Behind the Genes

Genomics England
Podcast “Behind the Genes”

We’re talking about all things genomics, with guest speakers from across the genomics ecosystem.

  1. 11 SEPT

    Natasha Gordon-Douglas, Oleander Agbetu, Jayson Kupoluyi and Marie Nugent: How can organisations support those living with sickle cell?

    For Sickle Cell Awareness Month, our sickle cell Patient Voice Group discuss their lived experiences with sickle cell, shedding light on how organisations need to be considerate when engaging with patients. They emphasise the need for genuine engagement and transparency from researchers, while highlighting the importance of building trust within communities that have historically been overlooked. The discussion looks to the future, advocating for more personalised support, better treatment options and a stronger focus on the diverse experiences of those affected by sickle cell. Marie Nugent, Community Manager for the Genomics England Diverse Data Initiative co-hosts this episode with Natasha Gordon-Douglas, sickle cell patient advocate for the Genomics England Diverse Data Initiative and Lead Mentor at the Sickle Cell Society. They are joined by Oleander Agbetu, who cares for her son with sickle cell, and is also a member of the Solace sickle cell and thalassaemia support group board, and Jayson Kupoluyi, sickle cell advocate and volunteer for the Sickle Cell Society. The episode also features insights from some of the other members of the Patient Voice Group; Hazel Attua, Samuel Chuku and Zainab Garba-Sani. The Patient Voice Group are a group of people affected by sickle cell who share with Genomics England their expertise, based on their lived experience, to inform our sickle cell programme within the Diverse Data Initiative.   "If we as parent/carers and advocates and all the rest of it can even make a little slight difference to someone’s care, that’s what I want to do. That’s why I’m here."   You can read the transcript below or download it here:  Marie: Welcome to Behind the Genes.  Natasha: I think the fact is that people do want to hear from patients, and they do understand that actually you need the patient’s voice in order to make things better, and not just be in a room where you’ve got all board members that think, “Okay, this is what is good for the patient.” No, actually, they’ve got the patients there to help support that voice, and saying, “Well actually, this is the reality,” rather than what you think might be the reality.  Marie: My name is Marie Nugent and I’m the community manager for diverse data at Genomics England. I’ll be co-hosting today’s special patient takeover episode of Behind the Genes with Natasha Gordon-Douglas, who is a member of our sickle cell patient voice group. On this episode, we’re going to be speaking to two people who are also part of our patient voice group, Oleander Agbetu and Jayson Kupoluyi. Today we’ll be discussing what it’s like to live with sickle cell, and how organisations who wish to engage with patients need to be considerate of what is going on in people’s lives, and what good advocacy and support for patients who want to be involved in research looks like. If you enjoy today’s episode, we would love your support. Please like and share, and rate us on wherever you listen to your podcasts.  Welcome everyone, thank you very much for your time today to talk about the patient involvement and engagement work we’ve been doing as part of our sickle cell and genomics programme at Genomics England. My name’s Marie, I’m the community manager for the diverse data initiative, and I am really involved in doing the sickle cell engagement work. I’m going to pass straight to Natasha now, who’s going to be my lovely co-host for this podcast. So, over to you, Natasha.  Natasha: Thank you, Marie. I’m Natasha. I would say my background is nothing to do with the medical side. My background is in marketing and the corporate world. That’s how actually I got introduced by John James, because I actually got him into our workplace to do a podcast about sickle cell. So, you know, just – I’m workin

    44 min
  2. 28 AGO

    Aman Ali, Anna Smith, Moestak Hussein and Naimah Callachand: How can we bridge the gap between diverse communities?

    In this episode of Behind the Genes, we explore the challenges diverse communities face in accessing genomic medicine. The discussion focuses on issues including language barriers, cultural differences, and socioeconomic disparities that hinder marginalised communities from accessing and benefitting from genomic medicine. Our guests delve into successful strategies for engaging these communities in healthcare research and decision-making, highlighting the importance of building trust with groups that have historically been underserved or mistreated. The episode also emphasises the need for culturally sensitive communication from healthcare professionals and how meaningful community engagement can foster collaboration and trust within genomic research. Our host, Naimah Callachand is joined by Aman Ali, a Community Ambassador at Genomics England and Community Engagement Manager at Our Future Health, Anna Smith, Child and Adolescent Integrative Psychotherapist at Rareminds, and Moestak Hussein who works for Bristol City Council in Public Health & Communities, working directly to build and imbed cohesion, inclusion and social justice approaches in her role.   "If we talk about co-production, true co-production is really creating a power balance where there’s no hierarchy. It’s an empowering model. It empowers both the researchers or the person that comes in, but also the communities that participate, and you all start on the same level, on the same outcomes and the same goals and aims that you want to achieve."   You can read the transcript below or download it here:  Naimah: Welcome to Behind the Genes.  Aman: It’s really important to engage community leaders who are really well embedded within the communities, who are attached to organisations or institutions which are well trusted in the community as well, so that we can get a wider perspective of how communities feel about genomic medicine and accessing services that we want people to engage with.  Naimah: My name is Naimah Callachand and I’m Head of Product Engagement and Growth at Genomics England. On today’s episode, I’m going to be joined by Anna Smith, child and adolescent integrative psychotherapist for Rare Minds, Aman Ali, a community ambassador for Genomics England, and Moestak Hussein, community coordinator at Bristol City Council. Today, we’ll be discussing the disparities in access to genomic medicine amongst diverse communities. If you enjoy today’s episode, we’d love your support. Please like, share and rate us on wherever you listen to your podcasts.  Aman: Hi, my name’s Aman Ali, I am an ambassador at Genomics England, a person very passionate about health research and ensuring that diverse communities are involved in health research, and I work as a community engagement manager at Our Future Health.  Anna: My name’s Anna Smith, I’m a psychotherapist. I work in private practice and also with Rare Minds, who are a company who provide therapy to people with rare and genetic conditions.  Moestak: Hi, my name is Moestak Hussein and I have a background in community development, and I’m passionate about tackling health inequalities, and building social justice and inclusive approaches to address health inequalities. I work at Bristol City Council in the public health team, and I’ve participated in the Bristol workshops around equity in research in genomics.  Naimah: So, let’s jump in and first of all I want to talk about barriers to access for diverse communities. I want to talk about how there are language barriers, cultural differences and socioeconomic factors that impact access to genomic medicine for marginalised communities. Anna, I wonder if you maybe could talk to me a bit about this.  Anna: Yeah. So, I’m talking about the traveller community, and we refer to this community as a GRT community, wh

    37 min
  3. 14 AGO

    Vivienne Parry, Professor Bill Newman, Anita Hanson and Professor Matt Brown: Can genomic testing prevent adverse drug reactions?

    Pharmacogenomics plays a critical role in personalised medicine, as some adverse drug reactions are genetically determined. Adverse drugs reactions (ADRs) account for 6.5% of hospital admissions in the UK, and the application of pharmacogenomics to look at an individuals response to drugs can significantly enhance patient outcomes and safety. In this episode, our guests discuss how genomic testing can identify patients who will respond to medications and those who may have adverse reactions. We hear more about Genomics England's collaboration with the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency in the Yellow Card Biobank and our guests discuss the challenges of implementing pharmacogenomics into the healthcare system. Our host Vivienne Parry, Head of Public Engagement at Genomics England, is joined by Anita Hanson, Research Matron and the Lead Research Nurse for clinical pharmacology at Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, and Professor Bill Newman, Professor of translational genomic medicine at the Manchester Center for Genomic Medicine, and Professor Matt Brown, Chief Scientific Officer at Genomics England.   "I think we’re moving to a place where, rather than just doing that one test that might be relevant to one drug, we’d be able to do a test which at the same price would generate information that could be relevant at further points in your life if you were requiring different types of medicine. So, that information would then be available in your hospital record, in your GP record, that you could have access to it yourself. And then I think ultimately what we would really love to get to a point is where everybody across the whole population just has that information to hand when it’s required, so that they’re not waiting for the results of a genetic test, it’s immediately within their healthcare record."   To learn more about Jane's lived experience with Stevens-Johnson syndrome, visit The Academy of Medical Sciences' (AMS) YouTube channel. The story, co-produced by Areeba Hanif from AMS, provides an in-depth look at Jane's journey. You can watch the video via this link:  Want to learn more about personalised medicine? Listen to our Genomics 101 episode where Professor Matt Brown explains what it is in less than 5 minutes:  You can read the transcript below or download it here:   Vivienne: Hello and welcome to Behind the Genes.  Bill: What we’ve seen is that the limited adoption so far in the UK and other countries has focused particularly on severe adverse drug reactions. They’ve been easier to identify and there’s a clear relationship between some drugs and some genetic changes where that information is useful. So, a good example has been the recent adoption of pharmacogenetic testing for a gene called DPYD for patients undergoing cancer treatment, particularly breast and bowel cancer. And if you have an absence of the enzyme that that gene makes, if you’re given that treatment, then you can end up on intensive care and die, so it’s a really significant side effect. But as you say, the most common side effects aren’t necessarily fatal, but they can have a huge impact upon people and on their wellbeing.  Vivienne: My name’s Vivienne Parry and I’m head of public engagement at Genomics England, and today we’ll be discussing the critical role of pharmacogenomics in personalised medicine, highlighting its impact on how well medicines work, their safety, and on patient care. I’m joined today by Professor Bill Newman, professor of translational genomic medicine at the Manchester Centre for Genomic Medicine, Anita Hanson, research matron, a fabulous title, and lead research nurse for clinical pharmacology at the

    37 min
  4. 31 JUL

    Sarah Wynn, Emma Baple, Lindsay Pearse and Naimah Callachand: How has a groundbreaking genomic discovery impacted thousands worldwide?

    In this episode, we delve into the impact of the new groundbreaking research uncovering the RNU4-2 genetic variant linked to neurodevelopmental conditions. The discovery, made possible through whole genome sequencing, highlights a genetic change in the RNU4-2 gene that affects about 1 in 200 undiagnosed children with neurodevelopmental conditions, making it more prevalent than previously thought. This discovery represents one of the most common single-gene genetic causes of such conditions. Our host, Naimah Callachand, Head of Product Engagement and Growth at Genomics England, is joined by Lindsay Pearse who shares her journey through the diagnosis of her son Lars. They are also joined by Sarah Wynn, CEO of Unique, and Emma Baple, Clinical Genetics Doctor and Professor of Genomic Medicine in the University of Exeter and the Medical Director of the Southwest NHS Genomic Laboratory Hub. We also hear from the 2 research groups who independently discovered the findings: Dr Andrew Mumford, Professor of Haematology at the University of Bristol Link to the research paper:  Assistant Professor Nicky Whiffin, Big Data Institute and Centre for Human Genetics at the University of Oxford Link to the research paper: To access resources mentioned in this podcast:  Unique provides support, information and networking to families affected by rare chromosome and gene disorders - for more information and support please visit the website. Connect with other parents of children carrying a variation in RNU4-2 on the Facebook group.   "I think one of the things we really hope will come out of diagnoses like this is that we will then be able to build up more of that picture about how families are affected. So, that we can give families more information about not only how their child is affected but how they might be affected in the future."   You can read the transcript below or download it here:  Naimah: Welcome to Behind the Genes. Lindsay: So, this feeling that like we’ve been on this deserted island for eight years and now all of a sudden, you’re sort of looking around through the branches of the trees. It’s like, wait a minute, there are other people on this island and in this case actually there's a lot more people on this island. Yeah, it’s very exciting, it’s validating. It gives us a lot of hope and, you know, it has been quite emotional too and also a bit of an identity shift. Being undiagnosed had become quite a big part of our identity, and so now that’s kind of shifting a little bit that we have this new diagnosis and are part of a new community. Naimah: My name is Naimah Callachand and I’m Head of Product Engagement and Growth at Genomics England. On today’s episode, I’m joined by Lindsay Pearse whose son Lars recently received a genetic diagnosis, made possible by research using data from the National Genomic Research Library, Sarah Wynn CEO of Unique, and Emma Baple, a clinical genetics doctor. Today we’ll be discussing the impact of recent research findings which have found a genetic change in the non-coding RNU4-2 gene, to be linked to neurodevelopmental conditions. If you enjoy today’s episode, we’d love your support. Please like, share and rate us on wherever you listen to your podcasts. Naimah: And first of all, I would like everyone to introduce themselves. So, Lindsay, maybe if we could come to you first. Lindsay: Great, thank you. So, thank you for having me. I’m Lindsay Pearse, I live outside of Washington DC and I’m a mum to 3 boys. My oldest son Lars who is 8, he was recently diagnosed with the de novo variant in the RNU4-2 gene. Naimah: Thank you. And Emma? Emma: My name is Emma Baple. I’m a Clinical Genetics Doctor which means I look aft

    38 min
  5. 17 JUL

    Dr Rich Scott and Helen White: How can we work in partnership towards a new era of genomic medicine and research?

    Genomics has changed considerably over the past 10 years, and we are now exploring how to integrate it into routine healthcare. In this episode, our guests reflect on this evolution and discuss how the key learnings from the past 10 years can shape the genomics ecosystem of the future. They highlight the importance of partnership across teams, organisations and participants, emphasising the importance of keeping participant and patient benefit at the heart of research, whilst also addressing the ethical and safe storage of patient data. In this episode, our host, Helen White, who is the Participant Panel Vice-Chair for cancer at Genomics England, speaks with Dr Rich Scott, CEO of Genomics England.   "Our goal is to ensure that everyone can benefit from the advancements in genomics, but this requires collaboration across disciplines and a commitment to ethical practices in managing and sharing genomic data."   You can read the transcript below or download it here: Helen: Welcome to Behind the Genes.  Rich: There’s a whole new era I see coming in terms of the therapies that are directed at the causes of genomic conditions, both in rare conditions and in cancer, and thinking as we do that, about how we structure the system to generate evidence, and to respond to it, and have a conversation about what the right balance of evidence for patients to make a choice about their own care.  Helen: My name is Helen White and I am the Participant Panel Vice Chair for Cancer, at Genomics England. On today’s episode I’m joined by Dr Richard Scott, Chief Executive Officer for Genomics England. And today we’ll be discussing Richard’s recent appointment as CEO, lessons learnt from the last ten years in the evolution of genomics in healthcare, and how these learnings will be taken forward in the next ten years. And we’ll also visit the importance of keeping participant and patient benefit at the heart of research, as well as the ethical and safe storage of patient data. If you enjoy today’s episode we would love your support: please like, share and rate us on wherever you listen to your podcast.   Before we dive into the interview with Rich, I wanted to take a moment to share my story and tell you a little bit about myself. I have been a member of the Participant Panel at Genomics England since 2018. It was the year before that when I was diagnosed with endometrial, or womb cancer, and was offered the chance to join the 100,000 Genomes Project, which felt like something positive at what was otherwise quite a scary time. It turns out that I have something called Lynch syndrome, that’s a genetic condition that increases my chance of developing certain cancers, particularly womb and bowel cancer, which is actually a really useful thing to know as there are things I can do to reduce my chance of getting cancer; things like having regular colonoscopies and taking daily aspirin. I have now been on the participant panel for six years and one year ago I was appointed as Vice Chair for cancer. This is a new and developing role and I am excited to have so far helped recruit more people with lived experience of cancer to the panel and to be assisting Genomics England with connecting to organisations that advocate for people whose lives have been touched by cancer.   So that’s enough about me. I am delighted to be joined today by Richard Scott, and I am very much looking forward to our conversation. Welcome, Rich.   Thank you. So Rich, you’ve recently been appointed CEO of Genomics England. Can you tell me a bit about your background and what brought you to this role?   Rich: It’s a really good question and it’s one that doesn’t have a really very simple answer. I guess what it boils down to is I guess I’ve always had an interest, even as a child, for whatever reas

    45 min
  6. 22 MAY

    James Duboff: Genomics 101 - How do pharmaceutical companies use genomic data for drug discovery?

    In this explainer episode, we’ve asked James Duboff, Strategic Partnerships Director at Genomics England, to explain how genomic data can be used in drug discovery. You can also find a series of short videos explaining some of the common terms you might encounter about genomics on our YouTube channel. If you’ve got any questions, or have any other topics you’d like us to explain, feel free to contact us on You can read the transcript below or download it here: Naimah: How do pharmaceutical companies use genomic data for drug discovery? Today, I’m joined by James Duboff, a Strategic Partnerships Director here at Genomics England, to find out more.  So James, first of all, what is genomic data, and how does this relate to our genes?  James: Let’s start with a simple explanation of what we mean by genomic data and our genes. So, every cell in our body contains a complete copy of our genome. Now, genome is kind of a mini instruction manual that describes exactly how to make you. Now, those instructions are written in a language called DNA, which is over 99 percent identical in every single human on the planet, so you and I are actually genomically very, very similar. The differences, however, are called variants, and they’re what make us unique. Now, some of those variants can actually be very dangerous, and they can code for things like rare genetic diseases or even cancer. So, we need to read in detail exactly what’s going on in your DNA and in your genome to see where changes are and where those variants really are, and we do this by sequencing the genome. So, if you get a DNA sequence, that’s effectively an electronic readout of your genomic data, which is your genome in computational form. Now, understanding that and working with that is still a relatively new field, so what we try and do is connect the genomic data, your genome, with health information, such as hospital records and what you’re presenting with in clinic, if you’re in a patient setting, and look at those together to give context to those variants in the genome. So, genomic research is actually where we look at how genes and physical outcomes could be linked. So thinking of, you know, biology and physiology term, what does a variant exactly do and how might it cause a disease.  Naimah: You mentioned both the genome and whole genome sequencing, and if our listeners aren’t too sure exactly what they are, they can listen to some of our other explainer episodes with Greg Elgar, who explains these concepts. So James, next could you tell me why are pharma and biotech companies interested in genomic data?  James: Ultimately, pharma and biotech companies are interested in genomic data because that really tells them what’s going on within the blueprint or that mini instruction manual of an individual. So, pharma and biotech have dedicated research teams that focus on genomic research, and they look through genetic databases across the world, such as Genomics England and others, to really understand the role of the genome in their target disease areas. By looking at those, that helps them develop new drugs and tools to specifically diagnose, treat and also even cure these diseases.  Naimah: So, how exactly do they do that? Can you explain it in some simple steps?  James: I think there are four key areas that they need to focus on. So, starting with the first, where, whereabouts on a genome should they focus? Now, the way that a pharma company would do this, or any researcher really, is by taking two populations of people. So, you’d take a population who have a known disease, and you’d compare that to people without. Now if you’re looking at the genomes of people with the disease and those without the disease, you can kind of play spot the difference between those two

    13 min
  7. 15 MAY

    Professor Sir Jonathan Montgomery, Dr Latha Chandramouli and Dr Natalie Banner: Why do we need to consider ethics in genomic healthcare and research?

    Ethical considerations are essential in genomic medicine and clinical practice. In this episode, our guests dive into the details of ethical principles, highlighting how they can be brought into practice in the clinic, whilst considering the experiences and feelings of patients and participants. Our host, Dr Natalie Banner, Director of Ethics at Genomics England, speaks to Professor Sir Jonathan Montgomery and Dr Latha Chandramouli. Jonathan is the Chair of the Genomics England Ethics Advisory Committee, and a Professor of Health Care Law at University College London. Latha is a member of the Ethics Advisory Committee and the Participant Panel at Genomics England, and is a Consultant Community Paediatrician working with children with complex needs.   "You asked why ethics is important and how it operates, I suppose the main thing for me is that these are tricky questions, and you need all the voices, all the perspectives, all the experience in the room working through at the same time. You don’t want to have separate discussions of things."   You can read the transcript below or download it here: Natalie: Welcome to Behind the Genes.   Jonathan: The first difference is that the model we’ve traditionally had around clinical ethics, which sort of assumes all focus is around the patient individually, is not enough to deal with the challenges that we have, because we also have to understand how we support families to take decisions. Families differ enormously, some families are united, some families have very different needs amongst them, and we have to recognise that our ethical approaches to  genomic issues must respect everybody in that.  Natalie: My name is Natalie Banner and I’m the Director of Ethics here at Genomics England. On today’s episode, I’m joined by Chair of our Ethics Advisory Committee, Professor Sir Jonathan Montgomery and Dr Latha Chandramouli, member of the Ethics Advisory Committee and the Participant Panel, who’s also a community paediatrician working with children with complex needs.  Today we’ll be discussing why ethical considerations are crucial in genomics research and clinical practice and what consent means in the context of genomics. If you enjoy today’s episode, we’d love your support. Please like, share and rate us wherever you listen to your podcasts.  At Genomics England, we have an Ethics Advisory Committee, which exists to promote a strong ethical foundation for all of our programmes, our processes, and our partnerships. This can mean things like acting as a critical friend, an external group of experts to consult. It can mean ensuring Genomics England is being reflective and responsive to emerging ethical questions, especially those that arise as we work with this really complex technology of genomics that sits right at the intersection of clinical care and advancing research. And it can also ensure that we are bringing participant voices to the fore in all of the work that we’re doing.   I’m really delighted today to welcome two of our esteemed members of the ethics advisory committee to the podcast. Professor Sir Jonathan Montgomery, our Chair, and Dr Latha Chandramouli, member of our Participant Panel. So, Jonathan, if I could start with you, could you tell us a little bit about your background and what you see as the role of the ethics advisory committee for us at Genomics England?  Jonathan: Thanks very much, Natalie. My background professionally is I’m an academic, I’m a professor at University College London, and I profess healthcare law the subject that I’ve sort of had technical skills in. But I’ve also spent many years involved in the governance of the National Health Service, so I currently chair the board of the Oxford University Hospital’s NHS Foundation Trust.   I’ve spent qu

    43 min
  8. 8 MAY

    Professor Matt Brown: Genomics 101 - What is personalised medicine?

    In this explainer episode, we’ve asked Professor Matt Brown, Chief Scientific Officer at Genomics England, to explain what personalised medicine is and how it could change the way we treat genetic conditions and cancer. You can also find a series of short videos explaining some of the common terms you might encounter about genomics on our YouTube channel. If you’ve got any questions, or have any other topics you’d like us to explain, feel free to contact us on You can read the transcript below or download it here: Naimah: What is personalised medicine? I’m joined by Matt Brown, chief scientific officer for Genomics England, to find out more. So, first of all, Matt, can you tell me, what is personalised medicine?   Matt: So, personalised medicine is about giving the right dose of a medicine and the right medicine to the right person. So, it’s exactly the opposite of one size fits all. It’s what doctors have been trying to do ever since we had effective medicines, that is generally looking at the patient, what disease have they got, what factors are there about the patient that can help judge what dose they should give and for how long, of which medicine.   Naimah: So, people often refer to this as precision medicine. Is this the same thing?   Matt: Generally, the two terms are used interchangeably. I think precision medicine is more specifically about the dose perhaps, but effectively they both mean the right medicine at the right dose for the right person.   Naimah: And how can we predict what treatment will suit each individual patient best?   Matt: Well, to some extent, of course, this depends on the disease the patient actually has. We also know from a patient’s history how they’ve reacted to similar medications in the past. So for example, some patients have lots of problems with anti-inflammatories, other patients don’t, so if you give an anti-inflammatory to somebody who’s had problems with them before, you’re likely to cause the same problems all over again. So nowadays, we have much, much better ways, other than trial and error, to predict what treatment will suit a patient best, and in particular, development of genetic markers to look at how their condition is going to respond best, and how the patient is going to tolerate the medicine you give them, and what dose you should be giving them.   Naimah: How could personalised medicine change the way we treat genetic conditions and cancer?   Matt: So, I’ll talk about cancer first up. In the past, we used to treat cancers based on the organ from which the cancer actually arose, and the more we’ve learnt about what the genetic mutations are that cause cancers, the more cancer treatments are being decided based on the genetic mutation which is driving the cancer, and this has proven to be more effective than just looking at the organ from which the cancer arose. It turns out then that some medications which were only being used for specific cancers, are actually useful across multiple cancers that are driven by the same genetic mutations.   In lots of other common diseases though, we now know a lot about genetic variants which predispose people to adverse drug reactions, and so we can use genetic tests to predict who’s going to get those adverse drug reactions and avoid them. And similarly, we also know about genetic determinants of how people metabolise and, in many cases, activate medications, and that helps us a lot learning about what dose to give people.   Naimah: And how far away are we from seeing this routinely in clinical care?   Matt: We are seeing it in routine clinical care in some pretty narrow settings. So, there are genetic tests available for enzymes which are involved in activation of particular chemotherapy 5 agents. So, DPYD testing, for example, is widely used to predict peop

    4 min


We’re talking about all things genomics, with guest speakers from across the genomics ecosystem.

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