Customer Success & Failures

Practical customer success tips that you can use right away.
Podcast “Customer Success & Failures”

Sharing tips, experiences and insights that I've learned in 15+ years in customer success from large and small organizations. There is no BS. You can leverage what you learn from these podcasts right away.


  1. 13/11/2022

    Layoffs in customer success happen to all of us - myself included.

    This has been a difficult week. I had to say goodbye to many amazing colleagues as part of a Meta layoff that impacted about 11,000 people. I’m thankful that I’m still employed but sad and concerned for those that have been let go. I’ve been trying to help those affected as best as I can. Beyond trying to directly help those impacted, I thought it might be helpful to share more about my journey and provide some advice. Unfortunately, the tech sector and especially startups can take the brunt of economic downturns and the current recession we’re in is a good example of this. A company can be a unicorn one day and a “doomicorn” the next. Working in technology and especially tech startups is a gamble. Some bets pay off, but many don’t. Customer Success seems to be a prime target for layoffs unfortunately. Although the role of CS is even more important in tough times as protecting revenue should take precedence, CS can often be the first to be chopped. As someone who has been laid off, it’s a horrible experience. There is usually little to no notice and you are tossed to the curb like trash. Many people realize they are part of the riff when they find they can no longer access internal systems. There are no going away parties and no parting gifts. There are no thank you’s given and no opportunities to show your appreciation for your colleagues. Ba bye, so long and don’t let the door hit you on the way out. It really, truly stinks. I have now been through a few economic downturns in the tech industry, so I have some experience here I can share. Let’s go waaaaay back. All the way back to 2001. I was a young sprout in school doing a post-grad engineering bootcamp and my school suddenly ceased operations and went into receivership. We’re coding one day and the next our systems are shut down. That was a horrible day and I was freaking out. I was on the brink of financial ruin as my $25K in tuition fees evaporated and I was now stuck paying off some massive student loans (on top of previous loans). Luckily, a white knight came along and bought out the school so we could graduate and eventually get jobs. I made it through the dot-bomb era relatively unscathed. In 2008 I dodged another bullet. The tech industry was again hit hard as part of the mortgage crisis and my company at the time, Eloqua, laid off some outstanding people. Back then Eloqua was the clear leader in the marketing automation space and the layoff was a reminder that your job is never safe. Market conditions will dictate your fate - regardless of the impact or contributions you’ve made. When I finally faced a layoff a decade later, it was due to my employer’s mediocre performance and the seniority of my role. My team was being cut in half and my role was deemed unnecessary, so I was let go. It wasn’t a surprise and the writing on the wall had been clear for a while, but it was still disappointing. My biggest challenge was having just 60 days to find a new job or face leaving the country due to my temporary H1B workers visa I had at the time. This layoff didn’t just impact me but also my wife and my three children. I’m someone with a lot of pride and fully committed to the cause of the company I’m working for. Probably too committed :). While I took the layoff in stride, I did question my own abilities and if I had what it took to be a leader in Customer Success. This is natural and reflecting on your past is important. However, I decided very quickly that I couldn’t dwell on what happened - it was time to move forward. I also didn’t have a choice as my immigration clock was ticking. For those that have been laid off - keep your head high After taking a day to soak in the shock of my predicament, I knew I had to act quickly or face having to pull my kids out of school and moving back to Canada. Not that there is anything wrong with Canada, but I wasn’t ready to admit defeat and I wasn’t prepared to completely disrupt the

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  2. 19/09/2022

    Don't settle, you are worth it

    A father was on his deathbed but before he died, he took his daughter aside and said: "I'm giving you this watch that was your grandfather's. It's almost 200 years old. Go to the local jewelry shop and ask them how much they would pay you for it.” The dutiful daughter did as her father asked and went to a local jewelry shop. She returned to her father and said: "They will take $100 for the watch because of how old it is." The father then said: "Now take it to the local pawn shop and see how much they think it's worth". The daughter again followed her father's instructions and went to the pawn shop. She reported back to her father that the pawn shop would only pay her $20 as the watch was scratched. The father then asked her to travel to the museum to find out how much they thought it was worth. At this point, the daughter was starting to doubt if her father still had all his senses but as a loyal daughter she did as her father asked. The curator at the museum told the daughter that the watch was a rare historical piece and that they would offer her $375,000 to include it in their historical collection. She hurried back to her father to share the news. Her father sat up in his bed and said: "I wanted to show you that the right place will value you in the right way. Don't find yourself in the wrong place and be angry if you feel you aren't valued. You need to speak up for yourself. And don't stay in a role where someone doesn't see your value, or where you don't feel appreciated". Why did I tell you that story? I told you that story so I could tell you this one about myself. Early in my career I was managing a team member and my manager at the time wanted to give me the title of "team lead". I pushed back and asked for the manager title. I knew my worth and recognized that this was a manager role with manager responsibilities. Besides, someone else in the organization was in a similar role and had the manager title. Truthfully, I wasn't ready to be a manager, but the title was important to me. I didn't settle and I was given the title of manager. Later in my career I wanted to seek out new CS leadership opportunities, so I moved my family from Toronto to the NYC area. This was a massive risk and took a tremendous toll on myself and my family, but I knew my value and had faith in my abilities. There have been other times when I didn't feel valued or appreciated but before I did anything, I evaluated the situation to determine why I felt that way, how I needed to change and what was best for myself and my family in the long term. I sought out advice from others before I made any rash decisions. I knew my worth and knew that if I wasn’t happy, I needed to make a change. I want to remind you that you are talented. You are unique. You may not be in the right role, or you may be looking for that right role. Whatever the case, evaluate your own situation. Ask yourself if you feel valued. Look inwards. Talk to your manager if you can. Seek out advice. But don't settle. Find people that value you and your abilities. You are worth it. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

    4 min
  3. 12/09/2022

    Customer success pros often forget to take this critical element into account

    “I’m not busy at all” said no customer success professional ever. Listen, I know you are super busy but what about your customers? They are extremely busy too and we sometimes fail to take this into account - all to our detriment. I know it’s frustrating when you see your customers floundering and you want to help them. The problem is that it doesn’t mean your customer has the mindset or capacity to act at this moment. Keep in mind that they work with multiple products and already have a full plate of priorities. Your challenge is to convince them to act but you also need to assess their mental state. How do you do that? Spoon theory and customer success For those with autoimmune diseases such as Lupus, it can be challenging and tiresome to continuously communicate how they are feeling. As a result of this, the spoon theory was developed as a straightforward way for those that have chronic illnesses to let others know their energy levels. These so called “spoonies” start their day with a defined number of spoons (say 10) and as they complete activities, they use up their spoons. The number of spoons they have left signifies their current state. As an example, when someone has one spoon left for the day, they are making it clear that they are fatigued and need to conserve their energy. When it comes to your customers, they also have limited time, attention, and energy. It’s helpful to visualize the number of spoons your customers are currently holding when you need them to do something. The question is, how do you get a sense of what they have on their plate and what they have an appetite for? I will take you through a proven method you can use. Assess your customer’s motivation You can quickly get a sense if your customer is ready to move forward by using a proven technique that many psychologists use called “motivational interviewing”. To evaluate your client’s motivation to change or take action, ask them the following scaling questions: * On a scale of 0 to 10, where “0” is not important at all and “10” is crucially important, how important is it for you to take action? * On a scale of 0 to 10, where “0” is no confidence at all and “10” is completely confident, how confident are you that you can take action? Ideally, your customer responded with both high importance and high confidence to act but that seldom happens. You’ll find some of your customers that are highly motivated to act but have low confidence they can perform what is required. This may be due to a lack of skills, self-confidence, resources, time, budget, or faith in your product.  You may have customers responded low for importance but high for confidence. It could be that they have other priorities, so your product or project is taking a backseat. They may also be egotistical and overconfident in their abilities, so they don’t believe they need to do anything or that your solution is worth the investment. You will want to dig into this further by using these two follow up questions: * “Why did you pick the number X and not a lower number?” * “What would it take to move it to a higher number?” Your goal here is to listen for “change talk”, which is your customer telling you that they want to improve their current situation. For example, if your customer says: “I chose ‘8’ for importance as this area is critical to me and my company.”, you know you are on the right track as there is a desire to get moving. If they provided a ‘3’ for confidence, you want to hear something such as: “I really want to use your new feature but I’m just too busy right now”. That gives you a sense that they are low on spoons. You can further dig into this to determine what their priorities are. You should then switch gears and put a plan together that works best based on their priorities. You can also try and give them some spoons by offering to directly assist them or suggesting a resource such as profe

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  4. 01/09/2022

    Two questions every customer success professional needs to ask

    You are sitting there and scratching your head. You just got an email from your client that they will be churning. How could this be? You spoke to them last week and have had regular meetings and they never mentioned the possibility of leaving. Unfortunately, if you are in customer success, this can happen from time to time. The relationships that you think you have with your clients aren’t as strong as you think they are. Sorry to burst that bubble. Here are two questions that I’ve borrowed from Claire Lew that I recommend you ask yourself regularly for each client to ensure you know where you stand with your customers. Reality Check You first need to do a reality check. Ask yourself: “To what degree are you seeing the current reality for what it is?” You need to get real here. Consider these items: * Is the client actually achieving value from your solution? * Do you know if they would renew tomorrow if they had to? If you can’t confidently answer these questions, you need to dive deeper. As Bob London recommends, ask your clients disruptive questions such as: “If a competitor reached out to you, would you respond?”. Keep probing until you are satisfied with the response. Just because a customer tells you everything is ok, doesn’t mean that it is. At times, it’s easier for them to gloss over their larger issues as they may be busy. In addition, they may be fed up as they are tired rehashing ongoing issues. It also may be easier for you to shake off signs that there are problems such as a customer canceling a call or ignoring your email. Seek out the truth - even if it hurts. Environmentally Friendly The second item to consider is the environment you’ve created for your customer. Ask yourself: “To what degree are you creating an environment for your client to be successful?”. Consider these items: * Have I provided the client with everything they need to succeed? * Do I need to do the work for the client or are they able to do it by themselves? * Where are they struggling? Why are they struggling? If you can’t confidently answer these questions, start by reviewing their conversations with your support team, any other voice of customer feedback such as surveys as well as their usage of your product. Look for potential issues within these areas and any past correspondence you’ve had. Then ask them the challenging questions “how can we make things easier for you?” or “If our product went away tomorrow, how much pain would this cause you?”. Ask follow up questions to ensure that they are getting the support they need to be successful. Determine what are some of the immediate and longer-term steps that can be taken to improve their situation. Figure out how to create a better environment for your customer and this will create an overall better customer experience. Don’t get burned by unexpected churn. Challenge yourself with these two questions and challenge your clients. PS. Here is a movie from 90’s that I highly recommend: This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

    3 min
  5. 13/05/2022

    You May be Losing Customers Because You Are Failing in The Moment of Truth

    We’re moving so fast - light speed at times. In customer success we have to make so many micro-decisions that at times we can operate on autopilot. Think about a recent customer interaction you had. How did you respond to it? You probably relied on instinct based on your previous knowledge or processes and policies that your company has in place. You may not remember half of what you said. In most situations, that’s fine.  But this of course doesn’t always work - especially where customers don’t agree with your response.  The challenge is recognizing when you have entered a special situation. A moment when your decision will make or break your client relationship. These are what I call moments of truth. Think of these situations like the butterfly effect where a small action will change the future. I will try and help you identify these moments of truth and provide recommendations so you can act appropriately. First let me tell you about my own wakeup call. You can make a mistake, but how will you recover? Going back a few years now I was in the depths of hell handling several client contract negotiations during the initial stages of the Covid crisis. I will be honest here - it was one of my most challenging times as a CS leader. As it was still early in the pandemic, it was difficult to understand the impact this would have on our customers. Different customers were experiencing the pandemic differently and I had to make decisions quickly based on sparse pieces of information. The main issue was that I had too many items coming at me from all directions. It didn’t take long until I made a colossal mistake that could have had larger repercussions. One of our clients was starting to see an uptick in their business but they needed help. They needed to add licenses to help their team so they could better assist their own customers. Moving at the speed of light I coached my customer success manager to follow our process and offer our clients a solution based on our stated policies. The challenge was that this solution didn’t fit the client’s needs and would be costly. I didn’t realize it, but I was in a moment of truth, and I failed miserably.  The client had no choice but to proceed and when the dust settled, they took the time to let me know that they weren’t happy with what transpired. They felt that we could have been more customer-centric and they were right. This was the wakeup call I needed, and I can’t express my appreciation enough to this client. After thanking them for their feedback I quickly reversed course. I obtained the necessary approvals to provide a better solution that made more sense in this situation. Reflecting on this time, I realized that we should have pushed the pause button and considered the situation from the client’s perspective. Our policies were valid but didn’t account for the unique crisis we were in. We needed to consider the client’s business needs and go outside the lines of our established policies. This was our moment of truth and something I now constantly remind myself of. Defining moments of truth While I love Wayne McCulloch’s book The Seven Pillars of Customer Success, I disagree with how he defined moments of truth. He used this definition: “Anytime the customer comes into contact with any aspect of a company, however remote, he or she has an opportunity to form an impression”. He referred to a moment of truth as any time a customer interacts with you. My definition is different. It was something that a former executive at Eloqua, Alex Shootman, had instilled in me years ago. I define a moment of truth as: “a critical interaction in the customer journey when the action(s) your company takes will determine if the client remains a long-term customer.” Therefore, this isn’t just any type of engagement. This moment will shape the future of your customer relationship. How do you know it’s a moment of truth? As I mentioned, it can be challengin

  6. 21/03/2022

    Stop blaming the sales team

    “Did you see that crazy deal that just came in? I can’t believe that we sold to them!” “The salesperson reached out to my client and didn’t tell me. Now I have to clean up this mess that they created.” “Why did sales push through that upsell? They clearly weren’t ready to make that purchase!” Do any of these sound familiar? While these examples are fictitious, they are commonly said by customer success teams in regards to their sales colleagues. I’m sure I’ve said something similar over the years as well. We’re also seeing these stereotypes perpetuated on social media (see the example below). I mean, they are really funny I’ll admit. But it’s not helping solve the underlying issue and while it’s an unpopular opinion, improvements can actually be made. While it may seem nice to have a laugh at someone else’s expense, it’s causing a deeper rift between sales and customer success. Do you think this will help prevent another “wrong fit” customer from being signed? Do you think this will prevent the sales team from trying to upsell clients who are at-risk? Complaining about the problem just perpetuates it. It can make things worse as it becomes harder to see things from other people’s perspectives. That same empathy that is needed to help your clients also needs to be directed inwardly to your own organization. It’s time to look at this from a different perspective and break out of this us vs them mentality. Your ego is in your way “Own your s**t” is something that was ingrained into me over the years as a leader. The book Extreme Ownership by Jocko Willink and Leif Babin really drove this point home and changed my way of thinking. My takeaway from the book is that I’m fully responsible for everything that my team is involved in. If we lost a customer, that’s my fault and not the CSM. If someone quits on my team, that’s on me. I focused on improving our processes and creating a culture of accountability and high performance. I made sure that we owned our s**t. The problem I learned is that it isn’t enough. I had a situation where we ran an upsell campaign that wasn’t communicated well to our customers. This caused some unnecessary friction with a small number of customers and the brunt of their unhappiness fell on the customer success team. Under the pressure of being chewed out by customers and then having my overburdened CS team being dragged through the mud yet again, I had had it. I escalated this to senior management and lashed out: “We really screwed this up. Why did this happen?” I thought I was being a good soldier and practicing “extreme ownership”. I had my s**t together - why didn’t other people have the same mentality? I thought “if you mess up, own it, learn from it and move on”. What I realized later was that I had let my ego get in the way. I was looking at this from a black and white perspective. However, I couldn’t get past my own way of thinking that I was right and the other teams were wrong. While someone else may have made a mistake here, I was making the bigger one. Own their s**t too It wasn’t until I read Meg Poag’s book “The Adversity Hack” that it dawned on me that my thinking was flawed. As she phrases it, “I had to go to battle with my ego”. She defines ego as the following: “Ego is the armor that guards the beliefs, pathways, and patterns we have built up to protect ourselves, survive, and feel better.” I was blaming someone else as I was giving in to my ego. What I needed to do was to stay curious and try and better understand why certain actions were taken. We have to assume that everyone is trying to do the right thing (and not just the CS team). If mistakes are made, it’s best to understand why they happened. I needed to ask myself, “what role did I play in this situation?” and “How could have I prevented this from happening?” In the situation with the upsell campaign, I could have made more of a

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  7. How to get customers to do something when they don't want to


    How to get customers to do something when they don't want to

    A number of years ago I was working with one of my clients who was a very talented marketing operations manager when I was a customer success manager at Eloqua (a marketing automation platform). Their goal was to deliver more targeted content to their prospects but the data that they stored in Eloqua was all over the place as data tends to be. They had collected contact information in a very unwieldy manner over the years. As an example, for the country field, United States was spelled in 20 different ways: USA, US, United States, America, 'merica. You get the point. “I have a great solution for you” I quickly exclaimed. “It’s called the data washing machine”. No joke. It really was called that and probably still is. I continued: “It will help you clean up your data through a series of rules in our workflow engine”. The challenge was that this workflow engine in Eloqua called “Program Builder” was a beast and not the easiest product to use. I could see the hesitancy in my client’s face as we spoke as I knew they had a lot on their plate already. It was obvious that I was losing them. “It’s ok,” they said. “We’ll just export the data and fix it ourselves”. I knew that this wouldn’t be the right move and would add countless hours to their campaign creation process. How could I turn this around? I decided to switch gears and started to talk about another one of our clients that were similar to them and had the same problem. They just happened to know the marketer over there as well. I remember telling them “Yeah, Dox also had that issue. They had a number of challenges targeting the right prospect by title so they used their washing machine to bucket people into their designated personas. The great thing is that after they implemented their own contact washing machine their email open rate went up by 20%, they generated 30% more qualified leads and they doubled the number of monthly campaigns they executed. Do you want to have a chat with Mary over at Dox? I can set that up. It’s up to you”. I saw a glimmer of light in my client’s eyes. “Well, there’s no harm in having a chat with Mary. It would be great if you could reintroduce us” they said. I had hit paydirt and prevented them from digging a deeper hole for themselves. All with the power of a story. Tell it, don’t sell it I was off to the races and built out a plan to get them using my proposed solution. The strength of stories is extremely underrated when it comes to customer success. While you may have a great product or service, your customers may not be ready for what you have to offer even though it will solve their problem. It’s foolish to think that someone will do what you say just because you said it. It’s best to consider a story that can help bridge the gap between your product or service and their need. In this case, a customer story was the right tool. My goal was to have them visualize what the end result may look like which was why I shared the success metrics. I focused on telling the story rather than selling the benefits of the contact washing machine. I then proposed to have one of our other customers tell it to them directly which is even more powerful. I also used a bonus technique to counteract the psychological effect called “reactance” which happens when people feel you may be too pushy. Think of that annoying associate that comes up to you in your favorite clothing store and asks “can I help you?”. 99% of the time you want to scream “No, go away” but of course you don’t say that out loud. By saying “it’s up to you” I let the customer decide what they want to do next and I made it an easy first step. Giving your customers freedom and options can help people take the first step when they may be hesitant to. Gather those stories Your challenge: What stories do you or your team have that should be used to help change the behavior of your customers? Customer success managers sho

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  8. Your customers are probably measuring their success the wrong way


    Your customers are probably measuring their success the wrong way

    Do any of these statements sound familiar to you? “We expected your product to be able to do that with the click of a button. If you don’t have this feature we may need to look for another solution.” “Your competitor is able to display our data as line charts and bar charts. Why can’t you do that too?” These of course are fictitious examples but the pain that you may be experiencing may be similar. Your customers may have expectations that your solution is supposed to have certain features or work in a certain way and if it doesn’t, it’s broken. For the most part, I don’t blame the customer in these situations as most likely there were incorrect expectations that were set along the way. The problem is that much of this is out of your control for the following reasons: * The client felt they were promised certain features during the sales cycle that you had nothing to do with. * You have a limited ability to modify your product roadmap let alone the timeframe that your customer may be asking for in regards to these new features. * Lastly, your various client stakeholders have different agendas and objectives and both the people and the priorities change over time. This makes it challenging to balance what different people want and to ensure they are receiving value. Regardless of the situation, you, as the customer representative, have to sort out this mess. One way to try and get things on a better track is to leverage the concept by Dan Sullivan and Benjamin Hardy called “The GAP and the GAIN”. Let’s dive into what this is all about. Mind the GAP Sullivan and Hardy used this concept of “the GAP and the GAIN” to explain why some people have such a hard time being happy. These people are always measuring themselves against an ideal that they have pictured in their minds. For example, they may expect to be making 7 figures by the time they are thirty and have a home and two kids. Not attaining that high salary or that house in the suburbs could send them spiraling out of control. Even when they may have actually accomplished their goals they may be unhappy with the size of their home or the job title they have. It never ends as they are in a constant “pursuit of happiness” (thanks Thomas Jefferson). This is called being in the GAP and it affects a large number of people. If you feel that I may be describing some of your traits, you are not alone. I’m someone whose #1 strength as part of the CliftonStrengths is “achiever” and I’ve lived too much of my life in the GAP. My 12-year-old may have finished his homework and done his chores but I’ll scold him for leaving his dirty plate on the dinner table by mistake. I can be a real jerk at times as I’m focused too much on the GAP and not the GAIN. A GAP mindset can really hold you back in life. In contrast to living in the GAP, living in the GAIN is measuring yourself against a starting point rather than against a future ideal. It’s about appreciating what you and others have accomplished rather than agonizing over what didn’t happen (or that it didn’t happen as you expected it to). How do you apply this concept to your customers? Focus on the GAIN The feature request that was mentioned at the beginning is a clear example of your client being in the GAP. How do you move the conversation from the GAP to the GAIN? Your goal should be to get your customer to be proud of what they have accomplished so far with your product rather than of what may be lacking. You can also point out the product improvements that have been made that have directly impacted them. Here are my recommendations to move to GAIN thinking: * Make sure you know what your starting point is. Confirm the metrics that are important to your customers and the outcomes that they want to achieve. For example, if their goal is to unify all of their systems so they have a clearer understanding of their customer data, you will want to define that up front. This could be on th

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  9. Why you need to poke the bear


    Why you need to poke the bear

    “Is there anything else we should discuss?” You’re just wrapping up what you think is a successful customer meeting. However, you have this bad feeling in your gut that is telling you that something isn’t right and you know it isn’t from your lunch. You start to recall other signs that may affirm this belief. You remember seeing a sarcastic remark from the customer in one of their recent support interactions and you know that their business may not be doing as well right now. Instead of inquiring into these items you say: “Ok, well if there isn’t anything else we can call it a meeting.” As you close out the meeting you know that you probably just made a terrible mistake. And just to make you feel bad, I can tell you that you probably did. You let them off easy. You didn’t dig into a potential problem. Even worse, you didn’t seize on an opportunity to deepen your client relationship. Poke the bear The reason that many meetings end this way is that most people don’t like conflict. It makes us feel uncomfortable. We could get a response that we don’t like. What people don’t realize is that your customer is probably feeling that same level of discomfort and it’s easier for them to not share with you how they are really feeling. They are busy and are thinking about the next task or meeting. The problem is that feelings of discontent fester and if you aren’t the one that will poke the bear, the bear will eventually get fed up and you will have customers churning. There is gold in there - you just need to mine for it One of my favorite authors on leadership, Patrick Lencioni, used the term “mining for conflict” as it relates to making internal meetings more interesting. The idea is to surface sensitive issues at meetings so that the people present can work through them together. While it’s not easy to have these conversations, people will be grateful that you cared enough about them to ask the hard questions. As a customer success professional, you can be a miner of conflict with your customers as well. It usually takes your customer relationship to another level as you are being more transparent and vulnerable with each other. I’ll go through some of the ways you can do this with your own customers. How to be a miner of conflict Uncovering areas of conflict during meetings involves the following steps: * Establish trust. Before you jump into a challenging discussion, you should try to create an atmosphere where there is mutual trust. This can include using active listening techniques and being empathetic. Using “reflections” is a great way to do this. Before getting ready to rumble as Brené Brown likes to call it, you need to have a level of intimacy that will prevent your clients from trying to duck the hard-hitting questions that are flying their way. * Ask tough questions. You should come into meetings prepared with a few tough questions that will help you determine where you stand or will help to expose deep-rooted issues. For example, to test if a client will renew, ask them: “If your manager asked you if you would renew with us, how would you answer that?”. You should also have your radar up during the meeting and look for signs that your customer has more to say than they are letting on. Lastly, keep an eye out for facial expressions that show frustration. * Ask follow-up questions and dig in. Don’t let the client off the hook when they start to reveal their challenges. Ask follow-up questions when you are looking for additional details and dig in your claws. You can ask for specific examples and then schedule follow-up meetings if needed to better understand their issues. Try and get to the root problems rather than just focusing on what is above the ground. You also want to have clear next steps to address the problem. Most customer success professionals will find these steps challenging and shy away from them. My suggestion is that you role-play this to become more com

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  10. 27/10/2021

    The mistake that most customer success pros make

    Picture this situation: Your meeting with a customer who you’ve known for a while. You get along with them fairly well but they can be challenging at times. You spend the first minute of the meeting catching up and of course talking about the weather. Finally, everyone on the Zoom arrives, people have figured out they need to go off mute and the meeting begins. Before you have a chance to go through the agenda your client asks for the floor. They spend the next few minutes ripping into you over an issue they are having. You are caught a bit off-guard here but to show that you are listening you start nodding your head as if to say that you understand their concerns. Instead of making things better, most customer success (CS) pros make this mistake which just turns a small fire into a massive inferno. Providing a solution won’t help During these situations, most CS pros go into problem-solving mode as that is what they’ve been taught. They believe that their jobs are to solve problems. The challenge is that if you jump right into suggesting a solution after the customer has unloaded on you, you may not fully understand the whole issue and the customer may not care to hear your advice as they are still too angry. What you need to do in this situation is do whatever you can to hold yourself back from trying to solve their problem. Even if you know how to easily address the issue. Press pause and do the following for a higher chance that they will follow your instructions. Reflect before you deflect After the customer has completed telling you their issue the best approach is to use a technique called “reflection”. Very simply reflect back to the customer what they told you. For example, if the customer lets you know that the bugs in your product are causing them delays which are impacting how they run their business, relay this back to them. You can simply say “It seems that the bugs in our product are creating productivity issues for your team which is impacting the overall performance of your business.” That’s it. That simple reflection technique that many psychologists use (it’s from something called “motivational interviewing”) will start to improve the situation because you actively listen to the concerns of your client. Using this reflection approach shows that you understand their issue. Here’s the even better thing: if you didn’t relay back the information to the client correctly, it gives them the chance to correct you. That isn’t a bad thing. This gets you and the customer fully aligned on the issue which will now allow you to switch to solution mode. President Theodore Roosevelt famously said: “Nobody cares how much you know, until they know how much you care.” When it comes to challenging customer conversations (and I have been part of many of these), don’t go to solution mode until you have demonstrated that you are truly hearing their concerns. Your challenge: Try out using the reflection technique with your customers. This may seem very foreign to you if you have never used it before. Practice doing this with your teammates and/or rewatch your calls (if you record them) to ensure that you are doing it properly and not just acknowledging what the customer just said. You can even use this technique with a friend or loved one (yes, it can save personal relationships too). Avoid going into solution mode by default and put on your empathy hat. Try out this technique on your next call and let me know how it goes. Be that person that your customers can trust and count on. Not subscribed? Get regular customer success tips to your inbox daily: And now, a little Bruno Mars - be the light for your customers! This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

    4 min


Sharing tips, experiences and insights that I've learned in 15+ years in customer success from large and small organizations. There is no BS. You can leverage what you learn from these podcasts right away.

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