Generation Gap

Spoon Gang
Generation Gap

Discussions on controversial topics from a bunch of Christians in the West coast of Canada. We want to explore spicy things we normally avoid on an average Sunday. Sensitive topics are usually super important but also hazardous in certain environments. We wanted a place to express our differing thoughts and explore the generational gap between the younger Christian crowd and the older one. Email us at for questions, recommendations, hate mail, or just to chat!


Discussions on controversial topics from a bunch of Christians in the West coast of Canada. We want to explore spicy things we normally avoid on an average Sunday. Sensitive topics are usually super important but also hazardous in certain environments. We wanted a place to express our differing thoughts and explore the generational gap between the younger Christian crowd and the older one. Email us at for questions, recommendations, hate mail, or just to chat!

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Àfrica, Orient Mitjà i l’Índia



Llatinoamèrica i el Carib

Estats Units i Canadà