It's a jungle in here! Are you working in the cubicle next to a slob? Or dealing with a boss that everyone, except senior management, knows is deranged? With bosses and coworkers like this, the workplace can be a jungle! Human Resources professionals and company owners beat their way and trek t chop a path through the compliance foliage and undergrowth on any given day. For all of you who suffer, know that you're not alone!
In this episode we reconnect with our friend Norma Shirk to review her other book Psycho Bosses and Obnoxious Co-workers! Take a ride through the funny side of workplaces. It's like a safari without the real animals just the ones in your office.
- Sendung
- Veröffentlicht20. Februar 2024 um 16:12 UTC
- Länge31 Min.
- Folge199
- BewertungUnbedenklich