On-Call with Kay-B

On-Call with Kay-B

On-Call with Kay-B is about taking the wildest episodes of your favorite medical shows and diving into their medical accuracy and some real-life cases that may have inspired them. Join Kay-B and her guests that range from medical professionals, scientists, and researchers to directors, actors, writers, and show fans, as they also share the best water cooler moments, fan favorites, dive into relationship drama and more.



On-Call with Kay-B is about taking the wildest episodes of your favorite medical shows and diving into their medical accuracy and some real-life cases that may have inspired them. Join Kay-B and her guests that range from medical professionals, scientists, and researchers to directors, actors, writers, and show fans, as they also share the best water cooler moments, fan favorites, dive into relationship drama and more.

Més de: iHeartPodcasts

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Àfrica, Orient Mitjà i l’Índia



Llatinoamèrica i el Carib

Estats Units i Canadà