18Forty Podcast

Podcast de 18Forty Podcast

Helping you find meaning in life through the exploration of Jewish thought and ideas. Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/18forty-podcast--4344730/support.

  1. Tuvia Tenenbom: How a Secular Jew Came To Love the Haredi World [Teshuva IV 3/4]


    Tuvia Tenenbom: How a Secular Jew Came To Love the Haredi World [Teshuva IV 3/4]

    This series is sponsored by Mira and Daniel Stokar, and this episode is sponsored by dailygiving.org. In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, we talk to Tuvia Tenenbom, a formerly Haredi and now secular Jew and the author of Careful, Beauties Ahead!, about how he developed a new love for Haredi religious life. When Tuvia Tenenbom wrote a book about Haredim in Mea Shearim, he found that all Jews—no matter how different their communities—are interconnected in more ways than we might think. In this episode we discuss: How did the Haredi community respond to October 7?What do outsiders misunderstand about Haredi Jews?Is humor the universal Jewish language? Tune in to hear a conversation about what it means to truly love the entirety of the Jewish family.  Interview begins at 28:37. Tuvia Tenenbom is an Israeli-American theater director, playwright, and author who is the founding artistic director of the Jewish Theater of New York. He authored several books that deal with themes of Jewish life, Jewish culture, antisemitism, and the Holocaust, including his well-known Catch The Jew!. He joins us to discuss the year he, a secular Jew, spent with the Haredi Jews of Mea Shearim.  References: 18Forty Podcast: “Joshua Leifer and Shaindy Ort: How Progressive Activists Rediscovered Traditional Jewish Life” Tosafot on Pesachim Careful, Beauties Ahead! by Tuvia Tenenbo Catch The Jew! by Tuvia Tenenbom Works of Tuvia Tenenbom Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/18forty-podcast--4344730/support.

    1 h y 34 min
  2. Yussie Zakutinsky: Connecting to a Disconnected Jewish People [Teshuva IV 2/4]

    17 SEPT

    Yussie Zakutinsky: Connecting to a Disconnected Jewish People [Teshuva IV 2/4]

    This series is sponsored by Mira and Daniel Stokar, and this episode is sponsored by dailygiving.org. In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, we talk to Yussie Zakutinsky, rabbi of K’hal Mevakshei Hashem in Lawrence, New York, about his vision for a Judaism that unites the entire Jewish People—no matter how wide the gaps between us.  Since October 7, of the many schisms within the Jewish People, some have mended while others are torn anew. As a nation, we have much further to go. In this episode, we discuss: How can we see the divinity in Jews with whom we profoundly disagree?What do we mean when we say “the entirety of the Jewish People is an expression of God”?How can we rescue the divinity within ourselves and within one another?Tune in to hear a conversation about, as the Baal Shem Tov described it, vanquishing the dragon and redeeming the princess—i.e., elevating the good in all the Jewish People.  Interview begins at 20:27.  Rabbi Yussie Zakutinsky is a rabbi and spiritual leader. He is the rabbi of K’hal Mevakshei Hashem in Lawrence, New York, and is a sought-after lecturer and leader of spiritual happenings. References: Mesillat Yesharim by Moses Chaim Luzzatto Derekh Hashem by Moses Chaim Luzzatto Avodah Zarah 9a rabbiywilk.com Genesis 12:5 18Forty Podcast: “Rabbi YY Jacobson: How Did the Rebbe Revolutionize Judaism?” Works of Rav Kook Works of Rav Tzadok HaKohen Divrei Soferim 16 Pachad Yitzchok by Rav Yitzchok Hutner Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/18forty-podcast--4344730/support.

    1 h y 38 min
  3. Joshua Leifer and Shaindy Ort: How Progressive Activists Rediscovered Traditional Jewish Life [Teshuva IV 1/4]

    10 SEPT

    Joshua Leifer and Shaindy Ort: How Progressive Activists Rediscovered Traditional Jewish Life [Teshuva IV 1/4]

    This series is sponsored by Mira and Daniel Stokar, and this episode is sponsored by dailygiving.org. In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, we talk to Joshua Leifer and Shaindy Ort, married progressive activists who are reembracing traditional Jewish life. Joshua and Shaindy grew up in Conservative and Yeshivish communities, respectively, but struggled to find a Jewish community as they joined left-wing circles, specifically those highly critical of Israel.  After October 7, Joshua resigned from the anti-Zionist magazine Jewish Currents, and in August, he published Tablets Shattered: The End of an American Jewish Century and the Future of Jewish Life, which made headlines after a Brooklyn bookstore canceled Joshua’s planned talk because it included a Zionist rabbi. In this episode we discuss: Has October 7 changed anything for progressive Jews highly critical of Israel?Why do left-wing circles struggle to maintain engaged Jewish life?What differentiates the Israeli left from the American left?Tune in to hear a conversation about return and renewal for progressive Jews seeking a life of traditional Jewishness. Interview begins at 16:44. Joshua Leifer is a journalist, editor, and translator. His writing has appeared in The New York Times, The New York Review of Books, The Nation, and elsewhere, and he is the author of the new book Tablets Shattered: The End of an American Jewish Century and the Future of Jewish Life. Shaindy Ort-Leifer is an attorney who works in the fields of strategic litigation and international law. Joshua and Shaindy are married. References: Orot HaTeshuvah by Abraham Isaac HaCohen Kook Tablets Shattered: The End of an American Jewish Century and the Future of Jewish Life by Joshua Leifer Siddur Sefard: “Upon Arising, Upon Entering Synagogue” Jew Vs Jew: The Struggle For The Soul Of American Jewry by Samuel G. Freedman After Virtue by Alasdair MacIntyre Hirsch Haggadah by Samson R. Hirsch Arukh HaShulchan by Yechiel Michel Epstein Kitzur Shulchan Arukh by Shlomo Ganzfried Deuteronomy Become a supporter of this podcast: a...

    1 h y 56 min
  4. Pawel Maciejko: Sabbateanism and the Roots of Secular Judaism [Denominations: Bonus]

    3 SEPT

    Pawel Maciejko: Sabbateanism and the Roots of Secular Judaism [Denominations: Bonus]

    This episode is sponsored by Nishmat, the Jeanie Schottenstein Center for Advanced Torah Study for Women, whose Online Beit Midrash returns on Sept. 8. Women of all backgrounds can learn Talmud, Tanach, Halacha, and more from the comfort of home. For a full class schedule and registration, go here.  In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, we talk to historian and professor Pawel Maciejko about the false messiah Sabbatai Zevi, Sabbateanism, and the roots of Jewish secularism.  Gershom Scholem, the scholar of Kabbalah and Jewish mysticism, saw a connection between the 17th-century messianic movement of Sabbateanism and the later movement of Jewish secularism. Was he right? In this episode we discuss: What was the impact of Sabbateanism after its messianic fervor died down? How can studying Jewish history deepen one’s connection with Judaism? What is Frankism, and why is it a fascination of present-day antisemitic conspiracy theorists?Tune in to hear a conversation about what the rupture from the Sabbatean movement can teach us about the wide range of Jewish identities we see today.  Interview begins at 17:05. Pawel Maciejko is an associate professor of history and Leonard and Helen R. Stulman Chair in Classical Jewish Religion, Thought, and Culture at Johns Hopkins University. Between 2005 and 2016 he taught at the Department of Jewish Thought at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. His first book, The Mixed Multitude: Jacob Frank and the Frankist Movement, 1755–1816, was awarded the Salo Baron Prize by the American Academy of Jewish Research and the Jordan Schnitzer Book Award by the Association for Jewish Studies. References: Not in the Heavens: The Tradition of Jewish Secular Thought by David Biale Makers of Jewish Modernity: Thinkers, Artists, Leaders, and the World They Made edited by Jacques Picard, Jacques Revel, Michael P. Steinberg, and Idith Zertal  “The Holiness of Sin” by Gershom Scholem Mishnah Chagigah 2 Ezekiel 1 Accounting for the Commandments in Medieval Judaism by Elliot R. Wolfson Sabbatian Heresy: Writings on Mysticism, Messianism, and the Origins of Jewish Modernity edited by Pawel Maciejko The Mixed Multitude: Jacob Frank and the Frankist Movement, 1755-1816 by Pawel Maciejko “The Messianic Feminism of Shabbatai Zevi and Sarah Ashkenazi” by Jericho Vincent br...

    1 h y 12 min
  5. Yehoshua Pfeffer: 'The army is not ready for real Haredi participation' (18 Questions, 40 Israeli Thinkers)

    6 AGO

    Yehoshua Pfeffer: 'The army is not ready for real Haredi participation' (18 Questions, 40 Israeli Thinkers)

    We're taking a week off from our main podcast, but we want to share with you an episode of our new podcast, 18 Questions, 40 Israeli Thinkers  Subscribe to on Spotify or Apple Podcasts to catch the latest episode every Monday.  The Israeli government’s draft of Haredi men is no simple matter—but Yehoshua Pfeffer has some ideas for moving forward. Rabbi Yehoshua Pfeffer is a Haredi social thinker and activist intimately involved in Haredi affairs. He heads the Iyun Institute—which operates programs and publications in the Haredi space—is the founding editor of Tzarich Iyun journal, and serves on the executive board of Netzah Yehuda, which serves Haredi soldiers in the IDF. While also teaching as a professor at Hebrew University’s law school, he is the rabbi of Ohr Chadash in Ramot Bet, Jerusalem. Yehoshua’s life is guided by his convictions. Now, he sits down with us to answer 18 questions on Israel, including the Haredi draft, Israel as a religious state, Messianism, and so much more. This interview was held on July 2. Here are our 18 questions: As an Israeli, and as a Jew, how are you feeling at this moment in Israeli history?What has been Israel’s greatest success and greatest mistake in its war against Hamas?What do you look for in deciding which Knesset party to vote for?Which is more important for Israel: Judaism or democracy?Should Israel be a religious state?Do you think the State of Israel is part of the final redemption?Is Messianism helpful or harmful to Israel?Should Israel treat its Jewish and non-Jewish citizens the same?Should all Israelis serve in the army?Now that Israel already exists, what is the purpose of Zionism?Is opposing Zionism inherently antisemitic?If you were making the case for Israel, where would you begin?Can questioning the actions of Israel’s government and army — even in the context of this war — be a valid form of love and patriotism?What do you think is the most legitimate criticism leveled against Israel today?Do you think peace between Israelis and Palestinians will happen within your lifetime?Are political and religious divides a major problem in Israeli society?Where do you identify on Israel’s political and religious spectrum, and do you have friends on the “other side”?Do you have more hope or fear for Israel and the Jewish People? Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/18forty-podcast--4344730/support.

    59 min
  6. Eli Rubin: Is the Rebbe the Messiah? [Mysticism II 4/4]

    30 JUL

    Eli Rubin: Is the Rebbe the Messiah? [Mysticism II 4/4]

    In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, we talk to Eli Rubin—a scholar, Lubavitcher Hasid, and author of the forthcoming book Kabbalah and the Rupture of Modernity: An Existential History of Chabad Hasidism—about life’s big cosmic questions. Chabad and the Rebbe are so ubiquitous in Jewish life that we tend to overlook Chabad’s underlying philosophy. Here, we take the time to look under the hood of the Mitzvah Tank. In this episode we discuss: At its core, what is Hasidism about, and how did the Rebbe implement these essentials in a new time and a new land? What should we picture when we imagine moshiach? Has Chabad splintered off from mainstream Judaism the way some have feared?Tune in to hear a conversation about what it means to want moshiach now.  Interview begins at 11:27.  Eli Rubin, a contributing editor at Chabad.org, is the author of Kabbalah and the Rupture of Modernity: An Existential History of Chabad Hasidism (forthcoming from Stanford University Press). He was a co-author of Social Vision: The Lubavitcher Rebbe's Transformative Paradigm for the World (Herder and Herder, 2019). He studied Chassidic literature and Jewish Law at the Rabbinical College of America and at Yeshivot in the UK, the US and Australia, and received his PhD from the Department of Hebrew and Jewish Studies, University College London. References: Kabbalah and the Rupture of Modernity: An Existential History of Chabad Hasidism by Eli Rubin Social Vision: The Lubavitcher Rebbe's Transformative Paradigm for the World by Philip Wexler, Eli Rubin, and Michael Wexler 18Forty Podcast: “Eli Rubin: How Do Mysticism and Social Action Intersect” Tanya, Part I; Likkutei Amarim 32 Tanya, Part I; Likkutei Amarim 36 Open Secret: Postmessianic Messianism and the Mystical Revision of Menahem Mendel Schneerson by Elliot R. Wolfson Mishneh Torah, Kings and Wars 12 Eruvin 13b The Rebbe, the Messiah, and the Scandal of Orthodox Indifference by David Berger a...

    1 h y 43 min
  7. Yosef Bronstein: Only for Chabad? Modern Orthodoxy and the Rebbe [Mysticism II 3/4]

    23 JUL

    Yosef Bronstein: Only for Chabad? Modern Orthodoxy and the Rebbe [Mysticism II 3/4]

    Join our email list to receive, among other great 18Forty content, a coupon code for 10% off your Koren Publishers order, good through Aug. 31.  In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, we talk to Yosef Bronstein—a rabbi, writer, and scholar—about the philosophy of Chabad and the Lubavitcher Rebbe.  For much of the Jewish world, the Chabad movement plays a part in our lives, but it’s not necessarily something we understand deeply. Rabbi Bronstein, author of the newly published Engaging the Essence: The Philosophy of the Lubavitcher Rebbe (Koren), helps us fix that. In this episode we discuss: What draws a Litvak to the Torah of the Lubavitcher Rebbe? What were the Rebbe’s essential innovations of Judaism?How might a messianic consciousness enhance our Torah lives?Tune in to hear a conversation about what Orthodox Jews outside of the Lubavitch community can learn from Chabad.  Interview begins at 15:33 Yosef Bronstein received rabbinic ordination and a PhD in Talmudic Studies from Yeshiva University. He is the Rosh Bet Midrash of Machon Zimrat Ha’aretz, a community learning center and rabbinical training program in Efrat, Israel, and also teaches Jewish philosophy at Yeshiva University’s Isaac Breuer College. Rabbi Dr. Bronstein is a beloved lecturer, writer, and teacher on topics of Jewish thought, and is the author of The Authority of the Divine Law: A Study in Tannaitic Midrash and Engaging the Essence: The Philosophy of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. References: Engaging the Essence: The Philosophy of the Lubavitcher Rebbe by Rabbi Dr. Yosef Bronstein Tanya The Steinsaltz Tanya Lessons in Tanya Heaven on Earth Reflections on the theology of Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, the Lubavitcher Rebbe by Faitel Levin Halakhic Man by Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik 18Forty Podcast: "Yosef Bronstein: Rav Tzadok & Rav Kook on Jewish History" Pirkei Avot 1 Kuzari Mishneh Torah a...

    1 h y 57 min

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