24 min

The Night That I Totally Blew Off the Warning of The LORD‪!‬ Mary Lindow ~ The Messenger Podcast

    • Christianity

It’s not just “my opinion” that playing close to the edge of occult involvement is a trap and a lure.
It’s my very deep conviction after having a full on and horrifying experience when we were young and first married.
Steve and I had watched a James Bond 007 show earlier that evening called "Live and Let Die", with a lot of “harmless” voodoo, (incantations and curses being put on people) and "fun" spies disturbing graves, and dark evil spirits attacking them.
While we were watching, I had a very quiet but persistent warning inside my heart to “stop watching the show”.
I blew it off saying to myself that, “I could handle it…
 It was just a show… harmless entertainment.”
After we had gone to bed and had fallen asleep, I was awakened by a loud crashing sound outside of our bedroom door, which was our living room. I turned my head to look in that direction and standing in the door frame was a hunched over, very tall, long haired, naked from waist up, long armed, pig snouted with a brass ring pierced through it, hairy being.
I thought I was maybe dreaming so I shook my head and rubbed my eyes to see if I was just coming out of a bad dream. Nope.
The dark being was still there.
My body was paralyzed in fear and I could not move to wake Steve.
I spoke to the hideous creature and told it to leave in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus Christ.
It just laughed at me and began to move into the room and alongside the bed, heading towards me. I said the same words again and it laughed, saying, "YOU invited me into your home tonight! I have every right to be here!"
I immediately knew that I had rejected the warning of The Holy Spirit to not watch the show. I was crying in terror and said, “Jesus… Please forgive me for ignoring your warning! I repent and apologize for blowing you off!”
At that point, the demonic thing stopped at the foot of the bed and was very agitated. I was no longer paralyzed with fear and then spoke to it again, telling it that I was forgiven by Jesus and that in HIS NAME, the evil being had to leave our home.
It still stood there frustrated and I told it again that the power of Christ and His poured out blood on the cross for my sins cried out against this attack and that it must leave. It started to whimper and walked towards the wall and then, walked right through it, and left.
Immediately, Steve woke up and asked what was the crashing sound! I told him everything that happened. He got up and went out to the living room. On the floor was a weather station type of decoration that we had firmly screwed into our wall. It had “somehow” ripped itself off the wall, jumped 8 inches and onto our record player, (yes…. we had vinyls!) sending the needle across the worship record we played often every day.
Both Steve And I Knew At That Point
That We Could Never Again Justify Or Blow Off
The Warning From The Father About
Our Entertainment Choices.
We were called to be worshippers and to not ever allow a strongman from hell into our home.
Here Are Some Reasons The Scriptures Warn Against
Engaging In Any Form Of The Occult:
➡ We are opening ourselves up to spirits other than God’s.
➡ We are not looking to God for guidance, but to the occult.
➡ We are turning away from true faith in Jesus.
➡ We are disobeying God’s word, the Bible.
The Israelites often made the same mistake and turned from God, although God clearly warned them about this.
“When you enter the land The LORD your God is giving you, do not learn to imitate the detestable ways of the nations there. Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or who consults the dead. 

Anyone who does these things is detestable to The LORD, and because of these detestable practices The LORD your God will drive out those nations before you. You must be blameless before The LORD

It’s not just “my opinion” that playing close to the edge of occult involvement is a trap and a lure.
It’s my very deep conviction after having a full on and horrifying experience when we were young and first married.
Steve and I had watched a James Bond 007 show earlier that evening called "Live and Let Die", with a lot of “harmless” voodoo, (incantations and curses being put on people) and "fun" spies disturbing graves, and dark evil spirits attacking them.
While we were watching, I had a very quiet but persistent warning inside my heart to “stop watching the show”.
I blew it off saying to myself that, “I could handle it…
 It was just a show… harmless entertainment.”
After we had gone to bed and had fallen asleep, I was awakened by a loud crashing sound outside of our bedroom door, which was our living room. I turned my head to look in that direction and standing in the door frame was a hunched over, very tall, long haired, naked from waist up, long armed, pig snouted with a brass ring pierced through it, hairy being.
I thought I was maybe dreaming so I shook my head and rubbed my eyes to see if I was just coming out of a bad dream. Nope.
The dark being was still there.
My body was paralyzed in fear and I could not move to wake Steve.
I spoke to the hideous creature and told it to leave in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus Christ.
It just laughed at me and began to move into the room and alongside the bed, heading towards me. I said the same words again and it laughed, saying, "YOU invited me into your home tonight! I have every right to be here!"
I immediately knew that I had rejected the warning of The Holy Spirit to not watch the show. I was crying in terror and said, “Jesus… Please forgive me for ignoring your warning! I repent and apologize for blowing you off!”
At that point, the demonic thing stopped at the foot of the bed and was very agitated. I was no longer paralyzed with fear and then spoke to it again, telling it that I was forgiven by Jesus and that in HIS NAME, the evil being had to leave our home.
It still stood there frustrated and I told it again that the power of Christ and His poured out blood on the cross for my sins cried out against this attack and that it must leave. It started to whimper and walked towards the wall and then, walked right through it, and left.
Immediately, Steve woke up and asked what was the crashing sound! I told him everything that happened. He got up and went out to the living room. On the floor was a weather station type of decoration that we had firmly screwed into our wall. It had “somehow” ripped itself off the wall, jumped 8 inches and onto our record player, (yes…. we had vinyls!) sending the needle across the worship record we played often every day.
Both Steve And I Knew At That Point
That We Could Never Again Justify Or Blow Off
The Warning From The Father About
Our Entertainment Choices.
We were called to be worshippers and to not ever allow a strongman from hell into our home.
Here Are Some Reasons The Scriptures Warn Against
Engaging In Any Form Of The Occult:
➡ We are opening ourselves up to spirits other than God’s.
➡ We are not looking to God for guidance, but to the occult.
➡ We are turning away from true faith in Jesus.
➡ We are disobeying God’s word, the Bible.
The Israelites often made the same mistake and turned from God, although God clearly warned them about this.
“When you enter the land The LORD your God is giving you, do not learn to imitate the detestable ways of the nations there. Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or who consults the dead. 

Anyone who does these things is detestable to The LORD, and because of these detestable practices The LORD your God will drive out those nations before you. You must be blameless before The LORD

24 min