Missing Pieces - NPE Life

Don Anderson
Missing Pieces - NPE Life

Missing Pieces - NPE Life is a podcast that curates stories of and about people who find out, usually through a home DNA test, that someone in their family tree isn't who they thought.  The host, Don Anderson, found out in 2021 that his dad wasn't his dad. It changed his life. All of the sudden the missing pieces fell into place. Our first episode will drop on May 13, 2022.  NPE stands for Not Parent Expected or Non Paternity Event.


Missing Pieces - NPE Life is a podcast that curates stories of and about people who find out, usually through a home DNA test, that someone in their family tree isn't who they thought.  The host, Don Anderson, found out in 2021 that his dad wasn't his dad. It changed his life. All of the sudden the missing pieces fell into place. Our first episode will drop on May 13, 2022.  NPE stands for Not Parent Expected or Non Paternity Event.

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