ADHD Love Parent Talk

Yakini Pierce
Pòdcast ‘ADHD Love Parent Talk’

You do not have to go through your ADHD journey alone. I am Yakini and I am an ADHD advocate that focuses on parents with ADHD and parents with children with ADHD. Adults can also take away gems especially when I talk with the parents that have ADHD. The purpose is to provide as much information as possible to support parents through their journey. I will be talking to parents and professionals that work with ADHD children. Join us in these conversations.


You do not have to go through your ADHD journey alone. I am Yakini and I am an ADHD advocate that focuses on parents with ADHD and parents with children with ADHD. Adults can also take away gems especially when I talk with the parents that have ADHD. The purpose is to provide as much information as possible to support parents through their journey. I will be talking to parents and professionals that work with ADHD children. Join us in these conversations.

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