Sh**ged Married Annoyed
Chris & Rosie Ramsey
The only way Rosie and Chris Ramsey can have a conversation without being interrupted by a toddler or ending up staring at their phones is by doing a podcast. They’ll be chatting all about life, relationships, arguments, annoyances, parenting, growing up and everything in between. Each week they will answer questions from the public and a secret celebrity.
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The only way Rosie and Chris Ramsey can have a conversation without being interrupted by a toddler or ending up staring at their phones is by doing a podcast. They’ll be chatting all about life, relationships, arguments, annoyances, parenting, growing up and everything in between. Each week they will answer questions from the public and a secret celebrity.
- AutorChris & Rosie Ramsey
- Aktivní2019 - 2025
- Díly307
- HodnoceníExplicitní
- Copyright© All rights reserved
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