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  1. VOR 11 STD.


    Rate cuts set to boost market confidence|降准降息提振市场信心 Policy package expected to put economy on‘more favorable growth trajectory’ 一揽子政策将有力支持经济步入‘更有利的增长轨道’ China's top financial regulators, in a move that went beyond market expectations, unveiled a potent combination of monetary easing measures on Tuesday, aimed at anchoring market confidence and underpinning economic recovery amid domestic and global headwinds, analysts said. 24日,中国最高金融监管机构推出了一系列强有力的增量货币政策,力度超出市场预期。分析人士称,此举旨在稳定市场信心,在国内和全球经济逆风中支撑经济复苏。 The forceful one-two punch, including cutting the reserve requirement ratio, key policy interest rates and existing mortgage loan interest rates, will foster a more enabling climate for the world's second-largest economy to hit this year's growth target, they added.分析人士补充,降低存款准备金率和政策利率、降低存量房贷利率等“双管齐下”的强有力措施,将为世界第二大经济体实现今年的增长目标创造更有利的环境。 "Recent macroeconomic data pointing to a tepid recovery in domestic consumption and weak inflationary pressures have created space for policymakers to ramp up efforts to bolster the economy," said Ming Ming, chief economist at CITIC Securities.中信证券首席经济学家明明表示:“近期宏观经济数据显示,国内消费复苏乏力,通胀压力疲软,这为决策者加大力度刺激经济创造了空间。” "The gradual release of the policy package will help shore up market sentiment, unleash pent-up consumer demand, and drive a pickup in prices, putting the economy on a more favorable growth trajectory," he added.明明补充道:“逐步发布一揽子政策将有助于支撑市场情绪,释放被压抑的消费需求,推动物价回升,使经济走上更有利的增长轨道。” Pan Gongsheng, governor of the People's Bank of China, the nation's central bank, said at a news conference on Tuesday that the reserve requirement ratio — the amount of cash that banks are required to have on hand — will be reduced by 0.5 percentage point in the near term, which will free up about 1 trillion yuan ($142.2 billion) for new lending. 中国人民银行行长潘功胜在24日的新闻发布会上表示,近期将下调存款准备金率0.5个百分点,向金融市场提供长期流动性约1万亿元(约1,422亿美元)。 This marks the second time that the central bank has lowered the RRR this year, after implementing a 0.5 percentage point reduction in February, indicating that Chinese policymakers are proactively tapping into the policy space provided by the US Federal Reserve's interest rate cut last week, experts said.专家分析,继今年2月份下调存款准备金率(银行被要求持有的资金数量)0.5个百分点后,央行第二次下调存款准备金率,这表明中国决策者正在积极利用美联储上周降息所提供的政策空间。 Following the latest reduction, the average reserve ratio for the banking sector will drop to around 6.6 percent. This level still leaves considerable flexibility to further lower the RRR if needed, when compared with other major global economies, Pan said.潘功胜表示,降准政策实施后,银行业平均存款准备金率将降至6.6% 左右。与全球其他主要经济体相比,这一水平仍有相当大的灵活性,可在必要时进一步降低存款准备金率。 China's central bank will not shy away from further RRR cuts of 0.25 to 0.5 percentage point this year, depending on the prevailing market liquidity conditions, Pan added.潘功胜补充,根绝当前的市场流动性状况,央行今年有可能进一步下调存款准备金率0.25-0.5个百分点。 The central bank also announced a reduction in its seven-day rev

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    英语新闻丨Upgrading, trade-in policy bearing fruit

    China has issued 300 billion yuan ($42.5 billion) in treasury bonds to support equipment upgrades andtrade-in deals for consumer goods, significantly boosting the growth of consumption and economic momentum, said the country's top economic regulator. 据国家发展改革委消息,中国已发行3,000亿元人民币(425亿美元)国债资金用于支持大规模设备更新和消费品以旧换新,极大地促进了消费增长和经济动能。 The special treasury bonds fund has been fully allocated, and the upgrading and trade-in policy has been implemented in various regions across the country, the National Development and Reform Commission said on Monday.国家发展改革委23日表示,目前国债资金已全面下达,大规模设备更新和消费品以旧换新政策在全国各地区推行实施。 "The policy has effectively helped release consumption potential in the country, driving sales growth of related products such as automobiles and household appliances," said Zhao Chenxin, deputy head of the commission.国家发展改革委副主任赵辰昕表示:“该政策有力释放了国内消费潜力,带动汽车、家电等相关产品销售明显上涨。” "China is a giant that consumes a large amount of durable consumer goods, with the inventory of household appliances exceeding 3 billion units and cars over 300 million units. Improving the energy efficiency level of those existing products through trade-in deals will also help reduce China's overall energy consumption and carbon emissions," Zhao said.赵辰昕解释:“我国是耐用消费品保有大国,家电保有量超过30亿台,汽车保有量超过3亿辆。通过以旧换新提高这些存量产品的能效水平,将有助于降低我国总体能耗水平和碳排放强度。” In August, retail sales of passenger vehicles in China reached 1.91 million units, an increase of 10.8 percent compared with July. Sales of new energy vehicles hit 1.03 million units, a 17 percent increase over July, according to the China Automobile Dealers Association. 据中国汽车流通协会统计,8月份,中国乘用车零售量达到191万辆,比7月份增长10.8%;新能源汽车零售量达到103万辆,比7月份增长17%。 The penetration rate of NEVs in China has exceeded 50 percent for two consecutive months, and 2 million high-emission cars are expected to be phased out by the end of the year, the NDRC said.国家发展改革委表示,中国的新能源汽车渗透率连续两个月突破50%,预计全年将实现200万辆低排放标准乘用车退出。 For consumers who scrap and replace polluting automobiles, subsidies of 20,000 yuan will be provided for the purchase of NEVs and 15,000 yuan for buying fuel-efficient passenger vehicles with displacement of 2.0 liters or below, according to the latest policy. 根据最新政策,对于报废和更换污染严重的汽车的消费者,购买新能源乘用车可获2万元补贴,购买2.0升及以下排量燃油乘用车可获1.5万元补贴。 "With the continuous promotion of the trade-in deals, a large amount of waste materials are expected to be generated in the near future. The NDRC will work with relevant departments to accelerate the building of a waste recycling system, covering various fields," Zhao said.“‘两新’工作持续推进将会在未来一段时间产生大量废旧物资,国家发展改革委将会同有关部门,加快构建覆盖各领域的废弃物循环利用体系。”赵辰昕说。 Fu Yifu, a researcher at the Star Atlas Institute of Finance, said the trade-in deals are expected to boost household consumption while expanding domestic demand, and promote the upgrade of traditional industries and the high-quality growth of the economy.星图金融研究院研究员付一夫表示,消费品以旧换新政策有望在扩大内需的同时拉动家庭消费,促进传统产业升级和经济高质量增长。 "A series of such su

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    China is working on serving a more diverse range of food options for future deep-space exploration missions, according to the Second Frontier Forum of Space Medicine held in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province in East China. 中国东部浙江省杭州市举行的“第二届航天医学前沿论坛”透露,中国正在努力为未来深空探测任务提供更多样化的食物选择。 During the recently concluded Mid-Autumn Festival, a cherished tradition symbolizing family reunion, the Shenzhou XVIII crew aboard China's orbiting space station enjoyed "space mooncakes" stuffed with lotus paste as well as their personal favourites such as spicy lamb and braised pork chops, which had been prepared in advance by the ground support team.中秋节刚刚过去,在这个象征家庭团圆的传统节日里,神舟十八号飞行乘组在中国空间站内品尝了莲蓉馅的“太空月饼”,和地面支持团队提前准备好的香辣羊肉、红烩猪排等个性化大餐。 "We have developed technologies to bring Chinese cuisine to the 'space dining table', allowing astronauts to enjoy 'home-cooked flavors'," said Li Yinghui, a researcher at the China Astronaut Research and Training Center.“我们已经研发出能将中国菜搬上‘太空餐桌’的技术,让航天员远在太空也能享受到‘家的味道’。”中国航天员科研训练中心研究员李莹辉说。 Li added that China has advanced precision nutrition control technology and built accurate standards for space flight nutritional supplies that can help astronauts address physiological issues caused by weightlessness and radiation and stay healthy during missions lasting over 180 days.李莹辉介绍,中国还提升了精准营养调控技术,研制出精准的飞行营养供给量标准,以应对太空失重和辐射等引起的人体生理问题,全力保障航天员开展180天以上的健康飞行。 "Various functional space foods featuring antioxidant effects, immune support, fatigue relief and gut microbiome regulation have been developed to enhance astronauts'in-orbit adaptability," said Li. “我们还研制了抗氧化、增强免疫力、缓解体力疲劳、调节肠道菌群等多种功能性航天食品,助力提升航天员在轨适应能力。”李莹辉补充道。 With an eye on future deep space missions, China is also working on technologies such as in-orbit cooking that can sustain long-term living beyond Earth, said Zang Peng, another researcher at the China Astronaut Research and Training Center.中国航天员科研训练中心的另一位研究员臧鹏表示,着眼未来深空探测任务,中国也在研究在轨烹饪等技术,为未来长期地外生存提供保障。 deep-space exploration 深空探测 lotus paste 莲蓉馅 in-orbit adj.在轨的,在轨道上运行的 antioxidant effect 抗氧化作用

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  4. VOR 2 TAGEN


    The fire that led to 39 deaths and nine injuries at a complex building in Jialeyuan community in Xinyu, Jiangxi province, on Jan 24 was caused by illegal construction of a cold storage facility in its basement, according to an investigation report released on Saturday. 根据9月21日公布的一份调查报告,江西省新余市佳乐苑小区的一栋综合楼于1月24日发生火灾,造成39人死亡、9人受伤,起火原因是该楼地下一层违规建设冷库。 Polyurethane foam sealant was used during construction at the first floor underground, releasing flammable gases that accumulated to reach combustible conditions. While laying plastic film on extruded polystyrene boards, static electricity was generated, igniting the gases, the foam and other flammable materials. It created a large amount of toxic smoke, according to the report approved by an executive meeting of the State Council.国务院常务会议审议通过的调查报告显示,地下一层施工作业中使用聚氨酯泡沫填缝剂时,释放易燃气体局部积聚达到可燃条件;在挤塑板上铺设塑料薄膜时,产生静电放电点燃积聚的易燃气体,迅即引燃聚氨酯泡沫、挤塑板等易燃可燃材料,产生大量有毒烟气。 The smoke quickly spread to the second floor as the fire separation in the shared evacuation staircase between the basement and the ground floor was missing. On the second floor, students and teachers were having classes organized by a training institute. Because of the security nets and advertising boards outside the classrooms, they failed to escape on time, resulting in an increase in casualties.因地下一层与一层共用的疏散楼梯防火分隔缺失,烟气快速蔓延至二层。在二楼,师生们正在上培训机构组织的课程。由于教室外安装了防盗网和广告牌,他们无法及时逃生,造成人员伤亡扩大。 The accident, which happened in the afternoon of Jan 24 caused a direct economic loss of more than 43.52 million yuan ($6.17 million).事故发生在1月24日下午,造成直接经济损失4352万余元(约617万美元)。 An investigation team was established by the Ministry of Emergency Management, the Ministry of Public Security, the National Fire and Rescue Administration, the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, and the Jiangxi Provincial People's Government afterwards. 事后,应急管理部、公安部、国家消防救援局、全国总工会和江西省人民政府成立了事故调查组。 The team found that the owner of the building illegally rented the basement floor, where construction of the cold storage facility was illegal. The building had significant deficiencies in fire prevention. The educational training institute and a hotel were operating in violation of regulations. The relevant local authorities failed to carry out supervision.调查组查明,涉事房主违法违规出租综合楼地下一层,冷库建设施工单位违规建设冷库。涉事建筑存在防火分隔重大缺陷,教育培训机构和宾馆违规经营,属地有关部门监管缺位。 In an interview with Xinhua News Agency, the team suggested enhancing safety management of cold storages by regulating planning, site selection and on-site construction. It also asked for strengthened management of major places where multiple businesses operate.在接受新华社采访时,调查组建议通过规范规划、选址和现场施工建设来加强冷库安全管理。此外,调查组还要求强化多业态混合经营等重点场所安全管理。 Efforts should be made to promote installation of "one-click alarm" devices in crowded areas and near evacuation routes, enabling a single press to trigger building-wide alarms and prompt responses from all occupants, it said.调查组建议,要大力推广在人员集中区域、疏散通道附近安装“一键报警”装置,实现一键按下,全楼报警、全员响应。

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  5. VOR 2 TAGEN

    英语新闻丨Xi:Step up rural vitalization efforts

    After decades of urbanization that have brought remarkable progress, propelling China to become the world's second-largest economy, the government is ramping up efforts to achieve more balanced, coordinated development to narrow the gap between urban and rural areas amid the nation's modernization drive. On the eve of the seventh Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival, which fell on Sunday, Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee,reiterated the nation's commitment to building a more prosperous countryside. He also extended festive greetings and sincere regards on behalf of the CPC Central Committee to farmers and comrades working on agricultural and rural fronts across the country. Xi, who is also Chinese president and chairman of the Central Military Commission, called on Party committees and governments at various levels to make every effort to enhance the economic benefits of agriculture, increase farmers' incomes and inject greater vitality into the countryside, in order to bring tangible benefits to farmers. Furthermore, he said it is imperative to persistently consolidate the foundation of agriculture and promote comprehensive rural vitalization to advance Chinese modernization, and he urged farmers and people from other sectors to take actions to transform the blueprint for rural vitalization into reality. Meanwhile, despite the recent increase in rural income resulting from extensive poverty alleviation efforts, rural residents continue to lag economically. According to the National Bureau of Statistics, the per capita disposable income of rural residents was 21,691 yuan ($3,076) last year, approximately half the national average. Wu Haitao, a researcher of poverty issues at Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, said, "The urban-rural disparity is also reflected in the access to various social welfare benefits." Urban areas outperform rural regions in almost every aspect, including infrastructure, public services and social security provisions, such as elderly care and the pension fund system. In August, authorities set a goal to increase the proportion of urban residents to 70 percent of China's population within the next five years, and to reform the two-track urban-rural household registration system as part of the country's "people-centered" urbanization initiative. Without local household registration documents, known as hukou, tens of millions of rural migrants often face limited access to public services in the cities where they work. The commitment to advance new urbanization was emphasized at the third plenary session of the 20th Central Committee of the CPC, held in Beijing from July 15 to 18. Traditionally pivotal in the decision-making of the CPC leadership, the third plenary sessions are considered to be "steering wheels" in China's economic reforms and serve as a crucial platform for adjusting top-level decisions and building consensus. The communique from the recent third plenary session described the integration of urban and rural areas as essential to the country's modernization goals. Jiang Quanbao, a professor of demography at Xi'an Jiaotong University, said the integration was proposed to narrow the gap in the living standards between urban and rural areas while preserving the unique characteristics of rural regions during the merging process. "This aims to enable residents in both areas to gradually lead a different but equal life," he said. The communique emphasized the importance of aligning "new industrialization, new urbanization, and comprehensive rural vitalization", and it called for the enhancement of urban-rural planning, construction and governance integration. It also stressed the necessity of equal resource exchanges and two-way flows between urban and rural areas to reduce disparities, foster common prosperity and promote development. Jiang noted that barriers remain to establishing a unified national market, such as the enduring spatial isola

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  6. VOR 3 TAGEN


    China's central bank may soon opt for more easing moves as the United States is poised for an interest rate cut cycle, as headwinds are emerging amid efforts to stabilize domestic economic momentum, analysts said on Wednesday. 9月18日,专家表示,美国稳定国内经济增长势头的举措遭遇逆风,即将进入一个降息周期,为此,中国央行很快就能有更宽松的选择空间。 Possible measures include a reduction in the reserve requirement ratio — the proportion of deposits banks must keep as reserves, or a cut in lending rate benchmarks and mitigation in financial burdens of outstanding mortgages, they said. 可能采取的措施包括降低存款准备金率——即银行必须作为准备金储存的存款比例,降低贷款基准利率,以及减轻未偿还抵押债款的债务负担。 "We anticipate that China is entering a key period for monetary policy, in which the probability of cuts in the RRR and interest rates as soon as possible is increasing," said Wu Chaoming, deputy director of the Chasing International Economic Institute. 逐际经济研究所副所长吴超明表示:“我们预计中国正在进入调整货币政策的关键时期,在这个阶段,尽快降低存款准备金和利率的可能性正在增加”。 "Measures such as intensified use of structural tools and reduction of existing home loan rates are also worth looking forward to," Wu said. 吴超明说:“结构性工具的深化运用和现有房贷利率的下调,都值得期待”。 The US Federal Reserve's shift in policy stance will create more favorable conditions for China to cut interest rates, Wu said, adding that domestic factors also point to the rising possibility of rate cuts, including insufficient demand, weakening momentum of month-on-month economic growth and elevated real interest rates. 吴超明还表示,美联储政治立场的转变将为中国降息创造更有利的环境,并且我国需求不足、月度经济增长势头减弱和实际利率上升等国内因素也增加了降息的可能性。 He added that the necessity has significantly increased for an RRR cut in the near term, which would coordinate with strengthening fiscal support, alleviate pressure on commercial banks and mitigate the impact of a large volume of maturing medium-term lending facilities on market liquidity. 此外,为与强化的财政支持相协调、减轻商业银行的压力,以及缓解大量中期借贷便利到期对市场流动性的影响,近期内降低存款准备金率的必要性显著增加。 The Fed held its latest Federal Open Market Committee meeting from Tuesday to Wednesday and had yet to disclose interest rate decisions of the meeting up to the deadline for this story's publication. 美联储于9月17至18日召开了最新的联邦公开市场委员会,但目前还没有披露会议对调息所做的决定。 Analysts, nevertheless, said it was a foregone conclusion for the Fed to cut rates on Wednesday, either 25 basis points or 50bp, as US inflation has eased while the labor market softened. 然而,分析师们表示,由于劳动力市场出现软化,美国通胀有所缓解,美联储在18日降息25或50个基准点是意料之中的。 Mark Haefele, chief investment officer of UBS Global Wealth Management, said that in a base case forecast scenario in which the US economy will achieve a soft landing, there is room for 100bp of interest rate reductions this year and another 100bp in 2025. 瑞银全球财富管理首席投资官马克·海费尔表示,在一中基本情况预测情境中,美国经济将实现软着陆,这意味着今年可以降低100个基点的利率,并在2025年再降低100个基点。 Yang Delong, chief economist at First Seafront Fund, said the Fed entering a rate cut cycle has provided a firm foundation for the People's Bank of China, the country's central bank, to implement of a relatively loose monetary policy. 前海

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    英语新闻丨Protection of major grottoes emphasized

    Zhao Shengliang, a lifelong scholar of Dunhuang art, stood side by side with President Xi Jinping as they carefully inspected caves, sculptures and paintings that date back more than 1,600 years. It was Zhao's second time accompanying Xi on such a cultural inspection, yet the moment struck him just as profoundly as the first time, as it reaffirmed the president's unwavering dedication to preserving China's rich heritage.As part of Xi's four-day trip to Gansu province last week, Zhao accompanied the president on a fact-finding trip to the Maijishan Grottoes, one of China's four major grottoes sites. The other three are the Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang, Gansu; the Yungang Grottoes in Datong, Shanxi province; and the Longmen Grottoes in Luoyang, Henan province. Xi, who is also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, encouraged cultural heritage professionals to remain dedicated to safeguarding the nation's treasures and to contribute greater efforts to the preservation and innovation of China's rich cultural heritage, while strengthening China's cultural influence on the global stage. The Maijishan Grottoes feature 221 caves connected by elevated walkways and house more than 10,000 clay sculptures. Known as the "Oriental Sculpture Museum", it is a significant landmark along the ancient Silk Road.China's vast landscape is home to nearly 6,000 cave temples, and the Chinese president lauded the nation's major grottoes as "treasures of Chinese civilization" that hold significant historical and cultural value. Xi previously visited the Mogao Grottoes in August 2019, a trip for which Zhao also served as part of the entourage, and the Yungang Grottoes in May 2020.Zhao, who is also Party secretary of the Dunhuang Academy, said: "The strongest impression I have is President Xi's deep respect for China's outstanding traditional culture.  He has shown great concern for cultural heritage sites that represent Chinese civilization, such as the Mogao and Maijishan grottoes, and he has dedicated considerable attention to the preservation of these cultural relics." The president was also very attentive as he visited with art workers who were restoring the cave paintings at the complex, Zhao said."I believe it is essential for more people today to learn about the Maijishan Grottoes, especially artists, who can draw inspiration from its sculptures to create new works that contribute to modern socialist culture," he added. Ning Qiang, dean of Beijing Foreign Studies University's School of Art and Research, said that the grottoes stand as a testament to the cultural exchanges between China and other civilizations, and they embody the spirit of inclusiveness, adaptation and innovation of Chinese culture, another key factor underlying the president's keen interest in cultural heritage.The Maijishan Grottoes site is one of those on the UNESCO World Heritage Site "Silk Road: Chang'an-Tianshan Corridor Road Network", which spans China, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan." It was the shared beliefs and lifestyles of the people in these regions that led to the creation of the caves as a common cultural achievement," Ning added.Since being elected general secretary of the CPC Central Committee in 2012, Xi has issued more than 170 important directives on cultural relics, archaeology and intangible cultural heritage, and has conducted on-site investigations of over 100 historical and cultural heritage sites. "Historical and cultural heritage is a valuable resource that is neither renewable nor replaceable, and its protection should always be given top priority," Xi said when visiting the Yungang Grottoes in Shanxi.During the inspection of Gansu last week, Xi expressed his support to the Dunhuang Academy in building an example of world cultural heritage protection and a center of Dunhuang studies. Zhao, the scholar, highlighted the need to understand the distinctive features of the Maijishan Grottoes."In order to enhance the influence of t

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    A man suspected in an apparent attempt to assassinate former US president Donald Trump at his Florida golf course hid out for nearly 12 hours beforehand, according to a court complaint. 根据一份法院诉状,一名男子涉嫌暗杀美国前总统唐纳德·特朗普。该男子在特朗普位于佛罗里达州的高尔夫球场事先躲藏近 12 个小时。 The suspect, Ryan Wesley Routh, 58, was charged with two federal gun crimes on Monday.嫌疑人瑞安·韦斯利·劳思现年58 岁,16日受控两项联邦涉枪罪名。 The incident Sunday afternoon raised questions about how an armed person was able to get so close to Trump, the Republican presidential candidate in the Nov 5 election, two months after a gunman fired at Trump during a July 13 rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, cutting his ear with a bullet.这场发生在15日下午的事件引发疑问:7月13日,一名枪手在宾夕法尼亚州巴特勒市的竞选集会上向特朗普开枪,子弹擦伤了他的耳朵。两个月后,一名持枪者又为何能如此接近 11 月 5 日将参与大选的美国共和党总统候选人特朗普? Trump's visit to his golf course in West Palm Beach was not on his public schedule, US Secret Service Acting Director Ronald Rowe said Monday. 美国特勤局代理局长罗纳德·罗16日表示,特朗普去西棕榈滩自家高尔夫球场打球并未列入其公开行程。 A Secret Service agent who was "walking the perimeter" of the course, according to the criminal complaint, opened fire after seeing a rifle barrel poking out of bushes a few hundred yards away from Trump, who was on the fifth hole fairway. 根据刑事起诉书,当时一名特勤局特工正在巡视球场,发现灌木丛中伸出一根步枪枪管,距当时在5号球洞球道的特朗普仅几百米,随后特勤局特工开了枪。 The gunman fled in a Nissan sport utility vehicle "at a high rate of speed", according to the complaint filed in US District Court in West Palm Beach. Officers found a loaded SKS assault-style rifle with a scope, a digital camera and a plastic bag of food. 根据提交给美国西棕榈滩地区法院的起诉书,枪手乘坐一辆日产运动型多功能车“高速”逃离。警察在现场发现了一支装有瞄准镜并带有子弹的半自动步枪、一部数码相机和一塑料袋食品。 Records show a phone associated with Routh was located at the golf course starting at 1:59 am on Sunday EDT, according to the complaint. Federal agents had requested Routh's location data from his wireless provider. 诉状显示,从美国东部时间15日凌晨1:59开始,劳思的手机在高尔夫球场被定位。联邦特工要求劳思的无线服务供应商提供他的位置数据。 The suspect was on the public side of a fence along the course's boundary, Rowe said. 罗纳德·罗说,嫌疑人当时在球场边界围栏公开的一侧。 Routh was arrested about 40 minutes after the incident, driving north on Interstate 95. The license plate on his vehicle had been reported stolen from a Ford truck. Bodycam footage of Routh's arrest was released by the Martin County Sheriff's Office. 事发约40分钟后,劳思在95号州际公路向北行驶时被捕。据报告,他的车牌是从一辆福特卡车上偷来的。马丁县警长办公室公布了劳思被捕时的车载摄像头录像。 "There have been previous individuals who have taken pictures of the former president while he's golfing," Dave Aronberg, the state attorney for the district that covers Palm Beach County, told Fox News. "They've gone through the shrubs and been able to poke a camera through the fencing. You would think that perhaps maybe they would consider someone scoping the perimeter." “以前曾有人在前总统打高尔夫时拍下他的照片。”棕榈滩县州检察官戴夫·阿伦伯格告诉美国福克斯新闻,“他们穿过灌木丛,将摄像头从围栏中探出。你会认为,也许他们会

    5 Min.


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