The Female Effect

Julie Lou
The Female Effect

My name is Julie Lou, and I find it absolutely magical when women support and uplift each other as allies. This is the magic I refer to with the title of my podcast, "The Female Effect." Every Thursday, I invite a woman into the studio who, in her own way, is making a difference for other women and using her voice and talents to make a positive impact on the world.  I hope you feel inspired, because we're rooting for you! xx Julie This Podcast contains episodes in Danish and English. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  1. Emma Holten: Investing in care means challenging the control-obsessed society and embracing uncertainty


    Emma Holten: Investing in care means challenging the control-obsessed society and embracing uncertainty

    In this episode, Emma Holten shares her views and advocates for systemic change in how care work is valued and measured in both economies and societies worldwide. As a feminist activist, keynote speaker, writer, consultant, and advisor, Emma is challenging traditional economic models and exposing the hidden costs of care work. She highlights how society's failure to recognize the true worth of care labor, whether it is paid or unpaid, contributes to the depletion of vital resources and perpetuates inequality. In her book Deficit (Underskud), Emma delves deep into the often invisible and underappreciated forms of care work that sustain communities, from childcare and eldercare to emotional support and domestic responsibilities and sheds light on how the systematic undervaluing of care work is not merely an economic issue but a reflection of broader social issues, particularly gender inequality and oppression. By questioning why this vital work is so consistently ignored and underpaid, Emma calls attention to the harmful consequences of a society that devalues caregiving roles, leading to an imbalanced and unsustainable social structure. Emma’s critique extends beyond the individual to encompass the very fabric of modern economies. She emphasizes that the well-being crisis seen in many wealthy nations—where economic prosperity does not translate into a higher quality of life for the majority—points to much deeper systemic issues.  By drawing attention to this imbalance, Emma pushes for a fundamental shift in how we value time, relationships, and the work that sustains our lives. She calls for a reassessment of what truly matters in society, challenging us to prioritize care and well-being over profit and efficiency. I hope you’re feeling inspired, cause we’re rooting for you! xx Julie —- Emma would like to “pass on the goodwill” Lucia Odoom @luciaodoom  Keep up with Emma 📸 Instagram: @emma.holten 🌍 LinkedIn: Emma Holten  Book: “Underskud” / “Deficit”  Keep up with The Female Effect: 📸 Instagram: @thefemaleeffect_ 🚀 TikTok: @thefemaleeffect 🌍 Linkedin: @The Female Effect Image: Nicklas Hemming Artwork: Birgit Käsper Jingle: Søren Haahr  Studio: Enkell Studio Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

    1 t. 11 min.
  2. Rylé Tuvierra: You have a responsibility as a gatekeeper to also open doors for others


    Rylé Tuvierra: You have a responsibility as a gatekeeper to also open doors for others

    In this episode, Rylé shares her deeply personal insights on navigating life with a mindset of gratitude, positivity, and resilience. Drawing from her experiences with her mother and late aunt, Rylé talks about the importance of seeing the goodness in life, even during hardship and rejection. She believes that while life can be tough, the key to facing challenges is learning to let go of the need to control everything and instead, allowing life to flow—this, she says, empowers us to confront adversity with strength and a heart full of love. Rylé emphasizes the power of self-teaching when it comes to happiness. "No one can teach you happiness; only you can teach yourself happiness," she reflects, highlighting the importance of internal growth and self-awareness. She shares how focusing only on personal gain limits opportunities, encouraging people to help others, bring them into their circle, and offer mentorship to elevate those around them.  A strong advocate for self-accountability, Rylé also delves into the power of letting go and trusting the universe. She discusses how rejection can be part of the journey, but the most important thing is knowing you’ve given your best—your heart, your talent—regardless of the outcome. This aligns with her belief that the path to success is not about external validation but about controlling what’s within, making conscious choices, and eliminating excuses. As she says, "Always slay and stay fierce." For her, it's a way of life—facing every challenge with strength, confidence, and grace. She embraces her power, stays true to herself, and remains unshaken, no matter what. I hope you’re feeling inspired, cause we’re rooting for you! xx Julie —- Rylé would like to “pass on the goodwill” Ashley McDonnell @ash.mcdonnell Keep up with Rylé:  Instagram: Thefiercewalker  LinkedIn: Rylé Tuvierra Youtube: Rylé Tuvierra  Keep up with The Female Effect: 📸 Instagram: @thefemaleeffect_ 🚀 TikTok: @thefemaleeffect 🌍 Linkedin: @The Female Effect Image: Emilia Staugaard Artwork: Birgit Käsper Jingle: Søren Haahr  Studio: Enkell Studio Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

    54 min.
  3. Susanne Holzweiler: We shouldn’t be afraid of making mistakes, but accept them as a part of life


    Susanne Holzweiler: We shouldn’t be afraid of making mistakes, but accept them as a part of life

    Susanne Holzweiler’s journey reflects the delicate balance of building a thriving family business while embracing personal growth. As co-founder of Holzweiler, the family-run ready-to-wear fashion house known for blending future-facing design with their scandinavian heritage, and as the host of the Take A Moment podcast, she reflects on the core values that have shaped her path, with particular emphasis on the lessons passed down from her mother— of independence, self-belief, and the power of unconditional love. Reflecting on her evolution, Susanne shares how her mindset shifted from pushing herself to the limit as a driven go-getter to confronting burnout and learning the importance of slowing down. She shares her passion for meditation, listening to podcasts, and reading, all of which helped her transform her approach to life and work by prioritizing what truly matters. Susanne offers insights on how to navigate work in sync with your menstrual cycle and finding a way to approach work that aligns with the menstruating biology.  Throughout the conversation, she highlights the significance of embracing mistakes, finding joy in continuous learning, and staying open to growth. Whether you’re growing a business, navigating personal development, or facing challenges, Susanne’s insights encourage trusting the process, surrounding yourself with the right people, and believing in yourself—even when things don’t go as planned. I hope you’re feeling inspired, cause we’re rooting for you! xx Julie —- Susanne would like to “pass on the goodwill” to @iam_marthalouise Keep up with Susanne:  Podcast: “Take a moment” Instagram: @susanneholzweiler and @holzweiler  Keep up with The Female Effect: 📸 Instagram: @thefemaleeffect_ 🚀 TikTok: @thefemaleeffect 🌍 Linkedin: @The Female Effect Image: Emilia Staugaard Artwork: Birgit Käsper Jingle: Soeren Haahr  Studio: Enkell Studio Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

    1 t. 14 min.
  4. Imane Asry: Every opportunity, every test, every good thing, every bad thing, is there to teach us something


    Imane Asry: Every opportunity, every test, every good thing, every bad thing, is there to teach us something

    Through her platform, Fashion With Faith, Imane Asry is dedicated to redefining inclusion in an industry often criticized for performative diversity. As a content creator and style curator, Imane has carved her own path in the fashion world, navigating bias and breaking through barriers to spread a simple yet powerful message: if something feels unfamiliar, make it familiar. By doing so, Imane opens doors for others to feel genuinely valued and given the space to lead. Reflecting on her journey and a creativity that is most likely passed down from her father’s talents as a chef - she speaks of the importance of finding ease in life’s ups and downs and trusting that each moment unfolds with purpose.  Her vision calls for a more inclusive approach to fashion that celebrates individuality and respects cultural diversity and Imane argues that modest fashion is a largely untapped market in the Western fashion industry, one with the potential to expand our understanding of what fashion can be.  I hope you’re feeling inspired, cause we’re rooting for you! xx Julie —- Imane would like to “pass on the goodwill”  Keep up with Imane: Instagram: @fashionwithfaith TikTok: @fashionwithfaithofficial Keep up with The Female Effect: 📸 Instagram: @thefemaleeffect_ 🚀 TikTok: @thefemaleeffect 🌍 Linkedin: @The Female Effect Image: Emilia Staugaard Artwork: Birgit Käsper Jingle: Soeren Haahr  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

    1 t. 46 min.
  5. Emma Libner, Kh Underlivet: Hvis vi forstår menstruation ud fra behovet for at holde det skjult, så forholder vi os heller ikke nysgerrigt til den


    Emma Libner, Kh Underlivet: Hvis vi forstår menstruation ud fra behovet for at holde det skjult, så forholder vi os heller ikke nysgerrigt til den

    Som journalist, podcaster og debattør med en kandidatgrad i kultur og formidling, deler Emma Libner passioneret ud af sin dedikation og den rejse, hun har været på siden 2017. Hun fokuserer på vigtige emner relateret til kvindekroppen, cyklus og menstruation. Gennem sit arbejde kaster Emma lys over de samfundsmæssige perspektiver og den ofte oversete viden omkring kvindekroppen. Hun fremhæver, hvordan disse spørgsmål påvirker kvinders liv og understreger deres betydning i privatlivet, arbejdslivet og sociale sammenhænge. Hun går i dybden med, hvor dybt forankrede disse opfattelser er i vores kultur, og de udfordringer, der ligger i at ændre dem. Derudover deler Emma sin viden om vigtige statistikker og diskuterer, hvor langt vi er nået, og hvad der stadig mangler at ændre. Hun understreger, hvordan vores samfund ville kunne drage stor nytte af bedre at imødekomme kvinders behov, og hvordan vores forståelse af cyklusser ikke kun bør ses som kvindeligt ved at anlægge et mindre kønnet perspektiv. Jeg håber du føler dig inspireret, for vi hepper på dig! xx Julie —- Emma vil gerne “pass on the goodwill” ved at opfordre til aktivt at opsøge personer, der er anderledes end dig selv – og engagere dig i indhold, der ikke afspejler dine egne oplevelser eller overbevisninger. Keep up with Emma Libner: Instagram: @kh_underlivet Podcast: ‘Sexpanelet’ Bog: ‘Kh Underlivet’ by Emma Libner  Keep up with The Female Effect: 📸 Instagram: @thefemaleeffect_ 🚀 TikTok: @thefemaleeffect 🌍 Linkedin: @The Female Effect Image: Nicklas Hemming Artwork: Birgit Käsper Jingle: Søren Haahr  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

    1 t. 16 min.
  6. Sofie Sytnik: Sjælen vs. Egoet–Hvis du går efter det som gør dig ægte glad så skal universet nok arbejde for dig


    Sofie Sytnik: Sjælen vs. Egoet–Hvis du går efter det som gør dig ægte glad så skal universet nok arbejde for dig

    Podcastvært Sofie Sytnik har talt åbent om det hun kalder sin “kvartlivskrise” og den ofte fejlagtige forestilling om succes. Da Sofie gik fra at have et udadtil prestigefyldt job som radiovært, til en periode med arbejdsløshed og fordybelse, fandt hun ægte glæde, ved at omdefinere, hvad succes egentlig betyder for hende. Styret af sin tro på affirmationer, intention og en dybere forbindelse til naturen, traf Sofie den afgørende beslutning at flytte ind i sit lille kolonihavehus og finde tilbage til sig selv. For Sofie handler succes om nærvær, dybde og indre lykke – ikke ydre faktorer.  På sin Instagram skaber Sofie ligeledes et rum for åben dialog om identitet, kropsidealer og samfundsnormer, især dem der påvirker kvinder. Hendes rejse involverer også jagten på balance gennem spiritualitet, terapi, breathwork og en tro på, at universet vil støtte dig, når dine intentioner er rene. Jeg håber du føler dig inspireret, for vi hepper på dig! xx Julie —- Sofie would like to “pass on the goodwill” to @clara.maria.bahamondes Keep up with Sofie Sytnik: Instagram: @sofiesytnik Podcast: “Hvad skal der ske med os?”  Keep up with The Female Effect: 📸 Instagram: @thefemaleeffect_ 🚀 TikTok: @thefemaleeffect 🌍 Linkedin: @The Female Effect Image: Ceen Wahren Artwork: Birgit Käsper Jingle: Søren Haahr Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

    1 t. 17 min.
  7. 19.09.2024

    Solo #2: Why the word 'Momentum' gives me anxiety, The abundance mindset & The 21st episode breaking point

    In this special solo episode of The Female Effect, I sit down for the first time in English, to reflect on my journey so far, sharing personal insights after taking a brief break from publishing. Since day one, my dream for The Female Effect has been to create a platform with no boundaries—where geography doesn’t define our audience and where anyone can tap in and out as needed. This philosophy extends to all of us, including myself. In this reflection I explore the concept of momentum, something that often brings me anxiety, and instead, how I’m focused on cultivating a space where we can all pause, reflect, and support one another. Over the past months, I’ve hosted community events with incredible partners who share these values, experimenting with how we can bring The Female Effect into the physical space. I’m excited to see how these efforts grow and inspire even more connection. In this episode, I’ll also touch on the abundance mindset, reminding us all that opportunities are never taken but instead shared—what’s meant for you will come to you. The last ten episodes have taught me so much, and I’m eager to continue sharing these stories with you, hoping you leave feeling inspired to think about who’s in your life that you can uplift and what you can bring to the table for others. I hope this episode encourages you to pause, reflect, and embrace the power of community. I hope you’re feeling inspired, cause we’re rooting for you! xx Julie —- I’d like to pass on the goodwill to Selam Fessahaye - @zelamfezzahye Stay up to date with The Female Effect: 📸 Instagram: @thefemaleeffect_ 🚀 TikTok: @thefemaleeffect 🌍 Linkedin: @The Female Effect  or catch us here: Artwork: Birgit Käsper Jingle: Søren Haahr Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

    53 min.
  8. Marie Mark, Kernemilk: Der er en yngre mig der fortæller mig at det her det kan jeg godt


    Marie Mark, Kernemilk: Der er en yngre mig der fortæller mig at det her det kan jeg godt

    Som grundlægger, designer og kreativ direktør for Kernemilk omdefinerer Marie Mark sin egen fortælling om mode ved at fejre hver enkelt person for, hvem de er, og hvordan de ser ud. Marie mener, at tøj kan være et værktøj til selvkærlighed og empowerment.  Siden Kernemilks lancering har hendes inkluderende vision og brandets stærke femme energy opnået anerkendelse både i Danmark og internationalt. Styret af mantraet, "Kernemilk is not something you drink, it’s something you wear, but when you wear it, your body drinks it,” omfavner Kernemilks designs naturlig skønhed og kropspositivitet uden at følge trends. I vores samtale belyser Marie bl.a. usunde mønstre i modeindustrien, hendes udfordringer med en traditionel skolegang og hendes oplevelser med at blive mor, mens hun opbyggede sit brand—alt imens hun stræber efter at være et stærkt forbillede for sin søn. Jeg håber du føler dig inspireret, for vi hepper på dig! xx Julie —- Marie vil gerne “pass on the goodwill” til Maji Claire @majiclaire Hold dig opdateret med Marie & Kernemilk: Instagram: @mariemark_ & @kernemilk  Hold dig opdateret med The Female Effect: 📸 Instagram: @thefemaleeffect_ 🚀 TikTok: @thefemaleeffect 🌍 Linkedin: @The Female Effect Image: Emilia Staugaard Artwork: Birgit Käsper Jingle: Søren Haahr  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

    1 t. 7 min.
ud af 5
25 vurderinger


My name is Julie Lou, and I find it absolutely magical when women support and uplift each other as allies. This is the magic I refer to with the title of my podcast, "The Female Effect." Every Thursday, I invite a woman into the studio who, in her own way, is making a difference for other women and using her voice and talents to make a positive impact on the world.  I hope you feel inspired, because we're rooting for you! xx Julie This Podcast contains episodes in Danish and English. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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