Below the Line with Seb, Nolan, and Benkei

Below the Line
Below the Line with Seb, Nolan, and Benkei

A podcast where we talk about filmmakers who don't get enough spotlight due to the nature of their careers. Forget directors! Forget actors! Here we'll talk about the unheard-of legends that have created some of your favorites movies. Composers, Cinematographers, Editors, Production Designers... These are people you may not know, but whose work you definitely do. Hosted by three lovely people who just really really like movies and really really like talking about them...



A podcast where we talk about filmmakers who don't get enough spotlight due to the nature of their careers. Forget directors! Forget actors! Here we'll talk about the unheard-of legends that have created some of your favorites movies. Composers, Cinematographers, Editors, Production Designers... These are people you may not know, but whose work you definitely do. Hosted by three lovely people who just really really like movies and really really like talking about them...

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