Faith Like Potatoes

Faith Like Potatoes

The inspiring true story of farmer Angus Buchan shows how faith can carry you through the darkest times in your life. Angus’ life changed completely when he accepted Jesus as Savior, going from an angry, hard-drinking man to a passionate servant of God. Laugh and cry as Angus recounts the stories of personal tragedy, drought, runaway fires and financial crises. This book will inspire and deeply touch your heart and renew your confidence in the power of God, His care and provision for His children.


The inspiring true story of farmer Angus Buchan shows how faith can carry you through the darkest times in your life. Angus’ life changed completely when he accepted Jesus as Savior, going from an angry, hard-drinking man to a passionate servant of God. Laugh and cry as Angus recounts the stories of personal tragedy, drought, runaway fires and financial crises. This book will inspire and deeply touch your heart and renew your confidence in the power of God, His care and provision for His children.

Més de: Angus Buchan

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