Taiwan Mandarin with Local Podcast

Mandarin with Local
Podcast Taiwan Mandarin with Local Podcast

💡Taiwan Mandarin Learning community with 500+ friends on Spotify&YT 💐Make Mandarin learning easy for you. ✨Let's help each other along the way. ✩ s o c i a l s ✩ 追蹤我的Instagram ↠ https://reurl.cc/NG7Xje 來我的website看逐字稿 ↠ https://reurl.cc/zrdb80 寄email給我 ↠ yun@yunchih.art also available on ↠ soundon ↠ spotify ↠ apple podcast ↠ google podcast Your support will help me to sustain this project and make me feel this project is meaningful to you↠ https://forms.gle/HdoSjfzzY4pHxn2r5 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

  1. 1. SEPT.

    52 Taiwan Food Diplomacy 台灣美食外交

    00:00 前言 Preview 00:30 可以讓我們找到自己、認識自己特色的方式 Ways to Discover and Understand Our Unique Characteristics 05:40 美食外交-台灣 Food Diplomacy - Taiwan 06:50 結語 Conclusion Hours of Production: 8 hours for ep.51&52. / References: 2024 Taiwanese Cultural Program at the Paris Olympics:https://cotpe.tw/tw/about.html 2024 State Banquet Menu for the Inauguration:https://english.president.gov.tw/Page/655 Recipe from 1932: https://journal.ndhu.edu.tw/日治時代的台灣料理──曾品滄/ Numnonda, T. (1978). Pibulsongkram’s Thai Nation-Building Programme during the Japanese Military Presence, 1941-1945. Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 9(2), 234–247. http://www.jstor.org/stable/20062726 Safronova, V. (2024, January 24). Kitchen Diplomacy: How governments use food as a soft power. The Parliament Magazine. https://www.theparliamentmagazine.eu/news/article/food-diplomacy-gastrodiplomacy-europe Lipscomb, A. (2019, March 27). Culinary relations: Gastrodiplomacy in Thailand, South Korea, and Taiwan - The Yale review of international studies. The Yale Review of International Studies. https://yris.yira.org/essays/taste-of-asia-gastrodiplomacy-in-thailand-south-korea-and-taiwan%EF%BB%BF/#_ftn85 Maayasi, A. (2019, November 7). The Oddly Autocratic Roots of Pad Thai. Atlas Obscura. https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/who-invented-pad-thai Mayyasi, A. (2022, March 20). The invention of pad Thai. Priceonomics. https://priceonomics.com/the-invention-of-pad-thai/ Parasecoli, F. (2022, August 20). How Countries Use Food to Win Friends and Influence People. Foreign Policy. https://foreignpolicy.com/2022/08/20/food-diplomacy-countries-identity-culture-marketing-gastrodiplomacy-gastronativism/ Video mentioned : Food History: Enjoy Pad Thai! (Or you're a traitor) by OTR Food & History https://youtu.be/NpIX5LsbPNM?si=ObjT9SLjt4A8Jztj Thailand Michelin Restaurant mentioned: https://guide.michelin.com/en/bangkok-region/bangkok/restaurant/gaggan-anand / \✩Thank you for the support 感謝本月支持:John (大 Taiwan VIP), Thomas (大 Taiwan VIP) Dave Koslow (Student VIP)✩// 🍊Get full annotated(pinyin&Eng) Mandarin transcripts and support Yun from ep.48 here: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/mandarinwl/membership 💌 Sign up to my email newsletter about Taiwan here: https://shorturl.at/iMT26 🚪https://linktr.ee/Mandarinwithlocal ーーPop up transcripts available for buymeacoffee membersーー ✩ s o c i a l s ✩ 追蹤我的Instagram ↠ https://reurl.cc/NG7Xje 來我的website看逐字稿 ↠ https://reurl.cc/zrdb80 寄email給我 ↠ yun@yunchih.art Podcast also available on ↠ soundon ↠https://reurl.cc/33vMp0 ↠ spotify ↠https://reurl.cc/mZEY4l ↠ apple podcast ↠https://reurl.cc/VRkWoY ↠ google podcast ↠https://reurl.cc/OE9mnv 更多影片: ↠Beginner 超簡單自我介紹:https://reurl.cc/YdAWWD 大掃除:https://reurl.cc/gQq8mR 十件你搬到台灣會發現的事:https://reurl.cc/NG7X6e 看劇學華語:https://reurl.cc/NG7XQx ↠Vlog 小琉球潛水:https://reurl.cc/GemaLA 去鹿港: https://reurl.cc/oZa99M 農曆新年:https://reurl.cc/KXaxAn 日月潭騎腳踏車:https://reurl.cc/332Na0 ↠Podcast 你聽不懂台灣人說話的原因:https://reurl.cc/ROZ6b6 在台灣吃素一定要知道的事:https://reurl.cc/ROZ6be 你當華語老師之前會想知道的三件事: https://reurl.cc/mZmqMA ↠Popular ↠35 [香港旅行] 香港人令我驚訝!Hong Kong ppl are ?! https://youtu.be/1Jw90C4Pe6E . . . ✩如果您希望Yun持續推廣台灣華語、文化、社會給各國的朋友,請考慮按讚、分享,甚至用信用卡捐款直接支持製作 ↠ buymeacoffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/mandarinwl (credit card) ↠ Scan and pay (credit card (NTD): https://forms.gle/UUH2TMZPeruZbDzp6 ✩Support this community

    10 Min.
  2. 16. AUG.

    51 Beyond Bubble Tea: What Else Defines Taiwanese Flavor

    00:00 前言 Preview 00:55 外國人的角度 Foreigners' Perspective 02:30 美食外交-泰國 Food Diplomacy - Thailand 04:15 無需再糾結我們的食物獨不獨特 No Need to Worry About Whether Our Food is Unique 05:40 台灣的古早味 Taiwan's Retro Flavors 07:15 感謝 Thank You 07:23 下集預告 Next Episode Preview Hours of Production: 8 hours for ep.51&52. / References: 2024 Taiwanese Cultural Program at the Paris Olympics:https://cotpe.tw/tw/about.html 2024 State Banquet Menu for the Inauguration:https://english.president.gov.tw/Page/655 https://journal.ndhu.edu.tw/日治時代的台灣料理──曾品滄/ Numnonda, T. (1978). Pibulsongkram’s Thai Nation-Building Programme during the Japanese Military Presence, 1941-1945. Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 9(2), 234–247. http://www.jstor.org/stable/20062726 Safronova, V. (2024, January 24). Kitchen Diplomacy: How governments use food as a soft power. The Parliament Magazine. https://www.theparliamentmagazine.eu/news/article/food-diplomacy-gastrodiplomacy-europe Lipscomb, A. (2019, March 27). Culinary relations: Gastrodiplomacy in Thailand, South Korea, and Taiwan - The Yale review of international studies. The Yale Review of International Studies. https://yris.yira.org/essays/taste-of-asia-gastrodiplomacy-in-thailand-south-korea-and-taiwan%EF%BB%BF/#_ftn85 Maayasi, A. (2019, November 7). The Oddly Autocratic Roots of Pad Thai. Atlas Obscura. https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/who-invented-pad-thai Mayyasi, A. (2022, March 20). The invention of pad Thai. Priceonomics. https://priceonomics.com/the-invention-of-pad-thai/ Parasecoli, F. (2022, August 20). How Countries Use Food to Win Friends and Influence People. Foreign Policy. https://foreignpolicy.com/2022/08/20/food-diplomacy-countries-identity-culture-marketing-gastrodiplomacy-gastronativism/ Video: Food History: Enjoy Pad Thai! (Or you're a traitor) by OTR Food & History https://youtu.be/NpIX5LsbPNM?si=ObjT9SLjt4A8Jztj / \✩Thank you for the support 感謝本月支持:John (大 Taiwan VIP), Thomas (大 Taiwan VIP), Dave Koslow (Student VIP)✩// 🍊Get full annotated(pinyin&Eng) Mandarin transcripts and support Yun from ep.48 here: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/mandarinwl/membership 💌 Sign up to my email newsletter about Taiwan here: https://shorturl.at/iMT26 🚪https://linktr.ee/Mandarinwithlocal ーーPop up transcripts available for buymeacoffee membersーー ✩ s o c i a l s ✩ 追蹤我的Instagram ↠ https://reurl.cc/NG7Xje 來我的website看逐字稿 ↠ https://reurl.cc/zrdb80 寄email給我 ↠ yun@yunchih.art Podcast also available on ↠ soundon ↠https://reurl.cc/33vMp0 ↠ spotify ↠https://reurl.cc/mZEY4l ↠ apple podcast ↠https://reurl.cc/VRkWoY ↠ google podcast ↠https://reurl.cc/OE9mnv 更多影片: ↠Beginner 超簡單自我介紹:https://reurl.cc/YdAWWD 大掃除:https://reurl.cc/gQq8mR 十件你搬到台灣會發現的事:https://reurl.cc/NG7X6e 看劇學華語:https://reurl.cc/NG7XQx ↠Vlog 小琉球潛水:https://reurl.cc/GemaLA 去鹿港: https://reurl.cc/oZa99M 農曆新年:https://reurl.cc/KXaxAn 日月潭騎腳踏車:https://reurl.cc/332Na0 ↠Podcast 你聽不懂台灣人說話的原因:https://reurl.cc/ROZ6b6 在台灣吃素一定要知道的事:https://reurl.cc/ROZ6be 你當華語老師之前會想知道的三件事: https://reurl.cc/mZmqMA ↠Popular ↠35 [香港旅行] 香港人令我驚訝!Hong Kong ppl are ?! https://youtu.be/1Jw90C4Pe6E . . . ✩如果您希望Yun持續推廣台灣華語、文化、社會給各國的朋友,請考慮按讚、分享,甚至用信用卡捐款直接支持製作 ↠ buymeacoffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/mandarinwl (credit card) ↠ Scan and pay (credit card (NTD): https://forms.gle/UUH2TMZPeruZbDzp6 ✩Support this community Taiwan Mandarin with Local is a

    8 Min.
  3. 17. JUNI

    50 Will Using Chinese Terms Upset Taiwanese

    \✩Thank you for the support 感謝本月支持:John (大 Taiwan VIP), Thomas (小 Taiwan VIP)✩// 00:00 預告 Preview 00:13 Q1台灣人是否會因為我的中國用語而不喜歡我? Will Using Chinese Terms Upset Taiwanese 01:33 你想不到的是… Something You Wouldn't Expect 02:37 最近發生的例子(歌手) Recent Example (a singer) 03:40 Q2我在網路上找到台灣用語的表格,我需要把那麼多的用語都背起來嗎? I Found a Chart of Taiwanese Terms Online. Do I Need to Memorize All These Terms? 04:36 總結和一些語言例子 Summary and Some Language Examples 06:03 感謝會員 Thank you for your support ✩ 🍊Get full annotated(pinyin&Eng) Mandarin transcripts and support Yun from ep.48 here: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/mandarinwl/membership 💌 Sign up to my weekly email newsletter about Taiwan here: https://shorturl.at/iMT26 ーーPop up transcripts available for buymeacoffee membersーー ✩ s o c i a l s ✩ 追蹤我的Instagram ↠ https://reurl.cc/NG7Xje 來我的website看逐字稿 ↠ https://reurl.cc/zrdb80 寄email給我 ↠ yun@yunchih.art Podcast also available on ↠ soundon ↠https://reurl.cc/33vMp0 ↠ spotify ↠https://reurl.cc/mZEY4l ↠ apple podcast ↠https://reurl.cc/VRkWoY ↠ google podcast ↠https://reurl.cc/OE9mnv 更多影片: ↠Beginner 超簡單自我介紹:https://reurl.cc/YdAWWD 大掃除:https://reurl.cc/gQq8mR 十件你搬到台灣會發現的事:https://reurl.cc/NG7X6e 看劇學華語:https://reurl.cc/NG7XQx ↠Vlog 小琉球潛水:https://reurl.cc/GemaLA 去鹿港: https://reurl.cc/oZa99M 農曆新年:https://reurl.cc/KXaxAn 日月潭騎腳踏車:https://reurl.cc/332Na0 ↠Podcast 你聽不懂台灣人說話的原因:https://reurl.cc/ROZ6b6 在台灣吃素一定要知道的事:https://reurl.cc/ROZ6be 你當華語老師之前會想知道的三件事: https://reurl.cc/mZmqMA ↠Popular ↠35 [香港旅行] 香港人令我驚訝!Hong Kong ppl are ?! https://youtu.be/1Jw90C4Pe6E . . . ✩如果您希望Yun持續推廣台灣華語、文化、社會給各國的朋友,請考慮按讚、分享,甚至用信用卡捐款直接支持製作 ↠ buymeacoffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/mandarinwl (credit card) ↠ Scan and pay (credit card (NTD): https://forms.gle/UUH2TMZPeruZbDzp6 ✩Support this community Taiwan Mandarin with Local is a community for learning Taiwan Mandarin. It aims to assist Mandarin learners not only linguistically but also culturally and socially. If you would like to sustain this project, please consider sharing this episode with a friend who might be interested. Leave us a 5-star review or like on the platform where you are listening. To support Yun directly, you can contribute financially to this project: ↠ buymeacoffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/mandarinwl (credit card) ↠ Scan and pay (credit card (NTD): https://forms.gle/UUH2TMZPeruZbDzp6 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

    7 Min.
  4. 23. APR.

    49 Family Gender Talks: China vs. Taiwan (A Conversation with My Chinese Aunt)

    \✩Thank you for the support 感謝本月支持:John (大 Taiwan VIP) Thomas (小 Taiwan VIP)// This episode is about my conversation with my Chinese aunt. We talked about the different atmospheres during Chinese New Year in China and Taiwan, as well as the differences in gender roles within families. These are just our personal observations and feelings, and everyone’s situation is unique. 這集的內容是關於我訪問我的中國阿姨的對話。我們聊了中國和台灣過年的不同氛圍,還有家庭性別分工上的差異。這只是我們個人的觀察和感受,每個人的情況都不盡相同。 Disclaimer / 免責聲明: This podcast episode is a family casual conversation. The discussions presented are based on personal experiences and stories, and may not be representative of all situations. It’s important to note that every story and situation is unique, especially when it comes to gender-culture-related topics. 這一集的 Podcast 是為了隨意的家庭對話,所有的討論基於個人經驗和故事,可能不代表所有情況。特別在性別、文化相關話題。每個故事和情況都是獨特的,並且一定有例外情況。 ✩ 🍊Get full annotated(pinyin&Eng) Mandarin transcripts and support Yun from ep.48 here: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/mandarinwl/membership 💌 Sign up to my weekly email newsletter about Taiwan here: https://shorturl.at/iMT26 ーーPop up transcripts available for buymeacoffee membersーー ✩ s o c i a l s ✩ 追蹤我的Instagram ↠ https://reurl.cc/NG7Xje 來我的website看逐字稿 ↠ https://reurl.cc/zrdb80 寄email給我 ↠ yun@yunchih.art Podcast also available on ↠ soundon ↠https://reurl.cc/33vMp0 ↠ spotify ↠https://reurl.cc/mZEY4l ↠ apple podcast ↠https://reurl.cc/VRkWoY ↠ google podcast ↠https://reurl.cc/OE9mnv 更多影片: ↠Beginner 超簡單自我介紹:https://reurl.cc/YdAWWD 大掃除:https://reurl.cc/gQq8mR 十件你搬到台灣會發現的事:https://reurl.cc/NG7X6e 看劇學華語:https://reurl.cc/NG7XQx ↠Vlog 小琉球潛水:https://reurl.cc/GemaLA 去鹿港: https://reurl.cc/oZa99M 農曆新年:https://reurl.cc/KXaxAn 日月潭騎腳踏車:https://reurl.cc/332Na0 ↠Podcast 你聽不懂台灣人說話的原因:https://reurl.cc/ROZ6b6 在台灣吃素一定要知道的事:https://reurl.cc/ROZ6be 你當華語老師之前會想知道的三件事: https://reurl.cc/mZmqMA ↠Popular ↠35 [香港旅行] 香港人令我驚訝!Hong Kong ppl are ?! https://youtu.be/1Jw90C4Pe6E . . . ✩如果您希望Yun持續推廣台灣華語、文化、社會給各國的朋友,請考慮按讚、分享,甚至用信用卡捐款直接支持製作 ↠ buymeacoffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/mandarinwl (credit card) ↠ Scan and pay (credit card (NTD): https://forms.gle/UUH2TMZPeruZbDzp6 ✩Support this community Taiwan Mandarin with Local is a community for learning Taiwan Mandarin. It aims to assist Mandarin learners not only linguistically but also culturally and socially. If you would like to sustain this project, please consider sharing this episode with a friend who might be interested. Leave us a 5-star review or like on the platform where you are listening. To support Yun directly, you can contribute financially to this project: ↠ buymeacoffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/mandarinwl (credit card) ↠ Scan and pay (credit card (NTD): https://forms.gle/UUH2TMZPeruZbDzp6 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

    24 Min.
  5. 48 Taiwanese Gen Z 台灣的Z世代 |Taiwan Mandarin with Local Podcast

    1. APR.

    48 Taiwanese Gen Z 台灣的Z世代 |Taiwan Mandarin with Local Podcast

    🍊Get full annotated(pinyin&Eng) Mandarin transcripts and support Yun from ep.48 here: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/mandarinwl/membership 📈Sign up my Free Mandarin tones Workshop waitlist here (2024/4/20 8PM Taiwan time, Duration: around 45mins): https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1mCoCkBOR9tYPWbDeLgvwCntuPzejxQnEESzdQNO4URk/edit?pli=1 💌 Sign up to my weekly email newsletter about Taiwan here: https://shorturl.at/iMT26 ✩我提到的影片 Video I mentioned: Millennials in the Workplace Training Video https://youtu.be/Sz0o9clVQu8?si=RSoRsjrRocFvX-M0 ーーPop up transcripts available for buymeacoffee membersーー ✩ s o c i a l s ✩ 追蹤我的Instagram ↠ https://reurl.cc/NG7Xje 來我的website看逐字稿 ↠ https://reurl.cc/zrdb80 寄email給我 ↠ yun@yunchih.art Podcast also available on ↠ soundon ↠https://reurl.cc/33vMp0 ↠ spotify ↠https://reurl.cc/mZEY4l ↠ apple podcast ↠https://reurl.cc/VRkWoY ↠ google podcast ↠https://reurl.cc/OE9mnv 更多影片: ↠Beginner 超簡單自我介紹:https://reurl.cc/YdAWWD 大掃除:https://reurl.cc/gQq8mR 十件你搬到台灣會發現的事:https://reurl.cc/NG7X6e 看劇學華語:https://reurl.cc/NG7XQx ↠Vlog 小琉球潛水:https://reurl.cc/GemaLA 去鹿港: https://reurl.cc/oZa99M 農曆新年:https://reurl.cc/KXaxAn 日月潭騎腳踏車:https://reurl.cc/332Na0 ↠Podcast 你聽不懂台灣人說話的原因:https://reurl.cc/ROZ6b6 在台灣吃素一定要知道的事:https://reurl.cc/ROZ6be 你當華語老師之前會想知道的三件事: https://reurl.cc/mZmqMA ↠Popular ↠35 [香港旅行] 香港人令我驚訝!Hong Kong ppl are ?! https://youtu.be/1Jw90C4Pe6E . . . ✩如果您希望Yun持續推廣台灣華語、文化、社會給各國的朋友,請考慮按讚、分享,甚至用信用卡捐款直接支持製作 ↠ buymeacoffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/mandarinwl (credit card) ↠ Scan and pay (credit card (NTD): https://forms.gle/UUH2TMZPeruZbDzp6 ✩Support this community Taiwan Mandarin with Local is a community for learning Taiwan Mandarin. It aims to assist Mandarin learners not only linguistically but also culturally and socially. If you would like to sustain this project, please consider sharing this episode with a friend who might be interested. Leave us a 5-star review or like on the platform where you are listening. To support Yun directly, you can contribute financially to this project: ↠ buymeacoffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/mandarinwl (credit card) ↠ Scan and pay (credit card (NTD): https://forms.gle/UUH2TMZPeruZbDzp6 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

    10 Min.
  6. 47 Is Taiwan safe? 台灣安全嗎?歐洲博士用中文說台灣政治 |Taiwan Mandarin with Local Podcast

    3. MÄRZ

    47 Is Taiwan safe? 台灣安全嗎?歐洲博士用中文說台灣政治 |Taiwan Mandarin with Local Podcast

    47 Is Taiwan safe? 台灣安全嗎?歐洲博士用中文說台灣政治 |Taiwan Mandarin with Local Podcast 00:00:00 Preview預告 00:00:13 Concerns About Moving to Taipei 搬到臺北的擔憂 00:01:35 If China attacks Taiwan…如果中國攻打台灣… 00:03:05 How Various Countries Approach "One China Policy" 各國怎麼看「一個中國」原則 00:09:55 The Opportunity of Taiwan 台灣的機會 00:15:55 Democratization in Taiwan 台灣的民主化 00:22:07 Countries Supporting Taiwan 挺台的國家 00:29:35 Relatively Healthy Democracy in Taiwan 相對健康的台灣民主 00:32:54 Professors and Students in Taiwan 談台灣的教授和學生 00:35:38 Interesting Electoral System of Taiwan's Legislative Yuan 台灣立法院有意思的選舉方式 ✩特別感謝比利時根特大學博士生洛明Jasper Roctus接受訪問 Special thanks to Jasper Roctus, PhD student at Ghent University in Belgium, for joining the interview.✩ https://www.linkedin.com/in/jasper-roctus/ ✩延伸閱讀 Reading The EU and Taiwan: Normalizing the Status Quo Security Policy Briefs (26-10-2023) https://shorturl.at/nswYZ ーーーーSubtitles available in many Languages on Youtubeーーーーーー ✩ s o c i a l s ✩ 追蹤我的Instagram ↠ https://reurl.cc/NG7Xje 來我的website看逐字稿 ↠ https://reurl.cc/zrdb80 寄email給我 ↠ yun@yunchih.art Podcast also available on ↠ soundon ↠https://reurl.cc/33vMp0 ↠ spotify ↠https://reurl.cc/mZEY4l ↠ apple podcast ↠https://reurl.cc/VRkWoY ↠ google podcast ↠https://reurl.cc/OE9mnv 更多影片: ↠Beginner 超簡單自我介紹:https://reurl.cc/YdAWWD 大掃除:https://reurl.cc/gQq8mR 十件你搬到台灣會發現的事:https://reurl.cc/NG7X6e 看劇學華語:https://reurl.cc/NG7XQx ↠Vlog 小琉球潛水:https://reurl.cc/GemaLA 去鹿港: https://reurl.cc/oZa99M 農曆新年:https://reurl.cc/KXaxAn 日月潭騎腳踏車:https://reurl.cc/332Na0 ↠Podcast 你聽不懂台灣人說話的原因:https://reurl.cc/ROZ6b6 在台灣吃素一定要知道的事:https://reurl.cc/ROZ6be 你當華語老師之前會想知道的三件事: https://reurl.cc/mZmqMA ↠Popular ↠35 [香港旅行] 香港人令我驚訝!Hong Kong ppl are ?! https://youtu.be/1Jw90C4Pe6E . . . \感謝本月支持:赫克托, Robert Lowe// ✩如果您希望Yun持續推廣台灣華語、文化、社會給各國的朋友,請考慮按讚、分享,甚至用信用卡捐款直接支持製作 ↠ buymeacoffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/mandarinwl (credit card) ↠ Scan and pay (credit card (NTD): https://forms.gle/UUH2TMZPeruZbDzp6 ✩Support this community Taiwan Mandarin with Local is a community for learning Taiwan Mandarin. It aims to assist Mandarin learners not only linguistically but also culturally and socially. If you would like to sustain this project, please consider sharing this episode with a friend who might be interested. Leave us a 5-star review or like on the platform where you are listening. To support Yun directly, you can contribute financially to this project: ↠ buymeacoffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/mandarinwl (credit card) ↠ Scan and pay (credit card (NTD): https://forms.gle/UUH2TMZPeruZbDzp6 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

    38 Min.
  7. DAY 3 300 IMPORTANT Taiwan Mandarin Words (Research-based!!)|Level 1

    26. FEB.

    DAY 3 300 IMPORTANT Taiwan Mandarin Words (Research-based!!)|Level 1

    This content is intended for Mandarin beginners and those at a higher level to familiarize themselves with important Chinese characters, their meanings, and their context in Taiwanese life. ✩ s o c i a l s ✩ 追蹤我的Instagram ↠ https://reurl.cc/NG7Xje 來我的website看逐字稿 ↠ https://reurl.cc/zrdb80 寄email給我 ↠ yun@yunchih.art Podcast also available on ↠ soundon ↠https://reurl.cc/33vMp0 ↠ spotify ↠https://reurl.cc/mZEY4l ↠ apple podcast ↠https://reurl.cc/VRkWoY ↠ google podcast ↠https://reurl.cc/OE9mnv 更多影片: ↠Beginner 超簡單自我介紹Self intro in Mandarin:https://reurl.cc/YdAWWD 大掃除:https://reurl.cc/gQq8mR 十件你搬到台灣會發現的事 :https://reurl.cc/NG7X6e 看劇學華語 Taiwan Mandarin TV seris:https://reurl.cc/NG7XQx ↠Vlog 小琉球潛水:https://reurl.cc/GemaLA 去鹿港: https://reurl.cc/oZa99M 農曆新年:https://reurl.cc/KXaxAn 日月潭騎腳踏車:https://reurl.cc/332Na0 ↠Podcast 你聽不懂台灣人說話的原因:https://reurl.cc/ROZ6b6 在台灣吃素一定要知道的事:https://reurl.cc/ROZ6be 你當華語老師之前會想知道的三件事: https://reurl.cc/mZmqMA ↠Popular ↠35 [香港旅行] 香港人令我驚訝!Hong Kong ppl are ?! https://youtu.be/1Jw90C4Pe6E . . . Ways to sustain this project: I've found the first way to get 96%-100% of your contribution. Thank you! 1.Support Taiwan Mandarin with Local (credit card (NTD), bank transfer (Taiwan): https://forms.gle/UUH2TMZPeruZbDzp6 or 2.↠ buymeacoffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/mandarinwl (Credit card) / -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

    21 Min.
  8. Day 2 300 IMPORTANT Taiwan Mandarin Words (Research-based!!)|Level 1 (128/317)

    23. FEB.

    Day 2 300 IMPORTANT Taiwan Mandarin Words (Research-based!!)|Level 1 (128/317)

    This content is intended for Mandarin beginners and those at a higher level to familiarize themselves with important Chinese characters, their meanings, and their context in Taiwanese life. ✩ s o c i a l s ✩ 追蹤我的Instagram ↠ https://reurl.cc/NG7Xje 來我的website看逐字稿 ↠ https://reurl.cc/zrdb80 寄email給我 ↠ yun@yunchih.art Podcast also available on ↠ soundon ↠https://reurl.cc/33vMp0 ↠ spotify ↠https://reurl.cc/mZEY4l ↠ apple podcast ↠https://reurl.cc/VRkWoY ↠ google podcast ↠https://reurl.cc/OE9mnv 更多影片: ↠Beginner 超簡單自我介紹Self intro in Mandarin:https://reurl.cc/YdAWWD 大掃除:https://reurl.cc/gQq8mR 十件你搬到台灣會發現的事 :https://reurl.cc/NG7X6e 看劇學華語 Taiwan Mandarin TV seris:https://reurl.cc/NG7XQx ↠Vlog 小琉球潛水:https://reurl.cc/GemaLA 去鹿港: https://reurl.cc/oZa99M 農曆新年:https://reurl.cc/KXaxAn 日月潭騎腳踏車:https://reurl.cc/332Na0 ↠Podcast 你聽不懂台灣人說話的原因:https://reurl.cc/ROZ6b6 在台灣吃素一定要知道的事:https://reurl.cc/ROZ6be 你當華語老師之前會想知道的三件事: https://reurl.cc/mZmqMA ↠Popular ↠35 [香港旅行] 香港人令我驚訝!Hong Kong ppl are ?! https://youtu.be/1Jw90C4Pe6E . . . Ways to sustain this project: I've found the first way to get 96%-100% of your contribution. Thank you! 1.Support Taiwan Mandarin with Local (credit card (NTD), bank transfer (Taiwan): https://forms.gle/UUH2TMZPeruZbDzp6 or 2.↠ buymeacoffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/mandarinwl (Credit card) / -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

    27 Min.


💡Taiwan Mandarin Learning community with 500+ friends on Spotify&YT 💐Make Mandarin learning easy for you. ✨Let's help each other along the way. ✩ s o c i a l s ✩ 追蹤我的Instagram ↠ https://reurl.cc/NG7Xje 來我的website看逐字稿 ↠ https://reurl.cc/zrdb80 寄email給我 ↠ yun@yunchih.art also available on ↠ soundon ↠ spotify ↠ apple podcast ↠ google podcast Your support will help me to sustain this project and make me feel this project is meaningful to you↠ https://forms.gle/HdoSjfzzY4pHxn2r5 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

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