Meant For It

With Polina Rubin, Yelena Mugin & Amber Greene
Meant For It Podcast

We are three moms, sharing our stories, guest interviews, books & ideas to help you navigate your career, family and the day. We believe we all have a path that is meant for us, but getting to a place where we are living in alignment with who we were meant to be while juggling the demands of our families, finances and life is a daily saga. When you listen to us, our goal is to give you useful information that will offer you a new perspective or idea, introduce you to fascinating people, make you smile or help you realize you are never alone. When you are openminded, even the smallest shifts in mindset, can change the course of your entire life. We seek to curate important news and stories that you are too busy to find. We're kind of like the Target of podcasts, or an audio version of the View. with something for every part of your life, even things you didn't know you needed. We interview people who want to share their successes and gritty details of their biggest struggles. We aim to give you the mindset shift that connects you to the path good for you and the world. As moms, and occasional news junkies, alongside books, philosophy and parenting woes, we also cover current events. Our topics range from raising kids and teenagers, global affairs, aging parents, investing, Netflix, where to live, real estate, kid drama, elections, books we have read, relationships, mental health, the meaning of life and skincare because isn't that what you would talk about with your friends over wine? We are just getting started on our midlife adventures and excited for you to join the ride. Let’s carpool into midlife together! Follow us on Instagram @meantforit or reach out to us at

  1. 13 SEPT

    What Are Your Shopping Triggers? Learn How to Manage Your Relationship to Stuff ( ICYMI )

    Hear how Tracy McCubbin took her biggest pyschic wound and turned it into her life's work. Tracy helps people destress, save money and. precious time.. If you want to focus on what you can control, buying less stuff is something you can immediately start doing to mprove your life. We aren't saying you shoudn't buy those shoes, or that item that makes you happy (yes, buy the shoes)  but be intentional about the things you buy so you can free up more of you precious time and money for things you will enjoy. That means don't get things you don't need because they are on sale, learn about the common clutter and shopping traps most of use to avoid loneliness, boredom or to seek joy in the wrong places.    Also, on a macro level, when we buy less junk, or things that we don't realy need, we add less garbage to our planet.  Collectively, we can shift how we spend our resources! 💪 We also discuss the most common emotional clutter blocks that trap people into buying more stuff , like when you buy a ton of gear for the fantasy life of being a biker, photgrapher, runner , but never even start the hobby or take the trip. Sound familar?    1 in 4 Americans has a clutter problem, so if this episode isn't for you please send it to a friend.  We also talk about how decluttering is a greatr small business or side job. Since 25% of Americans can't park in their garages due to their stuff, you will have job secucity.   Tracy is a decluttering queen!

    41 min
  2. 3 SEPT

    Soviet Anti-Zionist Propaganda and Its Deadly Echoes Today with Izabella Tabarovsky

    In one of the most important and timely conversations on our podcast, Izabella Tabarovsky shares her research in tracing the roots of anti-zionism rhetoric to the Soviet Union. Izabella’s article,  “Zombie Anti-Zionism” for Tablet magazine shares the striking similarities between today's anti-Israel language and Soviet propaganda from the 1960s to the 1980s, revealing a dangerous connection that many are unaware of. Izabella explains how this rhetoric, which demonizes Zionism and Israel, has been meticulously and expertly transmitted to the West and passionately adopted by the global left.  We discuss Izabella’s process of tracing the origins of anti-zionism to the communist party of the Soviet Union and cover some of the channels, major players, publications and methods that allowed it to infiltrate American society. Izabella’s research shows the explosive growth of this rhetoric after the 1967 Six day Arab-Israeli war.  When Israel won the war, the Soviet Union started to see that there was an Israeli and US alliance, with Zionists firmly aligned with the West against the USSR and its allies. Izabella shares the significant influence of Soviet propaganda, the role of third-world publications, and the geopolitical chess moves that led to the widespread, and highly successful adoption of anti-Zionist rhetoric as a “peace movement”. Similarly to the discredited and fraudulent Protocols of the Elders of Zion, the anti-zionist rhetoric coming from the modern left, is an echo of Soviet led propaganda that equated zionism with fascism, colonialism, and portrayed zionists as traitors to their homeland.  If you want to know the historical context of the propaganda around the Israel-Gaza war, and the origins of today’s anti-Israel, anti-zionist movements, do NOT miss this conversation, and please share it with a friend. (08:26) Why did the Soviets invest such an incredible amount of resources into propaganda (14:23) More people from the former Soviet Union know about Angela Davis than Americans do (19:30) Mahmoud M. Abbas and the Soviet Union Connection (24:21) How Anti zionist language came  from the Soviet Union (31:51) Today's language is even more radical than we had in the seventies and eighties Please stop by and say hello to us on Instagram @meantforit.   Visit our website at, and sign up for our newsletter here on substack. or email us directly at  - we do a happy dance  when we get listener emails .   Quotes: "What we hear on college campuses is not criticism, it's demonization of Zionism in Israel." "The Soviets invested an incredible amount of resources into this propaganda." "The Soviets had geopolitical interests in targeting Israel, and in targeting Zionism as an ideology." "So today, essentially, the dividing line is that Zionists are people who believe that Israel has a right to exist." "The Soviets completely redefined the word Zionism." "For us, the United States most certainly was a force for good."

    57 min
  3. 6 JUL

    Nicole Avant on Gratitude, Service, Values and her Mother’s Legacy in her book, 'Think You'll Be Happy'

    In this life deeply soulful conversation we speak with  Nicole Avant to discuss her  tribute to her mom in her new book  "Think You'll Be Happy." We explore themes from Nicole’s book including living a life centered around  love of family, community, the arts, gratitude and serving others. Nicole's mindset is an example of the power of  positive energy and the importance of being a blessing to others, no matter the circumstances. Nicole talks about her upbringing in a household filled with love, wisdom, and how she learned from so many wonderful people that were friends with her parents. Nicole’s parents, Clarence Avant and Jacqueline Avant were both extraordinary leaders in the music industry and in their communities. The Avant  home was a meeting place for some of America’s greatest artists and leaders such as Ella Fitzgerald, Maya Angelou, the Clintons and the Obamas. Despite her glamorous and successful life, Nicole remains humble and grounded, attributes she credits to her mother's teachings. We discuss how Nicole intentionally turned a tragedy into a source of inspiration, the importance of traditional values and the impact of small acts of kindness.  We know you will not forget the lessons Nicole shares on being good, spreading good, supporting people who are grieving and choosing to  be the blessing every day of your life.  Nicole Avant Nicole's father Clarence Avant Clarence Avant, Mighty Engine Behind Black Superstars, Dies at 92 Please stop by and say hello on Instagram @meantforit. visit our website at, and sign up for our newsletter here on substack. or email us directly at Zoom in: (00:00) Nicole Avant's new book is about love and gratitude (05:22) The book is focused on grit, grace, and gratitude (09:10) How your mother taught you to be the blessing (16:20) This book really made me want to be a better friend (22:13) You left your ambassadorship in the Bahamas to support your family (27:08) In your book, you talk about bullying among children in today's society (34:00) Your mom taught you to always be grateful. What are some of your favorite life lessons (38:26) You talk a lot about energy and intuition in the book (42:27) You talk about learning from your ancestors, and your father had incredible life story (46:11) Investment in the arts (51:35) Lessons from Nicole’s mom (55:25) Paying it forward (59:47) Lead with generosity that really is the message out of this book

    1h 2m
  4. 1 JUL

    Why This Good News Newsletter Can Change How You Live and Parent

    Are you tired of the constant stream of bad news? Angus Hervey shares his story of being a depressed news junkie overwhelmed by negativity to a source of hope through his good news site,  Fix the News. Angus discusses the negativity bias in the media and how it skews our perception of the world. He explains that while the news often focuses on what's wrong, there's a wealth of positive progress happening globally that goes unreported. Angus's Ted Talk We discuss the importance of  shifting the narrative from problems to solutions, particularly in areas like climate change, where positive developments are often overlooked. Angus explains how a deliberate pursuit of good news changed his outlook on the world, improved his mental well-being and his approach to parenting. Teachers and parents are using his newsletter to have more balanced and hopeful conversations with children. Angus' work is filing overwhelming gap in mass media. Since most people don’t have the time to search for good news, buy subscribing to Fix the News newsletter, you can also have a more accurate picture of the world. When you balance the negative with the positive it is more likely to inspire action since the world doesn’t seem so hopeless.  Subscribe to Fix the News here Memorable Quotes "Optimism isn't a reaction to the world around me. It's a choice by which you can navigate the world around you." "For every story of death, disaster, and destruction, I can very easily tell a story of kindness, connection, and hope." "The future is going to be messy and unpredictable and chaotic, but I don't think that we're all doomed." "We need to shift our focus now and start talking about the solutions as a way to get more action."   (00:00) Introduction and the concept of Fix the News (05:20) The negativity bias in media (10:45) Finding good news: sources and strategies (15:30) Personal transformation through positive news (20:15) Impact of positive news on society (25:50) Challenges of running a good news media outlet (30:10) The role of good news in education and parenting (35:00) Angus' early influences and personal background (40:15) Final thoughts and future goals for Fix the News Find us on Instagram @meantforit. You can also visit our website at, and sign up for our newsletter here or email us at

    47 min
  5. 12 JUN

    Sophia Khalifa a Bedouin Arab Woman, Engineer & Stanford MBA Shares Why She has Become an Activist for Israel

    Sophia Khalifa, an engineer, working on AI at Amazon AWS, has a story we need to hear. Sophia is a muslim Bedouin Arab,  born and raised in Israel. In Sophia's culture and community,  girls traditionally do not receive an education, but Israeli policies mandating schooling for all children, changed her entire life. Sophia graduated from Tel Aviv University with a BS in Electrical Engineering, moved to the US, worked as an engineer for Intel, received her MBA from Stanford, and started working at Amazon leading trust and safety for generative AI. SInce October 7, Sophia’s life changed again when she added activism to areas where she excels.   Sophia says, “ ​​if ​Israel ​was ​not ​established, ​I ​probably ​would ​be, ​ ​illiterate, ​married ​to ​my ​cousin ​and ​herding ​sheep, ​somewhere ​in ​Galilee. ​Because ​that ​was ​ ​generation ​after ​generation. ​That's ​the ​culture ​that ​we ​had ​but ​Israel ​actually ​up ​leveled ​the ​field ​for ​the ​Arabs. ​And ​if ​you ​look ​at ​the ​number ​of ​like ​20% ​of ​the ​population ​of ​citizens ​and ​the ​population ​in ​Israel ​are ​Arabs. ​Most ​of ​them ​are ​Muslims. ​ And ​in ​universities ​today, ​the ​percent ​of ​Arabs ​pursuing ​bachelor ​degree ​is ​20%, ​same ​as ​their ​percent ​of ​the ​population.” As a muslim Arab who grew up in Israel straddling two cultures, Sophia speaks from first hand experience about the  cultural divisions in Israel. In our conversation, Sophia dispels the damaging lies against Israel as an apartheid state guilty of genocide and oppressing Arabs. Sophia breaks down how each of these lies is absurdly false and how the repulsive jew hatred that is poisoning our society and hijacking the social justice movement should concern all of us. Sophia tells us that the real problem is not Israel vs Hamas, it is the western world vs. radical Islam.  Sophia emphasizes the importance of identifying Islamist anti semitism, and the need for honest conversation about this global threat.  When we talked about those who try to attack Sophia’s honesty  because her experience doesn’t match up with the story they believe about Israel, Sophia had wise words, “first ​they ​try ​to ​spread ​lies. ​ ​And ​then ​when ​you're ​able ​to ​fight ​against ​it ​because ​you're ​sharing ​the ​facts, ​the ​truth, ​then ​they ​try ​to ​discredit ​you.”   Must Read Quotes from this episode: “​​And ​then ​I ​think ​that ​as ​long ​as ​you're ​using ​this ​social ​justice ​language, ​you ​are ​kind ​of ​like ​protected, ​you ​are ​righteous,  ​and ​then ​that ​gives ​you ​the ​legitimacy ​to ​say ​anything. ​But ​no ​one ​comes ​and ​tries ​to ​question ​what ​you're ​saying. And ​what ​is ​happening ​is ​that ​we ​have ​the ​islamist, ​anti ​Semitism. ​And ​I'm ​not ​saying ​Muslim. ​I'm ​saying ​islamist, ​extreme ​Islam, ​antisemitism ​that ​is ​exploiting ​that ​language ​and ​using ​that.” “​They ​try ​to ​be ​for ​the ​oppressed, ​for ​women's ​rights, ​for ​LGBTQ ​rights ​and ​all ​that they're ​trying ​to ​be ​on ​the ​right ​side ​of ​history. So ​they ​hear ​that ​social ​justice ​lingo ​about ​like, ​ah, ​genocide, ​colonialism, ​white ​supremacy  Which ​is ​like, ​if ​you ​went ​to ​Israel, ​you ​would ​laugh ​to ​think ​that ​this ​is ​like ​white ​supremacy. ​You ​cannot ​tell ​the ​difference ​between ​a ​Jew ​and ​Arab ​in ​Israel.” “But ​all ​of ​a ​sudden, ​your ​teacher, ​someone ​tha

    1h 22m
  6. 3 JUN

    Susan Griffin-Black, EO Products Co-Founder

    In this episode,  Susan Griffin-Black, co-founder of EO Products, shares her story.  Susan tells us about her path from her early days in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to becoming a pioneer in the natural products industry. Raised by a father who was an early feminist and advocate for women's economic empowerment, Susan's entrepreneurial spirit was nurtured from a young age. She recounts her experiences in the fashion industry, opening her first retail store in San Francisco, and eventually co-founding EO Products. In 1995, Susan founded EO Essential Oils, starting with a few essential oil blends. Her vision was to create a company that she would want to work for, one that prioritized sustainability, community, and holistic well-being. Over the years, EO has grown significantly, becoming a trusted name in the natural products industry. Susan's story is one of intentional living. Susan's dedication to holistic, sustainable practices has been unwavering. "Our premise was we wanted to create a company that we would want to work for. And so what does that look like?” Susan’s Buddhist spiritual practice has also been a guiding force, helping her navigate the ups and downs of entrepreneurship. Susan has always believed in meeting people not for what they can do for you, but to understand their journey and learn from their experiences. As EO Essential Oils approaches its 30th anniversary, Susan is optimistic about the future. She plans to continue growing the business while staying true to its core values. New products are in the pipeline, and there are exciting plans to celebrate this milestone with the community. Susan Griffin's journey is a reminder and model  that success is not just about financial achievements but about values based living.  We hope Susan’s story inspires you to stay committed to your dreams.  We also discuss the months when it was a struggle for Susan to make payroll and a living wage. It was not easy, but the alignment of values, purpose, great products and smart business decisions led to EO’s success. Susan says, “You just have to collectively aim for the highest good for the most amount of people. Always, always, always." Memorable Quotes "I've had a Buddhist spiritual practice for 30 years. This is, I don't care what all of the external voices are saying, but if I go down this path, it's just not aligned with my values." "Our premise was we wanted to create a company that we would want to work for. And so what does that look like?  "Essential oils are like very, very distilled flowers and plants and bark and, you know, all sorts of plant material, but they have so much vitality." “You just have to collectively aim for the highest good for the most amount of people. Always, always, always." EO Products

    45 min


We are three moms, sharing our stories, guest interviews, books & ideas to help you navigate your career, family and the day. We believe we all have a path that is meant for us, but getting to a place where we are living in alignment with who we were meant to be while juggling the demands of our families, finances and life is a daily saga. When you listen to us, our goal is to give you useful information that will offer you a new perspective or idea, introduce you to fascinating people, make you smile or help you realize you are never alone. When you are openminded, even the smallest shifts in mindset, can change the course of your entire life. We seek to curate important news and stories that you are too busy to find. We're kind of like the Target of podcasts, or an audio version of the View. with something for every part of your life, even things you didn't know you needed. We interview people who want to share their successes and gritty details of their biggest struggles. We aim to give you the mindset shift that connects you to the path good for you and the world. As moms, and occasional news junkies, alongside books, philosophy and parenting woes, we also cover current events. Our topics range from raising kids and teenagers, global affairs, aging parents, investing, Netflix, where to live, real estate, kid drama, elections, books we have read, relationships, mental health, the meaning of life and skincare because isn't that what you would talk about with your friends over wine? We are just getting started on our midlife adventures and excited for you to join the ride. Let’s carpool into midlife together! Follow us on Instagram @meantforit or reach out to us at

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