January by Helen Hunt Jackson (1830 - 1885)

January by Helen Hunt Jackson (1830 - 1885)

LibriVox volunteers bring you 8 recordings of January by Helen Hunt Jackson. This was the Weekly Poetry project for January 13, 2013. Helen Maria Hunt Jackson, born Helen Fiske was an Amewrican writer and activist for the improvement of treatment of the Native Americans by the U.S. government. Her books A Century of Dishonor and Ramona both attracted considerable attention to her cause. (Summary by David Lawrence)


LibriVox volunteers bring you 8 recordings of January by Helen Hunt Jackson. This was the Weekly Poetry project for January 13, 2013. Helen Maria Hunt Jackson, born Helen Fiske was an Amewrican writer and activist for the improvement of treatment of the Native Americans by the U.S. government. Her books A Century of Dishonor and Ramona both attracted considerable attention to her cause. (Summary by David Lawrence)

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