Oilers NOW with Bob Stauffer

Oilers NOW with Bob Stauffer

880 CHED and the Edmonton Oilers bring you Oilers NOW with Bob Stauffer daily. We cover the NHL Draft, free agency, Oilers training camp and the pursuit of the Stanley Cup like no one else can! As the colour commentator for the Edmonton Oilers, Bob Stauffer is sure to bring you all the latest Oilers news before anyone else!​

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880 CHED and the Edmonton Oilers bring you Oilers NOW with Bob Stauffer daily. We cover the NHL Draft, free agency, Oilers training camp and the pursuit of the Stanley Cup like no one else can! As the colour commentator for the Edmonton Oilers, Bob Stauffer is sure to bring you all the latest Oilers news before anyone else!​

Més de: Curiouscast

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