Started by former members of Apple's leadership team, Be was formed to take on the Mac and other computers of the mid-90s. The company wrote its own operating system and shipped dual-CPU towers before failing to be bought by Apple and slowly fading away.
Links and Show Notes:
Connected - Relay FM
Jean-Louis Gassée – Monday Note
DigiBarn Systems: Be Box
Quinn's RGB Mac Pro
Overview | Build your own BeBox and run BeOS using Virtualbox | Adafruit Learning System
GeekPort pinout and wiring
BeOS: The Alternate Universe’s Mac OS X | Hackaday
BeOS Operating System
The BeOS file system, an OS geek retrospective | Ars Technica
BeOS: The 10,000-Foot View
BeOS User Guide
BeOS The incredible OS that disappeared (part 1) Be Operating System - YouTube
BeOS The incredible OS that disappeared (part 2) Be Operating System - YouTube
Dashboard – 512 Pixels
BeOS and BFS, the BeOS Filing System | Low End Mac
Using BeOS on a Power Mac | Low End Mac
Sony eVilla
BeBits - BeIA Supported Hardware
Apple acquires Next, Jobs - CNET
Gassée: Thank God Apple chose Steve Jobs's NeXT over my BeOS - 9to5Mac
Palm buys old Apple rival, Be - Macworld UK
BeOS will live on as Microsoft settles legal action
Haiku Project
Ars spends too much time trying to work in Haiku, the BeOS successor | Ars Technica
Overview | Build your own BeBox and run BeOS using Virtualbox | Adafruit Learning System