The Marcella Project

Rev. Dr. Jackie Roese
The Marcella Project

Unplugged, authentic conversations with a preacher, pastor, and thought leader who has walked with women of faith for decades. Asking the hard questions, dealing with the real issues, seeing the Scriptures from a new lens. These conversations will put words to your female experience, ennoble you as Jesus intended and encourage you to bring your full self to the table. We’re reshaping our view!


Unplugged, authentic conversations with a preacher, pastor, and thought leader who has walked with women of faith for decades. Asking the hard questions, dealing with the real issues, seeing the Scriptures from a new lens. These conversations will put words to your female experience, ennoble you as Jesus intended and encourage you to bring your full self to the table. We’re reshaping our view!

També et pot agradar

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Àfrica, Orient Mitjà i l’Índia



Llatinoamèrica i el Carib

Estats Units i Canadà