Hey there and welcome to Running Lean! My name is Patrick McGilvray and I am the host of the podcast. I am a Licensed Sports Nutritionist, a Personal Trainer, an experienced marathoner and ultrarunner, a Master Life Coach, and The Weight Loss Coach for Runners. And every day, I help runners just like you become the most badass version of yourself. I know that you want more for yourself…you want to get leaner and stronger, you want to kick your old unhealthy eating habits to the curb, you want to run faster or further, you want to take back control of your health and fitness for good this time. My story is one that a lot of you can relate to…running seemed to be a great way to keep the weight off…until it stopped working. I was running a ton of miles, training for multiple marathons and ultras a year, and GAINING weight! I gained 40 pounds in just a few years! What the heck was going on? This was a real conundrum. Everything I thought I knew about diet, exercise, and weight loss was no longer working for me and so I made it my goal to figure this out. In my quest for answers, I realized that there’s a lot more going on than just what to eat or how much to exercise. It’s not as simple as eating less and running more. So I created this podcast to share everything I learned and continue to learn about what it takes to become a lean running machine. And by the way, what makes this podcast different is that everything I teach here is geared specifically for you, the long-distance runner. In this weekly podcast, you’ll learn about sports nutrition, fueling for running performance, eating for better health, weight loss, strength training, and so much more! Most importantly, you’ll learn the mindset that is absolutely required to make being healthy a way of life. You can learn what to do anywhere, but unless you learn why you do the things you do, why you aren’t taking action, why you aren’t making progress on your goals, why you can never seem to stick to a diet or an exercise plan, why you’ve lost your motivation, you are always going to hit the wall at some point. It is critical for you to learn that change happens from the inside out and that if you want to make lasting, permanent changes in your health and fitness, you’re going to have to change your mindset around all of this. And you’ll learn how to do all of that right here on the Running Lean podcast. I promise, you will learn a lot here, and you’ll have a lot of fun doing it too! 🙂 You won’t want to miss an episode, so subscribe to the podcast now. Just hit that subscribe button on whatever podcast listening app you use and get your weekly dose of running inspiration! And if you get something out of the podcast, if it helps you in any small way, please consider writing a quick review. I love all the positive feedback I get about the show, it gets me super motivated, and the reviews help other people find the show too. I am SUPER excited to share all of this with you! For show notes and links to anything mentioned in an episode, just go to www.runnningleanpodcast.com. You can follow me on Facebook and Instagram @pmcgilvray. Be sure to join the discussion in the Running Lean Community on Facebook! If you listen to this podcast, you HAVE to come check out our Facebook group, the two go hand-in-hand. Join here (it’s totally free!): www.facebook.com/groups/runninglean Haven’t left a review yet? All you need to do is go to a href="https://www.runningleanpodcast.