Billion Dollar Record Club

JD Ryznar, Steve Huey, Dave Lyons, Hunter Stair
Billion Dollar Record Club

Billion Dollar Record Club is a music collector's investment podcast by and for complete idiots. Join JD Ryznar, David B Lyons, Hunter Stair, and "Hollywood" Steve Huey as they attempt to make their record collections more valuable by taking a low-priced record and working to make its price skyrocket. Each week, the hosts will present an album that has been underloved, underappreciated, and undervalued and through fun facts, deep research, lyrical analysis, and sophomoric banter, convince collectors that the album is worth one billion dollars.


Billion Dollar Record Club is a music collector's investment podcast by and for complete idiots. Join JD Ryznar, David B Lyons, Hunter Stair, and "Hollywood" Steve Huey as they attempt to make their record collections more valuable by taking a low-priced record and working to make its price skyrocket. Each week, the hosts will present an album that has been underloved, underappreciated, and undervalued and through fun facts, deep research, lyrical analysis, and sophomoric banter, convince collectors that the album is worth one billion dollars.

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