My experience with Kundalini yoga, and how I found it can work through subconscious crap quicker than other forms of yoga.

Coffee with the Universe: Be Calm, Collected, and Confident Every Day with Lore Goldstein

All forms of yoga are beneficial: Vinyassa, Iyengar, Ashtanga, Hatha, Bikram. My background and experience comes from the Iyengar school, and I attribute having the skill and initiative to complete my yoga teacher training to all my Iyengar teachers. However, it wasn't until I started dabbling in Kundalini that I realized Kundalini was helping to quiet my overactive mind (and surprisingly sort through my self-sabotaging garbage) a lot more quickly and efficiently than other forms of yoga I worked with. I used to call Kundalini the "weird yoga" because I didn't understand it. So I wanted to talk about why I feel Kundalini is so effective and why the "weird" parts are exactly what most of us need!

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