A Cult For Monsters


Alex meets the leader of a mysterious secret society... that wants him as a member.

Primal is a production of Voyage Media. The series is produced by Nat Mundel, Robert Mitas, Dan Benamor and Garrick Dion. Executive produced by Clifford Querol. Written by Milan Tomasevic, based on the TV pilot Navari Rising, by Clifford Querol. Starring Bruce Greenwood, as Corso, Veronica Warner, as Serpa, Jonathan Regier as Alex, Albie Robles as Noonan, Bill Kates as Boris, Leo and Dez, Samantha Claire as Amy, and Valarie Rae Miller as Dr. Parish. Edited, sound designed and mixed by Joel Lipman. Original music by Derlis Gonzalez.

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