Healing Starts with the Heart

Sharon Brubaker and Erica Honore
Healing Starts with the Heart Podcast

Welcome to the Healing Starts with the Heart podcast! Get ready to embark on a journey of healing and self-discovery with your host, Sharon Brubaker. Sharon is a Grief Specialist and the proud owner of the Grief School, a unique place where individuals can learn the essential skills to navigate the grieving process. In this podcast, Sharon will guide you through the ups and downs of grief and offer valuable insights and techniques to help you heal. Whether you've experienced the loss of a loved one, a significant life change, or any form of emotional pain, Sharon's expertise and compassionate approach will support you every step of the way. With her extensive knowledge and experience, Sharon has dedicated her life to helping others find solace and growth amidst grief. Her profound understanding of the human heart and the healing power it holds will inspire you to embrace your emotions and embark on a transformative journey. Tune in to the Healing Starts with the Heart podcast and join Sharon Brubaker as she shares her wisdom, stories, and practical tools to help you navigate the challenging path of grief. Together, we will discover that healing truly starts with the heart.

  1. 2 DAYS AGO

    What Has Grief Taught Us

    Episode Description: Welcome back to another episode. Today, we’re discussing the lessons grief has taught us. Grief can be a profound teacher, revealing truths about ourselves, our relationships, and our view of the world. Through the process of grieving, many people discover strengths they never knew they had. They learn the importance of vulnerability, the value of cherishing every moment, and the necessity of self-compassion. Grief can also teach us about the resilience of the human spirit and the capacity for growth even in the face of profound loss. Here are five journal questions to help you reflect on the lessons you’ve learned from grief: What are the most significant lessons grief has taught you about life and love? How have your priorities or perspectives changed since experiencing grief? What strengths or qualities have you discovered in yourself through your grieving process? How has grief influenced your relationships with others? What advice would you give to someone who is just beginning their grief journey based on what you’ve learned? Take some time to reflect on these questions and recognize the growth and insights that have come from your grief. Share your lessons learned with others, and let’s support each other through our shared experiences."  Follow Us: Website: https://www.healingstartswiththeheart.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/healingstartswiththeheart Instagram: healatthegriefschool Contact Us: Email: sharon@sharonbrubaker.com Thank you for joining us in this episode. Stay tuned for more discussions and support on your grief journey.

    19 min
  2. 17 SEPT

    Your Grief Song: The Healing Power of Music

    Episode Title: Grief Songs: The Healing Power of Music Episode Description: In today’s episode, we’re talking about the power of grief songs. Music has a unique way of touching our hearts and expressing emotions we might struggle to put into words. Certain songs can bring us comfort and help us process our grief. Join us as we explore how music can be a therapeutic outlet during difficult times. Key Points Discussed: Music as Healing: Music can provide solace and serve as a way to remember and honor our loved ones. Whether it’s a song that reminds you of your loved one or a new melody that resonates with your current feelings, music can help in your healing journey. Journal Questions: What songs or types of music do you find most comforting during times of grief? How does listening to these songs make you feel? Are there any specific lyrics that resonate deeply with your grief experience? How can you use music to honor your loved one’s memory? What new songs or genres would you like to explore that might help you in your healing process? Conclusion: Reflect on these questions as you listen to your favorite grief songs, and let the music guide you through your emotions. Share your favorite grief songs with us and let’s build a playlist of comfort together. Follow Us: Website: https://www.healingstartswiththeheart.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/healingstartswiththeheart Instagram: healatthegriefschool Contact Us: Email: sharon@sharonbrubaker.com Thank you for joining us in this episode. Stay tuned for more discussions and support on your grief journey.

    19 min
  3. 10 SEPT

    Rebuilding Life Beyond Loss with Joi Renique

    Episode Title: Rebuilding Life Beyond Loss with Joi Renique Episode Description: In today’s episode, we dive deep into the concept of "grief courage" — the remarkable inner strength it takes to face the pain of loss. Grieving is not about being fearless but about embracing the full weight of your emotions and allowing yourself to heal through them. Join us as we explore what it means to be courageous in grief and how this strength can lead to profound healing. Key Points Discussed: Understanding Grief Courage: True courage lies not in hiding pain, but in facing it head-on. Grief courage allows us to feel deeply while embracing the journey toward healing. The Misconception of Strength: Society often tells us to put on a brave face, but real strength comes from allowing ourselves to fully experience grief. Healing starts when we stop avoiding our emotions and start tending to them. Healing Through Connection: Grief courage also involves reaching out, leaning on others, and knowing it’s okay to ask for help. When we share our grief, we lighten the emotional load, fostering a sense of community and support. Journal Questions: What does being courageous in grief mean to you? How do you currently cope with grief? Do you allow yourself to feel it fully? Who can you lean on during your grief journey? In what ways can you practice grief courage by embracing your emotions today? Conclusion: Grieving takes immense courage, and acknowledging your emotions is the first step toward healing. Reflect on these questions as you embrace your own grief courage. Remember, you don’t have to walk this path alone. Share your thoughts and journey with us — together, we can find strength in our shared experiences. Follow Us: Website: https://www.healingstartswiththeheart.com/ Facebook: Healing Starts With the Heart Instagram: @healatthegriefschool Contact Us: Email: sharon@sharonbrubaker.com Thank you for joining us for this episode. Stay tuned for more discussions and support on your grief journey. This structure captures the tone of your brand: empathetic, supportive, and empowering, focusing on actionable steps and deep emotional recovery.

    35 min
  4. 3 SEPT

    Grief Triggers: Understanding and Coping with Unexpected Moments

    Episode Title: Grief Triggers: Understanding and Coping with Unexpected Moments Episode Description: In today's episode, we dive into the topic of grief triggers—those unexpected moments when a memory, a smell, a song, or even a place brings back the pain of loss. Grief triggers are a natural part of the grieving process and can be challenging to navigate. Join us as we explore how to understand and cope with these triggers, allowing ourselves to feel the emotions they bring up. Key Points Discussed: What Are Grief Triggers? Grief triggers are personal and can vary widely. They may include the scent of a loved one’s perfume or a significant song. These triggers remind us of the deep connections and love we continue to feel for those we’ve lost. Acknowledging Your Emotions: It’s important to acknowledge grief triggers and allow yourself to feel the emotions they bring up. Avoiding or suppressing these feelings can often intensify them. Coping Strategies: Create a plan for how to handle grief triggers when they arise. Strategies might include deep breathing exercises, reaching out to a supportive friend, or engaging in a comforting activity. Journal Questions: What are some of the most common triggers that bring back memories of your loved one? How do you typically feel when you encounter these triggers? What coping strategies have you found helpful in dealing with grief triggers? Can you identify any patterns or specific times when these triggers are more likely to occur? How can you create a plan to manage your emotions when a trigger catches you off guard? Conclusion: Take your time reflecting on these questions. Remember, your grief is valid, and so are your emotions. By understanding and acknowledging your grief triggers, you can better navigate the waves of emotion that come with them.   Follow Us: Website: https://www.healingstartswiththeheart.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/healingstartswiththeheart Instagram: healatthegriefschool Contact Us: Email: sharon@sharonbrubaker.com Thank you for joining us in this episode. Stay tuned for more discussions and support on your grief journey.

    16 min
  5. 27 AUG

    Grief is Love with Nowhere to Go

    Grief is Love with Nowhere to Go Episode Title: Grief is Love with Nowhere to Go: Embracing the Transformation Episode Description: In today’s episode, we explore the concept that grief is love with nowhere to go. When we lose someone, the love we have for them doesn’t disappear; it transforms into grief. This transformation is a testament to the deep connections and bonds we’ve had with our loved ones. Understanding that grief is a form of love can help us reframe our experience, bringing a sense of peace and acceptance. Key Points Discussed: Grief as Love: Grief is a powerful expression of the love we continue to have for our lost loved ones. Embracing this perspective can bring peace and help us honor our loved ones in meaningful ways. Journal Questions: How has your love for your lost loved one transformed into grief? What are some ways you can express this love, even though your loved one is no longer physically present? How does recognizing grief as a form of love change your perspective on your grieving process? What new rituals or practices can you create to honor this ongoing love? How can you share this love with others in a way that supports your healing? Conclusion: Use these questions to reflect on your grief and find meaningful ways to channel your love. Remember, your grief is a powerful expression of your love. Follow Us: Website: https://www.healingstartswiththeheart.com/ Facebook: Healing Starts with the Heart Instagram: healatthegriefschool Contact Us: Email: sharon@sharonbrubaker.com Thank you for joining us in this episode. Stay tuned for more discussions and support on your grief journey.

    16 min
  6. 25 AUG

    Your Grief Matters

    Your Grief Matters   Episode Title: Your Grief Matters   Episode Description: In today’s episode, we delve into the importance of finding a safe space to share your grief. Grief Study Hall, a free, supportive community for women, provides just that. We’ll explore why it’s crucial to express your grief openly and how doing so can be the first step on your healing journey. Through Sharon Brubaker’s personal story of loss, discover why having your grief acknowledged is essential, and how Study Hall can be the place where your healing truly begins.   Key Points Discussed:   The Need for a Safe Space: Grievers often feel their grief isn’t acknowledged or valued, making it hard to express their true feelings. Finding a community where you can openly share your grief, like Grief Study Hall, is vital for starting the healing process.   The Power of Sharing Your Story: Sharing your story helps you process the pain and begin to heal. When someone listens to your grief, it validates your experience and emotions. Grief Study Hall provides a space where you can speak freely, surrounded by others who understand and share similar experiences.   Grief as a Personal Journey: There are no stages or checklists in grief; everyone’s journey is unique. Grief Study Hall honors this individuality by allowing you to express your grief in your own way. Talking about your grief is the first step in moving from shock to healing. It’s a crucial part of your journey that can’t be skipped.   Journal Questions: Have you been able to talk about your grief so far? Who have you shared your grief with, and what has been their response? What does a safe space look like for you when it comes to talking about your grief? Have you ever felt that you haven’t had a space to share your grief? If so, how has this affected you? How do you feel after you’ve talked about your grief and had someone truly listen to you? What are some of your fears about opening up in a grief group? How can being part of a community like Grief Study Hall help you on your healing journey? What steps can you take to create or find a safe space for you to talk about your grief? How can you support others in their grief within a community setting? How important do you think it is to support others in their grief journey?   Conclusion: Use these questions to reflect on your grief journey and consider how joining Grief Study Hall might help you begin to heal. Remember, you’re not alone. In Grief Study Hall, you’ll find a community ready to listen, support, and walk alongside you as you navigate your grief. This space is free and open to all women looking for a place to share their grief and begin their healing journey.   Follow Us: Website: https://www.healingstartswiththeheart.com/ Facebook: Healing Starts with the Heart Instagram: healatthegriefschool Contact Us: Email: sharon@sharonbrubaker.com Thank you for joining us in this episode. Stay tuned for more discussions and support on your grief journey.

    14 min
  7. 17 AUG

    Can Grief Affect Your Body?

    Episode Description: In this episode, we explore the profound impact grief can have on the body. Grief is not just an emotional experience but also a physical one. We discuss the different types of grief—intellectual and emotional—and how they affect us. Learn about the common physical symptoms of grief, the importance of self-care, and the role of grief support groups in the healing process. Episode Highlights: The two types of grief: intellectual and emotional. How grief can affect the body and cause physical symptoms. The importance of self-care during grief. How grief impacts sleep and appetite. The role of grief support groups in the healing process. Key Takeaways: Two Types of Grief: Intellectual grief is processed in the brain, while emotional grief is felt in the heart. Both types can affect the body. Physical Symptoms: Grief can cause fatigue, sleep disturbances, appetite changes, weakened immune system, and muscle tension. Importance of Self-Care: Taking care of yourself is crucial during grief. Ensure you're getting enough sleep, eating well, and seeking medical and emotional support. Grief Support Groups: These groups provide a space for sharing experiences and emotions, offering a sense of community and understanding. Journal Questions: How has grief affected your physical health? What are the common physical symptoms you have experienced during grief? How do you balance taking care of yourself while dealing with grief? What steps can you take to improve your self-care routine? Who can you reach out to for support during this time? How does intellectual grief differ from emotional grief in your experience? What has been your experience with grief support groups? Listener Challenge: Reflect on how grief has impacted your body and overall health. Write down any physical symptoms you've noticed and think about ways to improve your self-care routine. If you're experiencing severe symptoms, make an appointment with your doctor. Consider joining a grief support group to share your experiences and find support.

    28 min
  8. 2 AUG

    Protecting a Loved One's Reputation: The Balance of Truth and Respect

    Episode Description: In this episode, we delve into the delicate balance of protecting a loved one's reputation while telling the truth about their life. Why do we feel the need to shield their flaws? How does this affect our own healing? Join me as we discuss the importance of honesty in grief, the power of telling the truth, and how to maintain respect for the deceased while acknowledging their imperfections. Episode Highlights: Why do you feel the need to protect their reputation? The importance of telling the truth about your loved one. How honesty leads to true healing. Balancing respect for the deceased with acknowledging their flaws. Sharing personal stories and experiences with honesty and compassion. Key Takeaways: Honesty is Healing: True healing comes from being honest about your loved one's life, including their flaws. Balanced Legacy: You can honor your loved one's memory while also acknowledging their imperfections. Respectful Sharing: It's important to share the truth in a respectful way, without broadcasting every detail to the world. Personal Reflection: Reflect on how you talk about your loved one and consider what aspects you might be avoiding. Unique Grieving Experiences: Each person's grief is unique and shaped by their relationship with the deceased and their personal circumstances. Journal Questions: Why do I feel the need to protect my loved one's reputation? What truths about my loved one am I hesitant to share with others? How do I balance honesty and respect when talking about my loved one? What are the positive memories I have of my loved one? What are the difficult ones? How does being honest about my loved one's flaws affect my healing process? What aspects of my loved one's life do I feel comfortable sharing in a small, trusted group? How can I honor my loved one's memory while also acknowledging their imperfections? What steps can I take to ensure I am truthful about my loved one in a way that supports my healing? Listener Challenge: Take some time to reflect on your loved one's life. Write down the truth about their strengths and weaknesses. Share this with a trusted friend, support group, or therapist, and notice how it feels to be honest about their legacy.

    14 min


Welcome to the Healing Starts with the Heart podcast! Get ready to embark on a journey of healing and self-discovery with your host, Sharon Brubaker. Sharon is a Grief Specialist and the proud owner of the Grief School, a unique place where individuals can learn the essential skills to navigate the grieving process. In this podcast, Sharon will guide you through the ups and downs of grief and offer valuable insights and techniques to help you heal. Whether you've experienced the loss of a loved one, a significant life change, or any form of emotional pain, Sharon's expertise and compassionate approach will support you every step of the way. With her extensive knowledge and experience, Sharon has dedicated her life to helping others find solace and growth amidst grief. Her profound understanding of the human heart and the healing power it holds will inspire you to embrace your emotions and embark on a transformative journey. Tune in to the Healing Starts with the Heart podcast and join Sharon Brubaker as she shares her wisdom, stories, and practical tools to help you navigate the challenging path of grief. Together, we will discover that healing truly starts with the heart.

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