God-as-a-Service for Autonomous Worlds - FOGcast #57

Future of Gaming

We’re doing something different this episode. Your host Nico Vereecke conducts a jam session with Tim Cotten, Matt Dion, and David Amor about the future of gaming. We explore the concept of Massively Interactive Live Events (MILES) and how their ideas could be applied to fully on-chain gaming. We discuss the challenges of hidden information in on-chain games and the potential solutions, such as using zero-knowledge proofs. Tim introduces the concept of AutoRPG, an autonomous AI system for building and managing game worlds. Finally, we dive deep into the idea of decentralized AI models as game masters in autonomous worlds.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Massively Interactive Live Events (MILES) combine cloud gaming and streaming technology to create interactive virtual worlds.
  2. Fully on-chain games face challenges with hidden information and the need for live operations.
  3. AutoRPG is an AI system that can build and manage game worlds, providing a solution for live operations in autonomous worlds.
  4. Decentralized AI models can act as game masters in autonomous worlds, providing dynamic and unpredictable gameplay.
  5. The future of gaming may involve combining AI-generated content with player-created content for a more immersive and engaging experience.

Blaseball: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y5t8DwnDE1k&ab_channel=PeopleMakeGames

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