Dead Man Running

BBC Radio Scotland
Dead Man Running

A missing tourist, a US-wide manhunt and the story of how a local celebrity became a fugitive after his dark past begins to catch up with him. Dead Man Running is produced by Myles Bonnar and Calum McKay. Audio Editing, Sound Design, and Mixing by Gav Murchie. The series’ producers are Mark Daly and Jack Kibble-White. Original score composed by Callan Marchetti. Research by Ricki Cooper, Katie McEvinney and Marisha Currie. Location recording by Myles Bonnar, Calum McKay and Steven Donnelly. Additional recording is by Jenn Daly, Hannah McClintock and Joanne Willott. Artwork by Matt Russell. Production Manager is Susan McLundie. Production management assistant is Ruth McKay. Series Editor is Shelley Jofre. The Commissioning editors are Gareth Hydes and Heather Kane-Darling. This is a BBC Scotland production for BBC Sounds.

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2 valoracions


A missing tourist, a US-wide manhunt and the story of how a local celebrity became a fugitive after his dark past begins to catch up with him. Dead Man Running is produced by Myles Bonnar and Calum McKay. Audio Editing, Sound Design, and Mixing by Gav Murchie. The series’ producers are Mark Daly and Jack Kibble-White. Original score composed by Callan Marchetti. Research by Ricki Cooper, Katie McEvinney and Marisha Currie. Location recording by Myles Bonnar, Calum McKay and Steven Donnelly. Additional recording is by Jenn Daly, Hannah McClintock and Joanne Willott. Artwork by Matt Russell. Production Manager is Susan McLundie. Production management assistant is Ruth McKay. Series Editor is Shelley Jofre. The Commissioning editors are Gareth Hydes and Heather Kane-Darling. This is a BBC Scotland production for BBC Sounds.

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