Shared Experiences

Josh Baker & Casey Eisenberg
Podcast Shared Experiences

Welcome to the Shared Experiences podcast. WIth Josh Baker (@joshsbkr) and Casey Eisenberg (@casey_eisenberg). Strap in as they discuss the often stigmatized topic of men’s mental health. With the help of the occasional guest and audience feedback, they hope to help YOU come away with the tools to be successful in YOUR everyday life. So sit back, open up, and tune in every Wednesday for new episodes. FULL VIDEO EPISODES AND CLIPS ALSO AVAILABLE ON YOUTUBE! (@sharedexps)

  1. 3. JAN.

    The DEATH of the American Dream

    In today's thought-provoking episode, we delve into the poignant topic of the modern death of the American Dream. Join us as we explore how the once attainable vision of prosperity and success is now crumbling under the weight of hard economic times.  We begin by examining the skyrocketing cost of living, highlighting the housing crisis that has made homeownership a distant dream for many. We reveal how soaring mortgage rates and stagnating wages have locked an entire generation out of the housing market. We also discuss the staggering cost of higher education. With student loan debt reaching unprecedented heights, we discuss how the pursuit of a college degree has become a financial burden rather than a stepping stone to success. Furthermore, we shed light on the plummeting marriage rates, discussing how economic instability is leading to a delay in major life milestones. Through personal stories and data, we explore the changing dynamics of relationships and family planning in the face of financial uncertainty. Throughout the episode, we also touch on other vital aspects such as modern technology, job market challenges, and the mental toll of chasing a dream that seems ever out of reach. This episode is not just a discussion; it's a wake-up call to understand the evolving challenges of the American Dream and what it means for the future. Timestamps: 0:00 - Intro 2:00 - Talking the American Dream 5:28 - 1971 Cost of Living 8:06 - Biggest Contributors to American Dream 10:34 - Wages and Productivity Correlation 13:22 - US Corporate Profits & Tax Rate 17:26 - Household Income & Cost of Living 18:47 - Other Factors 21:40 - Alternative Paths 25:07 - Marriage Rates Plummet 29:55 - Solutions  ________________________________ Full, video episodes and clips available on YouTube (@SharedExps)! Please help support us by reviewing and sharing our episodes! To keep updated, check out the Instagram (@SharedExps), Facebook (@SharedExps), and Tik Tok(@SharedExps). Check out Josh's Book HERE If you have questions that you'd like answered on the podcast, you can reach out via email at Disclaimer: The information, opinions, and recommendations presented in this Podcast are for general information only and any reliance on the information provided in this Podcast is done at your own risk.

    38 Min.
  2. 20.12.2023

    Debunking the Manosphere | Andrew Tate, Red Pill, and Reddit

    Join us on a thought-provoking journey as we delve into the complex and controversial world of the Manosphere, where we aim to debunk the myths, misconceptions, and ideologies that have gained prominence in recent years. In this podcast, we explore the influential figures like Andrew Tate and the controversial ideology known as the Red Pill, which have captured the attention of countless individuals. We'll dissect the core tenets of the Manosphere, including discussions on masculinity, dating strategies, and gender dynamics, shedding light on both the valid concerns and the problematic aspects often associated with these movements. We aim to provide a balanced and evidence-based perspective, separating fact from fiction. In an age where online communities and social media play a significant role in shaping beliefs, it's crucial to critically examine the ideas propagated within the Manosphere, understanding their origins, consequences, and how they intersect with broader societal discussions on gender, relationships, and self-improvement. Tune in to "Unmasking the Manosphere" and let's navigate the complexities of these ideologies together, striving for a more informed and nuanced perspective. Timestamps: 0:00 - Intro 5:16 - Groups within the manosphere, red pill 9:13 - Voices of the manosphere 12:00 - Why men get drawn in 15:06 - The biases of the manosphere 19:15 - Reddit subgroups of the manosphere 22:10 - Battle of the sexes 25:06 - Manosphere political leanings 26:57 - Andrew Tate and his copycats 30:00 - The problem with banning 30:43 - CRAZY Andrew Tate stats 33:36 - Solutions for escaping manosphere ________________________________ Full, video episodes and clips available on YouTube (@SharedExps)! Please help support us by reviewing and sharing our episodes! To keep updated, check out the Instagram (@SharedExps), Facebook (@SharedExps), and Tik Tok(@SharedExps). Check out Josh's Book HERE If you have questions that you'd like answered on the podcast, you can reach out via email at Disclaimer: The information, opinions, and recommendations presented in this Podcast are for general information only and any reliance on the information provided in this Podcast is done at your own risk.

    43 Min.
  3. 13.12.2023

    Why Are Jordan Peterson and Andrew Huberman Thought Leaders?

    Josh and Casey discuss a lot of today's popular thought leaders. To start the guys categorize the biggest thought leaders including Joe Rogan, Jordan Peterson, Andrew Huberman, and Patrick Bet-David. Next, Casey discusses why comedy is the largest podcast genre and what the difference is between educational and entertainment podcasts. Moving on, Josh talks about the issue of having too much content as well as who the best thought leaders still on TV are.  Switching gears, Casey goes through some popular podcast channel statistics before Josh talks about some caveats with the major thought leaders. The guys then switch over to the positives of those leaders as well as some stats on what Podcast genres are the most popular. Casey then discusses the Joe Rogan effect on other thought leaders before the guys finish up with some solutions. Timestamps: 0:00 - Intro 0:41 - Categories of thought leaders 6:49 - Why comedy is the largest genre 10:00 - Learning vs. entertainment 11:40 - Issue with too much content 13:20 - Best TV personalities 14:45 - Podcast viewership statistics 18:25 - Harms of certain leaders 23:45 - Difficulty with health podcasts 28:29 - Positives of certain leaders 31:00 - Podcast listening stats 35:55 - The Rogan effect 36:32 - Analyze your listening habits 37:32 - Listen to a variety of sources 39:53 - Have podcasts changed us? ________________________________ Full, video episodes and clips available on YouTube (@SharedExps)! Please help support us by reviewing and sharing our episodes! To keep updated, check out the Instagram (@SharedExps), Facebook (@SharedExps), and Tik Tok(@SharedExps). Check out Josh's Book HERE If you have questions that you'd like answered on the podcast, you can reach out via email at Disclaimer: The information, opinions, and recommendations presented in this Podcast are for general information only and any reliance on the information provided in this Podcast is done at your own risk.

    42 Min.
  4. 06.12.2023

    The Truth About Digital Detox: Do They Really Work?

    Today, Josh and Casey go over the results from their recent digital detox. To start the guys give their initial reactions to the challenge including what the first few days were like without using social media. This sparked Casey to build a category chart for the different social media that explains what emotions they bring out in you and what harm they're causing in your everyday life. Staying on theme Josh asks if there is any actual value in Instagram and Snapchat including if you actually stay in touch with people you follow on either. The guys then move on to Tiktok to talk about why it may be the worst social media of them all. They then evaluate if they met any of the goals they set out to accomplish in their free time and finish their reflection on the challenge. Moving onto some statistics Casey reviews some stats on age differences and social media preferences before Josh goes into some screen time statistics. Next Josh asks what the future of social media is including a conversation on AR/VR before Casey asks how much responsibility falls on the parents for managing screen time. The guys conclude by going over some solutions for managing your social media intake. Timestamps: 0:00 - Intro 0:45 - Initial reactions 5:26 - Categorizing social media 7:20 - Any value in Insta/Snap? 12:10 - Issues with Tiktok 15:25 - Did we meet our goals? 21:55 - Social media statistics 32:40 - The future of social media 35:06 - Parental responsibility 38:38 - How to change your social media habits ________________________________ Full, video episodes and clips available on YouTube (@SharedExps)! Please help support us by reviewing and sharing our episodes! To keep updated, check out the Instagram (@SharedExps), Facebook (@SharedExps), and Tik Tok(@SharedExps). Check out Josh's Book HERE If you have questions that you'd like answered on the podcast, you can reach out via email at Disclaimer: The information, opinions, and recommendations presented in this Podcast are for general information only and any reliance on the information provided in this Podcast is done at your own risk.

    42 Min.
  5. 29.11.2023

    Don’t WRECK Your Brain! | Digital Detox

    Social media has become an integral part of modern life, but it can have detrimental effects on the mental health of young men. One key reason is the constant comparison with others that social media encourages. Young men often see idealized versions of their peers' lives, which can lead to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem. Moreover, the culture of seeking validation through likes and comments can create a dependency on external approval, which can be damaging to one's self-worth. Additionally, the exposure to unrealistic body standards and toxic masculinity ideals prevalent on social media can contribute to body image issues and unhealthy behaviors. So don't wreck your brain with social media. Tune in to find out how. On today's episode, Josh and Casey attempt to do a week-long detox. providing a break from the constant pressure to perform and compare oneself to others is just what the doctor ordered! To start the guys describe the challenge including what their most-used apps currently are and how much they use them per day. Next, Casey talks about how dopamine rushes affect you and what the most common sources are. Continuing forward the guys show their screen time average before debating what a bad amount of screen time is and why there are generational differences in the harms of social media. The guys then get into some screen time statistics and which apps are eating away your free time. Switching gears Casey talks about the dopamine addiction process, especially in kids and what a dopamine detox really is. Next, Josh discusses how cutting out dating apps effected him before the guys finish off with some solutions such as managing your time spent and quitting bad habits. Timestamps: 0:00 - Intro 0:36 - Challenge Description 1:38 - Josh's most-used apps 2:45 - Casey's most-used apps 5:00 - The Guys' daily app averages 6:58 - How dopamine affects us 10:10 - Dopamine sources 14:09 - The Guys' screen time averages 15:04 - What's a bad amount of screen time? 18:32 - Generational differences 21:48 - Screen time statistics 25:47 - Loss of time 28:23 - Is YouTube bad? 30:57 - Dopamine addiction process 34:57 - Dopamine detox reality 36:15 - Dating app effects 38:24 - Evaluate your time spent 39:24 - How to quit 40:55 - Goals with this challenge ________________________________ Full, video episodes and clips available on YouTube (@SharedExps)! Please help support us by reviewing and sharing our episodes! To keep updated, check out the Instagram (@SharedExps), Facebook (@SharedExps), and Tik Tok(@SharedExps). Check out Josh's Book HERE If you have questions that you'd like answered on the podcast, you can reach out via email at Disclaimer: The information, opinions, and recommendations presented in this Podcast are for general information only and any reliance on the information provided in this Podcast is done at your own risk.

    44 Min.
  6. 22.11.2023

    Growing up Indian in America - Abhi Y.

    Today, the guys are joined in studio by Casey's good friend, Abhi Yadava. He shares his experience growing up in an Indian family in America. To start Casey talks with Abhi about their childhood including how Abhi felt being the only Indian kid in his school before Josh asks about Abhi's family dynamic. The conversation then shifts to why having a diverse friend group is important before delving into some of Abhi's experiences in India. This sparks a conversation about the cost of living and mental health issues in India as well as the state of their healthcare system.  Staying on theme, Casey asks what the average guy stresses about in India before getting into what the dating life is like including Indian dating apps. Continuing on the guys talk about familial pressures to date within your own ethnicity as well as the current state of dating in the U.S. Switching gears, the guys bring up some statistics on life in India including economic, dating, and healthcare statistics before asking Abhi if Indian matchmaking is still popular. To conclude, the guys discuss why dating has become so superficial in the U.S. and why Indians are the highest earning immigrant group. Timestamps: 0:00 - Intro 0:58 - Not fitting in as a kid 2:19 - Abhi's family dynamic 3:04 - Friend diversity preferences 5:55 - Abhi's experiences in India 12:08 - Cost of living in India 13:51 - Men's mental health in India 15:21 - Healthcare system in India 19:57 - Average stressors for Indian Men 22:00 - Indian culture media opinion 24:35 - Dating life in India 27:17 - Pressure to date within ethnicity 31:55 - Current state of dating in U.S. 35:40 - Living statistics in India 41:40 - Indian matchmaking 43:50 - Superficial dating 46:35 - Why are Indian's the highest earners? 51:11 - Outro ________________________________ Full, video episodes and clips available on YouTube (@SharedExps)! Please help support us by reviewing and sharing our episodes! To keep updated, check out the Instagram (@SharedExps), Facebook (@SharedExps), and Tik Tok(@SharedExps). Check out Josh's Book HERE If you have questions that you'd like answered on the podcast, you can reach out via email at Disclaimer: The information, opinions, and recommendations presented in this Podcast are for general information only and any reliance on the information provided in this Podcast is done at your own risk.

    52 Min.
  7. 15.11.2023

    Living the GoPro Max Life - Abe Kislevitz

    Hey guys, Unfortunately, due to potential COVID exposure, we were not able to record a new episode this week. However, we still wanted to share something. So, we decided to re-upload and streamline the podcast that was done with Abe Kislevitz back in 2021. Also, the never-before-seen video is now going to be on YouTube as well. So, if you're not subscribed already, make sure go ahead and do so! Abe Kislevitz  @abekislevitz   is the Senior Creative Director at GoPro. He originally started at University of Southern California studying mechanical engineering before being offered an opportunity with GoPro when it was in its infancy. Now, the rest is history as he has evolved with the company and has been a part of their team for over ten years.To start the conversation Josh goes into how he discovered Abe and asks him about how he ended up at GoPro and living in California.  He follows up by asking if Abe would follow the same path if he had the chance and if he has any advice for young creatives like himself. The conversation then shifts to discuss the differences between his Instagram/Youtube and real-life travels before talking about the harms of social media. Next, Josh asks Abe about his editing and filming style including how he learned it before getting into Abe's role at GoPro. To wrap up Josh and Abe discuss Abe's love for Japan and any career advice he has for kids trying to follow his path. Timestamps: 0:00 - Intro 2:07 - How Josh discovered Abe 3:35 - Abe's journey to California 5:35 - Abe's path to GoPro 12:05 - Would Abe follow the same path? 14:33 - Advice for young creatives 16:35 - Does his Instagram/YouTube = real life? 21:29 - Harms of social media perspective 24:49 - Abe's filming/editing style 30:32 - Is Abe an influencer? 33:18 - Abe's content goals 37:57 - Abe's camera design input 39:43 - Abe's journey at GoPro 45:23 - Abe's love for Japan 48:00 - Career advice 50:29 - Outro Abe's LINKS: YouTube Channel: Click HERE Website: Click HERE Instagram: Click HERE ________________________________ Full, video episodes and clips available on YouTube (@SharedExps)! Please help support us by reviewing and sharing our episodes! To keep updated, check out the Instagram (@SharedExps), Facebook (@SharedExps), and Tik Tok(@SharedExps). Check out Josh's Book HERE If you have questions that you'd like answered on the podcast, you can reach out via email at Disclaimer: The information, opinions, and recommendations presented in this Podcast are for general information only and any reliance on the information provided in this Podcast is done at your own risk.

    51 Min.
  8. 08.11.2023

    Zac Efron’s Baywatch Trainer Gets YOU Ripped! - Patrick Murphy

    We are happy to welcome back onto the show, Patrick Murphy! Make sure to go ahead and listen to our previous episode as well HERE: Patrick Murphy is an extremely successful and respected personal trainer. He prepared Keanu Reeves for the second,  third and fourth installment of John Wick, Ruby Rose for John Wick 2, and Zac Efron and Alexandria Daddario for Baywatch. To start the conversation the guys ask Patrick about the connection between physical and mental health as well as the body expectations that come out of Hollywood and social media. Moving on Casey asks how much of an impact genetics has for your fitness before Josh shows Patrick a video of Derek from More Plates More Dates making some assumptions about Zac Efron's potential steroid use. Next, the guys ask Patrick about the routines of some of his former clients such as Zac Efron and Keanu Reeves as well as the differences between their training. Switching gears Josh asks why guys struggle with staying in shape today as well as what healthy progress should look like. Staying on topic Casey asks how guys can maintain a good diet and what the worst things to put in your body are before Josh asks when you actually need to count macros. To close the conversation the guys ask Patrick about growing stubborn muscles, finding balance between athletics and muscle growth, and how to work around your genetics. Timestamps: 0:00 - Intro 1:25 - Physical and mental health connection 3:46 - Celebrity body pressure 5:45 - Fixing social media body pressure 8:52 - Genetic impact 10:03 - Patrick reacts to More Plates More Dates 12:54 - Steroid issues today 15:34 - Zac Efron's training regime 17:22 - Value in training variety 19:28 - Zac Efron's diet 22:15 - Zac Efron vs. Keanu Reeves 25:34 - Why guys struggle with fitness 30:42 - Healthy fitness progress 34:17 - Is BMI a good health measure? 35:44 - First steps to get in shape 39:00 - Diet consistency tips 42:29 - Worst things to put in your body 45:29 - When to count macros 48:44 - Growing stubborn muscles 50:45 - Balance between muscle/athleticism 52:37 - How to work around your genetics 54:34 - Outro ____________________________________________________________________________ Full, video episodes available on YouTube (@SharedExps)! We also have a YouTube clips channel for episode highlights (@SharedExpsClips)! Please help support us by reviewing and sharing our episodes! To keep updated, check out the Instagram (@SharedExps), Facebook (@SharedExps), and ________________________________ Full, video episodes and clips available on YouTube (@SharedExps)! Please help support us by reviewing and sharing our episodes! To keep updated, check out the Instagram (@SharedExps), Facebook (@SharedExps), and Tik Tok(@SharedExps). Check out Josh's Book HERE If you have questions that you'd like answered on the podcast, you can reach out via email at Disclaimer: The information, opinions, and recommendations presented in this Podcast are for general information only and any reliance on the information provided in this Podcast is done at your own risk.

    56 Min.



Welcome to the Shared Experiences podcast. WIth Josh Baker (@joshsbkr) and Casey Eisenberg (@casey_eisenberg). Strap in as they discuss the often stigmatized topic of men’s mental health. With the help of the occasional guest and audience feedback, they hope to help YOU come away with the tools to be successful in YOUR everyday life. So sit back, open up, and tune in every Wednesday for new episodes. FULL VIDEO EPISODES AND CLIPS ALSO AVAILABLE ON YOUTUBE! (@sharedexps)

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