You Got It Dude

Whitney Peterson
You Got It Dude

Whoa, baby! You Got It Dude is an Olsen twins retrospective, hosted by Dena and Whitney. After growing up alongside the Olsens through the 90s, these thirty-somethings now take a look back with fresh eyes. Dust off your old VHS collection and join them as they ask age old questions. Do the Olsen Twins movies and TV shows stand the test of time? Can they tell which one is Mary Kate and which is Ashley? And, most importantly, who is the cute one?


Whoa, baby! You Got It Dude is an Olsen twins retrospective, hosted by Dena and Whitney. After growing up alongside the Olsens through the 90s, these thirty-somethings now take a look back with fresh eyes. Dust off your old VHS collection and join them as they ask age old questions. Do the Olsen Twins movies and TV shows stand the test of time? Can they tell which one is Mary Kate and which is Ashley? And, most importantly, who is the cute one?

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