A Quest for Well-Being

Valeria Teles
A Quest for Well-Being Podcast

This is a podcast inspired by love in the quest for Well-Being. The episodes feature informative, inspirational, healing, and insightful conversations on the fields of mental, emotional, and spiritual health. This is a platform of collaboration created for the exploration of fundamental truths, enlightening ideas, and insights about holistic health. The aspiration is to awaken new ways of thinking toward a new way of living and new ways of being. Through the lens of awareness and healing, we explore such topics as trauma, addiction, co-dependency, fear, depression, anxiety, learning, and self-love, among others. The intention is to inspire healthy changes and promote awareness. I am grateful for having the opportunity to collaborate with many AMAZING human beings!!! Much appreciation for the guests and supporters of this podcast! Podcast Song “Almost August” by Dan Lebowitz http://www.lebomusic.com/

  1. The Intersection of Holistic Care and Healing

    17 AUG

    The Intersection of Holistic Care and Healing

    — In holistic care, a person' physical, emotional, social, economic, and spiritual needs are considered, as well as their response to an illness and the effects of illness on their ability to care for themselves. There a variety of long-term services and supports, as well as natural supports to cope with their emotional, social and other needs. Thus, they require a coordinated and integrated approach in order to improve the outcomes. A holistic approach to healing can maximize a person’s quality of life as a main outcome. Valeria interviews Amber McKinney-Morgan practices clinical social work in California with experience in individual and couples therapy.  Amber is certified in both Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) and Gottman Couples Therapy. In addition, Amber is an EMDRIA-approved Consultant-in-Training (CIT) providing consultation to other EMDR clinicians looking to be certified. She’s penned articles for EMDRIA’s Go With That Magazine on incorporating EMDR, IFS and SE when working with clients and has spoken on the popular television show, Fatal Attraction, which is anticipated to be available for audience consumption in Fall of 2024. Amber has received training in various interventions and therapeutic modalities through their respective institutes and includes but is not limited to: The Gottman Method, Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT), Internal Family Systems (IFS), Sex Therapy, Hypnosis, Somatic Experiencing (SE), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and more. Amber’s passion for the behavioral health field got put into play over 10 years ago, as a “child counselor” at residential group homes. Since then, she’s amassed experience working with individuals ages 4 and up coping with a range of life circumstances including trauma, homelessness and more. If you find yourself reading this and have more questions about how therapy can support you in your life, please feel free to reach out and schedule a free 15-minute consultation. Amber appreciates you taking the time to explore your needs thus far to access the care you deserve.  To learn more about Amber McKinney-Morgan and her work, please visit: https://www.ambermckinney.com

    36 min
  2. The Power To Transform Your Health Is Written In Your Genes!

    17 AUG

    The Power To Transform Your Health Is Written In Your Genes!

    — Be prepared for an amazing health transformation! Through Valentina’s breakthrough programs, you can resolve lingering issues, while you can achieve optimal wellness through my personalized, integrative approach. By eliminating underlying imbalances, you'll feel healthy, energized, balanced, and mentally clear in no time. It is all about identifying the causes, map out a plan, and create positive change. Besides innovative modalities for releasing stuck emotions, the system offers fascinating insights into your DNA and nutrition, as well as customized lifestyle upgrades. The DNA Blueprint or digital transformational guides will deliver results, whether you dive right in or start from scratch. Valentina’s uses a comprehensive, science-based approach to identify the source of health imbalances so you can optimize your unique blueprint. You'll feel rejuvenated, vital, and a sense of wellbeing when you take advantage of this treatment. This is the beginning of the journey. It's time to uncover the root causes of your pain, heal them holistically, and transform your health in ways that will make you excited about life again! Valeria interviews Valentina Bain — She is a Certified Somatic Practitioner, Geonomics (Epigenetics) Coach, Holistic Nutrition Coach, EFT Master Practitioner, CranioSacral Therapist, Reiki Master, Neuromuscular Therapist, Sports Therapist, Labor Doula, and NLP mindset coach. With over 20 years of experience as an entrepreneur in the wellness industry and natural-minded mom to 4, Valentina has trained extensively to help clients get to the root of chronic issues. As a somatic therapist and epigenetic coach, Valentina shares the ultimate secret to elevating holistic healing, vitality, prevention, and longevity - your unique DNA blueprint and custom protocols. She provides breakthrough blueprints using DNA, HTMA, and other functional tests to help you unlock wellness on a whole new level. Valentina explains how genetic variation informs the customized diet, lifestyle, and solutions that will lead each individual to their best self. By understanding how your body handles chemical processes, you can go right to the root of health issues. She partners with clients as a trained practitioner to determine which insights are most relevant today, since gene expression evolves over time. To learn more about how you can connect the dots to feel your healthiest, happiest self with a lifetime blueprint for optimization, please visit: https://valentinabain.com/ Check our The DNA Blueprint Package here: https://valentinabain.thrivecart.com/breakthrough-blueprint/

    59 min
  3. Muscle Is The Organ Of Longevity: Strength Training for Women

    17 AUG

    Muscle Is The Organ Of Longevity: Strength Training for Women

    — Train your body to become stronger, healthier, and leaner! The importance of strength training in an overall fitness program cannot be overstated. This episode explores the benefits of strength training and how to begin. Is it your goal to lose body fat, increase lean muscle mass, and burn calories more effectively? It's time for strength training! Strength training contributes significantly to a person's overall health and fitness. According to a new study, women who do strength training exercises two or three times a week are likely to live longer and are less likely to die from heart disease. A strong body is also a healthy body, including bones, joints, a healthy mood, and a healthy metabolism. Moreover, at a time when many women ignore weight training in favor of aerobic activity, these findings support the notion that both types of exercise can be beneficial. The findings are part of a larger study, published in The Journal of the American College of Cardiology, which evaluated the differences in the effects of exercise between men and women. Valeria interviews Angela Beyer — She is a renowned coach and health expert. Angela isn't just about aesthetics; she empowers women to build muscle, cultivate healthy habits, and achieve lasting well-being. Sculpting bodies and shaping lives. From overcoming personal challenges to bodybuilding triumph and celebrity training, Angela's journey fuels her passion for guiding others towards physical and mental empowerment. Miss Universe titleholder, author, and media mentioned (All Star Magazine Germany, Flex Magazine), podcast guest on award winning podcasts. Angela's proven methods and inspiring success stories make her a sought-after expert in the transformation arena. To learn more about Angela Beyer and her work, please visit: https://houseofshape.com and Instagram: @healthcoachangela

    60 min
  4. Life Transformation with Karmic Astrology & Past Life Regression

    29 JUL

    Life Transformation with Karmic Astrology & Past Life Regression

    — When you are afraid of death, you can lose sight of what is important in life and live a less fulfilling existence. Through Karmic Astrology & Past Life Regression, you can stop focusing on death and focus on transforming your experience of self and reality by honoring your spiritual journey. As a result of this transformative awareness, you are able to see how your soul or consciousness may have been transferred from one body to another. Although the answers you receive from a session may be reassuring, it helps if you believe that death has a spiritual element, but even if you have no idea what happens after you die, you may be pleasantly surprised! Valeria interviews Maggie Donovan — She is a certified Clinical and Transpersonal Hypnotherapist. She received 500 hours of training from the Institute of Interpersonal Hypnotherapy. A state-licensed school with the highest ethical standards, and in compliance with federal and state education standards. Maggie also possesses additional learning credits from the Past Life Awakening Institute and a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology from the University of New Orleans. After rounding out a chapter as an educator of history, she was guided back to her calling as a hypnotherapist to aid in cultivating a healthier attitude toward one's spiritual journey and becoming acquainted with their soul's true nature. Maggie’s mission is to facilitate a personal discovery of each individual's spiritual journey. These private revelations bring people closer to the higher power within themselves and bring clarity to their unique life's purpose. Maggie strives to combat the fear of death, by offering insight into the nature of each soul and its spiritual home. Through carefully crafted sessions, using karmic astrology, past life regression, and traditional hypnotherapy methods, she works meticulously to ensure that each of her clients leaves with a better understanding of themselves and their spiritual journey. To learn more about Maggie Donovan and her work, please visit: https://www.thehypnoticniche.com/

    54 min
  5. Retiring The Word “Retirement”

    29 JUL

    Retiring The Word “Retirement”

    — “Breadcrumb Legacy is about being intentional in each moment. Every day is an opportunity to leave an impact; even if it’s not immediately apparent, small actions will accumulate into a legacy that others will remember.” Valeria interviews Jann E. Freed  — She is the author of  “BREADCRUMB LEGACY: How Great Leaders Live a Life Worth Remembering.” Dr. Ruth is one of her sheroes.   Dr. Ruth, sex therapist, professor, author, professor, was talking about sex in the 80s, a taboo subject, when no one wanted to talk about it. Dr. Jann wants to talk about retirement when people don’t want to talk about it and are scared to even think about it! At 94, Dr. Ruth is still writing and speaking and Jann plans to do the same. As a former professor for decades, Dr. Jann decided to practice what she was teaching and preaching.  She says she is out to retire the word “retirement.” We are not retiring from life, but moving onto something else. Jann believes it takes time and intentional thought to successfully move on to what’s next in life. This awakening led her on a research journey that resulted in her book Leading with Wisdom: Sage Advice from 100 Experts. One chapter that really resonated was “Leaders Live Their Legacy.” So Dr. Jann did a deep dive on legacy work and set out to interview gurus. From this work, she created the concept of Breadcrumb Legacy™ and it became her latest book Breadcrumb Legacy: How Great Leaders Live a Life Worth Remembering. Dr. Jann also hosts the “Becoming a Sage Podcast” where she interviews thought leaders on the wisdom of life and work. She also writes the “Leading Edge” column for Training Magazine which is published in print and online. Dr. Jann’s mission is to be a seeker and learner who leaves a Breadcrumb Legacy for herself and others. She lives in Des Moines, Iowa with her husband and her dog, Grover. She is proud of her three adult sons who are thriving in this ever-changing world. To learn more about Jann E. Freed and her work, please visit: https://jannfreed.com/

    55 min
  6. The End Of Seeking Becomes The End Of Suffering

    16 JUL

    The End Of Seeking Becomes The End Of Suffering

    — “In surrender, imagine how you might feel as you effortlessly slip deeper into the enveloping embrace of compassion. Perhaps we will open to the nature of life itself as the incomparable, dynamic, and bewildering ongoing play of compassion. Imagine every disappointment, every celebration, every completion or incompletion, every obstacle, every triumph or failure, every emotion, every beautiful and painful moment of this life is and has only ever been the play compassion, of love making itself known in the form of joy and sadness.  We could include every loss as well. Every life is the play of compassion in the world. At the end of seeking, there are no more topics to put under a microscope of reason, no more controversies to debate, no more conclusions to be carefully wrapped and tied up in a bow. There are no further antidotes to layer upon ego or that even make sense. To continue indulging in such things is an avoidance of the truth. To surrender is to approach this quality of knowing. We were born in compassion. We live by compassion alone. And one day we will be swept away into compassion.” Valeria interviews Gary Horvitz — He is a retired medical professional. He has been a climate activist, a nomad, a travel blogger, a poet and author. He has contributed to online publications on the issues of spirituality, activism, the global energy transition and climate and has just completed facilitating a year-long course, One Year to Live. He is a grandfather, a Masters swimmer for four decades and one of Bayo Akomolafe's Mountain Dancers, which means we are zig-zagging our way into the future in a four-dimensional dance because that's the only way everything and everyone can become One. To learn more about Gary Horvitz and his work, please visit: https://substack.com/@garyhorvitz, https://spontaneouspresence.net/ and Just Passing Through

    1h 3m
  7. Only Truth Can Set Us Free

    16 JUL

    Only Truth Can Set Us Free

    — “Growing in faith requires us to take our eyes off ourselves and place them fully on the character of God. So often when we say we want to grow in our faith, we make an effort to do something that displays a godly character. But living in a godly way should be a by-product of our knowledge of the true nature of God and the result of our being connected to Jesus by the Holy Spirit. When we believe God’s Word over what other people say is right or true, then we will be set free to walk in holiness and victory. “Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free” (John 8:32).” — Writes Sue Corl in Broken, But Undefeated: Journeying Through the Hall of Faith. Valeria interviews Sue Corl  — She is the author of  “Crown of Beauty, A Twelve Week Women's Bible Study: Renewed in His Intimate Love and Delight, Broken, But Undefeated: Journeying Through the Hall of Faith, For Such a Time as This: Walking Through Crisis and many other titles. Sue Corl is an international women’s conference speaker, author, mentor, Bible teacher, missionary, founder and Executive Director of Crown of Beauty International, and His Heartbeat Podcast host. Her greatest joy is being a wife and mother of two adult children. She has a passion to see women set free to live in the powerful truths of who they are in Christ and the love of God. She served as a missionary for twenty-five years in Asia. Currently, she travels to minister to women throughout Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and the U.S. She has a Master’s of Education from the University of Hawaii and a Master’s of Christian Counseling from Philadelphia Biblical University. She is the author of several books including Crown of Beauty Twelve Week Bible Study, For Such a Time as This, and Broken but Undefeated. To learn more about Sue Corl and her work, please visit: https://www.crownofbeautyinternational.com/ and https://www.sue-corl.com/

    1h 1m
  8. Intergenerational Trauma Healing and Prevention

    16 JUL

    Intergenerational Trauma Healing and Prevention

    — Intergenerational family trauma (aka intergenerational trauma) refers to a broad spectrum of symptoms, dynamics, and genetics resulting from the traumatic experiences of an individual or family, which are later passed down to the next generation of the family. The research on intergenerational trauma has predominantly focused on specific ethnic or cultural groups, like Jewish descendants of Holocaust survivors and African-American descendants of American chattel slaves. Researchers found that many descendants show unique characteristics that resembled the PTSD of the trauma survivors (their ancestors) themselves (Van Steenwyk et al. 2018). While this field of study is relatively new and rather sparse, the findings have been consistent and undeniable: intergenerational trauma is a real thing. If you have experienced significant family stress and trauma, if your parents, grandparents, or even great-grandparents experienced traumas at various points, Dr. Ernest’s work should be helpful for you as valuable guidance toward a thriving life! Valeria interviews Dr. Ernest Ellender  — He is the author of  “This Is How We Heal from Painful Childhoods: A Practical Guide for Healing Past Intergenerational Stress and Trauma.” Ernest Ellender worked in the fields of psychology, life coaching, and martial arts for over 25 years, culminating in his book entitled “This Is How We Heal From Painful Childhoods: A Practical Guide for Healing Past Intergenerational Stress and Trauma”. After earning his doctorate in clinical psychology (2007), Ernest focused heavily on application of research and theory to provide therapy and life coaching to community-based clients. He also taught at Nicholls State University before retiring from clinical psychology in 2022. He is a 3rd degree black belt in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu and runs his martial arts school in his hometown of Houma, Louisiana while additionally offering Life Coaching services to ambitious clients. His advanced martial arts training lent unique insights into the process of developing precise, complex skills. Ernest combined the best of both psychology and martial arts training into an empowering curriculum for healing from childhood and family struggles. The rich Cajun heritage of south Louisiana where Ernest grew up includes amazing, close-knit communities that celebrate family life and a close connection to the land (hunting, fishing, farming, food), as well as a long history of cultural traumas that persist today. This offered fertile grounds for refining his curriculum before offering it to the world in his new book. Known affectionately in his hometown as “Waffle”, Ernest keeps busy spending time with family and friends and significant other, working out at his brother’s CrossFit gym, learning new skills (freediving, dancing), or planning his next vacation to experience new cultures and adventures. To learn more about Dr. Ernest Ellender and his work, please visit: healfromchildhood.com

    1h 4m


This is a podcast inspired by love in the quest for Well-Being. The episodes feature informative, inspirational, healing, and insightful conversations on the fields of mental, emotional, and spiritual health. This is a platform of collaboration created for the exploration of fundamental truths, enlightening ideas, and insights about holistic health. The aspiration is to awaken new ways of thinking toward a new way of living and new ways of being. Through the lens of awareness and healing, we explore such topics as trauma, addiction, co-dependency, fear, depression, anxiety, learning, and self-love, among others. The intention is to inspire healthy changes and promote awareness. I am grateful for having the opportunity to collaborate with many AMAZING human beings!!! Much appreciation for the guests and supporters of this podcast! Podcast Song “Almost August” by Dan Lebowitz http://www.lebomusic.com/

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