Santa Clarita Valley Real Estate Podcast with Brandon Montemayor

Brandon Montemayor
Podcast Santa Clarita Valley Real Estate Podcast with Brandon Montemayor

If you are looking to buy or sell a home, get all the information and the latest updates, tips, and tricks from Brandon Montemayor - your professional Montemayor & Associates Real Estate Agent.

  1. 23.05.2019

    A 90-Day Recap of Our Santa Clarita Valley Market

    What happened in our market these last 90 days? Find out with this quick market update. Want to Buy a Home? Search All Homes  Want to Sell a Home? Get a Home Value Report Today we’re going to take a look at what’s going on in the Santa Clarita Valley area real estate market. While data relating to pending and active listings can give us a decent idea of current trends, the best way to get a feel for our market is by examining the homes that have actually sold. In the last 90 days, we’ve had 921 properties sell in our area. Of those properties, 625 were single-family homes, while the remaining 296 were condos, townhomes, or manufactured dwellings. Here is the full breakdown of homes sold by area: Canyon Country - 216 Castaic - 78 Newhall - 96 Saugus - 204 Stevenson Ranch - 43 Valencia - 283 “Santa Clarita” - 1 (This home was actually in Canyon County, but was listed otherwise). “ The best way to get a feel for our market is by examining the homes that have actually sold. ” Looking at how these 921 properties broke down between price points, it’s clear that some ranges see more activity than others. Here is the full breakdown of homes sold per price point: $300,000 and below - 48 homes $300,000 to $450,000 - 220 homes $450,000 to $600,000 - 334 homes $600,000 to $750,000 - 219 homes $750,000 to $900,000 - 64 homes $900,000 to $1 million - 13 homes $1 million and up - 23 homes If you have any other questions or would like more information about what this data means for you and your real estate goals, feel free to give us a call or send us an email. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

  2. 29.04.2019

    8 Simple Steps a Future Home Seller Can Take Now

    These eight easy, preparatory tips are sure to put any future seller’s home in prime market condition. Want to Buy a Home? Search All Homes  Want to Sell a Home? Get a Home Value Report There’s a portion of sellers out there who know they want to list their home, but aren’t ready just yet. These same sellers wonder, though, what precursory steps they can take to ensure that they’re in good shape when the time to hit the market comes. If this is true for your situation, here are eight easy steps you can take: 1. Have us come out to the house. We’ll draw up a very specific, specialized plan for you and your home so that you’re not spending time on items that won’t bring the value you might otherwise expect. Even if you’re five years away from your move, we’re always happy to come out and offer our opinion on what it’ll take to get your home market-ready. 2. Raise your home’s curb appeal. Think like a buyer who’s stepping onto your property for the first time—what would you want to see if you were them? Maybe you need to do away with some of those dead spots in your lawn, add some colorful flowers, remove an old tree stump or a shabby-looking chair. Whatever the case may be, this is a good place to start. 3. Declutter the interior of your home. Create a smooth, easy walkway for future buyers to come through. An environment where a buyer has to squeeze through tight or cluttered spaces won’t bode well for your sale, and wide open spaces tend to show better. 4. Repaint walls that may have an “extreme” color. Paint over lurid-colored walls with a more neutral option, and while you’re at it, touch up any nicks in the baseboards or on the walls. These sorts of things are the normal wear-and-tear of a lived-in home, but should be dealt with before your home goes to market. “ We’re always happy to come out and offer our opinion on what it’ll take to get your home market-ready. ” 5. Put your home to the “smell test.” This may be a bit of a hit to the pride, but it’s important to have an unbiased, third-party come into your home and give you an honest opinion. They’ll pick up things you probably wouldn’t—pet odors, the lingering smells of your cooking, etc., can all affect the salability of your home. Knowing this up front could determine your course of action when it comes to painting or recarpeting as well. 6. Perform a deep-cleaning. Whether it’s getting up to your high windows or dusting off shutters at harder-to-reach points, it’s a good idea to thoroughly clean these areas so that your home shows well and gets through the inspection with flying colors. 7. Start to hide valuables. You should begin to box up and put away valuable belongings if you won’t be using them in the next year or so. This way, you’ll know these items are in safekeeping when buyers are walking through your home. 8. Begin the staging process. Bulky, large furniture might be great for your current living situation, but when it’s “show-time,” they might make the room feel smaller and more cluttered. Because of this, it’s best to take early steps to remove some of these items, widen the open space, and create a great flow. We’d love to come out to your property and work with you to lay out a plan for your future sale. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you!

  3. 11.04.2019

    Homeowners: Are Solar Panels a Good Idea?

    Solar power is a popular topic lately. Today I’ll examine whether or not installing solar panels on your home is a good idea. Want to Buy a Home? Search All Homes  Want to Sell a Home? Get a Home Value Report When talking about whether or not adding solar panels to your home is a good idea, there are two main points to think about. First, ask yourself, “Do you plan on living in your home for a short period, or are you planning to live there long-term?” For people who are looking to live in their home long-term, solar is a great idea. If you’re only considering a short-term stay in that property, it really comes down to whether you can afford to put solar panels on the house and purchase it. A leased solar panel tends to cause homebuyers some uncertainty; they don’t typically like to take on other people's leases. Mind you, we’ve sold a ton of homes with solar leases, some within a few months after the selling process, but if you want to appeal to most homebuyers, a solar lease isn’t the way to go. “ For people who are looking to live in their home long-term, solar is a great idea. ” It’s much easier to sell a house where the solar panels are owned by the homeowner. There are no additional payments, and it provides immediate savings in terms of utilities if you didn’t have to invest in the system. Now if you’re planning to stay in your home long-term and are considering purchasing solar panels, you need to think about your income. Do you have a relatively fixed income? How much money do you have in your savings? If you’re on a fixed income, have some money in your savings, and you can afford to make an investment in your house, solar panels will help you save on your electric bill over time by bringing it down to almost nothing. If you don’t have a ton of money in your savings but you do have a consistent income, a lease is a great idea. During the hotter summer months out here in Santa Clarita where temperatures get into the 100s, solar panels will help you save big time. For any questions you have about solar panels, the logistics of having them installed, and/or the savings they’ll provide you, don’t hesitate to reach out to me. I’d love to have an in-depth discussion with you.

  4. 25.02.2019

    Our Market’s Performance So Far in 2019

    If you’re curious about what market conditions are like in the early stages of 2019, my latest market update will tell you all you need to know. Want to Buy a Home? Search All Homes  Want to Sell a Home? Get a Home Value Report It’s time to look at how our market is performing so far in the early part of 2019. Let’s get right to it: As of now, our active inventory is at 557 homes throughout Santa Clarita Valley and 361 home sales are either pending or in escrow. Year to date, there has been a total of 288 closings. As you can tell, our market is experiencing a general upturn, with more homes in escrow than what was true of the same time last year. However, active listings haven’t budged much from where they were a year ago. “ The marriage of amazingly low rates and our active listings leveling off is encouraging for the strength and stability of our current market. ” Interest rates have been tempered as well. In fact, we’ve seen some conventional loans as low as 4.5% as well as FHA and VA loans situated at 4.125%. The marriage of amazingly low rates and our active listings leveling off—which means homes are still selling well—is encouraging for the strength and stability of our current market. This is to say that there are still moves to be made and plenty of opportunities to secure the best deal possible. If you have any questions related to our real estate market and how it affects your personal situation, don’t hesitate to reach out. Put us to work for you!

  5. 31.01.2019

    Our Team Has Moved & Our Current Market Is Doing the Same

    Our team has moved offices! Hear more about this and the latest information regarding our current market in today’s message. Want to Buy a Home? Search All Homes  Want to Sell a Home? Get a Home Value Report Now that we’ve transitioned into 2019, we’re happy to announce that our team has also transitioned into a new office! Don’t worry, though—we have no plans to leave RE/MAX Santa Clarita. We have a great relationship with the company and an amazing support staff and system to serve our clients’ needs at the highest level. The move wasn’t drastic by any means: We’re still on the same road between Lyons Avenue and Calgrove Boulevard, right off the 5 Freeway. We’ve gone from that white building into the big, brick building across from In-N-Out and the hotels nearby. We look forward to doing some client events at our new location in the future, as well as bringing you more videos that’ll acquaint you with the new space and introduce you to everyone who’s hard at work to protect your real estate investments! If you happen to be in the area and need anything from us, we’d love for you to drop in, say hello, and let us know how we can help. “ We’re happy to announce that our team has transitioned into a new office! ” For a moment, let’s turn our attention to the 2019 market and how it’s performing so far: Though it was slow going as we entered the new year, our market has again begun to pick up speed. We’re seeing multiple-offer situations spring up, interest rates are staying at historic lows, and correctly priced homes are still selling for top dollar. With the right amount of patience, some persistence, and a game plan, you can take advantage of what our market has to offer right now, and we’re here to assist you with that. For help with any and all of your real estate needs, don’t hesitate to give us a call. We look forward to an awesome 2019 and to talking to you soon.

  6. 04.12.2018

    The Ultimate Holiday Home Maintenance Checklist

    Are you taking proper care of your home? Follow this home maintenance checklist to make sure that your property stays in the best shape possible. Want to Buy a Home? Search All Homes  Want to Sell a Home? Get a Home Value Report The holiday season is absolutely flying by. Before we know it, we’ll all be left scrambling to find space in our homes for all the gifts we received. For some of you, this may mean taking a trip up to the attic or down to the basement. Coincidentally, the holiday season is also a perfect time to check on the vital home systems that run from those less-traveled places of your property. There’s no time like the present to get started on your home maintenance checklist. If you aren’t sure where to begin, click here to see the list we’ve put together. Following the steps on this list will be crucial to keeping your home (and your family) safe and sound. “ Proper home maintenance will save you a lot of time, money, and hassle in the long run. ” Also, while larger tasks like checking up on your HVAC system, your hot water heater, and other major systems and appliances are important, you also shouldn’t neglect less-involved maintenance items, such as cleaning the gutters, replacing the batteries in your smoke detectors, and changing out your air filters. Proper home maintenance will save you a lot of time, money, and hassle in the long run. If you have any other questions or would like more information, feel free to give us a call or send us an email. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

  7. 09.11.2018

    What You Should Do Before Buying a Vacation Home

    It’s never too early to begin planning your vacation home purchase. Here’s what you need to know, whether you’re buying tomorrow or 10 years from now. Want to Buy a Home? Search All Homes  Want to Sell a Home? Get a Home Value Report If you’ve been wanting to buy a vacation home (or a permanent one), today we’re going to teach you everything you’ll need to know. We’ll also show you the top 10 best places to buy, so if you don’t have an idea in mind yet, we can give you some great suggestions. Before you decide to purchase your perfect getaway, here are some things to keep in mind. The market is great, and people who have bought in the last few years have seen their equity skyrocket. There are a variety of loans available, and many don’t necessarily need huge down payments. Even if it’s something you’re simply thinking about, it’s a good idea to see if you’re qualified and find out what your affordability is like. It’s never too early to start planning. Do research on the area you’re interested in. Is it a seasonal place or does it see traffic year round? What is the market doing? You want to purchase at the right time. You also want to go in with a plan, whether you’re wanting to purchase immediately or years from now. You can even leverage your home as a rental or Airbnb for when you’re not there. There are many different options that can help you pay for your property instead of having to wait and save. “ Go in with a plan, whether you’re wanting to purchase immediately or years from now. ” Don’t have an idea of where to buy? Here are the top 10 places to retire: 10. Lakeland, Florida 9. Dallas Fort Worth, Texas 8. San Antonio, Texas 7. Nashville, Tennessee 6. Grand Rapids, Michigan 5. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 4. Austin, Texas 3. Sarasota, Florida 2. Fort Meyers, Florida 1. Lancaster, Pennsylvania If you need help making a plan, figuring out your numbers, or buying your perfect property, feel free to reach out to us. We have some great agents who will put you on the perfect path toward your vacation home goals. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

  8. 09.10.2018

    What’s Going on in the Santa Clarita Market Right Now?

    Our market is shifting, but what does that mean for you? Keep reading to find out. Want to Buy a Home? Search All Homes  Want to Sell a Home? Get a Home Value Report We haven’t done a market update in a while, so I wanted to get one to you today about what’s going on right now in our local and national real estate markets. In Santa Clarita, there are about 690 active homes on the market right now that are available for sale. Over the last 30 days, there have been 262 home sales. If we look at the numbers over the last few months, we’re beginning to see a pattern of leveling out. We’ve been so used to extreme highs and lows over the past decade, but every sign is showing that the market is balancing out now. This normal, “boring” appreciation between 2% to 4% a year is good news for our market overall. “ There is opportunity for everyone in this market. ” We don’t exactly know how long this is going to last, but because our low inventory is gradually increasing and interest rates are bumping up slowly, we’re in a very equal and balanced market. In any shifting market like this, there is opportunity for everyone. Whether you’re looking to move up, move down, invest, or buy your first home, there’s opportunity out here as long as you know where to look. If you have any questions for us about how you can take advantage of this market, don’t hesitate to give us a call or send us an email today. We look forward to hearing from you soon.


If you are looking to buy or sell a home, get all the information and the latest updates, tips, and tricks from Brandon Montemayor - your professional Montemayor & Associates Real Estate Agent.

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