Journeying Life Mostly Natural

Podcast de Journeying Life Mostly Natural

Hello my fellow Life walkers & Freedom talkers! I took the leap and am moving with a bit of encouragement from my mother Universe & father God.  Well it seemed like the answers appeared when I felt I desperately needed them too.  I hope this new podcast home will be a solid foundation for our pod trail sessions.  You will still be able to access my content for a bit and hopefully with little disruption during this move.  Now you should be able to communicate with me directly at this new website address through comments, star ratings and yes subscriptions to my website so you can get notified quicker and be privy to my bonus content that I plan on sharing with my subscribers here on my Podop site.Sooooo….are you ready to walk along with me either for a little while or for the long haul? It’s up to you.  I assure you the journey will not  be boring.  There are quite a few life skills and natural alternative lifestyle choices.  I have acquired over the years and are still learning that I will be sharing with you in my podcast.  That will help you, even if in the end, to make you laugh and are reassured you’re not alone with experiencing hiccups along the way of your life’s journey.  So with laces tied prepare yourself for a trip less jaunt with me Mokangel Journeying Life Mostly Natural.

  1. 15/05/2023

    5 Things a Mother may want to know about being a mother

    Hello my fellow life walkers & freedom talkers.  Today's podtrail is in honor of Mother's Day.  Yes I think it's an honor to be a mother. I share 5 things I feel a mother may want to know as a mother.   Hi my fellow life walker & #Freedom talker,   Today's podtrail is in honor of Mother's Day.  Yes I think it's an honor to be a mother. I share 5 things I feel a mother may want to know or need to know about being  mother or mothering.  Today's pod trail is called "5 things may want to know about being a mother."    Once your ready click play and let's head up this pod trail...Please note that I have never made claims as a professional practitioner of medicine be it traditional or herbal alternative methods.  The information I share with you is for your personal wellness research only that you have the freedom to choose how you wish to apply to your life.    I am only offering the information I share primarily as #self education purposes only by sharing my personal experiences of how I manage my mostly natural lifestyle.  If you have any medical concerns or questions to how my information may effect you personally medically if in doubt.  That you will have to decide to ask a Dr. you know and or trust to consult further in that aspect.  I only offer my guidance, advice or #coaching in my natural lifestyle to help you gain inspiration, knowledge or feel support in having to live a more natural lifestyle.  Like I had to come to terms with from the inevitable outcome of my past Dr. visits.   Oh don't forget to please follow, comment and subscribe so you're notified when my newest pod is ready to be downloaded.  It would be awesome if you could share this podcast trail to someone you think may benefit from this topic  that would be awesome.Remember to do 2 things #Love yourself kindly& Say 1 thing you are grateful for each day.  Til next time take care my fellow #life walker  & Freedom talker

    35 min
  2. 04/01/2023


    Hi my fellow life walker & #Freedom talker, Today's pod trail is called "How I learned to deal with grief."   For many of us going through the grieving process can be challenging if not right away, suddenly years later.  This is an unfortunate but natural process of the cycle of life we all at one point or other will have to experience . For some it is a short painful emotion that they are able to process through without much long term effects to the rest of their life.  For other like myself it was a difficult time to be able to recover from, especially with little experience of knowing how to process negative emotions to begin with.   I hope this pod trail that I will share my personal grieving process and where I am with how I deal with grief at present will help you either prepare or figure out ways to get through your grief of loss of some one or something that was important and or loved by you.  Once your ready click play and let's head up this pod trail...Please note that I have never made claims as a professional practitioner of medicine be it traditional or herbal alternative methods.  The information I share with you is for your personal wellness research only that you have the freedom to choose how you wish to apply to your life.  I am only offering the information I share primarily as #self education purposes only by sharing my personal experiences of how I manage my mostly natural lifestyle.  If you have any medical concerns or questions to how my information may effect you personally medically if in doubt.  That you will have to decide to ask a Dr. you know and or trust to consult further in that aspect. I only offer my guidance, advice or #coaching in my natural lifestyle to help you gain inspiration, knowledge or feel support in having to live a more natural lifestyle.  Like I had to come to terms with from the inevitable outcome of my past Dr. visits.  Oh don't forget to please follow, comment and subscribe so you're notified when my newest pod is ready to be downloaded.  It would be awesome if you could share this podcast trail to someone you think may benefit from this topic  that would be awesome.Remember to do 2 things Love yourself kindly& Say 1 thing you are grateful for each day. Til next time take care my fellow #life walker  & Freedom talker

    38 min
  3. 03/01/2023


    HAPPY NEW YEARS DAY!!!!  We officially made it to 2023!  Hello my fellow Life Walkers & Freedom Talkers,Yes I capped those names this time.  Why not it's our last pod trail for this season and let's ring in the New Year with  capital letters and a Happy New Year's day episode to close it all off.  This pod trail I will share with you what new growth achievement I accomplished on the first New day of this year of 2023 and a few updates on this seasons goals and even a bit of stepping out of my comfort zone in the end, cuz I was swept up by the positive vibe.  As well as if I will be starting season 3 in 2023 or is it 2024????  Click play to start heading up our last pod trail for season 2 and find out the latest  haps.Please note that I have never made claims as a professional practitioner of medicine be it traditional or herbal alternative methods.  The information I share with you is for your personal wellness research only that you have the freedom to choose how you wish to apply to your life.  I am only offering the information I share primarily as #self education purposes only by sharing my personal experiences of how I manage my mostly natural lifestyle.  If you have any medical concerns or questions to how my information may effect you personally medically if in doubt.  That you will have to decide to ask a Dr. you know and or trust to consult further in that aspect. I only offer my guidance, advice or #coaching in my natural lifestyle to help you gain inspiration, knowledge or feel support in having to live a more natural lifestyle.  Like I had to come to terms with from the inevitable outcome of my past Dr. visits.  Oh don't forget to please follow, comment and subscribe so you're notified when my newest pod is ready to be downloaded.  It would be awesome if you could share this podcast trail to someone you think may benefit from this topic  that would be awesome.Remember to do 2 things Love yourself kindly& Say 1 thing you are grateful for each day. Til next time take care my fellow #life walker  & Freedom talker

    28 min
  4. 31/12/2022


    Hello my fellow life walkers & freedom talkers, Holy moly y'all,  I just squeaked this one in for this New Year's Eve pod trail of 2022 at the closing of this years 2nd season of "Prepping for survival mode."   If you haven't  guessed I am calling this pod trail "Happy Frickn New Year!"   Boy what a year this has been for all of us here in America as well as our fellow life walkers & freedom talkers around the world.   On this pod trail I will share a quick summary of how I feel impacted by this years events as well as some issues that I have had to deal with in regards to sharing content with y'all.  I know y'all are probably either busy or feeling a bit extra from your holiday & New Years celebrations to want to read on, so let's jump into this next to last pod trail for this season but the last for this year of 2022...  Please have a sick amount of fun this New Year's eve, be careful and take care of all at the same time.  Much gratitude to you all even if it may be less than 100 of you who listen to me.  I am really grateful and hope in our future years our pod trail fellow hiker community will increase.  ALRIGHT LET'S GO!!!!  COME ON 2023 WE ARE GOING TO MAKE IT OUR BEST YEAR DESPITE THE BOO HOOER'S!Please note that I have never made claims as a professional practitioner of medicine be it traditional or herbal alternative methods.  The information I share with you is for your personal wellness research only that you have the freedom to choose how you wish to apply to your life.  I am only offering the information I share primarily as #self education purposes only by sharing my personal experiences of how I manage my mostly natural lifestyle.  If you have any medical concerns or questions to how my information may effect you personally medically if in doubt.  That you will have to decide to ask a Dr. you know and or trust to consult further in that aspect. I only offer my guidance, advice or #coaching in my natural lifestyle to help you gain inspiration, knowledge or feel support in having to live a more natural lifestyle.  Like I had to come to terms with from the inevitable outcome of my past Dr. visits.  Oh don't forget to please follow, comment and subscribe so you're notified when my newest pod is ready to be downloaded.  It would be awesome if you could share this podcast trail to someone you think may benefit from this topic  that would be awesome.Remember to do 2 things Love yourself kindly& Say 1 thing you are grateful for each day. Til next time take care my fellow #life walker  & Freedom talker #2023 making the best of it #if a cant can so can I #best day ever #Happy New Year 2023

    14 min
  5. 04/12/2022


    Hi my fellow life walker & #Freedom talker, Today's pod trail is called  "Oregano & it's herbal medicinal secrets"  If you are not familiuar with the medicinal benfits of Oregano than this pod trail will give you a few ideas of how you can transfer this common culinary herb to your herbal medicinal cupboard like yesterday.  Especially one of the medicinal benefits that it is can be used for may help supplement a current shortage that many of us are experiencing during 2022 and into our new year of 2023.  Ready to find out if this can help remedy some things that are ailing you?  Then click play to start up this pod trail now.Please note that I have never made claims as a professional practitioner of medicine be it traditional or herbal alternative methods.  The information I share with you is for your personal wellness research only that you have the freedom to choose how you wish to apply to your life.  I am only offering the information I share primarily as #self education purposes only by sharing my personal experiences of how I manage my mostly natural lifestyle.  If you have any medical concerns or questions to how my information may effect you personally medically if in doubt.  That you will have to decide to ask a Dr. you know and or trust to consult further in that aspect. I only offer my guidance, advice or #coaching in my natural lifestyle to help you gain inspiration, knowledge or feel support in having to live a more natural lifestyle.  Like I had to come to terms with from the inevitable outcome of my past Dr. visits.  Oh don't forget to please follow, comment and subscribe so you're notified when my newest pod is ready to be downloaded.  It would be awesome if you could share this podcast trail to someone you think may benefit from this topic  that would be awesome.Remember to do 2 things Love yourself kindly& Say 1 thing you are grateful for each day. Til next time take care my fellow #life walker  & Freedom talker

    20 min
  6. 02/10/2022


    Hi my fellow life walker & #Freedom talker, Today's podtrail is called "Lovely magical #Hibiscus Sabdariffa flower"  it is seriously magical & lovely visually and to your over all health.  I have been looking for to sharing this herb for the month of August since I have permanently integrated into my most favored herbal fusion .  I think after today pod trail you may even be inspired to venture out your uses of this multi functioning herbal flower.If you are fortunate to be near this flower, than pick it, if you can and bring it along with you up this pod trail today..Please note that I have never made claims as a professional practitioner of medicine be it traditional or herbal alternative methods.  The information I share with you is for your personal wellness research only that you have the freedom to choose how you wish to apply to your life.   I am only offering the information I share primarily as #self education purposes only by sharing my personal experiences of how I manage my mostly natural lifestyle.  If you have any medical concerns or questions to how my information may effect you personally medically if in doubt.  That you will have to decide to ask a Dr. you know and or trust to consult further in that aspect. I only offer my guidance, advice or #coaching in my natural lifestyle to help you gain inspiration, knowledge or feel support in having to live a more natural lifestyle.  Like I had to come to terms with from the inevitable outcome of my past Dr. visits.  Oh don't forget to please follow, comment and subscribe so you're notified when my newest pod is ready to be downloaded.  It would be awesome if you could share this podcast trail to someone you think may benefit from this topic  that would be awesome.Remember to do 2 things Love yourself kindly& Say 1 thing you are grateful for each day. Til next time take care my fellow #life walker  & Freedom talker Wild flower v2- Lofi Girl Buzzsprout - Let's get your podcast launched! Start for FREEDisclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.

    23 min
  7. 02/10/2022


    Hiya my fellow life walker and Freedom talker,I think this pod trail is a bit of verbal beef stew for the soul.  I know that some of us like to go on a spiritual pod trail.  To either deepen our personal soul searching quest or enlighten others we love or feel a connection towards. Today's pod trail called" So you have faith in God, but how about yourself?"  Is a conversation I feel some of us feel uneased to have, maybe because of our reverence to our higher power or not even considering ourselves in that question about faith.  Well comfortable or not, but willing to engage up this pod trail anyway, then click play and we can start up this pod trail together.Please note that I have never made claims as a professional practitioner of medicine be it traditional or herbal alternative methods.  The information I share with you is for your personal wellness research only that you have the freedom to choose how you wish to apply to your life.   I am only offering the information I share primarily as #self education purposes only by sharing my personal experiences of how I manage my mostly natural lifestyle.  If you have any medical concerns or questions to how my information may effect you personally medically if in doubt.  That you will have to decide to ask a Dr. you know and or trust to consult further in that aspect. I only offer my guidance, advice or #coaching in my natural lifestyle to help you gain inspiration, knowledge or feel support in having to live a more natural lifestyle.  Like I had to come to terms with from the inevitable outcome of my past Dr. visits.  Oh don't forget to please follow, comment and subscribe so you're notified when my newest pod is ready to be downloaded.  It would be awesome if you could share this podcast trail to someone you think may benefit from this topic  that would be awesome.Remember to do 2 things Love yourself kindly& Say 1 thing you are grateful for each day. Til next time take care my fellow #life walker  & Freedom talker Buzzsprout - Let's get your podcast launched! Start for FREEDisclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you. These Are The Nights [Final]-Lofi Girl Buzzsprout - Let's get your podcast launched! Start for FREEDisclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.

    19 min


Acerca de

Hello my fellow Life walkers & Freedom talkers! I took the leap and am moving with a bit of encouragement from my mother Universe & father God.  Well it seemed like the answers appeared when I felt I desperately needed them too.  I hope this new podcast home will be a solid foundation for our pod trail sessions.  You will still be able to access my content for a bit and hopefully with little disruption during this move.  Now you should be able to communicate with me directly at this new website address through comments, star ratings and yes subscriptions to my website so you can get notified quicker and be privy to my bonus content that I plan on sharing with my subscribers here on my Podop site.Sooooo….are you ready to walk along with me either for a little while or for the long haul? It’s up to you.  I assure you the journey will not  be boring.  There are quite a few life skills and natural alternative lifestyle choices.  I have acquired over the years and are still learning that I will be sharing with you in my podcast.  That will help you, even if in the end, to make you laugh and are reassured you’re not alone with experiencing hiccups along the way of your life’s journey.  So with laces tied prepare yourself for a trip less jaunt with me Mokangel Journeying Life Mostly Natural.

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