Shea Cinema: The Best Picture Project

Shea Cinema
Shea Cinema: The Best Picture Project

TLDR; Father/Daughter team watch and review all movies nominated for the Academy Award for Best Picture, starting back in 1927.Welcome to Shea Cinema, The Best Picture Project! Join host Sara Shea and her father, William Shea, as they watch and explore every film nominated for the Academy Award for Best Picture. Sara and Dad are recreating a project Sara assigned to her high school Film Studies students, which includes contextual historical research, discussing their personal responses to each film, what makes these films important, why these films need to be understood in context, and, finally, did the winner deserve the Oscar? So grab your popcorn, pull up a chair, sit back and relax, and let's begin Shea Cinema.


TLDR; Father/Daughter team watch and review all movies nominated for the Academy Award for Best Picture, starting back in 1927.Welcome to Shea Cinema, The Best Picture Project! Join host Sara Shea and her father, William Shea, as they watch and explore every film nominated for the Academy Award for Best Picture. Sara and Dad are recreating a project Sara assigned to her high school Film Studies students, which includes contextual historical research, discussing their personal responses to each film, what makes these films important, why these films need to be understood in context, and, finally, did the winner deserve the Oscar? So grab your popcorn, pull up a chair, sit back and relax, and let's begin Shea Cinema.

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