34 Folgen

Welcome to It's Not What You Think, a podcasting journey with me - Master Coach Celinne Da Costa. Together, we unlock the infinite power within you to create a life in alignment with your highest possible Soul Destiny. My intention is to elevate your story of greatness, deconstruct limiting beliefs, and share insights on my own personal subconscious reprogramming journey, as well as those of my esteemed guests— world-class coaches, thought leaders, and educators—to turn the emotional, relational, financial, mental, and soul freedom your hearts desires into reality!

It's Not What You Think Celinne Da Costa

    • Religion und Spiritualität

Welcome to It's Not What You Think, a podcasting journey with me - Master Coach Celinne Da Costa. Together, we unlock the infinite power within you to create a life in alignment with your highest possible Soul Destiny. My intention is to elevate your story of greatness, deconstruct limiting beliefs, and share insights on my own personal subconscious reprogramming journey, as well as those of my esteemed guests— world-class coaches, thought leaders, and educators—to turn the emotional, relational, financial, mental, and soul freedom your hearts desires into reality!

    Coming Home to Myself: Lessons from a Year and 9 Months of Abstaining from Sex | Ep 33

    Coming Home to Myself: Lessons from a Year and 9 Months of Abstaining from Sex | Ep 33

    In this profoundly personal solo episode, I open up to share the story behind my decision to abstain from romantic intimacy with men for 1 year and 9 months. 

    This was not a decision I made lightly. After a painful breakup and a serious health scare in early 2022, I realized drastic change was needed if I wanted to rewrite my love story and manifest the love I truly desired to experience in my life.  

    During what I can only describe as a mixture of a dark night of the soul and one of the most difficult and significant turning chapters of my story, I did the deepest inner work of my life— exploring and resolving my conditioning around men, relationships, the mother/father wound, and fear of intimacy dating back to childhood and even my ancestry. I excavated unconscious patterns and rewrote disempowering stories that no longer served the woman I was becoming and the vision that I have for myself when it comes to creating a life full of love and harmony – including in my romantic relationships.

    It was a challenging yet incredibly clarifying commitment to myself that grew me in ways that, two years later, I don’t even recognize myself as a woman (for the better!). I cherish the relationship that I’ve built with myself, the love that I am practicing towards myself, and the woman that I’ve become – not to mention, the external reflections of the love I’ve cultivated in my heart, which I am experiencing every day.


    ▪️How abstinence gave me space to reconnect with my Soul 

    ▪️Learning to deeply enjoy my own company

    ▪️Dialing in my “energetic hygiene” and strengthening my energy body

    ▪️How self-love rippled out to amplify my purpose and grow my business

    ▪️Why healing the past frees you to consciously design the future

    ▪️How changing my inner reality around love reshaped my outer experience 


    "My biggest fear was being alone. And for me to truly grow and overcome that fear, there was no other way but to go into it—and be alone."
    Celinne Da Costa

    "The more alone I was, I started to realize, wait, this is really fun. I really enjoy my time. I really enjoy quality time with myself." 
    Celinne Da Costa

    "My business doubled in 2022 during this celibacy period. The more I came back to myself, back into my vitality, my joy...the more clarity I received around my business."
    Celinne Da Costa

    This was an incredibly transformative chapter that changed how I relate to myself and others. If you resonate with longing for deeper self-love or are seeking to rewrite your love story to be in alignment to your highest self, this episode is for you.

    If you desire to upgrade your relationship story so that you can attract healthier partnerships and navigate your breakups with ease, clarity, and grace then my Masterclass on Conscious Uncoupling may be just what you need. 

    Get ready to turn a painful event into an opportunity to learn, evolve, and prepare yourself to receive a more aligned and loving partner.

    Sign up here to begin your journey.

    With love,



    Celinne Da Costa is a Master Coach and brand story expert who works with high-achieving, purpose-driven CEOs, experts, and executives to help them become confident, fully expressed leaders with transformational stories, an influential brand, and a tribe of raving fans.

    Celinne has thousands of hours of practitioner training in various modalities, including NeuroLinguistic Programming, Facilitated Breath Repatterning, hypnotherapy, shamanic energy healing, emotional intelligence coaching, and life coaching, which she channels to create powerful breakthroughs for her clients.

    Her work has been featured in top media, including Forbes, Entrepreneur, and Business Insider. A bestselling author and a popular speaker, Celinne has also delivered a TEDx speech on the power of human connection. Follow her journey

    • 1 Std. 7 Min.
    10X Your Income By Stepping Into Your Gifts: A Case Study with Ali Kates | Ep 32

    10X Your Income By Stepping Into Your Gifts: A Case Study with Ali Kates | Ep 32

    What does it look like to truly own your power, find full confidence in your soul gifts, and turn them into a successful business? Today we dive deep into the incredible story of one of my clients, Ali Kates, a Certified Trauma Recovery Coach. 

    In this episode, we explore how Ali has rewritten her story of success and moved from playing small to boldly answering her Soul's calling.

    Ali came to me as a naturally intuitive and empathic person, but not having fully come to the space where she could own that yet… this was affecting her ability to run a successful business. She was burnt out, and frustrated. She felt stuck and like no matter how hard she worked on her business, something would end up derailing her. 

    During the past 1.5 years of working together, Ali has made some incredible transformations.

    By doing the inner work, she was able to regain her confidence in herself and her abilities and align her business to her vision. She let go of her people-pleasing tendencies and built a practice of high-quality, ideal clients, allowing her to 10x her rates and make her investment back in just 2 months!


    ▪️The cost of "cookie cutter" business strategies that neglect nervous system health

    ▪️Excavating limiting beliefs and childhood conditioning blocking your potential

    ▪️Learning to be guided by intuition versus others' expectations

    ▪️Cultivating self-trust to confidently share your gifts with the world

    ▪️Creating work that matters by getting clear on your "why"

    ▪️Investing in yourself to accelerate outer success


    When it comes to growing your business, it's not just about a strategy. It's really about that ability to trust yourself, to own who you are, and to be able to listen to your intuition.
    Celinne Da Costa

    Something would totally derail me because I wasn't embodied and empowered in my decision in my business.
    Ali Kates

    I really believed in myself, that I could do it, and that I was put here to do this. And I made that money back in two months. I 10x my rate.
    Ali Kates

    When you slow down and get aligned, things speed up. It's not as quickly as you do. It's as quickly as you align.
    Celinne Da Costa

    Celinne is a gift to this earth and so connected. What surprised me doing this work was the spiritual side and being connected to the universe, God, and nature.
    Ali Kates

    Through profound inner work, Ali has moved from feeling stuck in scarcity and playing small to boldly stepping into her gifts. She is an embodiment of what’s possible when you commit fully to your growth.

    If Ali’s story resonates and you feel called to your next level and desire to work with me you can do so at multiple investment levels in group and private settings, as well as any of my self-lead programs and courses. 


    Ali highly recommends my Love Money Again course for anyone who has a scarcity mindset. 

    Learn how to heal your money wounds, fall in love with money again, and rewire your money mindset to ease and joyfully magnetize more money and prosperity into your life.

    Through this one course alone Ali received so many breakthroughs and admits that she re-listens to it whenever she feels the need for rewiring.


    “If you want to dip your toe into this kind of work then Business by Soul is where you should start. It is everything that we've gone over in our 1:1 coaching, perfectly put into a program.” - Ali Kates. 

    In Business by Soul you'll get the proven frameworks that helped my clients drastically improve and evolve their inner world and, as a result, their external business. This includes my exclusive process for reprogramming limiting beliefs and translating your highest potential into action that creates results in your life. 

    You’ll also learn to understand your energetic gifts, establish spiritual business practices, and translate your essence i

    • 1 Std. 2 Min.
    A Guide To Being An Empath: An Interview with Master Intuitive Empath Lujan Matus | Ep 31

    A Guide To Being An Empath: An Interview with Master Intuitive Empath Lujan Matus | Ep 31

    In this profound and enlightening episode, master intuitive empath Lujan Matus joins me to unpack what it truly means to be an empath.

    As someone who has studied and practiced advanced energy work for decades, Lujan provides deep wisdom about how we can hone our intuitive abilities, clear negative emotional charges, and be our most conscious, loving selves.


    ▪️The importance of direct, honest communication 

    ▪️Taking full responsibility for our reactions

    ▪️Evolving beyond past conditioning

    ▪️Cultivating non-reactivity

    ▪️Training our nervous system to respond vs react

    ▪️The practice of transmuting challenging emotions into love

    ▪️Expanding our perception beyond restrictive thought loops

    ▪️How stillness and inner quiet help us


    If you look at linguistics in terms of the way the sentences are structured, you can absolutely discover what somebody's motives are. Everything is revealed via words.
    Lujan Matus

    We get to choose who we want to be - our character - and how we want to develop ourselves in integrity.
    Celinne Da Costa

    If you are carrying with you a burden, you collect these particular elements inside of you, and this becomes a sense of sorrow that guides your path.
    Lujan Matus

    Your friends are the biggest resource you've got.”
    Lujan Matus

    This conversation with Lujan invites deep self-inquiry into how we relate with others, handle challenges, and ultimately seek to better ourselves.

    It reminds us that life is an ever-unfolding journey of growth, dependent on our willingness to courageously confront the obstacles we face with consciousness, wisdom, and care.

    The rewards of this self-work are profound: increased energetic attunement, emotional harmony, enhanced intuition, and conscious creation of our realities.

    I'm honored to learn from Lujan's decades of experience guiding individuals to their highest expression. Tune into this rich dialogue to absorb the gems he shares!


    If you too are wanting to dive deeper into subconscious reprogramming and better understanding yourself to create the life you desire let me invite you to join my 12-month self-led mentorship experience. Here you’ll receive access to all of my self-study programs as well as quarterly Q&As with me so that I can personally support you through your unique journey.

    Learn more or sign up for The Journey here.

    I look forward to connecting with you. 

    With love, 



    Lujan Matus is a master intuitive empath, renowned for guiding individuals and groups to a deeper cosmic understanding. From his base in Sedona, Arizona, he conducts transformative online sessions and workshops. Central to his teachings is Lo Ban Pai, a sacred movement system that aligns energy and fosters a profound connection to the universe. Each interaction with Lujan is a journey of personal growth, addressing both individual aspirations and group dynamics. An accomplished author, he has written eight books in diverse formats and frequently shares his expertise in online interviews. At the heart of his work, Lujan seeks to illuminate paths of enlightenment, empowering others to embrace their highest potential.


    Website | Instagram | Facebook 


    Celinne Da Costa is a Master Coach and brand story expert who works with high-achieving, purpose-driven CEOs, experts, and executives to help them become confident, fully expressed leaders with transformational stories, an influential brand, and a tribe of raving fans.

    Celinne has thousands of hours of practitioner training in various modalities, including NeuroLinguistic Programming, Facilitated Breath Repatterning, hypnotherapy, shamanic energy healing, emotional intelligence coaching, and life coaching, which she channels to create powerful breakthroughs for her clients.

    Her work has b

    • 1 Std. 21 Min.
    Harmonizing the Masculine and Feminine: Tantra as a Map for Wholeness with Ananda Sarita | Ep 30

    Harmonizing the Masculine and Feminine: Tantra as a Map for Wholeness with Ananda Sarita | Ep 30

    Tantra invites us on a powerful journey back home to ourselves. By balancing the masculine and feminine polarities within, we awaken to our true nature beyond limiting beliefs and past conditioning.

    In this episode, masterful Tantra teacher Ananda Sarita dives deep into the tantric perspective on harmonizing our inner masculine and feminine energies. This alchemical process helps achieve wholeness within ourselves and the sacred union in our intimate relationships.

    Sarita reminds us that nature designed men and women to be complementary opposites, with inherent biological and psychological differences. Yet modern society has disrupted the natural polarity, leading both genders to adopt imbalanced masculine traits of control, goal orientation, and competition.

    Through tantra's sacred teachings and map of the chakras, Ananda guides us back to equilibrium. We learn to honor the divine gifts unique to masculinity and femininity and allow those energies to dance in polarity.

    Above all, Tantra is a pathway leading us directly into the heart of the divine mystery.

    This episode explores how this ancient approach helps us remember the love, bliss, and oneness we knew before the world conditioned us to forget.


    How our biology helps us to achieve intimacy

    Reclaiming our gifts through Tantra

    Balancing inner male or female to bring wholeness

    Our spiritual evolution

    Aligning energy centers to unlock our potential

    Love as a woman’s superpower

    Bringing divine feminine qualities into society


    “ We can get unconsciously addicted to men if we're not navigating our intimacy consciously.”
    Celinne Da Costa

    "Love is omnipresent in our reality. To ask, where is love? Is like a fish in the sea asking, where is the water? We are living in an ocean of love."
    Ananda Sarita

    "Tantra, for me, has been a powerful way to find my way back to love."
    Celinne Da Costa

    "Nature intends us to live in a state of equilibrium and bliss."
    Ananda Sarita

    “Through Tantra, I have been able to return back to my feminine principles.”
    Celinne Da Costa

    "As we open our clairvoyant vision, we become one with all that is."
    Ananda Sarita

    This dynamic exchange offers profound insight into solving humanity’s deepest rifts - between mind and body, masculine and feminine, humanity and nature. By exploring the disconnects we collectively experience from Source, Tantra provides a bridge back to wholeness.

    Through profound wisdom and grace, Ananda Sarita reminds us of the love we are. May we carry this message in our hearts, protecting and nurturing its flame as we walk each step with renewed presence and courage.

    I hope these show notes have provided an insightful glimpse into this transformational discussion. To fully immerse yourself in Ananda Sarita's gift, be sure to listen to the full episode with love and optimism for our continued awakening!


    Ananda Sarita's mission in life is to spread the joy of Tantra in the world.

    She has been deeply immersed in her personal path of Tantra, Meditation and Spirituality since 1973 and has spent 17 years learning directly from the enlightened mystic Osho in his physical presence. This invaluable time has allowed her to absorb the full essence of his teachings and dive deeper into the realms of Tantra and holistic healing.

    Ananda Sarita is committed to practicing and teaching authentic Tantra, rooted in Meditation and Love.

    For her, Tantra is a sublime path to enlightenment which explores polarities and the alchemical transformation that takes place when opposites meet in the light of awareness.


    Website | LinkedIn | Instagram | Facebook 


    Celinne Da Costa is a Master Coach and brand story expert who works with high-achieving, purpose-driven CEOs, experts, and executives to help them become confident, fully express

    • 1 Std. 5 Min.
    From Burnout to Alignment: A Journey Back to Purpose with Amanda Bucci | Ep 29

    From Burnout to Alignment: A Journey Back to Purpose with Amanda Bucci | Ep 29

    What happens when you reach every goal ever set for yourself, yet still feel empty inside? When you “have it all” on paper, but lose connection to your true self along the way?

    My soul sister Amanda Bucci shares her powerful story of success turned burnout, and how she found her way back home. After following every “should” and checking every box, she faced the difficult truth that she had lost touch with her core gifts and purpose.

    The perfectionistic drive that initially brought her validation led to depletion. Her outwardly “ideal” life cloaked an inner turmoil. 

    In this vulnerable conversation, Amanda walks us through her journey of reconnecting to her soul’s calling and learning to listen from the inside out, and how you can carve out your own path from burnout to alignment.


    Reaching burnout and losing your connection to purpose

    Facing the shadow of perfectionism and people-pleasing

    Learning to heal core wounds causing self-abandonment

    Finding the courage to follow your soul's desires

    Tips for tuning into your intuition and inner wisdom

    Owning your sensitivity as a gift instead of a flaw

    Redefining success on your own terms

    Remembering you have nothing to prove to anyone


    I had followed every ‘should’ and checked every box but at the expense of hearing what my soul was actually here to do.
    Amanda Bucci

    Your sensitivity is your secret superpower.
    Celinne Da Costa

    Redefine what success means for you, independent of everyone else’s standards.
    Amanda Bucci

    Comparison is the death of joy.
    Amanda Bucci

    Give yourself permission to be unconditionally loved by your own soul.
    Celinne Da Costa

    Amanda’s courage to walk away from the “picture perfect” life in order to rediscover her purpose delivers a powerful reminder: no matter how far we  stray from our soul’s calling, we can always find our way back home through courage and faith.

    May this conversation open your heart and inspire you to reconnect to your unique gifts!


    Do you feel the call to build a business centered around your soul's purpose while also generating abundant income? If so, my new program Business by Soul is for you. 

    Business by Soul is designed for high-achieving, purpose-driven entrepreneurs who are done with compromising meaning for money or are struggling to blend purpose and profit.

    Inside, you'll learn to release limiting beliefs, connect to your essence, craft irresistible messaging for your offers, and take aligned action to create a thriving business doing what you love.

    Through Business by Soul, you'll develop emotional intelligence and learn practical strategies to turn challenges into growth and create abundance from an energized place. 

    My clients consistently achieve extraordinary outcomes like:

    💰 Growing to multiple 6 or 7-figures  

    🔝 Becoming the top leader in their niche

    💸 Launching offers generating hundreds of thousands of dollars

    If you're ready to fully express your potential through an impact-driven business overflowing with purpose, prosperity, and joy, secure your spot in Business by Soul today. Let's ignite change together!

    > Join Business by Soul


    Amanda is a business coach, conscious leadership coach, creative entrepreneur, and influencer. She helps digital entrepreneurs and creators start, grow, and scale their businesses using strategies rooted in authenticity, alignment, and transformational healing.

    She's the host of the Bucci Radio Podcast [7 million+ downloads] and the founder of the Entrepreneurial Archetype Quiz™; a personality quiz for entrepreneurs to create faster, more effortless success by operating from who they are at their core.

    After running 14 rounds of business and leadership group coaching programs that have collectively served over 280+ clients, she’s developed a method t

    • 1 Std. 9 Min.
    Creating a Soul-Aligned Business That Honors Your Family: A Case Study with Dr. Stephanie Wigner | Ep 28

    Creating a Soul-Aligned Business That Honors Your Family: A Case Study with Dr. Stephanie Wigner | Ep 28

    What does it take to build a business that's an authentic expression of your soul's purpose while being a fully present mom? In my latest interview with past coaching client Dr. Stephanie Wigner, we explore this question and so much more.

    Stephanie shares vulnerably about her journey working with me in a private 4-month container, where we focused on aligning her purpose-driven consulting business with her deepest values.

    Although Stephanie already had successful companies, she came to me feeling the pull to take her new business to the next level in a way that honored her lifestyle freedom and family priorities.

    We got real about how adopting self-care practices and how scheduling intentional time for family allows working moms to enjoy both, without sacrificing one for the other. Stephanie had a powerful realization that spending quality time with her son actually supports her alignment and business growth rather than takes away from it. 

    Throughout our coaching, Stephanie made incredible shifts within herself that allowed her to show up as the highest version of who she is meant to be. Her journey illustrates how embracing our feminine energy empowers us to seamlessly integrate our personal and professional lives.


    If you're like Stephanie and are ready to create a life, brand, and business that sets your soul on fire, apply here for private coaching with me. I currently have a couple of spots open for early 2024.

    If you desire to work with me in a group setting, then my new program Business by Soul may be the right fit for you. It will guide you back to the core essence of who you are, why you’re here, what you’re here to contribute on a Soul level, and how you can translate your Soul essence into a profitable, fulfilling, and impactful business model.

    If you’re ready to build your Business by Soul… join us here.


    Learning to weave together motherhood and entrepreneurship

    Releasing limiting beliefs around self-worth 

    Learning to tap into joy and feminine energy vs hustling and "masculine" overdrive

    The importance of self-care practices 

    How our outer world shifts when we resolve inner blocks

    Allowing more space and trust vs micromanaging 

    Staying present to appreciate the lifestyle you've created vs always chasing the next goal


    The strategy will come to me. The next steps will come to me. Everything will come to me. Now that I have this confidence and worthiness. It's like, I know I already have it and it's available to me now.
    Dr. Stephanie Wigner

    Even if you're a busy mom, take 10 minutes, even if you're just stepping outside and putting your toes in the grass. Claim yourself, now. Today.
    Celinne Da Costa

    The more time I spend with my son, the more I feel in my flow. I feel more in my feminine energy because he brings out a really joyful, playful side of me. And it’s actually good for my business.
    Dr. Stephanie Wigner

    When you're feeling good about your work, it gets easier.
    Celinne Da Costa

    There was a part of me that thought to get to where I wanted to be, I had to work harder.
    Dr. Stephanie Wigner

    The more we become who we're naturally here to be, the more life starts to rearrange itself to support us.
    Celinne Da Costa

    Now I really feel like I'm embodying the best version of myself.
    Dr. Stephanie Wigner

    My intention in sharing this uplifting conversation is to showcase the incredible transformations available when we dedicate ourselves to the inner work. With consistent practice, we can resolve the fears, limiting beliefs, and blocks that have held us back from fully embracing our gifts.

    The "outer" results Stephanie created in her business and lifestyle are just beautiful side effects of doing this soul-focused work. When we align with our truth and act from inspiration, our reality effortlessly rearranges itself to mirror our internal expansion.

    • 42 Min.

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