Stevie Opens A Time Capsule From Her 12-Year Old Self | BFBA Episode 28

Best Friends Back, Alright!

1999 was a big year. The Bill Clinton impeachment trial happened. Palm pilots were all the rage. Neagheen was still stuffing water balloons in her bathing suit top. And little 12-year old Stevie made herself a time capsule to open on this very day, November 4th, 2022! On this episode of BFBA, to commemorate her 35th birthday, Stevie finally discovers what’s inside. We won’t spoil it, but let’s just say 12-year old Stevie would be shocked we still use pens in today’s world. The contents of this time capsule really leave us wondering: how different is 12 year-old Stevie from 35-year old Stevie? Not very, we suspect, based on her current pumpkin carving choices. But hey, at least she tamed her Annie obsession.

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