Vicki Todd Ed.D.

Transformation Talk Radio
Vicki Todd Ed.D. Podcast

Tune in each 1st and 3rd Tuesday at 3 p.m. Pacific/6 p.m. Eastern for Unstuck JOY!    Unstuck Joy! with Vicki Todd - The Art of Living On Purpose - Memoir Artist, Story Teller, Life Purpose Guide Be YOU + live your Purpose = JOY! That’s the motto of Unstuck Joy! Vicki believes you were born with gifts that you’re meant to use to make the world a brighter place – aka - your unique life Purpose. However, life can get in the way. You become stuck in circumstances that hold you back from being your best self. Have you ever wondered, “Is this all life has to offer? There MUST be more!” If you answer “yes,” then Unstuck Joy! is the show for YOU! Each show will feature a memoir artwork painted by Vicki that taps into universal themes of evolution, hope, inner strength, and self-growth. The artwork will set the show’s theme and serve as a springboard for discussion. Vicki will also ask listeners to create your path to soul clarity with Art Visioning. Draw, doodle, collage, write, and/or paint your way to understanding who you were born to be by participating in an Art Visioning art journal prompt – a fun, creative, messy, for-your-eyes-only vehicle to discover your own soul revelations and live more JOY! Vicki’s Art Visioning process encourages you to align with the Universe, ask deep questions about soul topics - such as what are limiting beliefs that block your flow toward being your True Self and what would your Future Elder Warrioress encourage you to do before your last day on Earth or else you’ll regret not doing it - and record discoveries in an art journal with the help of Vicki’s simple art journaling prompts. Art journaling allows you to use images, words, favorite quotes, poems, minds maps, and colors to convey concepts in a way that using logical, linear words cannot. Unstuck JOY! will also feature guests from a variety of lightworker fields, who have overcome their own limiting beliefs and obstacles, to help listeners pinpoint strategies to become unstuck and live a more exuberant life. Unstuck Joy! will compel you to tune into your soul’s whispers to realize your unique dreams! Vicki believes in the transformational power of art. She is a storyteller and expresses her life story through her memoir artworks. She paints expressive female portraits that represent her Heroine’s Journey of how she’s come to realize who her True Self is and how she’s evolving toward boldly living her Purpose. Vicki finds art to be an emotional release, a way to purge feelings of anxiety, fear, hope, anticipation, and determination. Vicki’s hope is that you will gain joy, peace and clarity about your own journey through her Art Visioning exercises, especially if you feel stuck in life. Your Purpose and life circumstances are unique to you. You may be able to easily weave your Purpose into your current life, making it more vibrant and textured, without causing cosmic shifts that rock your world. Or, maybe you – like Vicki – feel the need in the depths of your soul to take a more pronounced leap of faith into the unknown to fully spread your True Self wings. Either way, Vicki hopes that her Art Visioning process will reverberate with you and inspire you to fulfill your own unique Calling and live more JOY! More About Vicki - Vicki Todd, Ed.D, is a memoir artist and life coach. Vicki was living a double life. She taught public relations and advertising courses for 17 years at the university level, but her dirty little secret was that she is really an artist at heart. She tried to live two existences, creating her art at night and any free weekends she could sneak in, but it just wasn’t enough. The drumbeat of her life’s Purpose became too loud and persistent to ignore. So, she put her octogenarian mother into shock by resigning from her tenured professor position to follow her bliss of art and to teach others that living YOUR life’s Purpose is the key to joy, fulfillment, and deep meaning

  1. 06/03/2018

    What's Your Sigil?

    Have you ever wondered, Is this all life has to offer? There MUST be more! If you answer yes, join me on Unstuck JOY! The Art of Living on Purpose with Vicki Todd as she shares her insight into: Be YOU + live your Purpose = JOY! Join me and my guest Joanne Chen, who is a Transformational Life Coach. Joanne helps professional women let go of perfection to serve the world more powerfully and live more fulfilling lives. An Asian American immigrant not quite fitting into the model minority role, Joanne broke out of her conventional background to create her own unique path. Joanne will give tips on how to slow down, quiet your critical mind, and access your intuitive, creative self! This show s Art Vision prompt is What s Your Sigil? Let s create our 2018 intentions via an arty, magical symbol! Watch us LIVE here: Vicki invites YOU to play along with her Art Visioning process a fun, creative, transformative spiritual process of using simple art journal prompts to discover your True Self and live Unstuck JOY! This show s Art Vision prompt is What s Your Sigil? Let s create our 2018 intentions via an arty, magical symbol! Click here to go to Vicki's Art Vision page: What's Your Sigil? Memoir Artwork of the Day: And Now What? I began this painting on January 1, 2013, as a new New Year s Day tradition: paint on the first day of each year to set my intention of putting my art first! What are YOUR intentions for 2018? Do you need to create new traditions or rituals to symbolize your juicy intentions coming to fruition?

  2. 06/02/2018

    Encore: Are You Afraid of the Dark?

    Have you ever wondered, Is this all life has to offer? There MUST be more! If you answer yes, join me on Unstuck JOY! The Art of Living on Purpose with Vicki Todd as she shares her insight into: Be YOU + live your Purpose = JOY! Join me and my guest, Susan Sinclair, who is a modern mystic, Usui and Imara Reiki Master, Soul Reader, Sound Healer, Akashic Adventurer and unabashed devotee of the Radiant Dark. Susan will teach us how the misperception of Light and Dark as good and evil has caused an imbalance in our chakra energy systems, the real connection between Light and Dark, how they relate to the Yin/Yang, and reveal how to heal your soul and our world by restoring your own inner Radiant Dark. This show s Art Vision prompt is Are You Afraid of the Dark? based on characteristics of the yin and yang. Let s nurture your Radiant Dark via Art Vision journaling! Watch as Vicki creates an Art Vision journal page LIVE during the show! Vicki invites YOU to play along with her Art Visioning process a fun, creative, transformative spiritual process of using simple art journal prompts to discover your True Self and live Unstuck JOY! This show s Art Vision prompt is Are You Afraid of the Dark? based on characteristics of the yin and yang. Let s nurture your Radiant Dark via Art Vision journaling! Click here to go to Vicki's Art Vision page: Are You Afraid of the Dark? Memoir Artworks of the Day: Language of Zelda Twyla To me, Language of Zelda represents my Yin going Yin-ward into my Radiant Dark, being (instead of constantly doing), so I can perceive my soul s spiritual signals. Twyla represents my Yang the electrical, looking outward, doing part of me that represents my active Light.

  3. 16/01/2018

    Encore: What Advice Will Your Future Elder Warrioress Give You?

    Have you ever wondered, Is this all life has to offer? There MUST be more! If you answer yes, join me on Unstuck JOY! The Art of Living on Purpose with Vicki Todd as she shares her insight into: Be YOU + live your Purpose = JOY! Join host Vicki Todd and her guest, India Holden, who is a thought leader, author, and Tarot reader! India will teach us about the All Is Divine Global Movement, describe how Tarot readings can enhance our lives, and lead us in a 3-minute guided Self-Soothing exercise! India is also giving away 5 copies of the book, Crafting a Happy Life, during the show! This show's Art Vision prompt is What Advice Will Your Future Elder Warrioress Give You? If you could have a cup of tea with your wise future Self, what would she urge you to do before your last day on Earth? Let's celebrate this intuitive, powerful, seasoned version of yourself via Art Vision journaling! Watch as Vicki creates an Art Vision journal page LIVE during the show! Vicki invites YOU to play along with her Art Visioning process a fun, creative, transformative spiritual process of using simple art journal prompts to discover your True Self and live Unstuck JOY! This show s prompt is What Advice Will Your Future Elder Warrioress Give You! If you could have a cup of tea with your wise future Self, what would she urge you to do before your last day on Earth? Let s celebrate this intuitive, powerful, seasoned version of yourself via Art Vision journaling! Click here to go to Vicki's Art Vision page: What Advice Will Your Future Elder Warrioress Give You? Memoir Artwork of the Day: Juicy Crone According to Jean Shinoda Bolen in her book, Crones Don t Whine: Concentrated Wisdom for Juicy Women, a crone is a woman who knows who her True Self is. She trusts her inner wisdom. She lives with the courage to shine and use her Gifts. She chooses to make room for her juicy, creative pursuits and reinvents herself as her True Self evolves. What would YOUR juicy Future Elder Warrioress/Crone advise you to pursue to make your life more joyful and fulfilling?

  4. 02/01/2018

    Get Your Art Zen On! with Whitney Freya

    Have you ever wondered, Is this all life has to offer? There MUST be more! If you answer yes, join me on Unstuck JOY! The Art of Living on Purpose with Vicki Todd as she shares her insight into: Be YOU + live your Purpose = JOY! Join me and my guest Whitney Freya, who is devoted to helping you use art making as a spiritual practice to tap into the pure language of your Soul! She uses art as an energy work medium of the imagination and as a way to connect to the subconscious and Source energy, allowing for new healing insights and personal growth. Whitney is the author of three books on personal creativity, including The Artist Within, A Guide to Becoming Creatively Fit and her latest release, Rise Above, Free Your Mind One Brush Stroke at a Time. Watch as Whitney and I paint LIVE during the show together! Let s begin 2018 with an art-infused BANG! I took Whitney s Paint Buddha online class and loved the meditative, peaceful painting experience! This was my first time painting Buddha and using gold leaf so addicting! Want to create your own peaceful Buddha? Register here for Whitney s online, self-paced Paint Buddha class! You ll receive: 6 video lessons to paint your own Buddha step by step no art experience necessary! Whitney s version of the Tonglen Practice a beautiful, meditative way to raise the vibration of yourself and the world while you create a documentary video about the life of Buddha Whitney s nurturing and spiritual art-making guidance!

  5. 19/12/2017

    Are You Afraid of the Dark?

    Have you ever wondered, Is this all life has to offer? There MUST be more! If you answer yes, join me on Unstuck JOY! The Art of Living on Purpose with Vicki Todd as she shares her insight into: Be YOU + live your Purpose = JOY! Join me and my guest, Susan Sinclair, who is a modern mystic, Usui and Imara Reiki Master, Soul Reader, Sound Healer, Akashic Adventurer and unabashed devotee of the Radiant Dark. Susan will teach us how the misperception of Light and Dark as good and evil has caused an imbalance in our chakra energy systems, the real connection between Light and Dark, how they relate to the Yin/Yang, and reveal how to heal your soul and our world by restoring your own inner Radiant Dark. This show s Art Vision prompt is Are You Afraid of the Dark? based on characteristics of the yin and yang. Let s nurture your Radiant Dark via Art Vision journaling! Watch as Vicki creates an Art Vision journal page LIVE during the show! Vicki invites YOU to play along with her Art Visioning process a fun, creative, transformative spiritual process of using simple art journal prompts to discover your True Self and live Unstuck JOY! This show s Art Vision prompt is Are You Afraid of the Dark? based on characteristics of the yin and yang. Let s nurture your Radiant Dark via Art Vision journaling! Click here to go to Vicki's Art Vision page: Are You Afraid of the Dark? Memoir Artworks of the Day: Language of Zelda Twyla To me, Language of Zelda represents my Yin going Yin-ward into my Radiant Dark, being (instead of constantly doing), so I can perceive my soul s spiritual signals. Twyla represents my Yang the electrical, looking outward, doing part of me that represents my active Light.

  6. 05/12/2017

    I Am Enough!

    Have you ever wondered, Is this all life has to offer? There MUST be more! If you answer yes, join me on Unstuck JOY! The Art of Living on Purpose with Vicki Todd as she shares her insight into: Be YOU + live your Purpose = JOY! Join me and my guest, Laurie McCammon, author of Enough! How to Liberate Yourself and Remake the World with Just One Word. Ever wonder about the connection between not feeling you are enough and a world where it seems scarcity, competition and fear of not having enough is a cultural given? Laurie s book and workshops explore the root cause of the collective myth of scarcity and never-enoughness, and how we can shift it right now - from within. This show s Art Vision prompt is I Am Enough! based on concepts from Laurie s book. Let s proclaim that using our gifts and living from our hearts (and not our heads) is more than enough to connect with our self-worth, harmonious relationships, abundance, and create a better world. Watch as Vicki creates an Art Vision journal page LIVE during the show! Vicki invites YOU to play along with her Art Visioning process a fun, creative, transformative spiritual process of using simple art journal prompts to discover your True Self and live Unstuck JOY! This show s Art Vision prompt is I Am Enough! based on concepts from Laurie s book. Let s proclaim that using our gifts and living from our hearts (and not our heads) is more than enough to connect with our self-worth, harmonious relationships, abundance, and create a better world. Click here to go to Vicki's Art Vision page: I Am Enough! Memoir Artwork of the Day: The Honesty of Claud The Honesty of Claud is a work in progress, and I m not sure yet how I ll finish her. Yet, I m enjoying the journey of creating her. This is how it is with us when we feel we re enough. Each one of us is a work in progress with our own unique limiting beliefs, successes, gifts and life path. We can t see the end result or know the exact how that will lead us to fulfilling our dreams. Yet, when we trust our hearts to lead us to joy, harmonious connection with others, and the belief that the world is an abundant place with enough for all, the Universe will supply the open doors and resources that help us to transform ourselves and the world.


Tune in each 1st and 3rd Tuesday at 3 p.m. Pacific/6 p.m. Eastern for Unstuck JOY!    Unstuck Joy! with Vicki Todd - The Art of Living On Purpose - Memoir Artist, Story Teller, Life Purpose Guide Be YOU + live your Purpose = JOY! That’s the motto of Unstuck Joy! Vicki believes you were born with gifts that you’re meant to use to make the world a brighter place – aka - your unique life Purpose. However, life can get in the way. You become stuck in circumstances that hold you back from being your best self. Have you ever wondered, “Is this all life has to offer? There MUST be more!” If you answer “yes,” then Unstuck Joy! is the show for YOU! Each show will feature a memoir artwork painted by Vicki that taps into universal themes of evolution, hope, inner strength, and self-growth. The artwork will set the show’s theme and serve as a springboard for discussion. Vicki will also ask listeners to create your path to soul clarity with Art Visioning. Draw, doodle, collage, write, and/or paint your way to understanding who you were born to be by participating in an Art Visioning art journal prompt – a fun, creative, messy, for-your-eyes-only vehicle to discover your own soul revelations and live more JOY! Vicki’s Art Visioning process encourages you to align with the Universe, ask deep questions about soul topics - such as what are limiting beliefs that block your flow toward being your True Self and what would your Future Elder Warrioress encourage you to do before your last day on Earth or else you’ll regret not doing it - and record discoveries in an art journal with the help of Vicki’s simple art journaling prompts. Art journaling allows you to use images, words, favorite quotes, poems, minds maps, and colors to convey concepts in a way that using logical, linear words cannot. Unstuck JOY! will also feature guests from a variety of lightworker fields, who have overcome their own limiting beliefs and obstacles, to help listeners pinpoint strategies to become unstuck and live a more exuberant life. Unstuck Joy! will compel you to tune into your soul’s whispers to realize your unique dreams! Vicki believes in the transformational power of art. She is a storyteller and expresses her life story through her memoir artworks. She paints expressive female portraits that represent her Heroine’s Journey of how she’s come to realize who her True Self is and how she’s evolving toward boldly living her Purpose. Vicki finds art to be an emotional release, a way to purge feelings of anxiety, fear, hope, anticipation, and determination. Vicki’s hope is that you will gain joy, peace and clarity about your own journey through her Art Visioning exercises, especially if you feel stuck in life. Your Purpose and life circumstances are unique to you. You may be able to easily weave your Purpose into your current life, making it more vibrant and textured, without causing cosmic shifts that rock your world. Or, maybe you – like Vicki – feel the need in the depths of your soul to take a more pronounced leap of faith into the unknown to fully spread your True Self wings. Either way, Vicki hopes that her Art Visioning process will reverberate with you and inspire you to fulfill your own unique Calling and live more JOY! More About Vicki - Vicki Todd, Ed.D, is a memoir artist and life coach. Vicki was living a double life. She taught public relations and advertising courses for 17 years at the university level, but her dirty little secret was that she is really an artist at heart. She tried to live two existences, creating her art at night and any free weekends she could sneak in, but it just wasn’t enough. The drumbeat of her life’s Purpose became too loud and persistent to ignore. So, she put her octogenarian mother into shock by resigning from her tenured professor position to follow her bliss of art and to teach others that living YOUR life’s Purpose is the key to joy, fulfillment, and deep meaning

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