How We Explore

How We Explore

How do you become an explorer? And what does an explorer do? These are questions we get all the time. In this National Geographic Kids podcast, we’ll talk to eleven explorers who contribute to science and exploration through different fields. Learn about the challenges and inspirations they find along the way. From digging for ancient artifacts to gazing at the stars, these National Geographic Explorers have had adventures in the farthest-flung reaches of the world, and in their own backyards. They are scientists, explorers, and leaders who took risks and overcame problems to become who they are today. We want to share some of their amazing stories with you—and show you How We Explore. 

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How do you become an explorer? And what does an explorer do? These are questions we get all the time. In this National Geographic Kids podcast, we’ll talk to eleven explorers who contribute to science and exploration through different fields. Learn about the challenges and inspirations they find along the way. From digging for ancient artifacts to gazing at the stars, these National Geographic Explorers have had adventures in the farthest-flung reaches of the world, and in their own backyards. They are scientists, explorers, and leaders who took risks and overcame problems to become who they are today. We want to share some of their amazing stories with you—and show you How We Explore. 

Més de: National Geographic

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