Anthony Blau of All4Cure

C-Sessions…with Randall Broad Podcast

On this edition of C-Sessions, your host, Randall Broad interviews C. Anthony “Tony” Blau, M.D. and Founder/CEO of All4Cure. Here are a few areas in which All4Cure aims to make a difference: Sharing, Learning, Curing = Learning from each patient’s experience for the benefit of all other patients. Access to an external network of expertise and a large database of the treatments and outcomes of hundreds and eventually tens of thousands of patients. Democratizing access to expert level care irrespective of geographic barriers. Initial focus on multiple myeloma, and eventually all cancer. Tony founded All4Cure after 27-years as a Professor of Medicine/Hematology and physician scientist at the University of Washington (UW). His research has spanned hematopoiesis, gene therapy, stem cell biology, genomics and cancer, consistently focusing on bringing the very latest research advances to patients with heretofore incurable diseases. At UW, he founded the Center for Cancer Innovation, which brings together a distributed network of investigators to help patients with advanced cancer. Tony co-founded the UW Institute for Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine and chaired the Molecular and Cellular Hematology Study Section for the National Institutes of Health. He has authored more than 85 scientific publications. Diagnosed himself with myeloma in April 2015, Tony infuses All4Cure with an incredible sense of urgency to improve the prospects for cancer patients now and in the future.

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