From Negative to Positive with Pitbull

From Negative to Positive with Pitbull

Join Pitbull and his rotating cast of co-hosts as they come together and chat with celebrity guests from the world of music, film and business as they break down their careers and everything that had led to their success. Fun segments, life changing moments, weekly news/business stories, listeners will never have a dull moment as they join in on Pitbull's world and experience how he has taken his life From Negative to Positive.


Join Pitbull and his rotating cast of co-hosts as they come together and chat with celebrity guests from the world of music, film and business as they break down their careers and everything that had led to their success. Fun segments, life changing moments, weekly news/business stories, listeners will never have a dull moment as they join in on Pitbull's world and experience how he has taken his life From Negative to Positive.

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