JUDAISM DEMYSTIFIED | A Guide for Today's Perplexed: Confronting the Challenges of This Generation

Ben and Benzi
Podcast “JUDAISM DEMYSTIFIED | A Guide for Today's Perplexed: Confronting the Challenges of This Generation”

Do you have questions that the educational system didn't adequately address? Today, there are many who don't find Torah to be compelling or relevant as we are faced with unprecedented challenges such as the OTD phenomenon, suppression of ideas, cover-ups, assimilation, skepticism, biblical criticism, charlatanism, atheism, and a slew of other existential threats. As 2 lifelong Sepharadi friends, we decided to create the Torah content we couldn't find elsewhere: long-form discussions with thinkers from various areas of expertise, presenting unique insights that inspire a return to fundamentals. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/judaismdemystified/support

  1. Episode 101: Rabbi Yaakov Beasley "Facing the Storm"

    HACE 5 D

    Episode 101: Rabbi Yaakov Beasley "Facing the Storm"

    In this insightful episode, we welcome Rabbi Yaakov Beasley to discuss his book "Joel, Obadiah, and Micah: Facing the Storm," part of the acclaimed Maggid Studies in Tanakh series. Rabbi Beasley begins by sharing his background and what inspired him to write this work. He also introduces the Gush Tanakh Method for listeners unfamiliar with it, before directly addressing JJ Kimche’s criticisms from our previous interview. We then dive into the etymology and role of a נביא (prophet) and explore how we should understand prophecies that seem to have gone unfulfilled. Rabbi Beasley identifies three key reasons why modern readers often struggle to connect with the writings of the prophets, while also providing a brief history of Yisrael and Yehudah, essential for understanding the prophets' messages. Next, we turn to the specific prophets discussed in his book. Rabbi Beasley elaborates on why Yoel is particularly challenging to interpret, offering insights into the various opinions about when and where he prophesied. We also examine Ovadiah's sharp condemnation of Edom, exploring the debates about the date, authorship, and audience of his prophecies. Finally, we delve into the life and message of the prophet Micah, discussing what sets him apart from other prophets and how his unique style enhances our understanding of his book. To close, Rabbi Beasley gives us a preview of his upcoming work on the prophets Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah. This is a must-listen for anyone interested in deepening their understanding of the biblical prophets and their relevance today. --- • Bio: Rabbi Yaakov Beasley is the Tanakh Coordinator at Yeshivat Lev haTorah and completed a doctorate on the book of Micah at Bar Ilan University. He is the author of "Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah: Lights in the Valley" and "Joel, Obadiah, and Micah: Facing the Storm" for the Maggid Studies in Tanakh series. Rav Yaakov has been teaching and writing about Tanakh for over twenty years. A popular lecturer around Jerusalem and Israel, including such yeshivot as Matan, Darchei Noam, Midreshet Rachel, and others, he co-edited Yeshivat Har Etzion's groundbreaking series "Torah MiEtzion" on the application of new literary methodologies to the study of parashat ha-shavua. Additionally, he authored several years of Har Etzion's Virtual Beit Midrash Introduction to the Parasha series, and his articles on Tanakh have appeared in Tradition and other publications. --- • Get his book here: https://www.amazon.com/Joel-Obadiah-Micah-Facing-Storm/dp/1592645976 --- • Welcome to JUDAISM DEMYSTIFIED: A PODCAST FOR THE PERPLEXED | Co-hosted by Benjy & Benzi | Thank you to...Super Patron: Jordan Karmily, Platinum Patron: Craig Gordon, Gold Patrons: Dovidchai Abramchayev, Lazer Cohen, Travis Krueger, Vasili Volkoff, Rod Ilian, Silver Patrons: Ellen Fleischer, Daniel Maksumov, Rabbi Pinny Rosenthal, Fred & Antonio, Jeffrey Wasserman, and Jacob Winston! Please SUBSCRIBE to this YouTube Channel and hit the BELL so you can get alerted whenever new clips get posted, thank you for your support! --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/judaismdemystified/support

    2 h 12 min
  2. Episode 100: Rabbi Abe H. Faur "The Jewish People at a Crossroads"

    11 SEPT

    Episode 100: Rabbi Abe H. Faur "The Jewish People at a Crossroads"

    Prepare for a timely, sensitive, and important conversation as Rav Abe Faur makes his much-anticipated return to the podcast. In the wake of the traumatic and transformative attacks on October 7th, Hakham Faur has become increasingly vocal on social media, especially regarding issues within the Haredi community. He shares why these events compelled him to speak out more openly and discusses how this moment has shifted his approach to leadership and advocacy. We dive into the contentious issue of military service, a major point of friction between the Haredi community and the state of Israel. Despite some Haredim volunteering after the attacks, the majority have not, and many leaders continue to oppose involvement with the IDF, even in times of war, while still benefiting from state resources. Hakham Faur responds to these leaders and the arguments they use, such as "Shevet Levi did not go out to war" and "our Torah study protects all," to justify their stance against national service. Hakham Faur explains why the argument for Haredi antizionism is now irrelevant, emphasizing that we are at the point where all Jews are fighting for their survival. He contextualizes the reasons behind the Haredi community's misguided stance on Israel, offers analysis on how the modern state can improve by learning from past mistakes, and discusses how the kollel movement has strayed from true Torah values and halakha. He stresses that while God may protect us from external harm, He does not shield us from our own folly. This episode promises to offer deep insights into the future of Israel, the role of hakhamim, and the pressing need for courageous leadership in times of crisis. --- • Bio: Rabbi Abe H. Faur is the rabbi of Congregation Ohel David & Shelomo, in Manhattan Beach, NY. Rabbi Faur was ordained by Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu and Rabbi Abraham Shapira. He teaches Talmudic and Rabbinic thinking in accordance with the Andalusian sages, and the teachings of his father, the Great Hakham José Faur a"h. His father was a Sepharadi rabbi, teacher and scholar in the Syrian-Jewish community in Brooklyn for many years. He was also a professor at the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, the Spertus Institute for Jewish Learning and Leadership, and Bar Ilan University, and was Professor of Law at Netanya Academic College. Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu once said "the greatest Sephardic Hakham living in the US today is Rabbi Faur" and his books and articles continue to have a tremendous impact in both religious and academic circles around the world. You can find his shiurim on his YouTube channel, Torat Andalus. --- • Yafe Be'ito, meaning "nice in its time" in Hebrew, is a foundation devoted to spreading the profound Torah teachings of Hakham Dr. José Faur: https://yafebeito.com/ --- • Welcome to JUDAISM DEMYSTIFIED: A PODCAST FOR THE PERPLEXED | Co-hosted by Benjy & Benzi | Thank you to...Super Patron: Jordan Karmily, Platinum Patron: Craig Gordon, Gold Patrons: Dovidchai Abramchayev, Lazer Cohen, Travis Krueger, Vasili Volkoff, Rod Ilian, Silver Patrons: Ellen Fleischer, Daniel Maksumov, Rabbi Pinny Rosenthal, Fred & Antonio, Jeffrey Wasserman, and Jacob Winston! Please SUBSCRIBE to this YouTube Channel and hit the BELL so you can get alerted whenever new clips get posted, thank you for your support! --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/judaismdemystified/support

    1 h 22 min
  3. Episode 99: Rabbi Avi Grossman "Halakha Demystified"

    5 SEPT

    Episode 99: Rabbi Avi Grossman "Halakha Demystified"

    In this episode, we sit down with Rabbi Avi Grossman to explore the complexities of Halakha and its relevance to contemporary Jewish life. Rabbi Grossman begins by discussing why "Demystifying Halakha" is crucial for understanding and practicing Judaism today. We dive into the idea that the entire Torah was always meant to be practiced, a concept that significantly shapes our understanding of Halakha. Rabbi Grossman explains how Maimonides' Mishneh Torah stands out from other halakhic codes, particularly in its detailed guidance on practices like observing Passover with a paschal lamb and instructions for when it is not available. Rabbi Grossman further elaborates on the Mishneh Torah's intention to serve as a complete legal code for all generations and all aspects of Halakha. We also discuss the Vilna Gaon's role in reviving “orphaned” commandments, understanding the importance of these commandments, and their impact on Halakhic practice. The conversation takes shifts to the importance of maintaining a critical approach to halakhic issues, questioning the automatic precedence given to later authorities. We explore the significance of national obligations and self-governance in Halakha, questioning why these aspects may have fallen out of common practice. Finally, Rabbi Grossman challenges the “fallen-out-of-use” fallacy, addressing the belief that if certain practices are no longer observed, it must be by divine will. You don't want to miss this fascinating discussion. --- • Bio: Rabbi Avi Grossman brings a diverse and rich background to our discussion on Halakha. He holds a BS in Biology from Queens College of the City University of New York and an MBA from Jerusalem College of Technology in Israel, with teaching credentials from the David Yellin Academic College of Education in Jerusalem. Ordained by both Beis Medrash L’Talmud and Rabbi Abba Bronspiegel, Rabbi Grossman is the director of the Torah L’Maaseh program at Yeshivat Ramot in Jerusalem and is widely recognized for his shiurim on Machon Shilo's YouTube channel. Additionally, he serves as a senior editor for the Steinsaltz Center’s Tanakh publication project and is the founder of Torah Le’Maaseh. Rabbi Grossman is also the author of *Haggadat Hapesach*, a unique Passover Haggadah that emphasizes the Paschal offering as the centerpiece of the Seder. His extensive academic and rabbinical achievements, coupled with his commitment to Jewish education, make him a compelling authority on the application of Halakha in contemporary Jewish life. --- • Get his book here: amazon.com/Haggadat-Hapesah-Seder-Korban-Pesach/dp/9655983463/ref=sr_1_1?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.CIJSwOCOZ3sr7hqWqNcPLQ.XIiYVRpH_r5_wch1f9AtgPGXGj0ztjJ7mUy4gerlrWg&dib_tag=se&qid=1725332248&refinements=p_27%3ARabbi+Avi+Grossman&s=books&sr=1-1&text=Rabbi+Avi+Grossman --- • Welcome to JUDAISM DEMYSTIFIED: A PODCAST FOR THE PERPLEXED | Co-hosted by Benjy & Benzi | Thank you to...Super Patron: Jordan Karmily, Platinum Patron: Craig Gordon, Gold Patrons: Dovidchai Abramchayev, Lazer Cohen, Travis Krueger, Vasili Volkoff, Rod Ilian, Silver Patrons: Ellen Fleischer, Daniel Maksumov, Rabbi Pinny Rosenthal, Jeffrey Wasserman, and Jacob Winston! Please SUBSCRIBE to this YouTube Channel and hit the BELL so you can get alerted whenever new clips get posted, thank you for your support! --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/judaismdemystified/support

    1 h 10 min
  4. Episode 98: Rabbi Chaim Eisen & Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein "Does God Need Us?"

    1 SEPT

    Episode 98: Rabbi Chaim Eisen & Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein "Does God Need Us?"

    In this highly anticipated episode, we sit down with Rabbi Chaim Eisen and Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein to explore some of the most critical theological questions in Jewish thought. The conversation begins with an in-depth discussion on God's Oneness and Uniqueness, particularly through the lens of the phrase "Ein Od Milvado" ("There is nothing other than Him"), which is often misrepresented nowadays to suggest that all is God and God is all. We then address a recent viral campaign by a popular rabbi claiming that "God needs us." Our guests critically examine the dangers of interpreting Torah in ways that anthropomorphize God. They thereby challenge the controversial (and heretical) position currently popular in some circles that advocates rejecting classic Jewish theology by branding it a supposed attempt to read the Torah through "Greek eyes." The discussion also delves into the neo-Kabbalistic and Hasidic belief in Panentheism—the idea that the universe emerged from God and remains inherently united with His being—and whether this belief crosses into what some traditionalists might consider to be "spiritual polytheism." Rabbi Eisen and Rabbi Adlerstein offer their unique perspectives, presenting different angles on these complex issues. They also tackle the misconception that the human soul is a literal piece of God, and the question of whether the Shekhina represents God's actual presence in the physical realm. Join us for this profound theological reflection on arguably the most fundamental aspect of Judaism: Knowing Hashem (more accurately, what He is not) in order to serve Him properly. --- • Bio: Rabbi Chaim Eisen is the founder and dean of Yeshivath Sharashim – Zion Bible Studies, a Web-based educational venture to engage users worldwide in a deepening understanding of the Hebrew Bible and other religious classics, through live, recorded, and written content. An acclaimed speaker, he’s been stimulating audiences throughout Israel, North America, and Europe for over 40 years. For nearly all his career, he’s been involved in adult education, principally as a senior rabbinical lecturer at the Orthodox Union (OU) Jerusalem World Center, where he taught for more than 36 years. For over 20 years, he also taught Talmud and Midrash, Biblical commentary, and especially Jewish thought and philosophy at various yeshivot in Israel. In addition, he served as a Torah lecturer in the Israel Defense Forces Rabbinate Torah Lecture Corps (reserves), for over 16 years, and continued to volunteer there, after his retirement. Besides teaching, he was founding editor of the OU journal 'Jewish Thought: A Journal of Torah Scholarship' and has written and edited numerous essays in this field. Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein is the Director of Interfaith Affairs for the Simon Wiesenthal Center. He also serves as a faculty member at Yeshiva of Los Angeles and its high schools, and holds the Sydney M. Irmas Chair in Jewish Law and Ethics at Loyola Law School. Rabbi Adlerstein is a contributing editor of the quarterly Jewish Action, as well as its regular computer columnist. His essays have appeared in the Los Angeles Times, Present Tense, Tradition, Shma, the Los Angeles Daily Law Journal, and a host of Jewish and general printed and electronic media. He was frequently heard on KABC’s Religion on the Line, and appears often in the printed media as a voice of traditional Judaism. He co-hosted Rabbis With Attitude, a weekly radio program. His Be’er Hagolah, the classic defense of rabbinic Judaism by Maharal of Prague, was published by Artscroll/Mesorah Publications. Rabbi Adlerstein received his ordination from the Chofetz Chaim yeshiva in New York. He is a summa cum laude graduate of Queens College, and a member of Phi Beta Kappa. --- • Check out his channel: https://www.youtube.com/@UC6hfscHFb9At83OFRw9yE6A --- • Please SUBSCRIBE to this YouTube Channel and hit the BELL so you can get alerted whenever new clips get posted, thank y

    1 h 25 min
  5. Episode 97: Rabbi Moshe Taragin "Dark Clouds Above, Faith Below"

    15 AGO

    Episode 97: Rabbi Moshe Taragin "Dark Clouds Above, Faith Below"

    Join us as we sit down with Rabbi Moshe Taragin to explore his deeply thought-provoking book, "Dark Clouds Above, Faith Below." We begin by delving into the motivations behind his writing and how recent tragedies have influenced his approach to discussing faith and doubt in the modern world. Rabbi Taragin opens up about the importance of validating feelings of doubt and anger during times of crisis, stressing how crucial it is for religious leaders to acknowledge these emotions within their communities. We also learn about Rav Yehuda Amital, a towering figure in Rabbi Taragin’s life, whose influence is felt throughout the book. The conversation turns to the unique relationship between belief in Hashem and human effort, particularly in the context of serving in the IDF. Rabbi Taragin provides insight into how these two concepts are reconciled in religious life and what it means for soldiers balancing their faith with their duties. --- • Bio: An alumnus of Har Etzion, Rav Moshe Taragin '83 has been a Ram at Yeshivat Har Etzion in Gush Etzion since 1994. He has Semikha from the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary, a BA in Computer Science from Yeshiva College, and an MA in English Literature from City University. Rabbi Taragin previously taught Talmud at Columbia University, lectured in Talmud and Bible at the IBC and JSS divisions of Yeshiva University, and served as Assistant Rabbi at the Fifth Avenue Synagogue. In addition, Rabbi Taragin currently teaches at the Stella K. Abraham Beit Midrash for Women of Yeshivat Har Etzion in Migdal Oz in Gush Etzion. --- • Find his book here: https://www.amazon.com/Dark-Clouds-Above-Faith-Below/dp/B0D2KP37WX --- • Welcome to JUDAISM DEMYSTIFIED: A PODCAST FOR THE PERPLEXED | Co-hosted by Benjy & Benzi | Thank you to...Super Patron: Jordan Karmily, Platinum Patron: Craig Gordon, Gold Patrons: Dovidchai Abramchayev, Lazer Cohen, Travis Krueger, Vasili Volkoff, Rod Ilian, Silver Patrons: Ellen Fleischer, Daniel Maksumov, Rabbi Pinny Rosenthal, and Jeffrey Wasserman! Please SUBSCRIBE to this YouTube Channel and hit the BELL so you can get alerted whenever new clips get posted, thank you for your support! --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/judaismdemystified/support

    38 min
  6. Episode 96: Ami Kozak, Comedian "Jewish Humor in Chaotic Times"

    4 AGO

    Episode 96: Ami Kozak, Comedian "Jewish Humor in Chaotic Times"

    In this episode, we sit down with comedian and musician Ami Kozak, host of the Ami's House podcast and member of the band Distant Cousins, to delve into the nuances of his career and unique perspective as an orthodox Jew in the comedy world. We explore what initially drew him to comedy and the pivotal moments that solidified his path in the industry. Ami shares his thoughts on why there's a disproportionate number of Jewish comedians and how his Jewish identity shapes his material. We also discuss the challenges of navigating the comedy scene while staying true to his faith. Ami offers insight into the vital role of comedy in society, especially in tackling serious issues and pushing the boundaries of free speech. We then shift focus to his unexpected journey into Jewish activism, spurred by the events of October 7th, and his approach to engaging with audiences that hold opposing views. Ami also delivers a powerful message for young American Jews and non-Jews in the face of rising global antisemitism and antizionism. In a fun twist, Ami takes on the personas of various well-known figures, including Jordan Peterson, Donald Trump, and Prince Harry, in a rapid-fire Q&A segment. He hilariously and thoughtfully addresses questions on finding meaning in chaotic times, the current political climate, cultural shifts, and more. This episode is a blend of humor, introspection, and timely social commentary that you won't want to miss. --- • Bio: Versatile musician and comedian Ami Kozak is a well-established artist. As a composer and singer-songwriter, he is a member of the indie-pop band Distant Cousins, which he formed in 2013 with bandmates Dov Rosenblatt and Duvid Swirsky. The band's music has been featured in numerous films, television shows, and commercials over the years, garnering a worldwide following. Born and raised in Englewood, New Jersey, Kozak began studying music under renowned producer, guitarist, and percussionist Ray Ippolito. He pursued his passion at Berklee College of Music in Boston, where he earned a Bachelor of Music degree, studying a broad range of genres, film scoring, arrangement, and music recording and engineering. Now a highly sought-after artist, Kozak is fast becoming a rising star. From the single “Are You Ready (on Your Own)” appearing in the How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World trailer to “Raise it Up” featuring in Criminal Minds, Kozak's versatility has fueled a remarkable career. With his unique style as a composer, bassist, vocalist, songwriter, and performer, Kozak continues to push boundaries and sharpen his craft. He's also known for his hilarious J-Sketch Comedy skits with fellow Orthodox Jewish comedians Mikey Greenblatt and Eli Lebowicz. An incredibly talented comedian and impressionist, Kozak has accumulated over 200,000 TikTok followers and over 8 million TikTok likes. His online videos have taken social media by storm, amassing millions of views on TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter. Kozak has been featured on Sky News, The Daily Wire, and numerous other high-profile news segments and podcasts. His appearances on the Candace Owens podcast have generated significant media buzz, and his advocacy for Am Yisrael makes him one of the most important voices in the modern Jewish world. --- • Find Ami here: @AmisHousePod / @aj-comedy / @jsketch613 / @DistantCousins --- • Welcome to JUDAISM DEMYSTIFIED: A PODCAST FOR THE PERPLEXED | Co-hosted by Benjy & Benzi | Thank you to...Super Patron: Jordan Karmily, Platinum Patron: Craig Gordon, Gold Patrons: Dovidchai Abramchayev, Lazer Cohen, Travis Krueger, Vasili Volkoff, Rod Ilian, Silver Patrons: Ellen Fleischer, Daniel Maksumov, Rabbi Pinny Rosenthal, and Jeffrey Wasserman! Please SUBSCRIBE to this YouTube Channel and hit the BELL so you can get alerted whenever new clips get posted, thank you for your support! --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/judaismdemystified/support

    59 min
  7. Episode 95: Rabbi Shmuel Phillips "Talmud Reclaimed"

    21 JUL

    Episode 95: Rabbi Shmuel Phillips "Talmud Reclaimed"

    Rabbi Shmuel Phillips joins the podcast again to take us on a journey through his thought-provoking book, "Talmud Reclaimed." Join us as we explore the current state of Halakha and the subconscious reverence for the Halakhic status quo. Rabbi Phillips discusses the pivotal role of the Sanhedrin in the Halakhic system, explaining why without it, we find ourselves in a "Halakhic Exile." We examine the binding nature and legislative scope of the Talmud, and the nuanced two-tiered Halakhic system as described by Rambam. Rabbi Phillips provides insights into his innovative interpretation of Taamei HaMitzvot (Reasons for the Commandments) in the Moreh HaNevukhim, critiquing the approach of Professor Christine Hayes, and how his legal system addresses the Havat Yair's problem. As we navigate the complexities of Torah law derivation and its perceived independence from God's will, Rabbi Phillips sheds light on why intricate debates and extensive Talmudic focus are essential. Finally, Rabbi Phillips explores which laws have the potential for alteration, leaving us with a deeper understanding of Halachic evolution and its implications. Tune in for a compelling conversation that challenges conventional perspectives and provides invaluable insights for those seeking a deeper understanding of Talmud. --- • Bio: Born and raised in England, Rabbi Shmuel Phillips has spent almost two decades studying in Yeshiva and Kollel in Israel, during which time he has also completed a law degree from the University of London. Shmuel currently resides in Rechavia, Jerusalem, with his wife Rivka and four children. There he divides his time between Torah study and managing a suite of serviced offices in downtown Jerusalem. --- • Get his books here: https://www.talmudreclaimed.com/ --- • Welcome to JUDAISM DEMYSTIFIED: A PODCAST FOR THE PERPLEXED | Co-hosted by Benjy & Benzi | Thank you to...Super Patron: Jordan Karmily, Platinum Patron: Craig Gordon, Gold Patrons: Dovidchai Abramchayev, Lazer Cohen, Travis Krueger, Vasili Volkoff, Rod Ilian, Silver Patrons: Ellen Fleischer, Daniel Maksumov, Rabbi Pinny Rosenthal, and Jeffrey Wasserman! Please SUBSCRIBE to this YouTube Channel and hit the BELL so you can get alerted whenever new clips get posted, thank you for your support! --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/judaismdemystified/support

    1 h 24 min
  8. Episode 94: Dr. Roslyn Weiss "Light of the Lord"

    14 JUL

    Episode 94: Dr. Roslyn Weiss "Light of the Lord"

    In this episode, we sit down with Dr. Roslyn Weiss to explore her translation of Hasdai Crescas's Light of the Lord. We delve into the initial inspiration behind her translation project and the challenges she faced in capturing Crescas's philosophical nuances in English. Dr. Weiss provides insight into Crescas’s difficult life and the historical context of his work, highlighting how these factors influence our interpretation of Light of the Lord. We discuss the unique organizational structure Crescas employs and how it serves the development of his philosophical arguments, contrasting it with the structures used by other medieval philosophers like Maimonides. Dr. Weiss elaborates on the intended audience for Crescas’s work and its significance. Crescas's critique of Aristotelian physics and metaphysics is another focal point of our conversation. Dr. Weiss highlights Crescas's arguments and explains why he is so critical of Aristotelian views, comparing Crescas's perspectives with those of his contemporaries. We also explore Crescas’s views on human free will in light of causal necessity and its implications for moral responsibility in Jewish thought. Dr. Weiss discusses Crescas’s approach to the existence of God, the essence of God as infinite love, the justification of commandments, and the balance between rational inquiry and adherence to tradition as presented in Books I-IV of Light of the Lord. Join us for a deep dive into the philosophical world of Hasdai Crescas with Dr. Roslyn Weiss. --- • Bio: Roslyn Weiss is Professor Emerita of Philosophy at Lehigh University in Bethlehem, PA. Her fields of expertise are Ancient Greek Philosophy and Medieval Jewish Philosophy. She has published four books on Plato; a fifth is due out in July 2024. Her most recent publications are the first complete translation into English of the medieval Hebrew philosophical work, Light of the Lord, by Hasdai Crescas (Oxford, 2018), and an edited bi-lingual volume of all of Crescas’s writings (Koren, Library of the Jewish People, 2023). She was a Guggenheim fellow in 2021. --- • Get her book here: https://www.amazon.com/Crescas-Light-Hashem-Translated-introduction/dp/0192894056/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1SURY6DEO93K9&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.40_EJaCefUOeLmo57xokNEfK5bliUpJnpPOEjpcl8nM.5ywrS0VZ2eaKVuZALsp-hYlKytNgzYV6SEQMyXCTEGQ&dib_tag=se&keywords=crescas+weiss&qid=1720970610&sprefix=crescas+weiss%2Caps%2C130&sr=8-1 --- • Welcome to JUDAISM DEMYSTIFIED: A PODCAST FOR THE PERPLEXED | Co-hosted by Benjy & Benzi | Thank you to...Super Patron: Jordan Karmily, Platinum Patron: Craig Gordon, Gold Patrons: Dovidchai Abramchayev, Lazer Cohen, Travis Krueger, Vasili Volkoff, Rod Ilian, Silver Patrons: Ellen Fleischer, Daniel Maksumov, Rabbi Pinny Rosenthal, and Jeffrey Wasserman! Please SUBSCRIBE to this YouTube Channel and hit the BELL so you can get alerted whenever new clips get posted, thank you for your support! --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/judaismdemystified/support

    1 h 16 min


Do you have questions that the educational system didn't adequately address? Today, there are many who don't find Torah to be compelling or relevant as we are faced with unprecedented challenges such as the OTD phenomenon, suppression of ideas, cover-ups, assimilation, skepticism, biblical criticism, charlatanism, atheism, and a slew of other existential threats. As 2 lifelong Sepharadi friends, we decided to create the Torah content we couldn't find elsewhere: long-form discussions with thinkers from various areas of expertise, presenting unique insights that inspire a return to fundamentals. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/judaismdemystified/support

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