furthermore, the episode highlighted the importance of open communication and feedback in a healthy workplace culture. Employees value being able to express their ideas, concerns, and struggles to leadership in a respectful manner. This open dialogue fosters a supportive environment where employees feel valued, appreciated, and empowered to contribute to the organization's success. While compensation is important, a positive culture that promotes a sense of belonging, growth, and well-being can have a profound impact on employee engagement and organizational success. By prioritizing a strong workplace culture, organizations can create an environment where employees thrive, leading to increased productivity, retention, and overall job satisfaction. Resources Amine Qourzal on LinkedIn

    24 min
  7. 14 JUN

    Empowering Your Best Self through Mindfulness with Dr. Manizeh Mirza-Gruber, MD

    And what if you could find peace and resilience in the midst of life's storms? Dr. Manizeh Mirza-Gruber, MD, a board-certified psychiatrist and mindfulness expert, joins Mary Ann Faremouth on this episode of Career Can Do to share how mindfulness practices can help us navigate challenging times with grace and strength. Dr. Mirza-Gruber, the CEO and founder of Mindful in Practice, brings her expertise in mindfulness meditation, yoga, and mind-body medicine to guide us in finding inner peace and presence. In this enlightening conversation, she delves into the power of mindfulness in reducing stress, enhancing productivity, and fostering personal growth. Join us as we explore practical techniques to ground ourselves and cultivate self-compassion so we can be our best selves in the New Work World. In the podcast episode, Dr. Mirza-Gruber emphasizes the importance of mindfulness in dealing with stress, especially during challenging times. As defined by Dr. Mirza-Gruber, mindfulness involves paying attention to the present moment without judgment, allowing individuals to connect with their breath and body to shift from a stress response to a relaxation mode. By practicing mindfulness, individuals can ground themselves in the present moment, acknowledging their thoughts and feelings without getting caught up in them, ultimately leading to a sense of calm and clarity amidst uncertainty. Dr. Mirza-Gruber shares her personal experience during Hurricane Harvey, highlighting how challenging times can serve as opportunities for growth and transformation. Despite the difficulties faced during the natural disaster, Dr. Mirza-Gruber viewed it as a guide that led her to new paths and opportunities for personal and professional development. Through the lens of mindfulness and gratitude, she navigated adversity and found meaning in the experience, ultimately leading to a deeper sense of purpose and the ability to help others in profound ways. Self-compassion and inner resilience are vital in facing life's challenges. Dr. Mirza-Gruber emphasizes the need to be kind and compassionate towards oneself, recognizing that self-care and self-acceptance are essential components of navigating difficult circumstances. By cultivating a sense of inner strength and choosing how to respond to challenges with a positive mindset, individuals can tap into their own light and resilience, allowing them to shine brightly even in the midst of darkness. The practice of gratitude is highlighted as a powerful tool for reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety. Dr. Mirza-Gruber shares her daily gratitude practice, emphasizing the transformative impact of focusing on things going well in life. By acknowledging and appreciating the blessings and moments of joy, individuals can shift their perspective towards a more positive mindset, fostering resilience and emotional well-being. The act of gratitude serves as a reminder to find light within oneself and in the world, leading to a sense of inner peace and contentment. Resources Manizeh Mirza-Gruber, MD on LinkedIn | Website

    27 min
  8. 31 MAY

    Mary Ann Faremouth on Revolutionary Results

    What if you could navigate the new work world with confidence and purpose? Join Mary Ann Faremouth on this episode of Career Can Do as she delves into life lessons about relationships, integrity, and contributing to the world with Tom Fox. Mary Ann, a seasoned recruiter turned author and podcast host, shares insights from her recent book, "Revolutionary Results." Through stories of butterflies, dragonflies, and falling on her face, Mary Ann intertwines personal experiences with professional inspiration to guide listeners on a journey of self-discovery and growth. Mary Ann reflects on the power of change, the importance of relationships, and the significance of finding your own North Star. She discusses her writing style, the impact of serendipitous encounters, and the value of courage in embracing new opportunities. Also, she explores the transformative potential of navigating life's challenges and finding fulfillment in both personal and professional endeavors. Change is inevitable in life, and adapting to those changes is crucial for personal and professional growth. Mary Ann emphasizes, "The only real constant in life is change." She highlights the importance of taking action to transform our lives in response to changes, comparing the journey to navigating by the North Star. Just as the North Star guides sailors through the seas, embracing change and adapting can lead us to new and fulfilling destinations. The COVID-19 pandemic brought about significant changes in the work world, impacting both job seekers and employers. Mary Ann delves into the challenges faced by individuals during this time, including job losses and company closures. She reflects on how the pandemic prompted many to reevaluate their career paths and personal lives. Through her experiences as a recruiter and writer, Mary Ann offers insights into the importance of resilience and adaptability in navigating through changing and challenging times. Resources

    27 min

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Welcome to Career Can Do, a new podcast from award-winning author, professional career coach and training consultant Mary Ann Faremouth. Mary Ann will be talking to experts, employers and job seekers about what the new world of work looks like and how you can thrive in ever-changing circumstances. Tune in every other week for straight talk about remote work, office politics, first impressions, the changing jobscape and more.

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